Xcode 3.1 documentation issues

I have been updating Xcode iPhone SDK through the betas and now have the final version. The issue I have is whenever I try to update or subscribe to new documentation nothing loads and I simply get an exclamation mark indicating an error. I have tried clean installs as was issued in other cases.
I would love it if someone could point me in the right direction as to what could be the issue here.

Post to the developer forums under OS X Technologies.

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  • Documentation Issue? Missing IIS Websites

    Curious if this is a documentation issue or I'm actually missing some web sites. This implementation is CM integrated.
    According to this page (Link) for MBAM 2.5, I'm supposed to have the MBAMAdministrationService,MBAMComplianceService and MBAMRecoveryAndHardwareService IIS sites. This information is
    listed under the Stand-Alone implementation of MBAM though (not ConfigMgr Integrated). Currently I have the following -
    Notice that I'm missing MBAMComplianceService.
    Under the ConfigMgr section, there is nothing about validating the web services in IIS. I know that the compliance portion is technically covered by ConfigMgr, but verification that I have the rest covered would be nice in the documentation.
    Any thoughts? Am I covered?

    In the CMIntegration topology, the compliance reporting will be handled by SCCM itself. You can see two new configuration baseline gets created after the installation along with a collection dedicated to MBAM.
    There will not be any IIS Site for the compliance reporting. You can view compliance reporting for machines using SCCM reporting. There will a separate section for all MBAM Reports.
    Also don't define the endpoints for the Compliance Reporting in the MBAM GPOs (Client management) in CM Integration topology.
    Regards, "Gaurav Ranjan" =========== NOTE: Mark as Answer and Vote as Helpful if it helps =======

  • XCode 3.2.4 - issue after filename or path change

    steps to reproduce:
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    Trying to troubleshoot an issue where I was getting "all black" displaying occasionally, instead of a random.jpg type image, I changed the filenames to make a folder full of random image's filenames even shorter, and changed the relative code to reflect the change:  now it NEVER works, although either version builds with no errors. The arc4random number (in blue) matches the item count in my folder full of random images.
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         //this is the old code which used to work
              int randomInt = (arc4random()%89) +1;
      //convert INT to string
              NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"fingerprint%d.jpg", randomInt];
      //load UIImage from the filename
              UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:fileName];
      //display UIImage in UIImageView
              [imageView2 setImage:image];
         //this is the new code which never works
      int randomInt = (arc4random()%89) +1;
      //convert INT to string
      NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"print%d.jpg", randomInt];
      //load UIImage from the filename
      UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:fileName];
      //display UIImage in UIImageView
      [imageView2 setImage:image];
    1. I checked the IB file and even rebuilt the "wiring", its done correctly, same way my other image fields work and they are operating correctly.
    2. tried doing the "clean all targets" thing but that didnt get it
    3. tried restarting laptop
    4. ran Repair Permissions ....
    Any other suggestion would be most welcome. Perhaps this is a bug ?

    ok circling back to my  original issue, I may have figured out the problem:
    my folder full of images had 3 char padding, ie:
    and as you can see from my code below that was not reflected in the code statement ala:
    (arc4random()%61) +1;
      //convert INT to string
              NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"print%d.jpg", randomInt3];
    apparently you have to have it like this:@"print0%d.jpg"
    This doesnt strictly make sense to me since the "d" should just be a wildcard for anything that follows.
    But somehow adding a zero makes my code work again. 
    As far as the renaming of Actions and Outlets it would appear under certain circumstances this is a known issue. Research it yourself, if you dont believe it.
    In my case, renaming an Action in my code, saving the Project, then renaming it back, disabled the Action. The expected result is that it would "work" again. That didnt happen. This was a rename of one action in the .h file, nothing more.

  • RH10 - Printed Documentation Issues.

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    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Online Conditional Build Tag: You may want to check what Conditional Build Tag expression is being used in the Printed Documentation single source layout? This controls the content that is included. However be aware that content in a topic (or a topic itself) can have more than one tag assigned to it. I think this will be a case of going back to the topics that have the online tag and doing some investigation. You can easily identify the topics with a CBT by right clicking on a tag in the Conditional Build Tag pod and selecting Properties.
    This could be down to the Word styles you are using in the template and how they are mapped to the RH Styles. Check out the following link for an excellent tutorial on producing printed documentation. http://www.grainge.org/pages/authoring/printing/printing.htm
    See point 2.
    Again this is style related. It sounds like you have a Word style mapped with the pagination option selected. See point 2.

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    and the
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    Post to the developer forums under OS X Technologies. BTW, 3.2.1 is the latest version. Under Preferences->Documentation, uncheck Check for & install updates automatically. Note that it only updates when there are changes. It's just that the process is slower than molasses and you have to be patient. E.g., I last updated on 1/21. Just checked now and these four were updated:
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    Thanks for all your help.

    Xcode is free. A basic login to the developer site is free. For $99 you get full membership in the developer program and the ability to release software either in the App Store (depending on either iOS or Mac program). If you are in the Mac developer program you can release software with a Developer ID. You also get access to different versions of the operating system for testing.
    The problem is that your Mac Mini is from 2007 at best. It will not run Mountain Lion. You can call Apple (yes - telephone only - no online sales) and purchase either Snow Leopard or Lion. In the developer site you can download an older version of Xcode appropriate for whatever operating system you want to run. That will be enough to learn on. If you ever want to move publishing your apps, you will need a new system.

  • IMG Activity Documentation Issue

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    I install an ECC6 IDES System for testing.
    When i run IMG and click the "IMG Activity Documentation" icon, it popup a remote logon screen to ask me input local system's user/password.
    Does anyone have the same problem?
    Please help me to solve this problem..
    Best Regards,

    Dear Sravan,
    This configuration will be done for the first time  in case of Realization phase of implem. project.
    It is will be used to copy the basic configuration settings (catalogs, no.ranges etc.,) inorder to carry out the business transactions.
    As mentioned in the help, the following below basis settings will be copied. All these settings will not be available for the new server before the execution of this setting.
    QCCC  All standard settings like
    With catalogs
    With standard texts
    Without number ranges
    Without sampling systems
    Without tolerance keys
    Without forms
    QCCP  Standard settings for quality planning
    QCCW  Standard settings for quality inspections
    QCCZ  Standard settings for quality certificates
    QCCM  Standard settings for quality notifications With notification-related catalogs
    QCCU  Standard settings for the QM environment
    QCCK  Catalog entries; examples
    QCCT Standard texts
    QCCF Forms
    QCCS Sampling systems
    QCCY Tolerance keys
    QCCN Number ranges for the following-
    Inspection characteristics and Inspection methods
    Control charts
    Inspection plans and reference operation sets
    Inspection lots
    Physical samples and physical-sample drawing
    Condition records for certificate profile determination
    Characteristic confirmation numbers
    Quality notifications

  • JHS (build 31) documentation issues

    The migration.html doc and the jhsdevguide.pdf are the same as in the release. Can we expect updated documents or do we have to live with documentation with our release?
    Is there any additional information available about the new properties in the ASF? (Beside the release notes?)

    As it is a patch release with only minor functional changes, we did not change the developers guide. The migration steps to upgrade remain the same as well. The new features are documented in the release notes, and in the application structure file editor itself.
    Please use this forum if you have questions about the new features not answered by the release notes.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • Beginning java - extension documentation issue

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    If I look in system library I can find the relevant mysql stuff. I would like to take a closer look att the class ResultSet class found in mysql-connector. When i double click on it am told "source not found". I have tried changing attached source to no avail.
    Since I'm new at this I'm not quite sure if I actually need to download any source or if this is just a path issue.
    I would appreciate any help pointing me in the right direction.

    The source files appear to be included as a separate folder in the download bundle, available from here:
    http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.0.4.tar.gz /from/pick#mirrors
    Pick a download mirror, then unzip/untar the download and you'll find a folder called src. The sources should be in there. You don't need the sources to be available if you have the jar file, but it can sometimes be useful to have them.

  • [DOCUMENTATION-ISSUE] Location of the trinidad-skins.xml.

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    Shouldn't the trinidad-skins.xml be located directly under the WEB-INF ?
    This type occurs several times in this chapter, and maybe in others as well.
    Luc Bors

    good catch. I checked with the current internal version and here the issue is fixed

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    Well I'm completely stumped. I'm trying to write a simple AppleScript application in XCode that looks for mouse enter events onto an NSImageView. I have all the code in place to do this correctly but the problem is that the mouse enter event don't start getting sent until I display a dialog then come back to the main window. From this point everything works fine. I just don't want to have to display a dialog each time I start the app.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Hi Thomas,
    Sorry about that. It just doesn't respond to clicks in my old version. I made a simple project with just the image view and connected all mouse events to it except the right clicks and it works here.
    on mouse down theObject event theEvent
    log "mouse down"
    end mouse down
    on mouse entered theObject event theEvent
    log "mouse entered"
    end mouse entered
    on mouse exited theObject event theEvent
    log "mouse exited"
    end mouse exited
    on mouse up theObject event theEvent
    log "mouse up"
    end mouse up
    on mouse dragged theObject event theEvent
    log "mouse dragged"
    end mouse dragged
    Hope you get it fixed.
    Edited: Just thought of something people say they do when the project acts buggy. Clean all targets whatever that does.

  • Xcode 4 Build location issue

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    User / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData
    My latest build in that folder was yesterday at nearly midnight.  So I took a look at the Pref's and see that the Build Location was :
    I changed that to
    Then I built my app and my build was now current.  I have read why Apple prefer's the former, but if I cannot get my latest build, then that will not work.
    Any idea why this is?

    @ KT
    All of this is due to my lack of real experience.  I was following a guide on creating my Ad Hoc file and it instructed me to make a .zip of that build.  This lead me on the above-mentioned build chase.
    I have just learned that an alternative (better?) way to do this is to Archive the App Distribution target, then choose Share and save the .ipa and send it to my beta tester's.
    Provisioning etc. etc. is NOT fun, especially if it is your first attempt.
    Thanks for the help.

  • Xcode 4 AppStore Download Issue

    Having succesfully upgraded to Lion, I "purchased" XCode 4 from the AppStore (actually it's free!). It appears to work OK but I think I must have installed it incorrectly as when I access the AppStore, it claims it is not installed and wants me to download XCode again. If it was a small download I would be happy to do so but as it is several Gb I am loath to do this. Is there anyway I can change my AppStore preferences to a mark XCode as installed? Thanks.

    When you click on the Xcode 4.1 icon in the appstore, it actually downloads the installer. It doesn't actually install 4.1 until you click on the Xcode installer. If you click on the Xcode icon, it is actually the previous version.
    Did you install it?

  • Web Service portlet using pdk documentation issue

    I have followed the instructions in
    on how to build web service portlets.
    I have successfully deployed the WS portlet and can happily call my web Service (RPC style) passing a set of parameters which I have formatted using a stylesheet.
    However, every time I refresh the page within portal, it recalls the WS with the previously submitted parameters. Also, if I switch between view and edit mode in portal, it again calls the WS with previously entered parameters.
    Can I stop this happening either through a setting in portal or code in my Stub class. (Stub class below)
    Thanks alot
    package mypackage;
    import oracle.soap.transport.http.OracleSOAPHTTPConnection;
    import org.apache.soap.encoding.SOAPMappingRegistry;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.net.URL;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Call;
    import org.apache.soap.Constants;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Parameter;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Response;
    import org.apache.soap.Fault;
    import org.apache.soap.SOAPException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    * Generated by the Oracle JDeveloper 10g Web Services Stub/Skeleton Generator.
    * Date Created: Thu Feb 03 15:38:22 GMT 2005
    * WSDL URL: file:/D:/Software/Oracle/NT/jdev_10.1.2/jdev/mywork/blah/CreateSR2/src/LG02/CreateSR2.wsdl
    public class CreateSR2Stub
    public CreateSR2Stub()
    m_httpConnection = new OracleSOAPHTTPConnection();
    m_smr = new SOAPMappingRegistry();
    public static void main(String[] args)
    CreateSR2Stub stub = new CreateSR2Stub();
    // Add your own code here.
    catch(Exception ex)
    private String _endpoint = "http://myServer:7779/Blah-CreateSR2-context-root/CreateSR2";
    public String getEndpoint()
    return _endpoint;
    public void setEndpoint(String endpoint)
    _endpoint = endpoint;
    private OracleSOAPHTTPConnection m_httpConnection = null;
    private SOAPMappingRegistry m_smr = null;
    public String createSrStub(BigDecimal pCitizen, String pAccountType, String pSummary, String pReferral, String pReason, String pHouse, String pRos, BigDecimal pGroup, String pOwner, String pMode, String pFrom) throws Exception
    String returnVal = null;
    URL endpointURL = new URL(_endpoint);
    Call call = new Call();
    Vector params = new Vector();
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pCitizen", BigDecimal.class, pCitizen, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pAccountType", String.class, pAccountType, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pSummary", String.class, pSummary, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pReferral", String.class, pReferral, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pReason", String.class, pReason, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pHouse", String.class, pHouse, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pRos", String.class, pRos, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pGroup", BigDecimal.class, pGroup, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pOwner", String.class, pOwner, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pMode", String.class, pMode, null));
    params.addElement(new Parameter("pFrom", String.class, pFrom, null));
    Response response = call.invoke(endpointURL, "");
    if (!response.generatedFault())
    Parameter result = response.getReturnValue();
    returnVal = (String)result.getValue();
    Fault fault = response.getFault();
    throw new SOAPException(fault.getFaultCode(), fault.getFaultString());
    return returnVal;
    public void setMaintainSession(boolean maintainSession)
    public boolean getMaintainSession()
    return m_httpConnection.getMaintainSession();
    public void setTransportProperties(Properties props)
    public Properties getTransportProperties()
    return m_httpConnection.getProperties();

    Hi Joel,
    You can enable caching for your portlet. There are three types of caching you can use: expiry, validation, and invalidation-based caching. You can learn about your options in the Enhancing Portlet Performance with Caching section of the Portal Developer's Guide.

  • Xcode crashes when opening documentation

    If I have a project open and then open up Xcode's documentation it will almost always crash. It will work if I load up Xcode then the documentation and then a project. ???
    Also, I have to keep downloading the iPhone OS Library documentation for the different versions. It keeps getting erased. I even sometimes have to download the Leopard Core Library documentation. I have xCode 3.1.3 and just downloaded the release version of Safari 4. Any ideas? Otherwise Xcode works perfect for me.

    This started happening to me today. I can't view documentation without crashing XCode.
    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE at 0x0000000000000020
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Application Specific Information:
    objc[136]: garbage collection is ON
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x93646688 objc_msgSend + 24
    1 libxml2.2.dylib 0x93d25272 __xmlRaiseError + 1029
    2 libxml2.2.dylib 0x93d0addb xmlParseChunk + 5748
    3 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d96a67 WebCore::XMLTokenizer::doWrite(WebCore::String const&) + 167
    4 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d96727 WebCore::XMLTokenizer::write(WebCore::SegmentedString const&, bool) + 167
    5 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d964b5 WebCore::Document::write(WebCore::String const&, WebCore::Document*) + 133
    6 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d95783 WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::responseXML() const + 371
    7 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d955f7 WebCore::jsXMLHttpRequestResponseXML(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::Identifier const&, JSC::PropertySlot const&) + 23
    8 com.apple.JavaScriptCore 0x9009cf1f JSC::JSValue::get(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::Identifier const&, JSC::PropertySlot&) const + 351
    9 com.apple.JavaScriptCore 0x90137543 JSC::JITStubs::ctiop_get_byid(void*, ...) + 99
    10 ??? 0x1ee647aa 0 + 518408106
    11 com.apple.JavaScriptCore 0x901905dc JSC::Interpreter::execute(JSC::FunctionBodyNode*, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSFunction*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::ArgList const&, JSC::ScopeChainNode*, JSC::JSValue*) + 524
    12 com.apple.JavaScriptCore 0x9009f115 JSC::call(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 149
    13 com.apple.WebCore 0x92cc627a WebCore::JSEventListener::handleEvent(WebCore::Event*, bool) + 2074
    14 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d6f98d WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::dispatchReadyStateChangeEvent() + 141
    15 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d6f8ce WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::callReadyStateChangeListener() + 30
    16 com.apple.WebCore 0x92d95167 WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::didFinishLoading(unsigned long) + 455
    17 com.apple.WebCore 0x92c758fd WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading() + 45
    18 com.apple.Foundation 0x93acd4a7 -[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) sendDidFinishLoading] + 87
    19 com.apple.Foundation 0x93acd413 _NSURLConnectionDidFinishLoading + 147
    20 com.apple.CFNetwork 0x93eeeb96 URLConnectionClient::_clientDidFinishLoading(URLConnectionClient::ClientConnect ionEventQueue*) + 212
    21 com.apple.CFNetwork 0x93eef8e0 URLConnectionClient::ClientConnectionEventQueue::processAllEventsAndConsumePayl oad(XConnectionEventInfo<XClientEvent, XClientEventParams>*, long) + 310
    22 com.apple.CFNetwork 0x93eefb90 URLConnectionClient::ClientConnectionEventQueue::processAllEventsAndConsumePayl oad(XConnectionEventInfo<XClientEvent, XClientEventParams>*, long) + 998
    23 com.apple.CFNetwork 0x93eee36c URLConnectionClient::processEvents() + 104
    24 com.apple.CFNetwork 0x93e9bdbf MultiplexerSource::perform() + 189
    25 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x90440595 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 3141
    26 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x90440c78 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
    27 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x971f028c RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 283
    28 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x971f00a5 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 374
    29 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x971eff19 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 106
    30 com.apple.AppKit 0x94e0ed0d _DPSNextEvent + 657
    31 com.apple.AppKit 0x94e0e5c0 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
    32 com.apple.AppKit 0x94e075fb -[NSApplication run] + 795
    33 com.apple.AppKit 0x94dd4834 NSApplicationMain + 574
    34 com.apple.Xcode 0x00002bae 0x1000 + 7086

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