Workstations not updating

I have few workstations that are not updating, I have re-install and Install but nothing seem to be working, I have rebooted and still no change, what could be the cause of these machines not to update? I am still very new on FEP and I would realy appreciate
any help
execmgr logs
Software Distribution Site Settings for the client are missing from WMI.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:41:50 PM 4996 (0x1384)
Software Distribution Site Settings for the client are missing from WMI.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:41:50 PM 4996 (0x1384)
Common Client Agent Settings for the client are missing from WMI.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:41:50 PM 4996 (0x1384)
Software distribution agent was enabled execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM
6236 (0x185C)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN00022 program Install execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 7028 (0x1B74)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN20030";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144356.058000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 7028;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 7028 (0x1B74)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN00185 program * execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 7028 (0x1B74)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN2024D";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144356.083000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 7028;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 7028 (0x1B74)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN0014D program * execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 7028 (0x1B74)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN2031C";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144356.094000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 7028;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 7028 (0x1B74)
Requesting content from CAS for package CEN00022 version 652 execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5172 (0x1434)
Successfully created a content request handle {315A371A-2B8F-48B7-8AEA-6FD09FB3B914} for the package CEN00022 version 652
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5172 (0x1434)
Program Install change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5172 (0x1434)
Execution Request for package CEN00022 program Install state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5172 (0x1434)
Mandatory execution requested for program Install and advertisement CEN20030
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN20030, program Install, package CEN00022
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN20030";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144356.379000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00022";
PackageVersion = "652";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "Install";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 5204;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Install
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Execution Request for package CEN00022 program Install state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Could not find the policy in WMI for package CEN00184 program Per-system unattended
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 3064 (0x0BF8)
DeletedPolicy object is not found.(0x80002004) execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 3064 (0x0BF8)
Mandatory execution requested for program * and advertisement CEN2024D
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN2024D, program *, package CEN00185
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
The program * will not run because it has been run before and it succeeded and policy indicates it should rerun only it it has previously failed.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
CreateMandatoryRequestRecursively policy * no need to re-run execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramHasRunBeforeWithoutFailing
AdvertisementId = "CEN2024D";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144356.457000+000";
LastRunTime = "2013/12/03 07:59:12";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00185";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "*";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 5204;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Could not find the policy in WMI for package CEN00126 program Per-system unattended
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 9176 (0x23D8)
DeletedPolicy object is not found.(0x80002004) execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 9176 (0x23D8)
Mandatory execution requested for program * and advertisement CEN2031C
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 3064 (0x0BF8)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN2031C, program *, package CEN0014D
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 3064 (0x0BF8)
The program * will not run because it has been run before and it succeeded and policy indicates it should rerun only it it has previously failed.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 3064 (0x0BF8)
CreateMandatoryRequestRecursively policy * no need to re-run execmgr
2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 3064 (0x0BF8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramHasRunBeforeWithoutFailing
AdvertisementId = "CEN2031C";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144356.525000+000";
LastRunTime = "2014/07/18 11:19:07";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN0014D";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "*";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 3064;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:43:56 PM 3064 (0x0BF8)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN00003 program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN20067";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144557.408000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4704;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system unattended execmgr
2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Requesting content from CAS for package CEN00003 version 2 execmgr
2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 9584 (0x2570)
Successfully created a content request handle {4A54098F-E80B-4AB4-A732-148B47AA8EA9} for the package CEN00003 version 2
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 9584 (0x2570)
Program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 9584 (0x2570)
Execution Request for package CEN00003 program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 9584 (0x2570)
Mandatory execution requested for program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install and advertisement CEN20067
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 6092 (0x17CC)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN20067, program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install, package CEN00003
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 6092 (0x17CC)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN001B2 program Install - Adobe Flash Player
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN20299";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144557.613000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4704;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN00021 program Transnet-Workstation-Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN202AF";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144557.624000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4704;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN20067";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144557.633000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00003";
PackageVersion = "2";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 6092;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 6092 (0x17CC)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 6092 (0x17CC)
Execution Request for package CEN00003 program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 6092 (0x17CC)
The program Install - Adobe Flash Player will not run because it has been run before and it succeeded and policy indicates it should rerun only it it has previously failed.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 5412 (0x1524)
Mandatory execution requested for program Install - Adobe Flash Player and advertisement CEN20299
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 7152 (0x1BF0)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN20299, program Install - Adobe Flash Player, package CEN001B2
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 7152 (0x1BF0)
The program Install - Adobe Flash Player will not run because it has been run before and it succeeded and policy indicates it should rerun only it it has previously failed.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 7152 (0x1BF0)
CreateMandatoryRequestRecursively policy Install - Adobe Flash Player no need to re-run
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 7152 (0x1BF0)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramHasRunBeforeWithoutFailing
AdvertisementId = "CEN20299";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144557.662000+000";
LastRunTime = "2014/05/19 14:56:20";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN001B2";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "Install - Adobe Flash Player";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 7152;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 7152 (0x1BF0)
Requesting content from CAS for package CEN00021 version 5 execmgr
2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 8864 (0x22A0)
Successfully created a content request handle {E3C13B58-D743-42D6-9841-0C56D6512C06} for the package CEN00021 version 5
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 8864 (0x22A0)
Program Transnet-Workstation-Policy change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 8864 (0x22A0)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program Transnet-Workstation-Policy state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 8864 (0x22A0)
Mandatory execution requested for program Transnet-Workstation-Policy and advertisement CEN202AF
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN202AF, program Transnet-Workstation-Policy, package CEN00021
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN202AF";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723144557.822000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
PackageVersion = "5";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "Transnet-Workstation-Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 5204;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Transnet-Workstation-Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program Transnet-Workstation-Policy state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:45:57 PM 5204 (0x1454)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system unattended execmgr
2014/07/23 04:48:01 PM 4704 (0x1260)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:18 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C5";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723145019.005000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 1496;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C6";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723145019.017000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 1496;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system unattended execmgr
2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Requesting content from CAS for package CEN00021 version 5 execmgr
2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Successfully created a content request handle {9A438B1F-43D3-4135-A791-1E479B4661DB} for the package CEN00021 version 5
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Program FEP Service Policy change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Mandatory execution requested for program FEP Service Policy and advertisement CEN201C5
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN201C5, program FEP Service Policy, package CEN00021
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system unattended execmgr
2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C5";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723145019.280000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
PackageVersion = "5";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 824;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program FEP Service Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Policy arrived for parent package CEN00021 program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN203EA";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723145019.359000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
ProcessID = 8784;
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 1496;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 1496 (0x05D8)
Requesting content from CAS for package CEN00021 version 5 execmgr
2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Successfully created a content request handle {0C92BCED-5C77-442D-BFE8-4D635527E9BE} for the package CEN00021 version 5
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Program FEP Service Policy change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Mandatory execution requested for program FEP Service Policy and advertisement CEN201C6
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN201C6, program FEP Service Policy, package CEN00021
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C6";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723145019.539000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
PackageVersion = "5";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 824;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program FEP Service Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 824 (0x0338)
Requesting content from CAS for package CEN00021 version 5 execmgr
2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Successfully created a content request handle {A1F76ABA-57F5-423D-93E0-2421D07EF195} for the package CEN00021 version 5
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 6396 (0x18FC)
Mandatory execution requested for program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers and advertisement CEN203EA
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 10120 (0x2788)
Creating mandatory request for advert CEN203EA, program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers, package CEN00021
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 10120 (0x2788)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN203EA";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723145019.757000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
PackageVersion = "5";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 10120;
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 10120 (0x2788)
Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 10120 (0x2788)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:50:19 PM 10120 (0x2788)
CExecutionManager::Execution Manager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT START Event
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:53:13 PM 7504 (0x1D50)
CExecutionRequestManager::Received a Service Window Start Notification.
execmgr 2014/07/23 04:53:13 PM 7504 (0x1D50)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system unattended execmgr
2014/07/23 04:53:13 PM 5824 (0x16C0)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system uninstall execmgr
2014/07/23 04:54:34 PM 7252 (0x1C54)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system unattended execmgr
2014/07/23 04:54:35 PM 7252 (0x1C54)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system uninstall execmgr
2014/07/23 04:54:35 PM 7252 (0x1C54)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system uninstall execmgr
2014/07/23 04:54:35 PM 7252 (0x1C54)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system unattended execmgr
2014/07/23 04:54:35 PM 7252 (0x1C54)
Policy arrived for child program Per-system uninstall execmgr
2014/07/23 04:54:35 PM 7252 (0x1C54)
Content is available for program Transnet-Workstation-Policy. execmgr
2014/07/23 05:13:35 PM 4104 (0x1008)
CExecutionRequest::Overriding Service Windows as per policy. execmgr
2014/07/23 05:13:35 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Execution Manager timer has been fired. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:35 PM
8772 (0x2244)
Executing program cscript.exe "ApplyPolicy.vbs" in Admin context
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:35 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program Transnet-Workstation-Policy state change from WaitingContent to NotifyExecution
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Checking content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System for use
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\cscript.exe, error 2
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Executing program as a script execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM
4104 (0x1008)
Found executable file cscript.exe with complete path C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs"
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Command line = "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs", Working Directory = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr
2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN202AF";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\cscript.exe\" \"ApplyPolicy.vbs\"";
DateTime = "20140723151336.038000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "Transnet-Workstation-Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4104;
WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\CCM\\Cache\\CEN00021.5.System\\";
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:CEN202AF, Package:CEN00021, Program: Transnet-Workstation-Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Content is available for program FEP Service Policy. execmgr
2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C5";
BlockingPackageID = "CEN00021";
BlockingProgramName = "Transnet-Workstation-Policy";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723151336.187000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4104;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Successfully raised SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram event for program FEP Service Policy.
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from WaitingContent to Ready
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Content is available for program FEP Service Policy. execmgr
2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C6";
BlockingPackageID = "CEN00021";
BlockingProgramName = "Transnet-Workstation-Policy";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723151336.460000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4104;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Successfully raised SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram event for program FEP Service Policy.
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from WaitingContent to Ready
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Content is available for program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers.
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram
AdvertisementId = "CEN203EA";
BlockingPackageID = "CEN00021";
BlockingProgramName = "Transnet-Workstation-Policy";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723151336.500000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4104;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Successfully raised SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram event for program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers.
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers state change from WaitingContent to Ready
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:13:36 PM 4104 (0x1008)
Program exit code 259 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM
5544 (0x15A8)
Looking for MIF file to get program status execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM
5544 (0x15A8)
Program ran past its maximum runtime. It will be orphaned execmgr
2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 5544 (0x15A8)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramExceededTime
AdvertisementId = "CEN202AF";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723152336.038000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
MaximumTime = "10";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "Transnet-Workstation-Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 5544;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 5544 (0x15A8)
Raised Program Exceeded Time Event for Ad:CEN202AF, Package:CEN00021, Program: Transnet-Workstation-Policy
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 5544 (0x15A8)
Execution is complete for program Transnet-Workstation-Policy. The exit code is 259, the execution status is Unknown Status
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
CExecutionRequest::Overriding Service Windows as per policy. execmgr
2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Execution Manager timer has been fired. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM
5544 (0x15A8)
Executing program cscript.exe "ApplyPolicy.vbs" in Admin context
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from Ready to NotifyExecution
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Checking content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System for use
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\cscript.exe, error 2
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Executing program as a script execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM
7188 (0x1C14)
Found executable file cscript.exe with complete path C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs"
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Command line = "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs", Working Directory = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr
2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
, Program: Install execmgr 2014/07/24 08:17:07 AM
9960 (0x26E8)
Execution is complete for program Install. The exit code is -2147023271, the execution status is FailureNonRetry
execmgr 2014/07/24 08:17:07 AM 9092 (0x2384)
CcmExec 2014/07/24 08:18:20 AM 6124 (0x17EC)

AdvertisementId = "CEN201C5";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\cscript.exe\" \"ApplyPolicy.vbs\"";
DateTime = "20140723152336.169000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 7188;
WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\CCM\\Cache\\CEN00021.5.System\\";
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:CEN201C5, Package:CEN00021, Program: FEP Service Policy execmgr 2014/07/23 05:23:36 PM 7188 (0x1C14)
Content is available for program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:26:11 PM 4952 (0x1358)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram
AdvertisementId = "CEN20067";
BlockingPackageID = "CEN00021";
BlockingProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723152611.559000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00003";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 4952;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:26:11 PM 4952 (0x1358)
Successfully raised SoftDistProgramWaitingForAnotherProgram event for program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:26:11 PM 4952 (0x1358)
Execution Request for package CEN00003 program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install state change from WaitingContent to Ready execmgr 2014/07/23 05:26:11 PM 4952 (0x1358)
Program exit code 259 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 8756 (0x2234)
Looking for MIF file to get program status execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 8756 (0x2234)
Program ran past its maximum runtime. It will be orphaned execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 8756 (0x2234)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramExceededTime
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C5";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723153336.170000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
MaximumTime = "10";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 8756;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 8756 (0x2234)
Raised Program Exceeded Time Event for Ad:CEN201C5, Package:CEN00021, Program: FEP Service Policy execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 8756 (0x2234)
Execution is complete for program FEP Service Policy. The exit code is 259, the execution status is Unknown Status execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
CExecutionRequest::Overriding Service Windows as per policy. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Execution Manager timer has been fired. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 8008 (0x1F48)
Executing program msiexec.exe /p sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp /L*v %TEMP%\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp.LOG /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous in Admin context execmgr 2014/07/23
05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Execution Request for package CEN00003 program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install state change from Ready to NotifyExecution execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Checking content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00003.2.System for use execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00003.2.System execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00003.2.System\msiexec.exe, error 2 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Executing program as a script execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Found executable file msiexec.exe with complete path C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /p sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp /L*v C:\Windows\TEMP\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp.LOG /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Command line = "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /p sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp /L*v C:\Windows\TEMP\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp.LOG /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous, Working
Directory = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00003.2.System\ execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN20067";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\msiexec.exe\" /p sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp /L*v C:\\Windows\\TEMP\\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp.LOG /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous";
DateTime = "20140723153336.370000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00003";
ProcessID = 8784;
ProgramName = "KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 7664;
WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\CCM\\Cache\\CEN00003.2.System\\";
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:CEN20067, Package:CEN00003, Program: KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:36 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
CExecutionManager::Execution Manager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT END Event execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:37 PM 8684 (0x21EC)
CExecutionRequestManager::Received a Service Window Notification that it need not handle. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:33:37 PM 8684 (0x21EC)
Request in running or report status found for program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install package CEN00003 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Service stopped while program KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install is running execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
OpenProcess failed for process 3200, error 80070057 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Can not continue monitoring the program after service restart because the process exited. Assume failed execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Looking for MIF file to get program status execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramUnexpectedRebootEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN20067";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723153558.350000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00003";
ProcessID = 10076;
ProgramName = "KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 2188;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Raised Program Unexpected Reboot Event for Ad:CEN20067, Package:CEN00003, Program: KB977384 - Advanced Client Patch Install execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Execution Request for package CEN00022 program Install state change from WaitingContent to WaitingContent execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
CExecutionRequest::Overriding Service Windows as per policy. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Execution Manager timer has been fired. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 8684 (0x21EC)
Executing program cscript.exe "ApplyPolicy.vbs" in Admin context execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers state change from Ready to NotifyExecution execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Checking content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System for use execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\cscript.exe, error 2 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Executing program as a script execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Found executable file cscript.exe with complete path C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs" execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Command line = "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs", Working Directory = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\ execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN203EA";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\cscript.exe\" \"ApplyPolicy.vbs\"";
DateTime = "20140723153558.655000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 10076;
ProgramName = "Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 2188;
WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\CCM\\Cache\\CEN00021.5.System\\";
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:CEN203EA, Package:CEN00021, Program: Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers execmgr 2014/07/23 05:35:58 PM 2188 (0x088C)
Program exit code 0 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Looking for MIF file to get program status execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
A Matching MIF file FepPolicy.mif was found execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramCompletedSuccessfulMIFEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN203EA";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723153810.057000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
MIFDescription = "FEP successfully applied the following policy to the FEP client. Policy: Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers, Policy path: C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\CCM\\Cache\\CEN00021.5.System\\Transnet-Server-Application
Member Servers.xml";
MIFDescription7 = "";
MIFDescription8 = "";
MIFDescription9 = "";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 10076;
ProgramName = "Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 7664;
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Raised Program MIF Success Event for Ad:CEN203EA, Package:CEN00021, Program: Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 7664 (0x1DF0)
Execution is complete for program Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers. The exit code is 0, the execution status is Success execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
CExecutionRequest::Overriding Service Windows as per policy. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Execution Manager timer has been fired. execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 6500 (0x1964)
Executing program cscript.exe "ApplyPolicy.vbs" in Admin context execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Execution Request for package CEN00021 program FEP Service Policy state change from Ready to NotifyExecution execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Checking content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System for use execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\cscript.exe, error 2 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Executing program as a script execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Found executable file cscript.exe with complete path C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs" execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Command line = "C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "ApplyPolicy.vbs", Working Directory = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\CEN00021.5.System\ execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Created Process for the passed command line execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C6";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\cscript.exe\" \"ApplyPolicy.vbs\"";
DateTime = "20140723153810.198000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 10076;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 5108;
WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\CCM\\Cache\\CEN00021.5.System\\";
execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:CEN201C6, Package:CEN00021, Program: FEP Service Policy execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:10 PM 5108 (0x13F4)
Program exit code 0 execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:11 PM 6500 (0x1964)
Looking for MIF file to get program status execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:11 PM 6500 (0x1964)
A Matching MIF file FepPolicy.mif was found execmgr 2014/07/23 05:38:11 PM 6500 (0x1964)
Raising event:
[SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(7177)]
instance of SoftDistProgramCompletedSuccessfulMIFEvent
AdvertisementId = "CEN201C6";
ClientID = "GUID:F3A2AFAD-EDFC-4D32-B2AA-1FE11988BF56";
DateTime = "20140723153811.029000+000";
MachineName = "K41PHETOM";
MIFDescription = "FEP successfully applied the following policy to the FEP client. Policy: Transnet-Server-Application Member Servers, Policy path: C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\CCM\\Cache\\CEN00021.5.System\\Transnet-Server-Application
Member Servers.xml";
MIFDescription7 = "";
MIFDescription8 = "";
MIFDescription9 = "";
PackageName = "CEN00021";
ProcessID = 10076;
ProgramName = "FEP Service Policy";
SiteCode = "P02";
ThreadID = 6500;
ThreadID = 9960;
execmgr 2014/07/24 08:17:07 AM 9960 (0x26E8)
Raised Program MIF Error Event for Ad:CEN20030, Package:CEN00022

Similar Messages

  • Best Solutions For Offline Address Book on Workstations Not Updating Frequently Enough?

    We use Exchange 2010 SP2 and we set Outlook 2010 to Exchange Cached mode by default for all workstations.  This seems to work OK for the majority of email most of the time, but because we are very frequently adding and removing external mail contacts
    and and adding and removing them from distribution lists, the GAL and  distribution lists memberships are frequently out of date in the middle of the work day.  
    Sometimes the users can manually download an updated OAB assuming it has been updated on the server, but sometimes the OAB is not updated yet and redownloading the OAB solves nothing.  It is a lot of hassle, confusion  about bounced messages and
    missing contacts and phantom names in distribution lists with this method.
    I notice that for mail contacts, there is an All Contacts address book that is live, but it does not include include anything else other than contact addresses.  Distribution List memberships are still out of date until the OAB is updated on the server
    and then downloaded to the Outlook client.  This is taking too long.
    Is there a keyboard shortcut to force the client to do a GAL address lookup in online mode rather than using the cached OAB?
    Can Outlook display both an online and offline address book for the GAL and let the user manually select online version of the GAL if a contact or new mailbox or DL has not synced to the OAB yet?
    If we set the registry key to force online address books even when Outlook is in cached Exchange mode, is there any performance downside for PCs on the LAN other than the GAL being unavailable when the network is not available?
    Would the Exchange server have a significantly higher load if most PCs were accessing the GAL without an OAB cache?
    If we should not expect a significant increase in server load or network traffic, we might set desktops to use online access to the GAL and only laptops to use OAB.

    If users are accessing the GAL without OAB cache, definitely it will increase in server load and network traffic. If you are in cached mode, one suggestion is to define that in Send/Receive Settings:
    Go to Send/Receive Groups -> Define Send/Receive Groups
    -> Select the account and Edit -> Select
    Include the selected account in this group, and check Download offline address book -> Click
    OK -> Go back to Send/Receive Groups, select the frequency for automatic send/receive(Schedule an automatic send/receive every x minutes.), and then close.
    I hope this setting can help in your scenario.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Lync 2013 Photos will not update from AD

    I recently joined a company who has Lync 2013, Exchange 2010 and AD is at a 2003 functional level. We are experiencing issues where Lync photos are not updating from AD correctly. I have checked the pre-reqs;  Replicate this attribute to the Global
    Catalog is set for the ThumbnailPhoto attribute. We are also forcing photos from AD only (or no photo) by setting the following:
    "Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity PhotosControl -DisplayPhoto PhotosFromADOnly"  
    and finally we are setting the photo in ad using:
    "Import-RecipientDataProperty -Identity "Test User" -Picture -FileData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "C:\pictures\testuser.jpg" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0))"
    The pictures being uploaded are under 10KB and update within Outlook but never updates on Lync. I have also manually tried running the "Update-CsAddressBook" command from Lync and waiting 24hours + but the photo will not update in Lync. I have
    also tried a 3rd party utility that grabs the attribute directly from each DC individually and each node is displaying the correct photo. Any Ideas?
    EDIT: I did some more testing and can say with quite a bit of certainty there is something not quite right on the Lync side of things. I started with the company over a month ago and although users can see my original photo that was added to AD, I myself
    do not even see it loaded in my client yet. I've completly dumped my local Lync cache but no change. Is there a specific Lync Server service that handles retrieving/pushing photos to the Lync clients?

    Thank you so much for your reply, it was very helpful in understanding how the service is suppose to work however I have still not been able to correct the issue.
    What I have found by using your article may have narrowed down the scope of the problem. I was able to find that on our Lync file store, the cached contacts/photos are being updated daily (as expected) and actually contain the correct photos. I confirmed
    this be using abserver.exe on the .lsabs file and then locating the contactID for a few users I know are not updating properly. Once I have their contact ID I simply look for their .photo file in the cached files, copy it out to a different location and change
    it to a .jpeg. To my surprise the photos are actually the correctly updated ones, so why are these no getting to the users/clients? I have gone through and deleted my local cache folder as well as the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync
    but unfortunately no change on my Client. I still see these users original photos.
    Another piece of the puzzle; We are also working on letting mobile devices connect to our Lync infrasructure as well. This is not fully functional yet however during my testing I did get Lync client for android running for a little while and low and behold
    the pictures are actually correct on my mobile device!! Surely this must give some kind of clue?
    We are planning to upgrade Exchange from 2010 to 2013 and I hoping that leveraging the HiDef photo capabilities for Lync 2013 with Exchange 2013 may fix this issue. What do you guys think?
    More info on the environment:
    4 main sites + remote users
    ~7DC's - 2003 DFL (1 at each site + a few at HQ)
    3 Lync Front end servers (2013) (All located at central HQ)
    2 Lync edge server (2013) (All located at central HQ)
    1 - 2010 Exchange server (Located at central HQ)
    2013 Lync Client version 15.0.4675.1000 MSO 15.0.4675.1002 64bit
    About 100 HP 4110 Lync Edition Desk phones
    Users's workstations are either Windows 7 Enterprise or Windows 8.1 Enterprise

  • LYNC 2013, Exchange 2013 / OWA presence not updating from calendar entries

    Have a test environment of LYNC 2013 and EXCHANGE 2013.
    No software clients - pure OWA access.
    IM works within OWA and I can manually set availability which is seen correctly by other users.  What does not happen is any calendar entries - they do not update the presence status (ie. does not go to busy when in a meeting ).
    I did install Lync client 2013 and that did work ( and updated OWA ) - but I want a pure web environment without the need for additional software based clients.
    Can this work?  If so is there anything that can be checked to see where the issue is?
    Thanks in advance.

    Maybe it's my misunderstanding. Did you mean you don’t want additional software based clients (including Lync client 2013)?
    If you don’t install a Lync client on user workstations, you cannot see presence of Lync users from OWA.
    What’s more, for Lync side, if you do not install Lync client software the only way to use Lync is Lync Web App (a browser-based meeting client). Lync Web App only support to join Lync Meetings. However, Lync meeting cannot schedule by Lync Web App and OWA.
    Here is a link about Lync Web App may help you:
    If you want to create Lync Meetings but don’t have Microsoft Outlook you can use Lync Web Scheduler (a web-based program)
    More details:
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • SBS2011 workstation auto updates / can IE upgrades be specifically turned off ?

    SBS2011 workstation auto updates
    I have a weird situation that requires the client pc's to run lower versions of IE and can't use 3rd party browsers (must be IE).  I would rather not turn auto updates off completely but the IE version updates is killing us.
    Can the IE upgrades be specifically turned off while allowing the other updates?

    there are internet explorer blockers to stop ie9 or 10 from being installed if that helps.

  • SCEP definitions do not update on Secondary site server

    Issue:  Win 2008R2 server - Secondary site server - SCEP is installed, but it cannot find/download/install any virus definitions.  When attempting to hit "update" within the SCEP console, it returns no results.  When attempting to
    check online for Win Updates via control panel, no virus def updates are found (but 11 different updates are found for .NET and other things).
    The error that is thrown in the Windows Updates log when attempting to update through the SCEP console is Error: 0x80248014.  Although this
    applies to Windows 8, I still checked the settings per the article.  My settings check out okay.
    No error is thrown when attempting to check for updates via Windows Update in the control panel.  It finds 11 available updates (none of which are SCEP related), and displays them properly.
    This server has the CCM2012 client installed, and the Anti-Malware policy has been successfully applied.  We have a separate Anti-Malware policy that is applied only to our SCCM site servers.  The policy indicates that all virus defs are to be
    obtained from Microsoft online Update.  Our primary site server does not display this problem.  It is updating automatically with no issues.
    It is possible to manually download and apply the latest virus definitions by visiting the MS virus defs site and running the manual update installer.  I have only done this to ensure that the virus defs are somewhat current.
    Steps taken:  I have removed SCEP and re-installed it.  I have also attempted the Windows Update "Fix-it" found here.
    Error 0x80248014 persists when attempting an update through the SCEP console, and no SCEP related updates are found by Microsoft online Update.
    Any suggestions on what I might try next?

    Thank you for the reply.
    Well, the issue with this secondary site server isn't 100% fixed, but your line of questions pushed me in a direction that allowed me to put a Band-Aid on it.  That said, it is updating the virus defs - although not exactly as it should be.  But,
    this is good enough for me now.
    To answer some of your questions that seem relevant.  This is a fairly new SCCM setup. Our implementation of SCCM currently is not configured to handle any Software Updates yet.  We still rely on a separate WSUS server in our environment for all
    WinUpdates (including SCEP/FEP).  With that in mind, the Anti-Malware policy that is applied to both SCCM servers use the following 2 locations in order for obtaining SCEP updates:
    1) MS online Updates  2)WSUS
    As mentioned previously, the secondary site never detected updates via SCEP console or WinUpdates via Control Panel.  But this did not explain why it could not retrieve from WSUS.
    A quick look at our WSUS setup shows that auto-approval is configured for all of our workstations, but not our servers.  I corrected this within WSUS - Forced GPUpdate on the site server - ran wuauclt /detectnow on the site server - Now, the virus defs
    were found and could be installed.  (I'll have to wait a little while to see if it continues to update automatically as it should)
    So, as I mentioned above - the big problem of not updating at all is corrected, however the issue still remains "why are no updates found from MS Updates online?"
    At this point - I don't know, but as long as it updates in some fashion, I'm good with that.

  • Some Clients Not Updating. Reporting "Compliant." hr=8007000E Error in WindowsUpdate.log

    I have a significant number (but not all) of my SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 clients not updating though my SCCM software updates. On these problem clients, I get this error in WindowsUpdate.log:
    "COMAPI WARNING: ISusInternal::GetUpdateMetadata2 failed, hr=8007000E"
    Then these machines report "Compliant" even though they don't install the updates. Almost all of our workstations are Windows 7 SP1 32bit. We are running SCCM 2012 R2 CU3. My site servers are running Windows 2008 R2.
    I don't see much in WUAhandler.log or scanagent.log. These client are however, getting my SCEP definition updates just fine. (I have an ADR for those.) And when you go out to Microsoft for security updates it works. I have tried all of the usual Windows
    Updates repair suggestions (re-register dlls, rename software distribution folder, etc.) And I tried un-installing and re-installing the SCCM client on a problem PC, to no avail. I also tried using a Software Update Group with fewer updates (<100) and targeting
    a problem system with only that SUG, to no avail.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Hi all,
    One of the bigger nuissances of this particular bug is that it's hard to identify from a central location that you've fallen victim to it. Without spot-checking client machines you'd be none-the-wiser. This most likely results in a lot of shops out their
    thar are completely unaware they have a security issue with a false sense of "fully patched" security.
    I've create the following guidelines to identify whether you are indeed one of the victims.
    create a script configuration item.
    Select All Windows 7 32 bit as the supported platform
    Use String as the data type
    Choose powershell as your script language of choice
    Paste the following text in the discovery script:select-string-pattern'GetWARNING:
    ISusInternal::GetUpdateMetadata2 failed, hr=8007000E'-path"$env:windir\windowsupdate.log"
    Add the configuration item to a Configuration baseline
    Deploy the configuration baseline to All Windows 7 32bit machines
    The report list of assets by compliance state for a given baseline is a good report to check the results.
    !!!! Any machines reporting compliant to this baseline have a serious issue as they won't install any software updates, yet report compliant on all !!!!
    Good luck
    Hi, Does the configuration item need any kind of compliance rule setup to make it work?

  • Forefront Endpoint Protection Definitions Not Updated via SCCM (SCCM 2012 SP1)

    Hi All
    We have an issue of FEP definitions not updating correctly.
    1. Clients getting definitions updates from the internet, not SCCM. Any solution?
    2. Currently, we have around 20 workstations installed with FEP but having more than 7 different definitions versions within those. Waited for a couple of days but still not updating.. kind of random.
    Any advice where to check or what is to be done?

    (Assuming you are using ConfigMgr 2012)
    Part of the Antimalware policy is the tab Definition Updates, in this tab you can define the update location(s). Also, in the normal client settings you can disable the client from going online for their initial definitions.
    Make sure you are deploying the latest updates via ConfigMgr (either via an ADR, or a custom Software Update Group).
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Folder Redirection did not update to the new server

    hello  guys, I had migrated quite some time ago to a new server.
    I thought everything works fine, basically the server functionality DNS, Replication and other stuff works fine.
    But I notice that some of the workstation did not actually update its folder redirection to the new server.
    Their desktop and my documents still points to the old server.
    So their offline files, is becoming larger and larger.
    I have some workaround but it's a lot of work. Question is, why those Win 7 workstation folder redirection did not update to the new server.
    What should be the best practice? During the migration process from the old server to the new server, all workstation should be turned on? 
    Or any tools to update  those workstation to the new server without losing their files?
    Basically, just editing the registry to point to the new server will help. But it means losing their current files and whatever old stuff that is on the server will be the one that will be shown on their desktop and documents.
    any inputs is greatly appreciated.
    Every second counts..make use of it. Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
    IT Stuff Quick Bytes

    Hi biswajeetpattnaik, before migration it was Windows 2003.
    Then I introduce Windows 2008.
    Then I introduce a new Windows 2012.
    Now Windows 2012 is the main DC.
    Actually, everything is under control right now.  As what I said on my first post, I manage to do some work around.
    The only question I have on mind, is how on earth this thing happen.
    I was assuming, that the workstation will be able to point to the new server, without any glitch since everything is working fine.
    And the GPO was applying on the workstation. If I type gpresult /v on the workstation is it being applied. Even if I run GP Modelling it is also shows on the result that the folder redirection is being applied.
    But to my surprise the folder redirection still points to old server, if I have not discovered it then it would be difficult if some files will get lost.
    Thanks for your reply.
    Every second counts..make use of it. Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
    IT Stuff Quick Bytes

  • ZAM will not Update OS inventory

    I have an issue with our ZAM server. Even though we upgraded the
    Operating system on a number of systems the ZAM server will not update the
    OS from reading windows 2000 to Windows XP.
    What am I doing wrong here? Is there a special function? Do I have to
    delete and recreate the computer in Zenworks? This is not efficient if so.
    Thank you ahead of time.

    Did you perform an in-place upgrade on the OSes, or blow away the original
    configuration and dropped a new image (e.g. sysprep) on top?
    If you blew away the original OS, did you do anything to preserve the ZAM
    OID from the machine (either by exporting the regkey, or you can do this
    from the workstation record in the ZAM Manager)?

  • IPod 4,1 will not update to iOS 7. I updated my iMac to 10.9.1 (maverick). Latest Numbers version on iMac is not compatible with Numbers on iPod. Ideas? Can I go back a version with Numbers?

    iPod 4,1 will not update to iOS 7. I updated my iMac to 10.9.1 (maverick). Latest Numbers version on iMac is not compatible with Numbers on iPod. Ideas? Can I go back a version with Numbers? I downloaded old version of Numbers 2.0.1 from DVD but with both versions the 2.0.1 will not open.  So both versions are present but only the new version functions. I tried to drag the new version to the trash but the old version still runs error message and will not open. I did not try to restart with the new version in the trash.

    Maybe. See:
    Reverting to previous version of Numbers

  • IPod will not update in iTunes with Windows Vista

    Every time I connect my ipod to my computer, my computer locks up and it does not update. The only way I can even connect my ipod is to use manual update.

    iTunes does not yet support Windows Vista. There are numerous problems running iTunes on it. The latest release of iTuens 7.1 fixed some of them but not all.

  • Previews in Adobe Bridge in Essentials View do not update after manipulation in Adobe Camera Raw

    When I open a RAW file in Bridge and manipulate it in ACR, the preview is not updated in Bridge Essentials View.  The only way I can get it to update the preview is to open the file in "Preview" view, then it updates and looks fine in Essentials view.

    Is Bridge set up to store the ACR modifications to those XMP files? Only then it can update the preview right after working on it. Else you need to refresh the preview cache.

  • Can not update request in data target

    We have a process chain for master data (10 parallel) loads.  One of the load
    failed with error "can not update request REQU_46xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in data target".
    When I checked the InfoPackage
    (a) update: full load
    (b) it has data selection
    (c) processing :PSA and then to data targets
    (d) Data targets: update in all data targets for which active rules exist.
    But I do not see any list of data targets here.
    Can some one please suggest me how do I correct this load failure.

    Hi Wondewossen, NS and Nagesh,
    Thanks for the information. I am in support, and the developer is
    not here now.
    I have checked Header tab in the monitor, in this there
    is a update symbol and infosource name and an -->
    but after arrow there is nothing.
    when I click on this I get a message
    "No active update rules exist".
    Can you please advice me how to I correct this.

  • Exporting catalog, making changes, then importing catalog does not update file movements and deletions

    I export part of my master catalog to a laptop.  I include the image files so I can edit the files at full res.  After managing and editing files I import the catalog back into the master catalog. When importing I check to replace metadata, develop settings and negative files. I have been running some tests to be sure all my work is being captured in the master catalog by this process.  I find that if I change develop settings or photo ratings this is detected when the file is imported and the data in the master catalog is updated properly.  The surprise is that if I delete files or move files among folders in the exported catalog these changes are not detected and these changes are not updated inthe master catalog.  It seems bizarre to me that such changes are not detected but I do not see how to get LR to recognize these changes and include them in the catalog update.  Without this capability I don't see how to use catalogs to move part of a catalog to another computer for edits and file management and then move back to the master catalog.

    There are various reasons why Lightroom works this way, but you'll need use pick flags to indicate photos to be deleted, and other metadata like colours or collections.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Input help for a field

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  • Need a HP Touchsmart 610z for a research study on 20th April

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  • Help! new to Mac and lost photos

    Hello, all: I have done a lot of research of this forum (quite impressive, BTW) but I'm not sure how to proceed. Recently got ext. HD and cloned my whole system. Checked several apps and all worked well. I then was trying to backup iPhoto to DVD and

  • Re: SIMS 3 for Macbook Pro

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  • Missing paragraph data in the paragraph palette

    When I select type the data in the paragraph and character palettes does not update to reflect the attributes of the selected text. I restarted Illustrator and it fixed it once, but then it came back to haunt me and the restart fix isn't working now.