WP 8.1 - limited number of hidden wifi networks

I just found that (Lumia 630, latest dev. update)  cannot accept more than THREE hidden wifi networks. Is this "feature" described somehow officially somewhere? Can it be increased? Or am I wrong?

Hidden WiFi networks increase battery usage as the device is constantly trying to call out for that network when not connected to one no matter where you are. Hidden networks are a false sense of security.
So for the sake of battery, the phone limits the number of hidden networks you can store.

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    Hi Mawy - WP8 does not have any APIs that allow the app to connect to WiFi, whether visible or hidden.  These operations are reserved specifically for the OS and the user must interact with the phone.
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
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    Hi René,
    I'm on Leopard at the moment, so having to trust my old memory a bit.
    The Locations get messed up, especially the Automatic one gets confused easily.
    First,Repair Permissions with Disk Utility, reboot.
    Use Keychain Access in Utilities to Repair Keychain, (under the Window Menu item), then find the relevant entry for your home network, delete that one.
    If it's not working now, then drag these files to the desktop, and reboot...
    Setup your Networking again, but Make a New Location for you Home connection in Network>Configure>Location>New Location... Apply.

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    I was having the same problem... Try this: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398

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    If you have other devices on your network and have enabled file sharing on them, you will see an occasional device or two come and go. That is normal. Usually, you'll see something with some numbers. That's usually the last 6 digits of the MAC address of a device.
    Any hacker who is smart enough to crack your network is not going to allow his identity or any trace of his computer to be displayed on your network.
    If you are still convinced that someone is cracking your network, you can enable the "closed" network option, but there are plenty of free utilities on the Internet available that will reveal a "closed" network in seconds. Most 12 year old kids looking for free wireless know how to do this.
    If you want to do this anyway, here is how:
    Open AirPort Utility - click Manual Setup
    Click the Wireless tab below the icons
    Click the Wireless Options button
    Enter a check mark next to "Create a closed network"
    Click Done, then click Update and wait for the Time Capsule to restart
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

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    it's better to do full table scan when values are evenly distributed. Indexes are good when you want to select less than 10% of all data (it depends).
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