X1 Carbon Imaging with Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.5/WinPE

Okay, so I'll try to be detailed while being brief (if that is possible.) 
I have a new Lenovo X1 Carbon that needs to be imaged using GSS 2.5.
The only ethernet connection on this machine is a USB-to-Ethernet dongle. The model is an Asix Ax88772b. I am able to PXE boot to WinPE, but there is not an IP Address when booted to WinPE. I'm assuming this is because WinPE does not have the correct driver.
I found this forum article: https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/lenovo-x1-carbon-imaging-ds-71-ghost and tried downloading the attached driver. I tried downloading the Lenovo driver from their site. I tried exporting the driver from the copy of Windows 7 that came stock on the machine. I tried downloading Lenovo's SCCM driver, AND I tried downloading the XP, Vista, and 7 driver directly from Asix's site.
Whenever I try to import these into WinPE via the Ghost Boot Manager, it says "Failed to import driver (driver name). Failed to find any drivers to add."
I have successfully added drivers to the preboot images previously using these steps:http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?pag...
I have also tried throwing the drivers from these sites onto a flash drive, PXE booted, and used the "drvload" command to test them. WinPE says they loaded successfully. However, I am still not able to obtain an IP address.
My brain hurts and I'm frustrated. Any help? Any at all? Because you would be my hero. I would yell your name from the rooftops.

Okay, so I'll try to be detailed while being brief (if that is possible.) 
I have a new Lenovo X1 Carbon that needs to be imaged using GSS 2.5.
The only ethernet connection on this machine is a USB-to-Ethernet dongle. The model is an Asix Ax88772b. I am able to PXE boot to WinPE, but there is not an IP Address when booted to WinPE. I'm assuming this is because WinPE does not have the correct driver.
I found this forum article: https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/lenovo-x1-carbon-imaging-ds-71-ghost and tried downloading the attached driver. I tried downloading the Lenovo driver from their site. I tried exporting the driver from the copy of Windows 7 that came stock on the machine. I tried downloading Lenovo's SCCM driver, AND I tried downloading the XP, Vista, and 7 driver directly from Asix's site.
Whenever I try to import these into WinPE via the Ghost Boot Manager, it says "Failed to import driver (driver name). Failed to find any drivers to add."
I have successfully added drivers to the preboot images previously using these steps:http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?pag...
I have also tried throwing the drivers from these sites onto a flash drive, PXE booted, and used the "drvload" command to test them. WinPE says they loaded successfully. However, I am still not able to obtain an IP address.
My brain hurts and I'm frustrated. Any help? Any at all? Because you would be my hero. I would yell your name from the rooftops.

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    I had exactly the same problem not so long ago. I managed to get to the bottom of it after much much frustration!!!
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    Camarones, I'll throw out several ideas, and perhaps some will be helpful.
    First, presumably you ran Ghost's verify function on the Win7 64 image that you created.
    One problem you're going to run into is that the size of the sleep file used to store the memory contents when you put the machine to sleep will be wrong. However, this should be similar to what you'd run into when you upgrade RAM.
    Another problem is that Windows Vista and Windows 7 use a different anti-piracy mechanism than XP. Apparently, Vista & 7 compute some kind of key during installation, which is based on the hardware configuration of the machine. That key is likely then stored in the master boot record. So if you change various undocumented aspects of the hardware, the OS install will no longer be valid. As far as I know, Ghost does not know how to deal with that. You should be able to repair that problem using an authentic Win7 installation disc from Microsoft, except Lenovo doesn't provide this.
    Also, you need a newer version of Ghost than you did with XP. I'm not familiar with the current state of Ghost. Make sure that whatever version you're currently using explicitly supports Win7. Acronis True Image is another option, and probably costs less than the time you've spent so far trying to get Ghost to work.
    Also, the BIOS of the W510 contains a certificate that authenticates the copy of Windows that shipped on the machine. And this certificate varies from one production unit from the assembly line to the next unit. We know this, because Lenovo accidentally released a W510 BIOS update last year that corrupted that certificate, causing Windows to become unauthorized. The only solutions were to a) live with having to beg Microsoft for reauthorization each time you did things like change the hardware or update the BIOS, b) replace the motherboard, or c) install a new full retail copy of Windows.
    Also, because you're transfering a full disk image, the file contains each byte of data of each sector of the hard drive, whether a file was stored in that byte or not. Ghost is expecting to install that image onto precisely the same hard drive. That's often going to be a problem if you try to install it on a non-identical hard drive, due to different drive geometry, etc. Also, that Ghost image will include the drive's master boot record, which may or may not be correct for the new machine. You might have better luck using an image of just the occupied portions of the hard drive (which probably won't include the swap file or the sleep file).
    Finally, it may be that trying to clone a pre-installed copy of Windows 7 from one machine to another will be problematic since, like I said, Win7 has a different anti-piracy scheme than XP. Plus a pre-installed copy of Win7 may not be designed to be clonable to a new machine, for some of the above reasons. Of course, you need to pay for authorized copies of Windows 7 for the machines you're running it on. You might have better luck with a copy from Microsoft that's designed to be deployed to multiple machines.
    So the problem you're seeing right now with the CRC error from Ghost may be related to one or more of the above. It may also be only the beginning of your problems.
    You could also try just swapping the hard drive from one machine to the other, and see what happens (back it up first, of course). This should give you a quick idea of all the problems you're likely to run into.
    Good luck!

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    Ghost may have a problem with the new Sandy Bridge machines.
    Note that the he T420, T520 and W520 have a UEFI BIOS (1, 2, 3), which may be a factor, although I believe you have the option of selecting either UEFI or a legacy BIOS mode.
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    Quad G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    still images with too high a resolution will always cause problems. this is due to the detail of the image being finer than the scanline of the tv can display ... obviously this will caise the image to flicker as these details alternately appear and disappear as and when the scanline can display them. as you have discovered, the answer is to apply a very small blur, the effect being that the detail is spread by the blur such that the scanline can dislay it correctly.
    text issues are often rooted in the same problem ... unless the text is placed very carefully (whole even number on the y axis) then the quality may be impaired due to the resulting interlacing/scanline issues

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    You will need to add a Vista based 32 bit driver through the Ghost Boot Wizard and then rebuild the boot package.  GSS currently uses WinPE 2.0, which is the Vista version of WinPE.  If there are no Vista drivers available for the NIC, then using DOS as the PreOS may be the solution.

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    ashaikh, welcome to the forum,
    how did you create the image? Did you capture the 4 boot blocks using the -IB switch?
    There is a tip, a bit old and you can ignore the part about setting the predesktop area to disabled, but it should hopefully help you.
    Partition does not boot after being restored with Norton Ghost
    The title may also not seem to be 100% relevant. The important part is the -IB switch - See this thread.
    Hope this helps
    Andy  ______________________________________
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    Is there any solutions for convert document spreadsheet presentation to images with Office Web Apps?

    As far as I know, there is no build-in feature that convert Office file to image format in Office web app yet.
    I'll collect the information, and submit it with internal ways. Then, we could also submit the feedback here:
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Very cheap and lighweight
    I want to update all settings (Windows mainly) and then create a backup image that I can always go back to
    Can I do this? Will I have any problems?
    I bought an ASUS laptop with no disc drive... and basically, there was no way I could boot up with an external DVD drive or USB
    I just wanted to make sure before I purchased

    Which application do you use to create the image?
    I use the Symantec ghost and Im very satisfied. I have created an image file which was placed at the second application and if something going wrong Im able to install the OS from the image file.
    Furthermore this unit support RAID and the RAID driver must be installed to recognize the HDD.

  • Can't open CS2 image with photoshop

    I had this camera, Canon 50d, for little more than two years.
    Now it is time to start working with Raw image and can't open the image with Photoshop.
    But I could open with EOS utility but want to work with Photoshop.
    thanks for reading and advice pleae

    Photoshop CS2 will never directly open a Canon EOS-50D raw file.  The raw files from every camera are different and your camera was designed after the Photoshop CS2 Camera Raw application stopped receiving updates.
    This list is pertinent:
    That said, there is a free solution that will allow you to open your images indirectly.
    Download and install the latest version of the free Adobe DNG Converter:
    http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5388 (Mac)
    http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5389 (PC)
    Whenever you have a folder full of raw 50D images run the DNG Converter on the folder to convert all the files to DNG format.  You will have to select the proper compatibility setting.
    You can now open the DNG files with Photoshop CS2's Camera Raw converter.
    Just as an aside, the Camera Raw converter from the latest version of Photoshop delivers images of higher quality, so you may want to consider moving up to Photoshop CS6.  Unfortunately you will have to pay full price; there's no Photoshop CS2 -> CS6 upgrade discount.

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    I'm trying to use my new DR4-A DVD-RW player together with Norton Ghost 2003. I am trying to use the feature in Ghost to record an image file directly to recordable CD or DVD. This fails in Ghost with error message 12030 and Error 3 closing CD-R session". 99% of the burning process seem to complete successfully.
    Isn't MSI DR4-A supported by Norton Ghost 2003? Is that the problem. Can a firmware upgrade solve my problem?
    I do have a solution to my problem. To let Ghost save the image file on an harddrive and then I manually can save this image file on a dvd (burn with Nero). But I would really like to use this nice new feature in Ghost to record image directly to DVD...
    Anybody have experience or solution to my problem?
    /Regards Michael

    some good solutions to flash a firmware without a floppy or a FAT partition:
     - boot from a Flash card. Doable depending on the reader/motherboard. I've done it from a USB reader. I just copied the win98 boot disk on it and the firmware and flash program
     - create a bootable CD ROM with a RAM drive (there is one on the win98 boot disk). Copy the firmware and flash program in it and fly.
    basically, the goal is to get to a DOS prompt and have a media with the need files on. You should be able to access your SD card (or any flash media) from DOS. Just continue checking your volumes (a, b... g... ). If you usually have 2 partitions and a CD (so, C, d and E) the flash drives may be f and above (and you usually have 5 of them...
    Guide on HD-Burn:
    In Nero, when choosing your new compilation, you have the type of media on your right (CD audio, CD mix...). On top of this column, you have a pull down menu with the physical type: CDR, DVDR or HDburn. (at least, this is how it is on Nero 6).
    Formating in FAT:
    under win2k/XP, when you want to format a drive(right click on the drive letter and choose format), you get a small menu with capacity on top, then file system (NTFS, FAT, FAT32), cluster size, label. Just choose FAT or FAT32 as the file system. You need to have a partition of less than 32GB to choose FAT32 and less than 2GB for FAT.

  • Try to use J2SE Version 6 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

    Dears ,
    i have an upgrade task from to R12.1.1 and database from to 11.2
    so i apply patches :
    1- 7429271
    2- Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i [ID 125767.1]
    3- 9535311
    4- 6241631
    5-upgrade to JRE : Using J2SE Version 6 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i [ID 401561.1]
    when i run :
    txkrun.pl -script=SetJDKCfg -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -runautoconfig=Yes -appspass= <APPS_schema_passwd> -jdktop=[JDK60_TOP]
    faced error :
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/HashMap
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.Customizer.getProdTopDrivers(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.Customizer.getAllDrivers(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.VersionConflictListGenerator.getAllConflicts(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.VersionConflictListGenerator.main(Compiled Code)
    Exception in thread "main" Using Context file : /vol3/oracle/prdappl/admin/PRD_mcd-test.xml
    Context Value Management will now update the Context file
    and when try to run autoconfig on APPSTier i faced :
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/HashMap
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.Customizer.getProdTopDrivers(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.Customizer.getAllDrivers(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.VersionConflictListGenerator.getAllConflicts(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.apps.ad.tools.configuration.VersionConflictListGenerator.main(Compiled Code)
    Exception in thread "main" ERROR: Version Conflicts utility failed.
    how can i solve it .
    your response will be highly appreciated
    Regards ,,,
    Mohamed Mahgob

    Please see these docs.
    Creating "appsutl.zip" Failed On "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/HashMap", What is the Potential Solution ? [ID 1310838.1]
    AdMKAppsUtil.pl Failing Can't Find Java HashMap [ID 1338399.1]
    After Applying Patch 9535311 Get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/HashMap Error [ID 1188327.1]

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