WT Creation Issue in IT 0015

Hi All,
Please help me find a solution for the below scenario,
Need to create a WT in IT0015, whose charateristic should be Number Only and Units should be Hours. The amount in this WT must be a percentage of basic pay WT ie. WT XXXX = 5 Hours * 10% of Basic Pay WT YYYY.
Please help me out.
Thanks and Regards

Hi !!
Thanks for the reply, I have gone ahead and configured as suggested and used SUMME with module variant B.
However the final output does not multiply with the number that I input into the IT15 WT.
i.e Basic Pay -  15000
IT 15 WT - 10 Hours
Output should be 10% * 15000 * 10 Hours = 15000
However the answer that I am getting is 1500
Also in Base Wage Type Valuation table T539j, I am maintaining it as SUMME and the rest of the details.
Hope thts correct.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks and Regards.

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    Did you mean create site collections in the CA?
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    Maybe the web application had been corrupted.
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    TechNet Community Support

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             Thanks for your quick response.
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    Warm Regards,

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    I hope you are creating new company code by copying from the exiting company code. If you copy one company code to another company code then you will get few pop- up message like do you want to use same chart of account or do you want to use same currecny like that. So may be you have selected different currecny. Sap has come up with country template for each country. So you can use country template to create the new company code.
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    Are you accessing teh WSDl from a deployed service ? If yes, when providing the Web Service URL, did you extend the URL with ?WSDL ?

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    You can open the PDF in Acrobat and save to Acrobat 4 compatibility, either through optimize or preflight. I would also ask the client why they want Acrobat 4 compatibility.

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    click => Copy network or by 3/ drag and drop from templates)
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    => We didn't have this problem before.
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    Thank you in advance for your help,

    Hi Amal,
    I would suggest to do the following:
    1. Are you getting this DUMP in all of your Clients DEV, Quality and Production?
    2. Check if any transport has been moved to Production lately which might have disturbed some settings in PRD Environment if it is happening only in Production Environment.
    3. If you are getting DUMP in all of the environments Please raise an OSS with SAP. As what you have described seems to be a Program Bug.
    Hope it helps..

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    Thanks in advance.

    This error means:
    ORA-12560:     TNS:protocol adapter error
    Cause:     A generic protocol adapter error occurred.
    Action:     Check addresses used for proper protocol specification. Before reporting this error, look at the error stack and check for lower level transport errors. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. Turn off tracing when the operation is complete.
    Connectivity issues shouldn't arise at this moment. Are you using your os oracle user to perform this task?
    Are your environment variables properly set?
    ~ Madrid

  • DB creation issues in RAC environment

    Hi All,
    I Installed Oracle 11g R2 RAC on VM.
    I followed steps mentioned in below
    At the time of DB creation in one node DB creation successful in another node DB creation failed.
    I reinstalled everything fresh but still I am facing issue.
    Thanks in advance.
    Your help really appreciated.
    ALTER DATABASE MOUNT /* db agent *//* {1:4386:799} */
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:14 2011
    NOTE: Loaded library: /opt/oracle/extapi/64/asm/orcl/1/libasm.so
    NOTE: Loaded library: System
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:14 2011
    SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was mounted
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:20 2011
    NOTE: dependency between database RAC and diskgroup resource ora.DATA.dg is established
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:29 2011
    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/rac/RAC2/trace/RAC2_ckpt_20486.trc (incident=153):
    ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file: (block 1, # blocks 1)
    ORA-00202: control file: '+DATA/rac/controlfile/current.260.761679717'
    Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/rac/RAC2/incident/incdir_153/RAC2_ckpt_20486_i153.trc
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:34 2011
    SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was dismounted
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:36 2011
    Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20110912180236], requested by (instance=2, osid=20486 (CKPT)), summary=[incident=153].
    ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file: (block 1, # blocks 1)
    ORA-00202: control file: '+DATA/rac/controlfile/current.260.761679717'
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:38 2011
    ORA-205 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT /* db agent *//* {1:4386:799} */...
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:42 2011
    Shutting down instance (abort)
    License high water mark = 2
    USER (ospid: 20676): terminating the instance
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:43 2011
    ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 20676
    Mon Sep 12 18:02:44 2011
    Instance shutdown complete

    Thanks for response.
    I recreate DB but still same with node2 i.e block corrupted.
    ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 520)
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '+DATA/XXXXX/datafile/system.269.761698357'
    Process ID: 28860
    Session ID: 34 Serial number: 3
    Just want know am I missing any parameter or ASM lib which is impacting data file corruption.
    2VM OEL5U7 , 11g R2
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: 884629 on Sep 13, 2011 12:19 AM

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    I'm installating glassfish appserver on a Solaris 10 box. Following the procedure, I have to run this command :
    /opt/glassfish/lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup.xml
    All running correctly except the domain creation. I got the following error :
    [exec] Failed to create database '/opt/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/databases/ejbtimer', see the next exception for details.
    [exec] CLI130 Could not create domain, domain1
    /opt/glassfish/setup.xml:169: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /opt/glassfish/setup.xml:551: exec returned: 1
    I tried to install Application Server 9.1 PE on the same box and I got the same error. I tried to create the domain manually and again got the same error...
    I did the same installation on a Mac OS X box and everything was OK !
    Someone experienced a similar issue ? I'm trying to find someone who has the same issue, but without success. Maybe the question was already posted on this forum, but I'm not able to find it !
    Thanks in advance for your help !

    Hi there!
    We had the exact same problem, and after several days of search we found that the environment variable LC_CTYPE had to be set to "C" or set to nothing at all. After setting LC_CTYPE=C (your shell syntax may vary), we could once again install Glassfish/SAS without problems.
    Hope this helps!

  • Notification printing on creation -issues -reg

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    we have copied the standard output type to Z  and then assigned to the notification type M2
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    any inputs ?
    madhu kiran

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    paper              description                    output programe              form
    1031     Notification overview     RIPROV00             ZPM_NOTIF_PRINT
    this is copying from the standard  shop paper 1030
    2.  OID2 transaction
      Document type   Paper             Selection
         M2                   1031             check box ticked
    3.ODI3 transaction -user specific print control
       user           plant            palnner group      paper
       P1*     1000     *          1031
    here we have given output device defined by us
    4. Now where i have to give that for teh transaction IW21 when notification is created and saved print should come ?
    5 If i go to existing notification through IW23 and try to take print of it  in the preview  only standard 1020 , 1030 are coming for selection
      why 1031 defined and assigned to M2 notification type is not coming there  to pick ?
    6. finally please let me know  how to know the automatic print coming for the notification on creation picking which shop paper
    1020/ 1030 /1031
    now you may provide what to be done ?
    madhu kiran.

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