WRT610N USB HD timeouts.

Hi I just bought a wrt610n and config everything for it. I plug a Maxtor 1TB HD in the USB for FTP/Media Services. Well I have all that working but after its left sitting idle for sometime the WRT610N drops the connection to the USB. Is this a common issue or is their a work around? Yes I have the latest firmware don the router.

As you have already tired installing the Firmware on your Router, and it didn't work when you connect your 1TB drive to your router, Basicaly the 1 TB drive will only work when formatted to NTFS File System, else it won't work...
What is the File System on your Hard Drive ?

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    To map the drive on your computer click on Start - RUN - type "\\" and click ok... When prompted for Username and Password type "admin" and click ok... Now you will be able to see the folder which you have shared on  your router, right click on it and select "Map network drive" and click on finish.
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    If i understand you correctly , you want to share the data of USB drive with other computers in your LAN network.
    You will have to map the network drive with the computer connected to it.After mapping you can share the different computer.
    When to mapped the drive there is a option you have to check Reconnect while log on please click here and follow step to Map Drive. 
    The USB port on WRT610N wireless router doesnot support modem connection.
    Message Edited by oook on 09-18-2009 04:16 PM

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    Thanks & Regards
    Go to Solution.

    Yeah, sorry for being so cryptic.
    I indeed meant the USB nuggets linked to in my signature.  I assumed once I had mentioned it they would be found.......  Sorry.
    You should find an example of using Interrupt functions in there.
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

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    I tried the KB site of Cisco and I found the list. Here's the link: List of Compatible HD and USB disk for WRT610Nv2.

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    Message Edited by orderly on 09-19-2009 06:20 PM
    Message Edited by orderly on 09-19-2009 06:24 PM
    Message Edited by orderly on 09-19-2009 06:33 PM
    Message Edited by orderly on 09-19-2009 06:36 PM
    Go to Solution.

    To access your USB Drive on your Vista computer, first thing which you need to do is, enable the Network Discovery Service on your vista computer. Click on Start - Control Pannel - Network and Sharing Center - and under this window first enable the "Network Discovery" Option....
    Now on your vista computer click on Start - RUN - and type "\\" (Without quotes) and hit enter, and it should prompt you for the Usernamd and Password, in the Usernamd and Password use "admin" all in lower cae and click Ok...Now you should be able to see your USB Drive... You need to right click on it and select "Map Network Drive" and check the box Enable and below click on Finish... This will Map the USB Drive on your Vista computer... Once done you will be able to Send and Receive the data from your Computer to the USB Drive... 

  • WRT610N USB port problem

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    Can we use the USB port with our printers ? since i plugged the printer but i cant access to it. Or the USB only works for storage drives ?
    Much thanx

    No,you can not use the printer to the USB port of the WRT610N router.It is only for the HDD.

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    Is this broken hardware or broken software?

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    Router with Storage Link only supports FAT32  file system formatted USB storage while USB storage formatted with other file system will not be detected when plugged into the router.
    Check this link of compatible HDD for WRT610N.

  • WRT610n USB Access

    I just installed a LinkSYS WRT610N and it works very well on my DELL desktop running Windows 7 Ultimate. I didn’t bother with LELA, though I may try it later.
     I installed firmware 1.00.03 B15 using the router itself.
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    (I have tried this with and wihout ZoneAlarm up.)
    What have I done wrong, and what would I have to do on my DELL to be able to see a file called /public on the router’s USB? Would I see /public in Explorer?
    Message Edited by Mike Green10 on 02-20-2010 12:17 PM

    Hi. Just to be sure we are on the same page:
    Using Windows Explorer, I right click on "Network", then I select "Map A Network Drive", then I enter "\\\linksysusb" in response to "What Network Folder Would You Like To Map". This is where I get the "Enter Network Password to connect to" message box. This is where I'm stuck.
    Your last post says "Open the router setup page as you can and create a new user and password for the storage.." Is this implying that the WRT610N requires a special password for the USB storage above and beyond the "admin" password? I cannot find where to enter a specific Password for the USB storage.
    Perhaps I'm missing something that is obvious. Do I have to set up a Workgroup? Will it require a Password, and is this possibly the "Network Password" in question?
    Yikes, I seem to be going nowhere. Thanks for your patience. Every bit of advice helps.

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    Anty help ? Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    Sorry for the banal question, I sorted out. Reading the manual I found out that Auto login option in the WD setting panel was to be disable: that option is to access to the net devices requiring PSW and Username and not to protect the WD access through the LAN. Disabling the Auto Login, my Media Server asks me PSW and Username to access and, once given, I could browse from the WD to the Router HD (pluggeg to USB slot of the WRT610N).

  • Canon lbp5050 - problem printing via USB

    i have un- and re-installed the drivers a couple of times (3.31), and am still not able to print. it seems that the printer doesn't get the data. Following the log:
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Sun Apr 24 23:23:36 powerbook-3.local Canon_LBP5050[2126] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] msgid=9 BGL_env_document_end
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during write
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Wrote 40 bytes of print data...
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Read 8192 bytes of print data...
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB return aborted during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during write
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Read 8192 bytes of print data...
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB return aborted during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during read
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Got USB transaction timeout during write
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data...
    D [24/Apr/2011:23:57:51 +0200] [Job 777] Read 8192 bytes of print data...
    thanks for help!!

    If you haven't done so already then I suggest you reset the printing system.
    Open System Preferences > Print & Fax
    Move your mouse over the Printers list
    Hold down the Control button and click the mouse
    Click the "Reset printing system ..." popup
    Restart your Mac
    This will remove your print queues but not your printer drivers. So you will only need to add your printer queues again.
    With regards to adding the printer, ensure you are selecting More Printers then Canon CAPT (USB)

  • IPod Classic won't Restore and FREEZES/LOCKS iTUNES! Help.

    Hi. First, the specifics:
    I have an iPOD Classic (120GB).
    I have Windows Vista R2 (64-bit).
    I have the latest version of iTunes, yes, for 64-bit.
    With that out of the way, I started seeing issues with my iPod not being able to play certain songs. I'd find the song, hit the play arrow, nothing would happen. The time would not move, song would not play. Here's what I've tried to do initially:
    Re-install iTunes, re-sync.
    Still wouldn't play these songs.. Not all, but many songs.
    So, I tried to Restore.
    Initially, it looked like it was restoring properly - - but took way longer than usual. Like 2 hours. At the end, I got an error "Could not sync this song, Could not sync iPod."
    I looked at iPod, had to set it up, choose ENGLISH as language, etc.  Search iPod, found NO MUSIC, NO VIDEOS, etc.
    Tried simply re-syncing, wouldn't work.
    So, I disconnected, restarted my computer and tried to RESTORE again.
    I connect it via a USB 2.0 and the iPod cable. I have been doing this for years and years and this iPod has worked for the 3 years I have had it.
    I have had iPod since their inception, so I'm not a rookie. I also have an iPhone and an iPad2.
    So I connect the iPod as usual. NOW, it basically FREEZES iTunes. I CONTL-ALT-DEL and find it's always iTunes (NOT RESPONDING).
    This happens EVERY TIME... I tried restarting several times, same issue.
    So, I unistalled all components of iTunes > RESTART COMPUTER.
    I re-download the latest version of iTunes, yes the correct one.
    I tried syncing or restoring. DOESN'T RECOGNIZE iPOD, FREEZES/LOCKS iTUNES.
    HERE'S OTHER THINGS I have tried:
    I downloaded the Windows Update for Vista that helps not corrupt iPod when disconnecting too early.
    Downloaded update, did NOT help with the issue.
    Un-installed iTunes again. Restarted computer. Re-installed newest version of iTunes.
    ONE THING TO POINT OUT, when I connect my iPod, iTunes launches if not open and I get a WINDOWS box that says:
    Do You Want To Scan And Fix Errors on Steven's iPod (L:) ??
    I tried both options: YES, Try to Fix, NO - Continue
    That doesn't work, and iTunes still freezes regardless of option.
    Again, tried DISK MODE, tried Regular mode...
    Nothing works...

    Guys, if you all having the same problem as Steven, then do the iPod Disk Diagnostic, as posted earlier by tt2, it wont fix your problem, but helps in troubleshooting.
    Main cause is the iPod Hardisk is dying, but if the DD report are good, then it is the USB connection timeout.
    So have a go at the Disk Diagnostic first.

  • IPod Classic Unknown error 53

    I keep running into this error (-53) when loading music or movies onto my iPod Classic.  Any ideas? I have reset the iPod 3 times and still continue to have issues 

    This maybe due to USB transfer timeout by iTunes waiting for a task complete signal, which did not come.
    While syncing your iPod, I would suggest the following to prevent timeouts.
    Disconnect all other USB devices, except mouse and keyboard.
    connect only to USB 2.0 port at the back of the Desktop, and if you are using a Mac dont  connect to the keyboard USB port.
    Dont connect to USB Hub.
    Disconnect from Internet, so dont use twitter or facebook are other apps, which has plugins that conflict with iTunes.
    Stop the Antivirus if any.
    Try to sync in small batches first.
    Have a nice day!

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