Working with multiple directories

I'm trying to configure paths for each type of objects of my project.
That means I'd like Forms (6i patch 13, client/server) to compile in a different directory than the current one (compiling mmx and fmx in two separate directories would be great), to get forms (fmb) in another one, etc.
I know this should be in the documentation, but I just couldn't figure out where (no RTFM please).
Thanks a lot.

Well you can use project builder - but not many people do. So I didn't mention it. Project builder will just be calling ifcmp60 in any case.
As for Paths there are two paths that will be searched as well as the working directory
FORMSnn_PATH where nn is your forms version 50, 60, 90
There are not separate paths for different module types.
You can also set these paths from the command prompt or from a batch file you don't need to use the registry all the time if you want to change it

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    Hi ,  
      This is a sort of performance issue , because your program takes more than the max time set for the program to execute in foreground.
    There are many stuff in program which will hamper your performance.
    I will list down a few
    1. SELECT *
    FROM konp
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN a363_itab
    WHERE knumh EQ a363_itab-knumh
    in this statement you are using for all entries a363_itab , but before this statement you are not checking if the table has any entry or not , please do remember that for all entries has this characterstic , that if you internal table does not contain any record , then all the records are selected from the database table. So in this case if you table a363_itab is empty , so what you want is no data must be seelcted from table konp , but what will happen is all the records in KONP will be seelcted.
    2. While retreiving data you are using seelct * even though you do not require all the fields , an example is
    <b>SELECT *
    FROM mkpf
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN mseg_itab
    WHERE mblnr EQ mseg_itab-mblnr.</b>
    in this your internal table contains only 2 fields
    <b>mblnr LIKE mkpf-mblnr, "Number of Material Document
    bldat LIKE mkpf-bldat, "Document Date in Document</b> , but to get these 2 fields you are selecting all the fields of the table.
    3. In select you are using into corresponding fields of table , it is not a good practice., so please avoidd it.
    Please understand that you must try to reduce the access to your database tables and try to keep it minimal , because this same thing may happen becasue data in DEV is very less compared to the volume of data in production , so a program working in DEV will take much more time in PRD if not written properly and may result in timeouts , as in your case.
    Please try to make chanegs to the prorgam and see if it works.
    In case you have more queries , please do revert back.
    *Reward points if replay is helpful

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    I don't really understand your problem, but I've had headaches with managing a GUI before (as many programmers have, I'm sure).
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    One way:
    Lock the video track.
    Use the Edit Selection Tool to Select the audio transition points
    This will automatically open the Trim window, where you can move the cut point - in this case I am moving the audio cut(s) 30 frames later than the video cut:
    which gives me the displacement of all the tracks that I wanted:
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    form2 has: one input text and one output label
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    let me know if anyone have solution to handle this.
    the forms are not nested and both the beans are in View scope.  
    <h:form id="form1" prependId="false">
    <a4j:commandLink id="actionEdit" title="Click" action="#{bean.action}" 
    render="paymentInstructionDetail" styleClass="iconLarge edit" />
    <h:form id="form2" prependId="false">
      <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true" id="paymentInstructionDetail">
      <h:inputText value="#{bean1.amount}" id="sample"/>
      <h:outputLabel value="#{bean1.amount}" id="sampleLabel"/>

    Your link doesn't work. Do you mind reporting it?

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