WPA support on old (Summer 2000) iMac

I'm trying to long distance troubleshoot a problem my father is having getting an old iMac (G3-500Mz, Summer 2000) onto his new Airport Express network.
He has his newer, Intel iMac connected wirelessly no problem and is running WPA encryption. When I tried to walk him through getting the old iMac online (OS X 10.4) he gets and error message that says something useless like "there's a problem connecting".
I have this idea that the wireless card in the old iMac doesn't support WPA and that's the source of the problem. I suggested turning off the encryption completely to test my theory, but he's afraid he'll not be able to get his new Mac working again (he was so happy to get it up and working so quickly). There's no convincing him to run my little troubleshooting experiment. And, he intent on using WPA now that I've told him it's more secure than WEP.
Anyway, I've looked through Apple's specs and manuals and have not been able to determine if the Airport card of that vintage supports WPA. Does anyone here know if it will support WPA?
Thanks in advance.

Wow, that was quick. Thanks for the response, Tesserax.
Now I need to scratch my head a bit more about what else might be causing the problem. I could probably solve it in short order if I was on site, but as it is, he's 1500 miles away and I'm troubleshooting by phone. I don't know whose patience will run out first.
The old iMac can see the network and he gets the prompt for the password when he tries to connect, but after 30 seconds or so, he gets the message that it can't connect. The old iMac is right next to the new one and both are within 10 feet of the Airport hub.
Any ideas?

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    Hi Carol, lets try this...
    reset FW bus, same goes for USB reset...
    Reset the Firewire bus
    If your Firewire or USB isn't recognizing any device.  A solution which has worked for some whose hard drive became invisible in 10.4 was simply to follow these four steps to reset the Firewire/USB bus:
    1. Shut the machine down.
    2. UNPLUG the power lead to the computer and any firewire/USB drive/devices.
    3. leave it for 10 minutes.
    4. Connect back up and reboot.

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    >It's as though no power is getting to it.
    Would it be correct to assume that no sounds at all can be heard? Also, no lights, not even green or amber at the power button?
    >unfortunately had a power cut.
    Was it possibly a power cut in connection with a thunderstorm? Any other evidence of higher than normal voltages (light bulbs, et cetera)? Has the line voltage been checked (measured with an appropriate voltmeter/multimeter)?
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    OK, well I would go with what Apple says in writing but if you want to take a trip to visit the Genius Bar that won't hurt.
    Good luck, I'm 99% certain  you will find I was correct but please let us know.
    BTW when posting please click the Reply link in the post you are replying to, otherwise we can't tell who y our comunication is directed to.

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  • ICM 8.0(2) - Number of supported agent mode connections [2000] by one CTI OS Server pair has been reached

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    16:55:04:171 unknown-ctios Trace: [agent.5000.5053] QUERY_AGENT_STATE_CONF ( eTalking ) : (PeripheralID:5000
    AgentState:eTalking NumSkillGroups:2 MRDID:1 ICMAgentID:5097 AgentMode:1
    MaxTaskLimit:1 NumTasks:1 AgentExtension:78112238 AgentID:5053
    AgentInstrument:78112238 UniqueObjectID:agent.5000.5053
    MessageID:eQueryAgentStateConf AgentAvailabilityStatus:0
    SkillGroup[1]:(SkillGroupNumber:1742 SkillGroupID:5000 SkillGroupPriority:0
    SkillGroupState:7) SkillGroup[2]:(SkillGroupNumber:37 SkillGroupID:5151
    SkillGroupPriority:0 SkillGroupState:4))[CtiosBaseAgentObject,
    16:55:04:171 unknown-ctios Trace: CServiceBroker::ProcessEvent(): CLIENT_EVENT_REPORT_CONF
    16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: --> RCV CLIENT[15494] INFO MESSAGE, length: 86
    16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: ClientMgr[1]::IdentifyClientRequest, Client[15494]: Changing ClientID
    16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: --> RCV CLIENT[MV8016-3056-dotNET_Sess(6925029)_EvtThd(71)] INFO MESSAGE,
    length: 277
    16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: CRequestBroker::OnRequest(), ClientConnectionID[15494]::WARNING!!! Number of
    supported agent mode connections [2000] by one CTI OS Server pair has been
    16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: [agent.5000.5046] QUERY_AGENT_STATE_REQ : (PeripheralID:5000 PeripheralType:0
    AgentState:eUnknown AgentExtension:78112258 AgentID:5046
    AgentInstrument:78112258 AgentPassword:123456 SkillGroups:()
    UniqueObjectID:agent.5000.5046 MessageID:eSetSessionModeRequest
    ClientAgentTemporaryID:agent.1357919595 ClassIdentifier:1 IsSupervisor:0
    LastError:(dotNET_Sess(10041842)_EvtThd(164):0) ConnectionMode:1
    CILConnectionID:15494 AutoLogin:0 SavedAgentState:9 WaitingforRecovery:0
    SavedLoginInfo:() NonClientRequest:1 CurrentProfile:(null)
    IsAgentTeamMember:0 SavedAgentId:5046
    16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: [agent.5000.5046] QUERY_AGENT_STATE_CONF ( eAvailable ) : (PeripheralID:5000
    AgentState:eAvailable NumSkillGroups:2 MRDID:1 ICMAgentID:5080 AgentMode:1
    MaxTaskLimit:1 NumTasks:0 AgentExtension:78112258 AgentID:5046
    AgentInstrument:78112258 UniqueObjectID:agent.5000.5046
    MessageID:eQueryAgentStateConf AgentAvailabilityStatus:1
    SkillGroup[1]:(SkillGroupNumber:1742 SkillGroupID:5000 SkillGroupPriority:0
    SkillGroupState:3) SkillGroup[2]:(SkillGroupNumber:48 SkillGroupID:5362
    SkillGroupPriority:0 SkillGroupState:3))[CtiosBaseAgentObject,
    16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: CServiceBroker::ProcessEvent(): CLIENT_EVENT_REPORT_CONF
    16:55:04:203 unknown-ctios Trace: --> RCV CLIENT[15484] INFO MESSAGE, length: 89
    16:55:04:203 unknown-ctios Trace: ClientMgr[1]::IdentifyClientRequest, Client[15484]: Changing ClientID
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: XXX CLIENT[MV6984-4620-dotNET_Sess(24727327)_EvtThd(529)], CLOSE
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: XXX CLIENT[MV11761-2720-dotNET_Sess(62684179)_EvtThd(475)], CLOSE
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: CClient::Close:
    CLIENT[MV11761-2720-dotNET_Sess(62684179)_EvtThd(475)][0x4dcdc08, CLOSE(),
    Calling OnConnectionClosed()
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: XXX CLIENT[MV6977-4236-dotNET_Sess(46292023)_EvtThd(158)], CLOSE
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: XXX CLIENT[MV8015-5444-dotNET_Sess(9926532)_EvtThd(81)], CLOSE
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: CClient::Close: CLIENT[MV8015-5444-dotNET_Sess(9926532)_EvtThd(81)][0x576e630,
    CLOSE(), Calling OnConnectionClosed()
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: CClient::Close:
    CLIENT[MV6984-4620-dotNET_Sess(24727327)_EvtThd(529)][0x4f98000, CLOSE(),
    Calling OnConnectionClosed()
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: XXX CLIENT[MV6973-5644-dotNET_Sess(31599171)_EvtThd(1119)], CLOSE
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: CClient::Close:
    CLIENT[MV6973-5644-dotNET_Sess(31599171)_EvtThd(1119)][0x66ba9f0, CLOSE(),
    Calling OnConnectionClosed()
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: CClient::Close:
    CLIENT[MV6977-4236-dotNET_Sess(46292023)_EvtThd(158)][0x7572c10, CLOSE(),
    Calling OnConnectionClosed()
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: XXX CLIENT[MV11761-2720-dotNET_Sess(2094081)_EvtThd(773)], CLOSE
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: CClient::Close:
    CLIENT[MV11761-2720-dotNET_Sess(2094081)_EvtThd(773)][0x5ecf2d8, CLOSE(),
    Calling OnConnectionClosed()
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: ClientMgr[1]::OnConnectionClosed,
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: XXX CLIENT[MV6812-6004-dotNET_Sess(33915130)_EvtThd(140)], CLOSE
    16:55:04:250 unknown-ctios Trace: CClient::Close:
    CLIENT[MV6812-6004-dotNET_Sess(33915130)_EvtThd(140)][0x5508cc8, CLOSE(),
    Calling OnConnectionClosed()
    The message that caught my attention was the following: 16:55:04:187 unknown-ctios Trace: CRequestBroker::OnRequest(), ClientConnectionID[15494]::WARNING!!! Number of supported agent mode connections [2000] by one CTI OS Server pair has been reached.
    But in our environment has only 250 agents
    Anyone seen this before? Thanks very much

    Hi Gergely,
    I analyzed the following situation: when the agent logs in the CTI OS Toolkit the client opens a lot of sessions with differents ports.
    Like the following example:
      TCP    bbaproggerp1:42028     mv8011:4544  ESTABLISHED
      TCP    bbaproggerp1:42028     mv8011:4545  ESTABLISHED
      TCP    bbaproggerp1:42028     mv8011:4546  ESTABLISHED
      TCP    bbaproggerp1:42028     mv8011:4548  ESTABLISHED
    Where mv8011 is the hostname of the machine and 4544,4545,4546 and 4548 are the ports of CTI OS Client connected on port 42028.
    When the agent disconnect of the application just one connection is closed then  if it logs again another two connections will be open.

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    The short answer is that you'll have to start syncing your phone with the Intel iMac. Probably the easiest solution is to move your music library to the newer computer with an external hard drive (unless the computers are connected via ethernet cable filesharing would be very slow). Since I don't have access to such an old computer (and the version of iTunes it is running) I'm not sure if you can use Home Sharing to share the iTunes library of the old Mac with the new one and whether that would solve your problem.

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    The file type does not matter, the program you use to open the file does.
    You need a newer version of word (or a third party program).
    You can use openoffice as well.

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    Ok, let's give the following a try:
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    2) From the Finder's Go menu on the "new" iMac, choose Network. A computer icon for host iMac should be present.
    3) Double-click it to mount it. You will need to provide credentials (an account name & password). These credentials must be an existing user account on the host iMac.
    4) The host iMac should now be mounted on the new iMac's desktop. You should now be able to transfer files as required between devices.

Maybe you are looking for