Xfce4-panel and window placement

How can I get XFCE4 to not place any windows that would be hidden under the panel?  My panel extends all the way from the left to the right.  I have my workspace margin bottom at 100.  Everytime I start up XChat it places itself under the panel... Any ideas?

I hated that thing....seems that xfwm4 doesn't respect but xftaskbar4...its the only thing it won't cover it....what i did is dumping the panel....its not that useful anyway...u can launch apps using the desktop menu...the only thing i miss is "show desktop" button.

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    Not sue I've correctly understood your problems but here goes:
    1) You wanna see all the windows open on all workspaces, kinda like Mac OS X's Exposé (http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/expose.html). What you do not want is to see the workspaces layout, as in Compiz's Expo plugin (http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Expo). Or are you referring to something completely different? (Workstations???) If my assumption is correct: I think your best bet is Compiz's Ring  switcher plugin - but try out the various plugins under window management to see which one works for you.
    2) Yes, although right now, some people are having problems getting it to work (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=111890) If it's already installed, just try running it with 'xfce4-panel' and setup a panel. Once that's done, go to System | Preferences | Startup Applications, click add, and enter 'xfce4-panel' under name and command.

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    The panels work identically on Mac and Windows. It looks like there's no enough room to show everything. Open the panel menu and set the preferences for what you want there.

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    If that doesn't help, try clearing the program cache file: Deleting a corrupted cache file

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    Last edited by XtrmGmr99 (2010-09-16 22:03:24)

    Primoz wrote:
    Well there's an ugly option which you'll probably won't like, but still it's there .
    Anyway make a (if you don't already have) a desktop file to start your game then add this before it:
    kquitapp plasma-desktop&& env WINEPREFIX="/home/primoz/.wine" wine "C:\\path\to\your\game" && plasma-desktop&
    As you can see it's an really ugly hack, but it rids you of all plasma problems...
    Oh dear lord, I don't want to quit plasma. lol. Way too messy, but at least you're thinking outside the box! =P
    BurntSushi wrote:Can you set the KWin window settings for the game to be always on top? That should make it cover the panel.
    I could, and it does work, but not that way I'd like because it keeps above EVERYTHING, not just the panel. Like I said above, I do other tasks while I play; browse the web, look stuff up, have a few terminals open, etc... and if the game window is set to always be on top then I can't have those other apps on the screen. Sure, I could use my second screen, but I usually have a webbrowser under the game window that I can quickly alt+tab to and pop up...
    Maybe I'm just too picky. >_>

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    Last edited by qtcaroline22 (2012-05-17 01:53:05)

    I made Compiz autostart with XFCE using the first method with the Fusion icon as described in Compiz's Arch Wiki article. Perhaps it is related to Xfwm and Compiz running together? I'll try the other methods and see if the problem persists.
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    Thanks for the tip on moving those around. Indeed it is a bug in gtk2.22 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=634765  . Here is the xfce bug report also on this http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6818  .

  • [SOLVED] XFCE4.10 main panel and freeze problem

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    I just have upgraded to XFCE4.10 and after rebooting (as the update included also a new kernel) the main panel is double its size just like the icons. I would have included a screenshot but here is where my second problem appears.
    Whenever I try to open a window the system just freezes.
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    Should I consider this a new issue or something I have to setup in 4.10 in comparison to 4.8 where it work perfectly?
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    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by root (2012-05-02 17:34:03)

    %$$& Wrote everything nicely down and got logged out xD
    Let's see how much I remember.
    First of all, right now writing from my downgraded 3.3.3-1 kernel. I didn't succeed doing the downgrade while the 3.3.4-1 was loaded thus I had to do it using the change root method. That way I also discovered the, apparent, reason for the user modules fail at startup and the freezing at the login screen I reported in #3. Somehow the system was using the 3.3.3-1 kernel (I do not know when it installed successfully) but the 3.3.4-1 headers. Most likely I made a mistake somewhere during my previous change root attempt when fixing a *new* unable to find root device that popped up then.
    As said, I have been able to downgrade using the Arch Install CD and through the change root method but received the warning,
    directory permissions differ on usr/src/linux-3.3.3-1-ARCH/
    filesystem: 700 package: 755
    after the install/downgrade of each package (linux-docs, linux-headers and linux). Should I consider this a new problem? System works fine so far thus I am not sure about this.
    Prior to successfully downgrading I tried to install the LTS kernel but wasn't successful with the 3.3.4-1 kernel loaded. Just like with the downgrade I tried using the change root method and could install it.
    But despite updating grub's menu.lst accordingly I was receiving an 'unable to find root device message' which could not be fixed through the change root method just like with the 3.3.4-1 kernel (in case of the LTS one changing the final step from mkinitcpio -p linux to mkinitcpio -p linux-lts as far as I understand it). I might give it another try installing it in this working environment later on and report back with the results.
    As I have just stated the user modules fail message and the login screen freeze were surely my fault but the error messages I referred to from the beginning with the 3.3.4-1 kernel were like these,
    .... = increasing numbers/disk sectors(?) (left/right)
    .... ext4_reserve_inode_write .... [ext4]
    .... ext4_reserve_inode_dirty .... [ext4]
    .... ? unix_write_space ....
    .... ? ext4_dirty_inode .... [ext4]
    .... ? ext4_dirty_inode .... [ext4]
    .... ext4_dirty_inode .... [ext4]
    .... __mark_inode_dirty ....
    .... ? mnt_clone_write ....
    .... file_update_time ....
    .... __generic_file_aio_write ....
    .... generic_file_aio_write ....
    .... ? ext4_file_mmap .... [ext4]
    .... ext4_file_write .... [ext4]
    .... ? ext4_file_mmap .... [ext4]
    .... do_sync_readv_writev ....
    .... ? security_file_permission ....
    .... ? _copy_from_user ....
    .... ? rw_verify_area ....
    .... do_readv_writev ....
    .... ? ext4_file_mmap [ext4]
    .... ? sockfd_lookup_light ....
    .... vfs_writev ....
    .... sys_writev ....
    .... sysenter_do_call ....
    You may be right with regard to the drive as it is a quite old laptop I am running Arch on. Now that you refer to the drive could the freeze/errors I reported to ConnorBehan be related to the tweaking of the vm.vfs_cache_pressure value I did?
    I am just taking a wild guess myself comparing my ide drive to your ssd one. I had never had this kind of problem prior to 3.3.4-1. Just as if this kernel could not handle my tweak anymore (value is 50 and worked fine so far).

  • Xfce4 Edit The Window Buttons Panel Menu?

    Hi, new Arch Linux user here. I dabbed a little in Ubuntu and stuff before but finally took the plunge and wiped my WIndows partitions and started running solely Linux a few days ago. There's still a few things I haven't been able to work out (figure out how to run LoL and Photoshop, especially Photoshop - I tried GIMP and could not make heads or tails out of it) but worst comes worst I'll probably just install Windows to a USB or VM and run it from there when I need it (I do not trust myself to stick to Linux when I have a Windows enviroment dualbooted... lol).
    Anyways, I was wondering if there's any way of editing how xfce4 displays the right click menu in its panel. I tried google but couldn't really find anything.
    Instead of:
    Always on Top
    Change it to simply:
    I find the first 5 options completely useless, the first 2 duplicating the function of just left-clicking the panel and the latter 2's function can be found with alt+space, and the final one I can just right-click the window's title bar to pin it to the top.
    Anyways, it's just a convenience thing, I usually have a billion windows open at once and being able to close them faster would be nice. It's one of those things IMO the Windows superbar got right.

    Hi, new Arch Linux user here. I dabbed a little in Ubuntu and stuff before but finally took the plunge and wiped my WIndows partitions and started running solely Linux a few days ago. There's still a few things I haven't been able to work out (figure out how to run LoL and Photoshop, especially Photoshop - I tried GIMP and could not make heads or tails out of it) but worst comes worst I'll probably just install Windows to a USB or VM and run it from there when I need it (I do not trust myself to stick to Linux when I have a Windows enviroment dualbooted... lol).
    Anyways, I was wondering if there's any way of editing how xfce4 displays the right click menu in its panel. I tried google but couldn't really find anything.
    Instead of:
    Always on Top
    Change it to simply:
    I find the first 5 options completely useless, the first 2 duplicating the function of just left-clicking the panel and the latter 2's function can be found with alt+space, and the final one I can just right-click the window's title bar to pin it to the top.
    Anyways, it's just a convenience thing, I usually have a billion windows open at once and being able to close them faster would be nice. It's one of those things IMO the Windows superbar got right.

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    Is there any setting, I need to tweak to achieve this?

    Not quite what you are looking for, but you can make it auto-hide.

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