XL2 16:9 Anamorphic / 24p 3:2

Hey, I have that continuous problem that hundreds of other people write but it is still not getting solved.
Capture Preset: DV NTSC 48kHz Anamorphic (checked)
Sequence Preset: DV NTSC 48kHz Anamorphic (checked)
I've also tried:
Capture Preset: DV NTSC 48kHz Advanced (3:2) pulldown removal (checked)
Sequence Preset: DV NTSC 48kHz - 23.98 (checked)
...and among some other combinations..
I'm still not getting good results.. it exports in a half-assed 16:9-3:4 quicktime abomination!
Can somebody far more advanced with this topic than me please lead me to the right path.
Many many thanks,
  Mac OS X (10.3.9)   1.8GHz PowerPC G5, 1GB RAM, 148.92GBHD, 1 Ext. HD 300GB
  Mac OS X (10.3.9)   1.8GHz PowerPC G5, 1GB RAM, 148.92GBHD, 1 Ext. HD 300GB

By now, there should be a simple solid answer for this question... XL2 shot in 24p and 16:9.... HOW DOES ONE CAPTURE TO GET WHAT THEY SAW FROM THE VIEWFINDER???

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    Letterbox is a black stripe at top and bottom which is applied to a 4:3 clip in a 4:3 Sequence to give the impression of 16:9.
    Use the Widescreen Filter in Effects > Video Filters > Matte.
    If you want to import 4:3 into a 16:9 Sequence you will need to scale it to fill the sides and pan up or down to optimize picture framing
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    Provided you use the correct compression setting, nothing will happen to the aspect ratio if that is what you mean.
    I need to bring in some images from Photoshop, but when I do it squeezes them at the sides
    Press Command and 9 keys to call up Item Properties. Click in the Clip column, next to Anamorphic to place a check mark there.

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    if your audio is in sync with the video only for the first second or so, and then gets more off as time goes by, it may be that your video is at 24fps and your audio is at 29.97 or 30. also, did you check the original move your exported (the one that went to compressor) to see if the audio was synced there?

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    Use the DV NTSC easy setup for anamorphic footage, then change the device control setting to "Firewire Basic".
    If you want to remove the pulldown you can during capture as long as it was 24pa, and you have a fast enough Mac.. not just 24p - that requires another procedure. There would be little gain in doing so unless you intend to print to film however.

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    To set the file to High Quality open it in QT and do "⌘+J" (Movie properties), select the video track and check the High Quality option. Check this image (is from spanish QT but you'll get the idea):
    To show the right aspect ratio check this doc about the Conform perture setting in QT:
    Both settings will not affect your movie itself but the display setting when you open using QT.
    Hope that helps !

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    Anamorphic discs are letterboxed on the fly when shown on 4:3 TV, and if it was an interlaced 16:9 it's hard to know how badly that will scale. Hollywood discs are 23.976 fps, progressive, and I think that it letterboxes more successfully.
    Arguably, if your main audience is 4:3 users, but you want people with 16:9 monitors to get the wider screen experience, you would make your composition be 640x080 (when thought of as square pixels) with the 16:9 video in the middle 640x360 area. That would give perfect letterboxing on 4:3 screens, and would let 16:9 users zoom it to fill the screen. But in doing that they would be getting 3/4 of the vertical resolution that anamorphic gives.
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    imac G5 250 HD 1GB RAM 12"pb 1.5gb   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    imac G5 250 HD 1GB RAM 12"pb 1.5gb   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    greetings everyone. previously, i remember exporting anamorphic footage out of fcp without having it vertically stretched. over the past week i feel like i have tried every option known to man in the export menues with no luck, it all ends up vertically stretched and looks aweful.
    i want to have a smaller one optized for web, one for web download, and one larger 1gb+ for backup.
    it is a music video done in fcp 4.5. shot in 24p, anamorphic. captured in anamorphic and edited as such. any help would be great, i am pulling my hair out.
    imac G5 250 HD 1GB RAM 12"pb 1.5gb   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    imac G5 250 HD 1GB RAM 12"pb 1.5gb   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Thanks guys,
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   2.0 GHz, 400Gb Hard Drive, 2Gb Ram, 250Gb External

    Well, 2:3:#:2 pulldown refers to the way your camera flags the frames while they're recorded, in other words there's not real 24P recording while using tape, because video runs @ 29.97fps ,(what the camera does is to tell to your editing machine that it has to spread the 1st frame over the two first fields the second frame over the next three fields the third frame again over three fields and so on, from there it why it's call 2:3:3:2 pulldown) so in fact to capture true 24P for editing you have to remove the pulldown and remember,if you later are going to edit to tape you'll have to re-apply the pulldown so it prints well to a 29.97 device.
    Hope I was clear enough

  • Capturing 24p from XL2

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    has anyone got some experience with this particular deal and could offer some input? thanks. so its clear also, this footage is not so much for the image, the camera was used to plug into an audio board for a concert so its image is less important than making sure playback is exact for the audio.

    ive never done this, so just to clarify i'll look for repeated frames and then count the pattern, right?
    could i also just quickly apply the reverse telecine for each option to the footage and then scroll through them after they're done to see which looks better? it seems easier than counting the repeated frames, plus at this point i'm not sure which option applies to which cadence....though i'm sure i could find it online somewhere. thanks for your help.

  • Capturing 24p from Canon xl2 help please

    Hi everyone, just looking for some help here. I should have known better abotu all this 24p stuff but want to make sure I get it right. K, I shot some footage on my XL2 at 24p and 2:3. Isn't 2:3:3:2 or Advanced mode only for if you shoot something that you are going to transfer to film. If you weren't to transfer would it have any benefits in the digital world???
    Anyways, as for me, I just shot 24p standard. I capture as just DV NTSC 48 KHZ. However, I never thought of going through the easy setup and saw there was a 24p setting. However doesn't that one still just capture at 29.97. Anyways, so my timeline is set at 29.97, is this right or should it be at 24/23.98.
    Also, can anyone tell me if a guy should ever play around with the feild dominance stuff. I have never but was just wondering if someone can shed a bit of light on that. Thanks.

    24p (3:2) already HAS a pulldown on it. Pulldown refers to the process of adding frames by pulling down half the field of one frame and other half of fields from the next frame adding a NEW frame. So, just to keep you straight... you need to REMOVE the pulldown, cadence or pulldown cadence (all the same.)
    WARNING... 1) don't attempt if you are short of time 2) have the fear of failing 3) don't have your original material 4) don't have a FULL case of beer 5) NEED this project done right! 6) any number of things I forgot!!
    SO... if you've already edited some of this there is no good way to convert what is already edited into a 23.98 sequence. So you'd have to start again.
    IF you choose to proceed...
    Copy and duplicate all of the material you captured just incase you mess something up.
    Open Cinema Tools
    Cancel out of the first (database) dialog box
    File - Open... first clip
    This will open a box with your video in it. Toggle thru the video. You'll see PPCCP (progressive/combined (combined frames will look interlaced)) for every 5 frames. The first C-frame is the BC combination of fields. You'll need to park your playhead on the first of the two C-frames in a group. Then, when you reverse telecine you'll mark the BC option and hit go.
    Try it once and see if it works for you. You'll get the new movie open and as you frame thru each frame you shouldn't see any C-frames... they will all be progressive.
    Now... open a new FCP project and import those reverse-telecined clips and start editing in 23.98 timeline/sequence.
    If you ran into a problem, just duplicate the original clip back again and try again. I may have missed an important step... doing it off the top of my head.
    As for shooting 24pA now... well... as I stated before... this can be less stable. The cadence is harder to add for the camera and any ANY oddity in shooting will throw off the cadence and give you a HUGE headache trying to capture it.
    Don't EVER turn off your camera while recording
    Don't EVER review your material and then continue shooting
    Don't EVER change any setup on your camera at ANY time that might switch it to 24p even for a second
    Don't EVER take the tape out.
    That said you shouldn't have any problems!! Use the DV/NTSC 2:3:3:2 Cadence Removal preset for capture and your clips will indeed be 23.98 in the browser.
    Good luck... don't panic.

  • Canon XL2 24p and FCP

    I've shot a project in 24p, 2:3:3;2 mode on the Canon XL2.
    Does anyone have any info on the pros and cons of editing in 24p versus 29.97?
    My final output is most likely for broadcast/DVD, but perhaps there will be a film transfer.
    Do you lose some of that film "look" of 24p if it's edited in 29.97?
    What is the best setting to Capture into FCP? I've had an "issue" with a couple of tapes coming in un-synched, though everything was Captured at the same setting.
    [email protected]

    You'd have to recapture I think removing the advanced pulldown removal preset in FCP...However it won't look any different in the end because it has to play back at 29.97 no matter what on a TV (from tape)... Cinema Tools can remove 2323 from 29.97, but not 2332...
    The positive side of 24fps video is that the file sizes are smaller than 30 fps video (fewer frames). so in theory, you could make a higher bit rate MPEG-2 file in the end for DVD's if your finished movie is longish... or if you are printing back to film, then 24fps media is really what you want to work with. However... in any case the movie will look the same as 29.97 because that is what you shot actually, with a pulldown added to spread 24 individual frames over the 29.97 that your camera shoots.
    Modify the device control setting in the Audio/Video settings to FireWire Basic... it's in the pulldown menu on the first tab of the A/V settings in the FCP menu.

  • Need to edit 1080 24p 7D footage and 50i SD XL2 footage in same timeline.

    Any help would be appreciated. Editing using latest Final Cut Studio on a Mac Pro and a Mac Book Pro.
    I have Canon 7D 1080 24p footage and 50i SD 16:9 Canon XL2 footage to edit together in the same timeline.
    Outputting as an SD DVD. I'm working with PAL all the time. I was under the impression that 24p was PAL, but have been told that 24p is NTSC.
    I convert the 7D footage to Pro Res LT. Then what do you suggest?
    Do I use Compressor or Cinema Tools to "conform" the 24p to 25p? And then work in an SD timeline suited for the 50i footage? Would I be automatically making the 7D footage SD if I move it into the SD timeline? Thanks.

    In case any one needs the answer to this in the future, I think I've stumbled upon the solution elsewhere.
    Change the 7D footage to Pro Res LT. Using Cinema Tools, convert it to 25p. Drop the 25p footage into a Final Cut timeline that is set up for the 50i footage. I haven't tried it yet, but will.

  • Encoding 24p footage - field order question? Should i set to none? Canon XL2

    This will be for YouTube. I shot footage on (true) 24p on a canon xl2. Captured in in Premiere in a 29.97 project and removed the pulldown. I'm confused about the field order settings in media encoder. Should this setting be set to 'None' (off)?

    Yes, encode to progressive.

  • Questions about XL2 24p and capturing

    I have been reading through the posts and wondered if anybody could answer this question. I will be shooting on an XL2 using the 24 (Advanced or otherwise). Now I know how to set up FCP for capture, but I am wondering about capturing from a deck or another camera. I own both the XL2 and a GL1. I am wondering if I can capture footage shot in 24p (advanced or otherwise) using a the GL 1 as a deck.
    It would seem to me that I can't because the GL1 does not possess the 24p option, but I am not really sure. Does the deck actually play back at 24p or does it playback at 29.97 and FCP just takes the frames it wants?
    I ask this for saving wear and tear on the XL2 as my GL1 still works, but i won't likely use it for anymore shooting now that i have the XL2.
    Thanks for any help you can give.

    Any deck (almost) will read the tape fine. It's all just 0s and 1s.
    Do some research on what the xl2 uses for cadence and what it actually means to add cadence.
    In fact... a few posts down you'll find some good information.

Maybe you are looking for