XDocs connector for FM10

There now is a connector available for FrameMaker 10 and Bluestream xDocs CCMS v3.0. XDocs is an out-of-the-box, DITA-enabled Component Content Management System (CCMS) and has a tight integration with Framemaker 10.
For more details, see the announcement at: http://www.bluestream.com/company/content/bluestream-news/adobe-partnership/

Here's a blog post by Adobe's evangelist, Tom Aldous:
http://tmaldous.com/2011/12/06/adobe-framemaker-10-users-enjoy-enhanced-productivity-with- tighter-integration-in-bluestreams-xdocs-v3-0/

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    i'm getting this error when i added a connector for SSL and restarted tomcat
    my connector tag is
    <Connector keystorePass="kalima" scheme="https" port="8443" sslProtocol="TLS" redirectPort="-1" enableLookups="true" keystoreFile="Mykeystore" protocol="TLS" keystore="C:\Documents and Settings\santhoshyma\Mykeystore" clientauth="false" algorithm="SunX509" keypass="changeit" secure="true" keytype="JKS">
          <Factory className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteServerSocketFactory" keystorePass="kalima" keystoreFile="C:\SSLTest\Mykeystore"/>
    LifecycleException:  Protocol handler instantiation failed: java.lang.NullPointe
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  • DMS Connector for KM : I see only one document type from the document area

    The DMS connector is installed successfully on KM.
    I can display folder tree and documents but I see only one type of document.
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    I wonder where is the setting that specified which content is link to the DMS connector for KM.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Zbynek,
    I installed the DMS once, but my experience how to use it is poor.
    In the Backend ( Transaction CV01N i think,) you can store search variants using the prefix you have defined for the DMSRM (default is KM_<theName>). This variants can be used to filter out several documents. There must be a way to give authorizations on them. Maybe you will have to use a security manager, i don't know.. in our case the user persistence (authScheme) was SAP-System an no TREX involved.
    It is not much, but maybe it helps...
    best regards

  • Error while creating the Generic Connector for flatfile

    Hi All,
    I was trying to create the Generic connector for the flat file reconciliation. But i was throwed into errors. I'm using OIM and as well as SOA also. I have been following the OIM 9 document to create the GENERIC connector.
    i'm copying the error i got
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:48:12 PM IST> <Warning> <XELLERATE.SERVER> <BEA-000000> <readme.txt is not a valid connector resource file.>
    <Mar 14, 2012 3:48:12 PM IST> <Warning> <XELLERATE.SERVER> <BEA-000000> <readme.txt is not a valid connector resource file.>
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    at oracle.iam.platform.utils.OIMMessageResourcesUtil.getConnectorResourcesFromFile(OIMMessageResourcesUtil.java:964)
    at oracle.iam.platform.utils.OIMMessageResourcesUtil.getConnectorResourceBundle(OIMMessageResourcesUtil.java:778)
    at oracle.iam.platform.utils.OIMMessageResourcesUtil.getConnectorResources(OIMMessageResourcesUtil.java:764)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.util.tcMessageResourcesUtil.getConnectorResources(tcMessageResourcesUtil.java:215)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.util.tcMessageResourcesUtil.getMsgFromConnectorRes(tcMessageResourcesUtil.java:238)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.util.tcMessageResourcesUtil.getLocalizedText(tcMessageResourcesUtil.java:66)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.util.UIFacade.getUserDefLocalizedLabels(UIFacade.java:3024)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.CreateConnectorAction.imageScreen(CreateConnectorAction.java:1250)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.CreateConnectorAction.goNext(CreateConnectorAction.java:521)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction.dispatchMethod(DispatchAction.java:269)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcLookupDispatchAction.execute(tcLookupDispatchAction.java:133)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcActionBase.execute(tcActionBase.java:894)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcAction.execute(tcAction.java:213)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.CreateConnectorAction.execute(CreateConnectorAction.java:135)
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet.ExecuteAction.execute(ExecuteAction.java:58)
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.AbstractExecuteAction.execute(AbstractExecuteAction.java:67)
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.ActionCommandBase.execute(ActionCommandBase.java:51)
    at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute(ChainBase.java:191)
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    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.security.XSSFilter.doFilter(XSSFilter.java:103)
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    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1446)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    i'm just using a flat file which contents are normal.
    #GTC Trusted Source
    RDUDE,Robert,Dude,[email protected],Xellerate Users
    Can somebody help where i have done wrong for this. All my deployment is in oracle linux 4.5

    Follow the doc for 11g, guide you might be missing something:
    Highlevel configuration steps (not all and exact) are:
    -> Give it Name
    -> select Reconciliation
    -> Select Transport Provider and format provides
    -> select Trusted Source Reconciliation
    ->provide flat file details
    -> Source reconciliation staging and mapping

  • OIM 9.1.0 install connector for "Oracle Database 10g"

    Is anybody here who succeeded to install the connector for Oracle Database 10g into OIM 9.1.0?
    If yes please give me a hint
    Have a nice day!

    Thanks guys for the quick responses.
    But I have tried both the options for putting the jar in Third Party and also by uploading using the OOTB utility UploadJar.sh.
    But it is giving the same error.
    I have tired rebouncing the server and also Purge cached, but no success.
    Just to mention again, I have tried with all the last 3 postgres JDBC4 driver available on the site (u mentioned).
    So, any other clue?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Compatible connectors for OIM 9.1.0

    I am using OIM 9.1.0 but the problem is most of the connectors available for download are for the prior versions like 9.0.4 or before. And these connectors do not work with OIM 9.1.0 (Does not show in OIM Interface for Installation when copied to ConnectorDefaultDirectory).
    Any idea where can i get a connector for Sun One LDAP which can work with OIM 9.1.0

    You can install the connectors of connector pack 9.0.4 as described in their documentation. They will work also with OIM 9.1it's just more work to do than just clicking install.

  • OIM connector for db table--unable to  Reconciliation data to OIM database

    HI everyone
    I installed OIM and Connector for Database Application Tables 9.1.03
    I want to only Reconciliation one table in the target db,organization table.
    when I build a GTC-connector though the administratoe console ,and run the task
    nothing can Reconciliation into OIM db which map to a table
    when look log .I find data has already into hashmap,but unable to insert Oimdb
    only error msg is : Processing Reconciliation Message with ID -1 failed.
    ER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/readPartialStatement entered.
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,065,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select rce_key, obj_key, rce_status, rce_delete_event, rce_rowver from rce where rce_key=-1
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,065,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select rce_key, obj_key, rce_status, rce_delete_event, rce_rowver from rce where rce_key=-1
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,066,[XELLERATE.PERFORMANCE],Query: DB: 0, LOAD: 1, TOTAL: 1
    ERROR,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,066,[XELLERATE.JMS],The Reconciliation Event with key -1 does not exist
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,066,[XELLERATE.PERFORMANCE],Message Process: com.thortech.xl.schedule.jms.reconOffline.ProcessOfflineReconMessages : 1011
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,066,[XELLERATE.AUDITOR],Class/Method: AuditEngine/getAuditEngine entered.
    ERROR,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,066,[XELLERATE.JMS],Processing Reconciliation Message with ID -1 failed.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: ProcessOfflineReconMessages/execute entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: ProcessOfflineReconMessages/execute - Data: reconId - Value: -1
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: ProcessOfflineReconMessages/execute left.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: ProcessOfflineReconMessages/finishReconciliationEvent entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: ProcessOfflineReconMessages/finishReconciliationEvent - Data: plReconciliationEventKey - Value: -1
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/readPartialStatement entered.
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select rce_key, obj_key, rce_status, rce_delete_event, rce_rowver from rce where rce_key=-1
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,116,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select rce_key, obj_key, rce_status, rce_delete_event, rce_rowver from rce where rce_key=-1
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,117,[XELLERATE.PERFORMANCE],Query: DB: 0, LOAD: 1, TOTAL: 1
    ERROR,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,117,[XELLERATE.JMS],The Reconciliation Event with key -1 does not exist
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,117,[XELLERATE.PERFORMANCE],Message Process: com.thortech.xl.schedule.jms.reconOffline.ProcessOfflineReconMessages : 1006
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,117,[XELLERATE.AUDITOR],Class/Method: AuditEngine/getAuditEngine entered.
    ERROR,21 Jul 2010 10:31:28,117,[XELLERATE.JMS],Processing Reconciliation Message with ID -1 failed.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,328,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,328,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage: Received new nessage
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,328,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage: mdb message name ReconOfflineMessage message handler task com.thortech.xl.schedule.jms.reconOffline.ProcessOfflineReconMessages
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,328,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/readPartialStatement entered.
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,328,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select usr_login from usr where USR_KEY=1
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,328,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select usr_login from usr where USR_KEY=1
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,329,[XELLERATE.PERFORMANCE],Query: DB: 1, LOAD: 0, TOTAL: 1
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,329,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],dbLogger
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,329,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/eventPreInsert entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,329,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/tcDataBase left.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:32,329,[XELLERATE.AUDITOR],Class/Method: AuditEngine/getAuditEngine entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,069,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage left.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,076,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,076,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage: Received new nessage
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,076,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage: mdb message name ReconOfflineMessage message handler task com.thortech.xl.schedule.jms.reconOffline.ProcessOfflineReconMessages
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,076,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/readPartialStatement entered.
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,077,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select usr_login from usr where USR_KEY=1
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,077,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select usr_login from usr where USR_KEY=1
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,077,[XELLERATE.PERFORMANCE],Query: DB: 0, LOAD: 0, TOTAL: 0
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,078,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],dbLogger
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,078,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/eventPreInsert entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,078,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/tcDataBase left.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,078,[XELLERATE.AUDITOR],Class/Method: AuditEngine/getAuditEngine entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,119,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage left.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,121,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,121,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage: Received new nessage
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,121,[XELLERATE.JMS],Class/Method: MessageHandlerMDB/onMessage: mdb message name ReconOfflineMessage message handler task com.thortech.xl.schedule.jms.reconOffline.ProcessOfflineReconMessages
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,121,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/readPartialStatement entered.
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,121,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select usr_login from usr where USR_KEY=1
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,121,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select usr_login from usr where USR_KEY=1
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,122,[XELLERATE.PERFORMANCE],Query: DB: 1, LOAD: 0, TOTAL: 1
    INFO,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,122,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],dbLogger
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:33,122,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataBase/eventPreInsert entered.

    log :
    , classname:com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.Translation, name:Translation
    parameterList is following /nname: input, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    name: lookup, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    , classname:com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.Concatenation, name:Concatenation
    parameterList is following /nname: input1, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    name: input2, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProvider......2
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],transformProviderclassname:com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne, name:OnetoOne
    parameterList is following /nname: input, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],nameOnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],come in transformationName.equalsIgnoreCase(name)
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName. ..found transformation provider.....
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName. ..found transformation provider.....
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName....provider class name = ..com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider nameOnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider def attribnull
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider parm, list[name: input, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider resp codes{ONETOONE_CLASS_CAST=Attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance, ONETOONE_INPUTSTR_MISSING=Input String is Missing}
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName. ..found transformation provider.....com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],classname--->com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.ADAPTERS],Class/Method: tcADPClassLoader/getClassLoader entered.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.ADAPTERS],Class/Method: tcADPClassLoader/getClassLoader left.
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],Loading Provider Class -->com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],output--->
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],Doing transfornmation for parentData--->com.thortech.xl.gc.vo.designtime.AttributeWithSource@a82b22
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],transformParams--->{input=com.thortech.xl.gc.vo.designtime.SourceValue@a7e343}
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],key--->input
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],not literal--->
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],inputField--->ATTRIBUTE9
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,228,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],sourceData--->TargetFields
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],inputFieldValue--->
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDER.TRANSFORMATION],transformationName--->OnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],transformType--->OnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName......
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],getProviderClassName--->
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],transformationProviders[classname:com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne, name:OnetoOne
    parameterList is following /nname: input, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    , classname:com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.Translation, name:Translation
    parameterList is following /nname: input, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    name: lookup, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    , classname:com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.Concatenation, name:Concatenation
    parameterList is following /nname: input1, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    name: input2, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProvider......2
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],transformProviderclassname:com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne, name:OnetoOne
    parameterList is following /nname: input, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],nameOnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],come in transformationName.equalsIgnoreCase(name)
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName. ..found transformation provider.....
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName. ..found transformation provider.....
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName....provider class name = ..com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider nameOnetoOne
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider def attribnull
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider parm, list[name: input, datatype: String, encrypted: false, type: Runtime.
    validValueList is following
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION], provider resp codes{ONETOONE_CLASS_CAST=Attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance, ONETOONE_INPUTSTR_MISSING=Input String is Missing}
    DEBUG,21 Jul 2010 10:31:27,229,[XELLERATE.GC.PROVIDERREGISTRATION],inside getProviderClassName. ..found transformation provider.....com.thortech.xl.gc.impl.transform.OnetoOne

  • IPod Camera Connector for the iPod Touch

    I have an iPod Camera Connector for a previous model of iPod. Now that I have an iPod Touch, when I try to use it I get an error message that states this device is not supported. Has iPod created a Camera Connector to upload pictures from a card larger than a 512mg card (ie a 2+ GB card or larger) that is supported by the iPod touch?

    I don't believe so, as the iPod touch doesn't support "disk use" (it doesn't mount as a hard drive on your computer).

  • ColdFusion 11 wsconfig.exe -- Error while configuring connector for IIS.

    I ran into a problem with my ColdFusion 11 64-bit installation/migration on a Windows Server 2012 R2/IIS 8.5.  I was following the ColdFusion 11 Lockdown Guide - Pete Freitag (very helpful) and I ran into problems on page 35 "Run the ColdFusion Web Server Configuration Tool".  When I attempted to do this for ALL IIS websites I encountered a Windows error [APPCRASH - Exception Code:c0000005].  Also, note my Administrator-Command Prompt window provided this error message "Error while configuring connector for IIS. Make sure you have administrator privileges".  However, I did not experience this error with all of the migrated sites.  I traced my steps backward to discover the problem.  I used the Microsoft Web Deployment tool (good tool) to migrate the old IIS websites to the new IIS.  I utilized Metabase Explorer the IIS 6.0 Resource Tools to discover that some of the migrated sites that were crashing did not have the key/value ID:6006 | Name: DefaultDoc.  Once I added this key and redeployed the site the ColdFusion 11 connector (wsconfig.exe) worked fine.  In addition, I added this key/value to some of the larger previously migrated sites in IIS 8.5 ("Default Document") and it worked with the connector as well. 
    Knowing how IIS encapsulates information the DefaultDoc key/value should have passed from the website setting.  Why would this make wsconfig.exe crash?
    Thanks in advance and I hope this saves someone from hours of research and frustration.

    Have you forwarded this information directly to the ColdFusion product team?  If not, I'll try to draw their attention to it.  Only a few of them are active on these forums, so this issue might be overlooked.
    -Carl V.
    EDIT: I just pinged them on Twitter to take a look at this post.
    EDIT #2: They just pinged me back that they are looking into it.

  • Where can i buy a hard drive caddy and connector for a second hard drive for my dv7-7190eo?

    Where can i buy a hard drive caddy and connector for a second hard drive for my dv7-7190eo?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Gurra wrote:
    Where can i buy a hard drive caddy and connector for a second hard drive for my dv7-7190eo?
    The right part number for the hard drive kit is 681976-001. The support website for the laptop is on HP Sweden so run the part number on google.co.uk (or your Swedish). I have found the cheapest on us amazon for $38 or £42. 
    Dv6-7000 /Full HD/Core i5-3360M/GF 650M/Corsair 8GB/Intel 7260AC/Samsung Pro 256GB
    Testing - HP 15-p000
    HP Touchpad provided by HP
    Currently on Debian Wheeze
    *Please, help other users with the same issue by marking your solved topics as "Accept as Solution"*

  • Attunity connectors for Oracle in Import Export Wizard in SQL Server 2008 R2

    Is there a way we can see the Attunity connectors drivers in the Import/Export Wizard (64 bit) for SQL Server 2008 R2?
    Although I made it work for SSIS, I would need these drivers in the Import/Export wizard so as to automate it for numerous number of tables which I want to migrate.
    Can the Attunity connectors for Oracle be used in the Import/Export wizard? If so please let me know.

    I have 100 tables to migrate. Creating a data flow for each table is tedious and that's why I was looking out for a way to do it through import export wizard so that I don't have to create a separate data source and destination for each table in the Data
    flow Task.
    Is there a way to loop through all tables and transfer data in SSIS without having multiple sources and destinations created for each table? This also involves a bit of transformation as well.

  • I have a mac mini and just purchased a moshi hdmi connector for my LED TV. The problem is, I wanted to be able to take my mouse from one screen to another, not just as a mirror image! Is it possible to do this some how?

    I have a mac mini and just purchased a moshi hdmi connector for my LED TV. The problem is, I wanted to be able to take my mouse from one screen to another, not just as a mirror image! Is it possible to do this some how?

    The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico, Spanish is my native tongue. I do not speak English very well, however, I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
    If you have two displays attached, then the function to change from mirrored to extended Desktop will appear in System Prefs/Displays.

  • Issue with attunity connectors for SSIS 2012

    hi ,
    i have installed the attunity connectors for teradata .
    the connector is able to transfer data from teradata to sql server pretty fast but there are some issues which i am facing .
    any help is appreciated.
    steps i am using :
    1. i am pulling data from teradata to sql server using a sql command .
     the issue .
    the query which i type in teradata source should be in a line else it will throw a error for new line character.
    2nd issue :
    the teradata source pulls the data but the package(when executing from Data Tools visual studio) doesnot completes successfully . it says that package is successfully executed please click here to switch to design mode .
    so if there is any step after this step then it will not execute and the package gets stuck at this point .

    So as ypou can see the third image contains the no of rows in the table in teradata is264558. bu the no of rows transferred from teradata to sql server is 254696. and this keeps on running even when u can see that the first snapshot says that the package
    has finished the execution . but data is still pending .
    seems like a wierd issue . Any help/guidance is appreciated.

  • Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook 7.3 Update 1

    Good Day,
    Could somebody please advise me where I can download:
    Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook 7.3 Update 1

    Gilbert_Gerber wrote:
    I thought it is suppose to be part of Sun Java Communications Suite 6 update1?You can download it from the following location:
    Select the Download Link => Platform: Windows

  • Help needed with connectors for Netbeans and Forte

    Im using Forte for Java
    my biggest obstacle is connecting sub j-frames to the main j-frame
    i have created a main J-frame and sub j-frames in one package
    in the Main J-frame there are buttons that you click to go to the next frame the same way "a-href" in HTML works in the same window and back
    what my problem is how to declare the connectors for each button to go to the sub-frame
    what code generators are required and the process and how to lable each sub-frame to be called
    my project is a finance program
    Main Frame
    Menu:- ( TVM) ----------> button
    (simple interest)-------> button
    when you click the (TVM) button
    it should open the TVM frame (subframe in the same window)
    this is my problem your help please this is a project which i have a deadline to meet ive done research through out but couldn't come across any useful or relevent material
    this is a lot easier with pascal but Forte is a compulsory and java
    if you want the screenshots ill post it thru mail just drop your adress and ill forward it
    thank you

    matt010385 wrote:
    I have already tried all of the things that site suggests, there is nothing wrong with the servers, or the service, I have tried all the work arounds that they suggest, but I still cannot get it to work.
    Having a quick read i see from a link there that you might need to open ports(port forwarding).
    Are you using a HH3, if so, I believe that it does have trouble with port forwarding, you can try a search here.
    I am not into games as such, so will have to leave it for others to possibly help with some info.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Original message not included in reply

    I am using Microsoft Outlook:Mac 2011 and recently when I reply the original message is not included. This does not happen all the time and does not happen if you right click the message and then click reply. I note this was an issue some time back (

  • How to forward my router

    I have a lacie NAS disk connected at a airport extreme. The problem is that i can't connect from a guest computer. The advise is to portforward the airport extreme. I need to forward port 80 from extern ip adress to intern ip adress. My router is the

  • Objects missing in database (views)

    As information/background, I have been away from SAP and basis for about four years.  Due to personnel changes here, I am now returning to it. While I was away, our SAP system was upgraded from version 4.0B to “SAP R/3 ENTERPRISE 47X110”.  I was not

  • Hotmail attachments will no longer work in Firefox

    I use Firefox exclusively. For the last week my hotmail account hasn't been allowing attachments to outgoing mail. In the Windows Live forum I've learned that I'm not alone. The problem also occurs with Internet Explorer even though I never use it. I

  • Ipad seldom connects with wifi network

    14 month old ipad2 worked for almost a year. Lately, it just won't connect to my home wifi network unless I walk it upstairs. I used the ipad in the precisely same location as I use a Kindle Fire and a Dell Laptop, neither of which has ever failed to