XMII system copy

I am running xMII 11.5 in Windows 2003 server.
I want to copy the application to another host running windows as like that of a system copy.
Kindly guide me thru any notes or document for the same.

I quickly reviewed the 'System Copy for SAP Systems Based on SAP NetWeaver  7.0 Java' document and it is quite lengthy. The good news is that setting up an MII sandbox system is not that hard.
Since you already have access to the SMP guides, you would follow the install guide to install 12.0. Once you install NW and MII, you will need to:
- create/review user id's and passwords, and such (in UME)
- upload the[ JDBC Drivers |http://help.sap.com/saphelp_xmii120/helpdata/en/45/b55462f7ce47f2e10000000a114a6b/content.htm](hopefully you have them saved from your prod system)
- import [System Configuration |http://help.sap.com/saphelp_xmii120/helpdata/en/45/5a9346ec592a4de10000000a11466f/content.htm](exported from prod system)
- import the necessary [MII projects |http://help.sap.com/saphelp_xmii120/helpdata/en/45/5a9afcec592a4de10000000a11466f/content.htm](exported from prod system)
Follow up activities:
- Test login credentials for various roles
- Test data connections to data servers
- Open and test MII objects in projects (queries, display templates, transactions, HTML/IRPT, etc.)
- Check NW logs for any errors
This process is common for 12.x. Hope it helps....

Similar Messages

  • SWPM - System Copy - Assertion Failed Unable to load database

    Hello again,
    (already the next question form me, sorry for this
    I am executing a sysetm copy (DB-refresh) on ASE using SWPM.
    However, in "Configure Components" step I get the error: Assertion failed. Unable to load database <SID of Target Sysetm>.
    Where else can I check for errors?
    I think it is still something on which I already worked (with other thread).
    In sapinst_dev.log I found this
    TRACE      2015-03-25 11:05:00.320
    SAPInst calls the LogInquirer. The output of the LogInquirer can be found in file sapinst_loginquirer.log.
    TRACE      2015-03-25 11:05:06.122 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:638]
    <html> <head> </head> <body> <p> An error occurred while processing option <i>SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP N
    etWeaver 7.3 > SAP ASE > System Copy > Target System > Standard System > Based on AS ABAP > Database Refresh or M
    ove( Last error reported by the step: Assertion failed: Unable to load database <SID>.)</i>. You can now: </p> <ul>
    <li> Choose <i>Retry</i><br>to repeat the current step. </li> <li> Choose <i>Log Files</i><br>to get more inform
    ation about the error. </li> <li> Stop the option and continue later. </li> </ul> <p> Log files are written to /t
    mp/sapinst_instdir/NW731/SYB/COPY/SYSTEM/STD/AS-ABAP/REF. </p> </body></html>
    TRACE      2015-03-25 11:05:06.124 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:1031]
    Waiting for an answer from GUI
    In sapinst.log I found this:
    ERROR 2015-03-25 11:04:59.573
    FCO-00011  The step syb_step_setup_preload with step key |NW_ABAP_DB_DBRefresh|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_ABAP_DB|ind
    YB_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|SYB_DB_CONTEXT|0|syb_step_setup_preload was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reporte
    d by the step: Assertion failed: Unable to load database <SID>.).
    INFO 2015-03-25 11:04:59.772
    Creating file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW731/SYB/COPY/SYSTEM/STD/AS-ABAP/REF/__instana_tmp.xml.
    INFO 2015-03-25 11:05:00.307
    Removed file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW731/SYB/COPY/SYSTEM/STD/AS-ABAP/REF/instslana.xml.
    INFO 2015-03-25 11:05:00.308
    Creating file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW731/SYB/COPY/SYSTEM/STD/AS-ABAP/REF/instslana.xml.

    Hello Kiran,
    I did a few tests again yesterday, and it was really a stupid mistake from myside.
    The error message did mean, that there wasn't enough space.
    It isn't the authority issue, it was a leak of space.
    FYI, the complete DB-Size of Source System is required - NOT JUST RESERVED SPACE!!!
    Thx for help and sorry for stealing your time :O

  • Assertion failed: Unable to load database SID during sybase system copy on Linux in the phase "Create DB"

    Hi Supports,
    I am using sapinst homogeneous system copy in Linux on sybase.
    I stuck on the the step 27/49 "create Database".
    I checked Firewall is off.
    i got  points in my sapinst_dev.log that "
    1)The log segment in the target database 'SID' is too small (9216 MB) to accommodate the log segment from the dumped database (10240 MB)"
    2)"Can't change the owner of the master, model, tempdb or sybsystemprocs database"
    Do i need to increase "sybase/SID/saplog_1" ?  because my "saplog_1" is 49 mb now.
    if it is ! how do i increase in this stage.
    can any one know about this error???

    When i seen SID.log file so its showing deadlock and checkpoint occurring,
    Is any solution ???
    Is this because of networks?
    we had 2 servers on this same IP. but i stopped one server and one is still running.
    please find my SID.log file and revert back if any soltion.
    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2014.03.21 12:12:31 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    ibssrv02:/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/install #
    ibssrv02:/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/install # lscd ASE-15_0/install/lscd IB1lscd /IB1sybase/df -hexitsu - sybib1lscd IB1ls
    IB1.log  IB1_BS.log  IB1_JSAGENT.log  RUN_IB1  RUN_IB1_BS  auditinit  setperm_all  showserver  startserver  sybhauser  veritas
    ibssrv02:/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/install # more IB1.log
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:36.98 kernel  SySAM: Using licenses from: /sybase/IB1/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE.lic:/sybase/IB1/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_DE.li
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:37.00 kernel  SySAM: Checked out license for 6 ASE_CORE (2014.1231/permanent/1296 8FE3 0A83 A167).
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:37.00 kernel  This product is licensed to: SAP, for use with SAP Business Applications.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:37.00 kernel  Checked out license ASE_CORE
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:37.00 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise (Enterprise Edition)
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:37.00 kernel  Performing space allocation for device '/sybase/IB1/sybsystem/master.dat' (0.39 Gb).  This may take some time.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.32 kernel  Finished initialization.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.32 kernel  Using config area from primary master device.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.32 server  Configuration Error: Configuration file, '/sybase/IB1/IB1.cfg', does not exist.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.32 kernel  Warning: A configuration file was not specified or the default file '/sybase/IB1/IB1.cfg' does not exist. ASE creates
    the default file.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.32 kernel  Warning: Using default file '/sybase/IB1/IB1.cfg' since a configuration file was not specified. Specify a configurati
    on file name in the RUNSERVER file to avoid this message.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Could not allocate memory using Huge Pages. Allocated using regular pages. For better performance, reboot the server
    after configuring enough Huge Pages.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Internal run-time model set for Linux  - Native
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Adaptive Server is using the threaded kernel mode.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Using 4096 file descriptors.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7/EBF 21341 SMP SP101 /P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/ase157sp101/3439/64-bit/FBO/Thu Jun  6
    16:08:18 2013
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Confidential property of Sybase, Inc.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Copyright 1987, 2013
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Sybase, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:38.33 kernel  Unpublished rights reserved under U.S. c 1702]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'master': beginning upgrade step [ID  1718]: executing SQL statement ("update master.dbo.sysusages set loc..
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'master': beginning upgrade step [ID  1719]: executing SQL statement ("update sysattributes set object_inf..
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'master': beginning upgrade step [ID  1720]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'master': beginning upgrade step [ID  1730]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'master': beginning upgrade step [ID  1731]: executing SQL statement ("begin declare @val int select @val=..
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'master': beginning upgrade step [ID  1740]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'model' does not exist. ASE will create it.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.77 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID     1]: Initialize disk and create empty allocation units on master devi
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.79 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID     2]: Bootstrap basic system catalogs in database.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.79 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID     6]: creating index (table syspartitions, index ncsyspartitions)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.80 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID     8]: creating index (table systypes, index ncsystypes)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.80 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    10]: creating index (table sysobjects, index ncsysobjects)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.80 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    13]: creating table (table systabstats)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.80 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    26]: creating table (table sysprocedures)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.80 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    27]: creating table (table syscomments)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.80 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    28]: creating table (table syssegments)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.81 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    29]: creating table (table sysprotects)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.81 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    30]: creating table (table sysusers)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.81 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    31]: creating table (table sysalternates)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.81 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    32]: creating table (table sysdepends)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.81 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    33]: creating table (table syskeys)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.82 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    47]: creating table (table syspartitionkeys)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.82 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    51]: creating table (table sysreferences)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.82 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    52]: creating table (table sysconstraints)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.83 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    53]: creating table (table sysusermessages)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.83 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    54]: creating table (table systhresholds)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.83 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    55]: creating table (table sysroles)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.83 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    56]: creating table (table sysslices)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.83 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    60]: creating table (table sysstatistics)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.84 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    61]: creating table (table sysxtypes)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.84 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    62]: creating table (table sysjars)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.84 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    65]: creating table (table sysqueryplans)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.85 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    68]: creating table (table sysencryptkeys)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.85 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    73]: executing SQL statement ("update sysobjects set sysstat = sys...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.85 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    74]: executing SQL statement ("update syscolumns set type=66, user...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.85 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    80]: creating table (table sysattributes)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.86 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    82]: creating table (table sysdams)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.86 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    90]: insert basic data into bootstrap system tables
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.89 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID    91]: executing SQL statement ("update systypes set length=@@maxpag...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.89 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID   245]: Update system roles in system tables.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.89 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID   248]: update system catalog protection data
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.90 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID   606]: executing SQL statement ("select lct_admin('lastchance', db_i...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.90 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1126]: Initialize systabstats with valid statistics
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.90 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1131]: Creating/Updating the last chance threshold for logsegment.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.90 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1274]: executing SQL statement ("declare @dummy int")
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.91 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1241]: executing SQL statement ("insert into sysattributes (class, a...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.91 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1400]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.91 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1411]: executing SQL statement ("if not exists (select 1 from master...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.91 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1416]: executing SQL statement ("update sysroles set id=11 from sysu...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.91 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1502]: executing SQL statement ("if exists (select 1 from sysobjects...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.91 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1503]: executing SQL statement ("create view sysquerymetrics (uid, g...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.92 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1505]: executing SQL statement ("update sysattributes set char_value...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.92 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1550]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.92 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1554]: upgrade simulated statistics
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.92 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1564]: executing SQL statement ("declare @dbid int select @dbid = db...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.93 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1650]: executing SQL statement ("dbcc upgd_grantrev_sysrole_perms('g...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1651]: updating builtin permissions
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1652]: adding generic user 'usedb_user' to sysusers
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1653]: updating DBCC command permissions
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1702]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1719]: executing SQL statement ("update sysattributes set object_inf...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1720]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1730]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Database 'model': beginning upgrade step [ID  1740]: noting the present database upgrade level
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  CREATE DATABASE: allocating 1536 logical pages (24.0 megabytes) on disk 'master' (1536 logical pages requested).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.97 server  Warning: The database 'sybsystemdb' is using an unsafe virtual device 'master'. The recovery of this database can not
    be guaranteed.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Timestamp for database 'sybsystemdb' is (0x0000, 0x000013b4).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Database 'sybsystemdb' is now online.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Database sybsystemdb successfully created.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Recovering database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Database 'sybsystemdb', checkpoint=(864, 64), first=(864, 64), last=(864, 150).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2014/03/21 11:03:39.33 for database sybsystemdb.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Started REDO pass for database 'sybsystemdb'. The total number of log records to process is 86.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Redo pass of recovery has processed 2 committed and 0 aborted transactions.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Timestamp for database 'sybsystemdb' is (0x0000, 0x00001416).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Recovery of database 'sybsystemdb' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Started filling free space info for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:39.99 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Boot Count: 1
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking external objects.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Database 'sybsystemdb' is now online.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Now loading ASE's new default sort order and character set
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysobjects' (object ID 1): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysobjects_1' (partition ID 1) of table 'sysobjects'. The logical page size of this table is 1638
    4 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'systypes' (object ID 4): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'systypes_4' (partition ID 4) of table 'systypes'. The logical page size of this table is 16384 by
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysusers' (object ID 10): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysusers_10' (partition ID 10) of table 'sysusers'. The logical page size of this table is 16384
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysxtypes' (object ID 25): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysxtypes_25' (partition ID 25) of table 'sysxtypes'. The logical page size of this table is 1638
    4 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysjars' (object ID 26): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysjars_26' (partition ID 26) of table 'sysjars'. The logical page size of this table is 16384 by
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'syspartitions' (object ID 28): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'syspartitions_28' (partition ID 28) of table 'syspartitions'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysobjects' (object ID 1): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysobjects_1' (partition ID 1) of table 'sysobjects'. The logical page size of this table is 1638
    4 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'systypes' (object ID 4): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'systypes_4' (partition ID 4) of table 'systypes'. The logical page size of this table is 16384 by
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysusers' (object ID 10): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysusers_10' (partition ID 10) of table 'sysusers'. The logical page size of this table is 16384
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysxtypes' (object ID 25): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysxtypes_25' (partition ID 25) of table 'sysxtypes'. The logical page size of this table is 1638
    4 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysjars' (object ID 26): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysjars_26' (partition ID 26) of table 'sysjars'. The logical page size of this table is 16384 by
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'syspartitions' (object ID 28): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'syspartitions_28' (partition ID 28) of table 'syspartitions'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysobjects' (object ID 1): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysobjects_1' (partition ID 1) of table 'sysobjects'. The logical page size of this table is 1638
    4 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'systypes' (object ID 4): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'systypes_4' (partition ID 4) of table 'systypes'. The logical page size of this table is 16384 by
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysusers' (object ID 10): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysusers_10' (partition ID 10) of table 'sysusers'. The logical page size of this table is 16384
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysxtypes' (object ID 25): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysxtypes_25' (partition ID 25) of table 'sysxtypes'. The logical page size of this table is 1638
    4 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysjars' (object ID 26): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysjars_26' (partition ID 26) of table 'sysjars'. The logical page size of this table is 16384 by
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'syspartitions' (object ID 28): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'syspartitions_28' (partition ID 28) of table 'syspartitions'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysdatabases' (object ID 30): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysdatabases_30' (partition ID 30) of table 'sysdatabases'. The logical page size of this table i
    s 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'syslogins' (object ID 33): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'syslogins_33' (partition ID 33) of table 'syslogins'. The logical page size of this table is 1638
    4 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysdevices' (object ID 35): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysdevices_35' (partition ID 35) of table 'sysdevices'. The logical page size of this table is 16
    384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysconfigures' (object ID 37): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking partition 'sysconfigures_37' (partition ID 37) of table 'sysconfigures'. The logical page size of this table
    is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.00 server  Checking table 'sysservers' (object ID 40): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking partition 'sysservers_40' (partition ID 40) of table 'sysservers'. The logical page size of this table is 16
    384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking table 'sysremotelogins' (object ID 41): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking partition 'sysremotelogins_41' (partition ID 41) of table 'sysremotelogins'. The logical page size of this t
    able is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking table 'syslanguages' (object ID 44): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking partition 'syslanguages_44' (partition ID 44) of table 'syslanguages'. The logical page size of this table i
    s 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking table 'syslanguages' (object ID 44): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking partition 'syslanguages_44' (partition ID 44) of table 'syslanguages'. The logical page size of this table i
    s 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking table 'syscharsets' (object ID 45): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking partition 'syscharsets_45' (partition ID 45) of table 'syscharsets'. The logical page size of this table is
    16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking table 'sysresourcelimits' (object ID 52): Logical page size is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Checking partition 'sysresourcelimits_52' (partition ID 52) of table 'sysresourcelimits'. The logical page size of th
    is table is 16384 bytes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  Default Sort Order successfully changed.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 server  ASE shutdown after verifying System Indexes.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 kernel  ueshutdown: exiting
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 kernel  Main thread performing final shutdown.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:40.06 kernel  Blocking call queue shutdown.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:40.21 kernel  SySAM: Checked in license for 6 ASE_CORE (2014.1231/permanent/1296 8FE3 0A83 A167).
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:40.98 kernel  SySAM: Using licenses from: /sybase/IB1/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE.lic:/sybase/IB1/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_DE.li
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.00 kernel  SySAM: Checked out license for 6 ASE_CORE (2014.1231/permanent/1296 8FE3 0A83 A167).
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.00 kernel  This product is licensed to: SAP, for use with SAP Business Applications.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.00 kernel  Checked out license ASE_CORE
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.00 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise (Enterprise Edition)
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.00 kernel  Using config area from primary master device.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.00 kernel  Could not allocate memory using Huge Pages. Allocated using regular pages. For better performance, reboot the server
    after configuring enough Huge Pages.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Internal run-time model set for Linux  - Native
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Adaptive Server is using the threaded kernel mode.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Using 4096 file descriptors.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7/EBF 21341 SMP SP101 /P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/ase157sp101/3439/64-bit/FBO/Thu Jun  6
    16:08:18 2013
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Confidential property of Sybase, Inc.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Copyright 1987, 2013
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Sybase, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Unpublished rights reserved under U.S. copyright laws.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel 
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  This software contains confidential and trade secret information of Sybase,
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Inc.   Use,  duplication or disclosure of the software and documentation by
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  the  U.S.  Government  is  subject  to  restrictions set forth in a license
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  agreement  between  the  Government  and  Sybase,  Inc.  or  other  written
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  agreement  specifying  the  Government's rights to use the software and any
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  applicable FAR provisions, for example, FAR 52.227-19.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Sybase, Inc. One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Using /sybase/IB1 as the 'SYBASE' environment variable, found during startup.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Using OCS-15_0 as the 'SYBASE_OCS' environment variable, found during startup.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Using ASE-15_0 as the 'SYBASE_ASE' environment variable, found during startup.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  ASE booted on host 'ibssrv02' running Linux release 3.0.13-0.27-default version #1 SMP Wed Feb 15 13:33:49 UTC 2012 (
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Using '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' for configuration information.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Logging ASE messages in file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/install/IB1.log'.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Disk Controller Manager is online.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Network Controller Manager is online.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Ct-Lib Controller Manager is online.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Platform TCP network support seems IPv4-only.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  ASE booted with TCP_NODELAY enabled.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Network and device connection limit is 4081.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  ASE - Dynamic Pluggable Component Interface is disabled
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.01 kernel  Adaptive Server is running as process id 25438.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 server  Number of blocks left for proc headers: 6920.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 server  Proc header memory allocated 1384 pages for each per engine cache.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 server  Proc header memory allocated 1384 pages for engine 0 local cache
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Using value of 'number of engines at startup' (1) for size of syb_default_pool.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Create Thread Pool 3, "syb_blocking_pool", type="Run To Completion", with 4 threads
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Create Thread Pool 2, "syb_system_pool", type="Run To Completion", with 1 threads
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Create Thread Pool 1, "syb_default_pool", type="Engine (Multiplexed)", with 1 threads
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Aggressive task stealing enabled
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Enabling Linux Native Kernel asynchronous disk I/O strategy.
    00:0007:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  I/O controller 2 (NetController) is running as task 1127909376 on thread 7 (LWP 25453).
    00:0008:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  I/O controller 3 (DiskController) is running as task 1127910096 on thread 8 (LWP 25454).
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Initializing virtual device 0, '/sybase/IB1/sybsystem/master.dat' with dsync 'off'.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Virtual device 0 started using asynchronous i/o.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 server  Loaded default Unilib conversion handle.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Worker Thread Manager is not enabled for use in ASE.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  Either the config parameter 'use security services' is set to 0, or ASE does not support use of external security mec
    hanisms on this platform. The Security Control Layer will not be initialized. No external security mechanisms will be supported.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.05 kernel  libsybibmmq - Sybase IBM MQ interface/15.7/EBF 21341 SMP SP101 /P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/ase157sp101/3439/64-bit/OPT
    /Thu Jun  6 12:02:54 2013
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.08 kernel  Loaded encryption provider CSI-2.8M2-linuxamd64-2012/12/27 21:15:59 PST-sybcsi_openssl-OpenSSL 1.0.1b 26 Apr 2012.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.08 kernel  Begin processing to generate RSA keypair.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.11 kernel  Completed processing to generate RSA keypair.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.11 kernel  Begin processing to generate RSA keypair.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 kernel  Completed processing to generate RSA keypair.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 kernel  Encryption provider initialization succeeded on engine 0.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 kernel  SSL Plus v5.2.2 security modules loaded successfully.
    00:0006:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 kernel  Network and device connection limit is 4081.
    00:0006:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 kernel  ASE - Dynamic Pluggable Component Interface is disabled
    00:0006:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 kernel  Thread 6 (LWP 25447) of Threadpool syb_default_pool online as engine 0
    00:0006:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 server  Active traceflags: 1623
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 kernel  libomni1 - Component Integration Services: using 'Sybase Client-Library/15.7/P-EBF21002 SP100/DRV. x86
    _64/Linux 2.6.18-128.el5 x86_64 Native Threads/BUILD1570-026/64bit/OPT/Wed Mar 20 21:34:36 2013'
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 server  Size of the 16K memory pool: 8192 Kb
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.28 server  Opening Master Database ...
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Loading ASE's default sort order and character set
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Recovering database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Database 'master', checkpoint=(1634, 132), first=(1634, 132), last=(1634, 173).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2014/03/21 11:03:39.33 for database master.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.29 server  Started REDO pass for database 'master'. The total number of log records to process is 42.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Redo pass of recovery has processed 7 committed and 0 aborted transactions.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Timestamp for database 'master' is (0x0000, 0x00006ec9).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Recovery of database 'master' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Started filling free space info for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'master'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Checking external objects.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  Database 'master' is now online.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.30 server  The transaction log in the database 'master' will use I/O size of 16 Kb.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:41.37 server  server is unnamed
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.06 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Recovering database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Database 'sybsystemdb', checkpoint=(864, 170), first=(864, 170), last=(864, 170).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2014/03/21 11:03:40.01 for database sybsystemdb.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started REDO pass for database 'sybsystemdb'. The total number of log records to process is 1.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Timestamp for database 'sybsystemdb' is (0x0000, 0x0000142f).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Recovery of database 'sybsystemdb' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started filling free space info for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Boot Count: 2
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Checking external objects.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  The transaction log in the database 'sybsystemdb' will use I/O size of 16 Kb.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Resident Node id: fb18efb51d00
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Transaction coordinator initialized.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Database 'sybsystemdb' is now online.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Recovering database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Database 'model', checkpoint=(864, 59), first=(864, 59), last=(864, 77).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2014/03/21 11:03:39.33 for database model.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started REDO pass for database 'model'. The total number of log records to process is 19.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Redo pass of recovery has processed 4 committed and 0 aborted transactions.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Timestamp for database 'model' is (0x0000, 0x000013cb).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Recovery of database 'model' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started filling free space info for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'model'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.07 server  Checking external objects.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.08 server  The transaction log in the database 'model' will use I/O size of 16 Kb.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.08 server  Database 'model' is now online.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.08 server  The logical pagesize of the server is 16 Kb.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.08 server  0 dump conditions detected at boot time
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.08 server  Clearing temporary database 'tempdb'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.09 server  Tempdb 2 is added to the  list of local temporary databases
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.09 server  Timestamp for database 'tempdb' is (0x0000, 0x000013ce).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  The transaction log in the database 'tempdb' will use I/O size of 16 Kb.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  Database 'tempdb' is now online.
    00:0006:00000:00009:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 kernel  network name ibssrv02, interface IPv4, address, type tcp, port 7905, filter NONE
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  Recovery complete.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  ASE's default unicode sort order is 'binary'.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  ASE's default sort order is:
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  'bin_iso_1' (ID = 50)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  on top of default character set:
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  'iso_1' (ID = 1).
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 server  Master device size: 400 megabytes, or 204800 virtual pages. (A virtual page is 2048 bytes.)
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 kernel  Warning: Cannot set console to nonblocking mode, switching to blocking mode.
    00:0006:00000:00001:2014/03/21 11:03:42.10 kernel  Console logging is disabled. This is controlled via the 'enable console logging' configuration parameter.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:54.09 kernel  Initializing virtual device 1, '/sybase/IB1/sybsystem/sysprocs.dat' with dsync 'off'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:54.09 kernel  Virtual device 1 started using asynchronous i/o.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:55.01 server  Timestamp for database 'sybsystemprocs' is (0x0000, 0x000013ce).
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:55.13 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:55.13 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:55.14 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:55.15 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:55.16 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:03:55.16 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:22.28 server  Increase the config parameter 'number of open objects' to avoid descriptor reuse. Reuse may result in performance deg
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.34 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.34 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.88 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.88 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.89 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.90 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.90 kernel  Initializing virtual device 2, '/sybase/IB1/sybsystem/sybsysdb.dat' with dsync 'off'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.90 kernel  Virtual device 2 started using asynchronous i/o.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.95 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:24.95 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:25.05 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00015:2014/03/21 11:04:25.05 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00017:2014/03/21 11:04:27.11 kernel  Initializing virtual device 3, '/sybase/IB1/sybtemp/tempdbdev.dat' with dsync 'off'.
    00:0006:00000:00017:2014/03/21 11:04:27.11 kernel  Virtual device 3 started using asynchronous i/o.
    00:0006:00000:00018:2014/03/21 11:04:27.16 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00018:2014/03/21 11:04:27.16 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00018:2014/03/21 11:04:27.19 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00018:2014/03/21 11:04:27.19 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00019:2014/03/21 11:04:28.16 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00019:2014/03/21 11:04:28.16 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00019:2014/03/21 11:04:28.18 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00019:2014/03/21 11:04:28.18 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00020:2014/03/21 11:04:29.16 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00020:2014/03/21 11:04:29.17 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00020:2014/03/21 11:04:29.18 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00020:2014/03/21 11:04:29.19 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00021:2014/03/21 11:04:30.16 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00021:2014/03/21 11:04:30.16 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00021:2014/03/21 11:04:30.18 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00021:2014/03/21 11:04:30.18 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00017:2014/03/21 11:04:31.15 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00017:2014/03/21 11:04:31.15 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '0' to '1'.
    00:0006:00000:00017:2014/03/21 11:04:31.16 server  Configuration file '/sybase/IB1/ASE-15_0/IB1.cfg' has been written and the previous version has been renamed to '/syb
    00:0006:00000:00017:2014/03/21 11:04:31.16 server  The configuration option 'allow updates to system tables' has been changed by 'sa' from '1' to '0'.
    00:0006:00000:00025:2014/03/21 11:04:35.24 server  Shutdown started by user 'sa'. SQL text: shutdown
    00:0006:00000:00025:2014/03/21 11:04:35.25 server  ASE shutdown by request.
    00:0006:00000:00025:2014/03/21 11:04:35.25 kernel  ueshutdown: exiting
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:04:35.25 kernel  Main thread performing final shutdown.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:04:35.30 kernel  Blocking call queue shutdown.
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:04:35.45 kernel  SySAM: Checked in license for 6 ASE_CORE (2014.1231/permanent/1296 8FE3 0A83 A167).
    00:0000:00000:00000:2014/03/21 11:04:36.50 kernel  SySAM: Using licenses from: /sybase/IB1/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE.lic:/sybase/IB1/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE

  • Activating data in DSO got dump SAPSQL_EMPTY_TABNAME after BW system copy

    Hi all,
    We had an issue after system copy.
    After a system copy the data in the standard DSOs(all of them) cannot be activated. The DOSs themselves are active, the transformations are active but if one attempts to load data and activate u2013 it does not work. The job terminates with shortdump SAPSQL_EMPTY_TABNAME.
    Found the issue is caused by u201Cmore than one versionu201D of the change log.
    We tried the Program RSAR_RSTSODS_CHANGELOG_VRS but it didn't work.
    We had the solution like this:
    After activating the DSO itself(the object) using RSDG_ODSO_ACTIVATE the issue disappears and the data can be activated. Issue also disappears. BUT Drawback: Activating the DSO causes the transformations to deactivate.Then we used the program RSDG_TRFN_ACTIVATE to activate all transformations. And then the issue disappeared.
    Want to know what the root cause for this. From some SDN threads, mentioned BDLS job in the post refresh steps are not correctly done during system copy may cause this issue. How did the BDLS run wrongly cause this issue? And what is the exact correct way? We ran BDLS for each source systems inlcuding the target refreshed BW system itself by the default selection - conversion of Client-Dependent and Client-Independent Tables; because we used database copy
    for the system refresh.
    We also restored all source systems in RSA1 inlcuding the refreshed BW system own in the post-refresh steps.
    Thank you very much for your information and suggestion.

    Hi Arun, as you say two change log tables it´s strange. In fact in my opinion it´s not right but the problem is that the second change log table appears after executing std SAP report RSDG_ODSO_ACTIVATE in order to be able to activate the DSO. So the solution provided by SAP it works but i´m not sure if the right one. Besides this the original change log table is full of data while the second one is empty... for new loads which are gonna a be filled  by the activation process ? I suppose the second one... will this have some impact with the data stored in the first one... not in theory but.... i do not feel confortable with the consequences of this report.
    And the most important, it seems that the reason why the DSO and the change log table had problems is due to a some problems or missing steps after executing the BDLS after BW system refresh but nobody can confirm this point...
    So, i´ve been able to solve the issue but now i have two change log tables for the same DSO.
    Anybody has the same situation after executing the above mentioned SAP std report ?
    Joaquin Casas Baca-Castex

  • PI 7.11 sp6 system copy causes target sys to register with source

    We have a PI 7.1 (EHP1, sp6) PI system based on AIX 6.1 OS and Oracle 11g.
    I recently did the standard PI system copy from a prod source (PIP) to a training target (PIT).
    I used the most recenty PI system copy guide that is specific for PI 7.1 EHP1
    I did not run into any major problems doing the steps of the itself. 
    I did the usual "post" steps, documented in the guide that really are done on any NW system. 
    Then I got into the specific "PI" post steps and that's where I now have a problem.
    I could not run the "wizard for post copy" since I'm on 7.11sp6.  Yes, I know they "downported" it but I don't have those latest LMtools type packages.  Anyway, I'm OK with that. 
    I followed all the steps, fixing my RFCs, JCos, Destinations, cleaning up SLD, SLDAPICUST, creating new business systems...etc.
    My big  problem is with the exchange profile.  Yes, it's easy to change all the SIDs and hostnames using the search tool for all the parameters in the exchange profile, but the one I COULD NOT CHANGE was the "ABAP Connection".  In there right after the copy was the hostname of the prod system, the client, and the user PILDUSER.   I attempted to put the hostname of my target (PIT) system, but I would get the error:
    RFC 399 unable to connect
    I'm certain the user is NOT locked and the password is correct for PILDUSER. 
    Worse yet, If I left the hostname in there that was set to "prod", then when I changed all the other values in the "parameters" section of the XI profile, then it actually changed my PROD system!!
    If I keep the ABAP connection to PIT, then the entire exchange profile disappears for PIT.
    Also, now my PROD system shows the PIT system as a "non-central adapter engine".
    Ughh!  I'm totally stuck.  I'm not sure what to do. 
    It's as if the PIT (PI training) system somehow is linked to PIP (PI prod).  It's like PIT doesn't think he is his own box...
    Any ideas?  I'm resisting opening a message because this will be so hard to explain to sap support.

    Hi Nick,
    We went thru the same issue. Fortunately, it was between Dev to sandbox. I stopped the dev system and changed the exchange profile parameters to  sandbox hostname and brought the Dev up to fix the issue.
    Prod showing as Non-Central Adapter engine :- Check your Business System in SLD and In CIM Instances in SLD, check your XI Integration server assigned to right Business System.
    Note 764176 - Error in XI due to inconsistent SLD contents :- helped me come over PI post step issues.

  • PI 7.11 sp6 system copy Exchange Profile error code: 399

    We have a PI 7.1 (EHP1, sp6) PI system based on AIX 6.1 OS and Oracle 11g.
    I recently did the standard PI system copy from a prod source (PIP) to a training target (PIT).
    I used the most recenty PI system copy guide that is specific for PI 7.1 EHP1
    I did not run into any major problems doing the steps of the copy itself.
    I did the usual "post" steps, documented in the guide that really are done on any NW system.
    Then I got into the specific "PI" post steps and that's where I now have a problem.
    I followed all the steps, fixing my RFCs, JCos, Destinations, cleaning up SLD, SLDAPICUST, creating new business systems...etc.
    My big problem is with the exchange profile. Yes, it's easy to change all the SIDs and hostnames using the search tool for all the parameters in the exchange profile, but the one I COULD NOT CHANGE was the "ABAP Connection". In there right after the copy was the hostname of the prod system, the client, and the user PILDUSER. I attempted to put the hostname of my target (PIT) system, but I would get the error:
    com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.DBException: RFC call returned an error code: 399 
    I'm certain the user is NOT locked and the password is correct for PILDUSER. It'll give me a different error if I put the wrong password in, so I know it's hitting my system.
    Worse yet, If I left the hostname in there that was set to "prod", then when I changed all the other values in the "parameters" section of the XI profile, then it actually changed my PROD system!!
    If I keep the ABAP connection to PIT, then the entire exchange profile disappears for PIT.
    I see these errors in the default trace and application log:
    Caused by: com.sap.lcr.api.cimclient.LcrException: CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND:
    No such instance: SAP_J2EEEngineCluster.CreationClassName="SAP_J2EEEngineCluster",
    Caused by: com.sap.lcr.api.cimclient.LcrException: CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND: No such instance: SAP_J2EEEngineCluster.CreationClassName="SAP_J2EEEngineCluster",Name="PIT.SystemHome.<traininghostname>"
            at com.sap.lcr.api.cimclient.SimpleResponseAnalyser.raiseExceptionOnError(SimpleResponseAnalyser.java:120)
    #2.#2011 11 03 13:49:47:008#0-500#Error#com.sap.aii.af.service.sld.SLDRegistrationJob#
    #BC-XI-CON-AFW#com.sap.aii.af.lib#7E3832DEA80F002B00000000008700C6#4804850000001902##com.sap.aii.af.service.sld.SLDRegistrationJob.SLDRegistrationJob.invoke()#J2EE_GUEST#0##0AFD01D4064C11E1CB5E7E3832DEA80F#0afd01d4064c11e1cb5e7e3832dea80f#0afd01d4064c11e1cb5e7e3832dea80f#0#Application [24]#Plain##
    SLD Registration Job: No access to SLD. Waiting for next retry. Error: com.sap.aii.af.lib.sld.SLDException: Failed to initialize ExchangeProfile properties. Reason: Unable to read configuration data (ExchangeProfile/aii.properties)#
    #2.#2011 11 03 14:51:18:096#0-500#Error#com.sap.esi.esp.service.server.ESPServiceInterfaceAbstract#
    #BC-ESI-WS-JAV#tcesiespsrv#7E3832DEA80F001100000000009A004C#4804850000001385##com.sap.esi.esp.service.server.ESPServiceInterfaceAbstract####109F6812065511E1BF9C7E3832DEA80F#109f6812065511e1bf9c7e3832dea80f#109f6812065511e1bf9c7e3832dea80f#0#Service Runner [tcesiespsrv]#Plain##
    +There is problem reading the hostname from the ClusterManager. This could lead to improper wsdl links.#
    SLDCHECK shows this:
    Function call returned exception code     3
    Access to the XI Profile is currently disrupted.
    I can't be the first person to run into this.
    SO strange that I can actually plug in either my dev/QA or PROD hostname in the "ABAP connection" box and it WILL ACCEPT IT...but then, it registered my training system as a "non central adapter engine".  I don't want that.
    Any ideas?
    Another issue is that the SLD PI information from the PIT system is missing the "Integration Directory".  It has the other 5 entries...Adapter Engine, Domain, Integration Repository, Integration Server,  RWB.
    Thanks for reading this,

    Here is the error I get when I try to change the "abap connection" to the correct hostname:
    RFC call returned an error code: 399
    Stack Trace class com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.DBException:<br><pre>at com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.DBProfiles.checkReturn(DBProfiles.java:184) at com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.DBProfiles.getProfile(DBProfiles.java:105) at com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.RemoteProfile.readRemoteProfileFromMedia(RemoteProfile.java:1378) at com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.RemoteProfile.getRemoteProfileFromFactory(RemoteProfile.java:204) at com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.RemoteProfile.getRemoteProfile(RemoteProfile.java:154) at com.sap.rprof.dbprofiles.ExchangeProfile.getExchangeProfile(ExchangeProfile.java:46) at com.sap.rprof.remoteProfile.webui.ProfileWebTree.<init>(ProfileWebTree.java:24) at com.sap.rprof.remoteProfile.webui.Edit.getWebTree(Edit.java:322) at JEE_jsp_treeexprof_4804850_1319481176000_1319565151782._jspService(JEE_jsp_treeexprof_4804850_1319481176000_1319565151782.java:59) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.lib.jspruntime.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:102) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.Invokable.invoke(Invokable.java:140) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.servlet.JSPServlet.service(JSPServlet.java:436) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.servlet.JSPServlet.service(JSPServlet.java:240) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:847) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.Invokable.invoke(Invokable.java:140) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.Invokable.invoke(Invokable.java:37) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.runServlet(HttpHandlerImpl.java:493) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.handleRequest(HttpHandlerImpl.java:298) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:399) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:388) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.filters.DSRWebContainerFilter.process(DSRWebContainerFilter.java:48) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.filters.ServletSelector.process(ServletSelector.java:84) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.filters.ApplicationSelector.process(ApplicationSelector.java:244) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.filters.WebContainerInvoker.process(WebContainerInvoker.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.HostFilter.process(HostFilter.java:9) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.filters.ResponseLogWriter.process(ResponseLogWriter.java:60) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.HostFilter.process(HostFilter.java:9) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.filters.DefineHostFilter.process(DefineHostFilter.java:27) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.ServerFilter.process(ServerFilter.java:12) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.filters.MonitoringFilter.process(MonitoringFilter.java:29) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.ServerFilter.process(ServerFilter.java:12) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.filters.MemoryStatisticFilter.process(MemoryStatisticFilter.java:43) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.ServerFilter.process(ServerFilter.java:12) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.filters.DSRHttpFilter.process(DSRHttpFilter.java:42) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.ServerFilter.process(ServerFilter.java:12) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.chain.AbstractChain.process(AbstractChain.java:78) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Processor.chainedRequest(Processor.java:428) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Processor$FCAProcessorThread.process(Processor.java:247) at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.rcm.RequestProcessorThread.run(RequestProcessorThread.java:45) at com.sap.engine.core.thread.execution.Executable.run(Executable.java:122) at com.sap.engine.core.thread.execution.Executable.run(Executable.java:101) at com.sap.engine.core.thread.execution.CentralExecutor$SingleThread.run(CentralExecutor.java:327) </pre>

  • Unable to log in to portal after system copy

    Good day
    I have copied my production portal system to a test system.  I am using an ECC Abap system as my user store.  The portal start successfully and I am able to access the Visual administrator.
    I am however unable to log on to the portal.  The error I get is "User authentication error".
    Below is an extract from the security log:
    User: N/A
    Authentication Stack: ticket
    Login Module                                                            Flag        Initialize  Login      Commit     Abort      Details
    com.sap.security.core.server.jaas.EvaluateTicketLoginModule             SUFFICIENT  ok          false      false      true      
    com.sap.security.core.server.jaas.CreateTicketLoginModule               SUFFICIENT  ok          false      false      true      
    com.sap.engine.services.security.server.jaas.BasicPasswordLoginModule   REQUISITE   ok          true       true       true      
    com.sap.security.core.server.jaas.CreateTicketLoginModule               REQUISITE   ok          true       exception  true       null#
    #1.5#0011259C05FB0054000002F700001B9800043F56F61580BC#1195542635240#/System/Security/Audit#sap.com/irj#com.sap.security.core.util.SecurityAudit#Guest#0##sapsep.sap.lonmin_SEP_32623050#Guest#af93b280973711dc980a0011259c05fb#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_35##0#0#Warning#1#com.sap.security.core.util.SecurityAudit#Plain###Guest     | LOGIN.ERROR     | null     |      | Login Method=[default], UserID=[oostw], IP Address=[], Reason=[Access Denied.]#
    Please can someone assist.

    It looks like your system is configured for ticket authentication. As you did a system copy the SSO-ticket might not be working anymore. If this is the case you need fix the SSO or you need to re-configure your Portal (at least temporarily) to allow other authentication methods (like basic password authentication).
    You can configure the order of the authentication methods in VisualAdmin and set the 'levels' (Required/Sufficient/etc.) there as well.
    Hope this helps,

  • System Copy Import Error

    Dear All,
    Good Day
    We are doing a BI Quality System Refresh from our BI Production System.
    we are on Windows 2003 R2 Server & Database MS SQL 2005 Server.
    We followed the Standard System Copy / Migration (Load Based) Installation method.
    We finished the SAP installation positively up to the 13th Phase, while in the "IMPORT ABAP Phase" we are getting the following errors.
    Loading of 'SAPSLOAD' import package: OK
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 5, completed 102, failed 10, total 117.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 4, completed 102, failed 10, total 117.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 3, completed 102, failed 10, total 117.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 2, completed 102, failed 10, total 117.
    Loading of 'SAPUSER' import package: OK
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 2, completed 103, failed 10, total 117.
    Loading of 'SAPDODS_13' import package: OK
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 2, completed 104, failed 10, total 117.
    Loading of 'SAPDODS_6' import package: OK
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 2, completed 105, failed 10, total 117.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 1, completed 105, failed 10, total 117.
    Loading of 'SAP0000' import package: OK
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 1, completed 106, failed 10, total 117.
    TRACE      2011-05-01 11:58:56.355
    Function setMessageIdOfExceptionMessage: nw.programError
    WARNING[E] 2011-05-01 11:58:56.355
    CJS-30022  Program 'Migration Monitor' exits with error code 103. For details see log file(s) import_monitor.java.log, import_monitor.log.
    TRACE      2011-05-01 11:58:56.433 [iaxxejsbas.hpp:483]
    JS Callback has thrown unknown exception. Rethrowing.
    ERROR      2011-05-01 11:58:56.480 [sixxcstepexecute.cpp:950]
    FCO-00011  The step runMigrationMonitor with step key |NW_ABAP_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_ABAP_Import_Dialog|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|NW_ABAP_Import|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|runMigrationMonitor was executed with status ERROR .
    TRACE      2011-05-01 11:58:56.527 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:752]
    <html> <head> </head> <body> <p> An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 1 Support Release 1 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > MS SQL Server > Target System Installation > Central System > Based on AS ABAP > Central System. You can now: </p> <ul> <li> Choose <i>Retry</i> to repeat the current step. </li> <li> Choose <i>View Log</i> to get more information about the error. </li> <li> Stop the option and continue with it later. </li> </ul> <p> Log files are written to C:\Program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW701/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS-ABAP/. </p> </body></html>
    TRACE      2011-05-01 11:58:56.527 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:1255]
    Waiting for an answer from GUI
    *" In The importmonitor log "*_
    INFO: 2011-05-01 11:57:57 com.sap.inst.migmon.LoadTask run
    Loading of 'SAPDODS_6' import package is successfully completed.
    TRACE: 2011-05-01 11:58:26 com.sap.inst.migmon.LoadTask run
    Loading of 'SAP0000' import package is started.
    TRACE: 2011-05-01 11:58:26 com.sap.inst.migmon.LoadTask processPackage
    Task file generation for 'SAP0000' import package:
    K:\usr\sap\FBQ\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -ctf I E:\Backup\ABAP\DATA\SAP0000.STR "C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\NW701\LM\COPY\MSS\SYSTEM\CENTRAL\AS-ABAP\DDLMSS.TPL" SAP0000.TSK MSS -l SAP0000.log -o D
    TRACE: 2011-05-01 11:58:26 com.sap.inst.migmon.LoadTask processPackage
    Loading of 'SAP0000' import package into database:
    K:\usr\sap\FBQ\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAP0000.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAP0000.log -loadprocedure fast
    INFO: 2011-05-01 11:58:26 com.sap.inst.migmon.LoadTask run
    Loading of 'SAP0000' import package is successfully completed.
    WARNING: 2011-05-01 11:58:56
    Cannot start import of packages with views because not all import packages with tables are loaded successfully.
    WARNING: 2011-05-01 11:58:56
    10 error(s) during processing of packages.
    INFO: 2011-05-01 11:58:56
    Import Monitor is stopped.
    Kindly Do the needful.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Did you execute the report SMIGR_CREATE_DDL on the source system and copied the resulting SQL files to the database dump directory?

  • Error in heterogenous system copy

    Hi Guys,
    I am getting n error during the import phase in het system copy. I am doing a system copy from AIX 5.3, DB2 UDB 8.1..1.88 FP 9 to Win server 2003 SP1, DB2 UDB FP16.
    The following is log from DBMIG.log file
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:43 CommandFileController SyFileVersionSave:736
        Saving original content of file C:\Users\bkdadm\Install\DBMIG.R3S
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:43 CommandFileController SyFileCopy:676
        Copying source file C:\Users\bkdadm\Install\DBMIG.R3S to target
        file C:\Users\bkdadm\Install\DBMIG.R3S.3 ...
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:43 CommandFileController SyPermissionSet:2207
        Changing permission for file C:\Users\bkdadm\Install\DBMIG.R3S
        from 777 to 666.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 Main
        Preparation successfully completed.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'SAP'
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'SAP' is 'SAP.twc.pvt'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'SAP' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'SAP'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'SAP'
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'SAP' is 'SAP.twc.pvt'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'SAP' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'SAP'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'SAP'
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'SAP' is 'SAP.twc.pvt'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'SAP' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'SAP'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:434
        checking host name lookup for 'SAP'
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:473
        offical host name for 'SAP' is 'SAP.twc.pvt'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:541
        host 'SAP' has ip address ''
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 SyCheckHostnameLookup:581
        offical host name for '' is 'SAP'.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:38:44 DATABASEINSTANCE_NT_DB6 DefValForKey_OS:0
        R3Setup found the share 'SAPLOC' on drive D:.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:39:00 CDSERVERMIG_NT_DB6 InternalColdKeyCheck:0
        The CD KERNEL will not be copied.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:39:00 CDSERVERMIG_NT_DB6 InternalColdKeyCheck:0
        The CD RDBMS will not be copied.
    INFO 2008-05-23 17:39:00 CDSERVERMIG_NT_DB6 InternalColdKeyCheck:0
        The CD EXPORT1 will not be copied.
    ERROR 2008-05-24 22:33:29 GETDBSIZEKEYS_IND_IND ColdKeyCheck:0
        Phase failed.
    ERROR 2008-05-24 22:33:29 InstController Action:0
        Step GETDBSIZEKEYS_IND_IND could not be performed.
    ERROR 2008-05-24 22:33:30 Main
        Installation failed.
    ERROR 2008-05-24 22:33:30 Main
        Installation aborted.
    I checked the DBSIZE.TPL file as well it is there with full permissions in the following path
    Please reply me back
    Thank you
    Irshad Mohammed

    What immediately comes to my eyes is the hostname "SAP" - accordign to the installation documentation neither and instance nor a hostname must be named "SAP"....

  • Import ABAP error in ECC6 system copy targert

    Hi Experts,
                      I am istalling SAP Ecc 6 in System copy targrt, ABAP import fail in 2/87. I got the error Loading of 'SAPDFACT' import package: ERRORImport Monitor jobs.
    My OS  Windows 2003 64 bit and Oracle 10.2. Please find the log files belo. Please help me to solve this issue
      :\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100325173244
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 00:40:17
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -ctf I H:\MVGK IDESBackup-march2010\ABAP\DATA\SAPDFACT.STR C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\LM\COPY\ORA\SYSTEM\CENTRAL\AS\DDLORA.TPL SAPDFACT.TSK ORA -l SAPDFACT.log
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job completed
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100325173244
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100325173244
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 00:40:17
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAPDFACT.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPDFACT.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "AT220100325020343                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "KENKI                                                           "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "KENKI"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 2"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "4x AMD64 Level 6 (Mod 15 Step 7)"
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01 created #20100325173245
    (IMP) INFO: import of /BI0/E0RSTT_C01 completed (0 rows) #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~0 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~01 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~02 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~04 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~05 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~06 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~07 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~08 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~09 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~10 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~11 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~12 created #20100325173245
    (DB) INFO: /BI0/E0RSTT_C01~13 created #20100325173245
    DbSl Trace: Error 1408 in exec_immediate() from oci_execute_stmt(), orpc=0
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1408 occurred when executing SQL stmt (parse error offset=57)
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 1408)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01408: such column list already indexed
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100325173245
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100325174158
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 00:40:17
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAPDFACT.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPDFACT.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "AT220100325020343                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "KENKI                                                           "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "KENKI"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 2"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "4x AMD64 Level 6 (Mod 15 Step 7)"
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    (DROP INDEX "/BI0/E0RSTT_C01~P")
    DbSlExecute: rc = 103
      (SQL error 1418)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01418: specified index does not exist
    (IMP) INFO: a failed DROP attempt is not necessarily a problem
    DbSl Trace: Error 1408 in exec_immediate() from oci_execute_stmt(), orpc=0
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1408 occurred when executing SQL stmt (parse error offset=57)
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 1408)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01408: such column list already indexed
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100325174158
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100325180802
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 00:40:17
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAPDFACT.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPDFACT.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 99
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100325180808
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100325182246
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 00:40:17
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAPDFACT.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPDFACT.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 99
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100325182251
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100325183259
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 00:40:17
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAPDFACT.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPDFACT.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 99
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100325183304
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100326100904
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 00:40:17
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAPDFACT.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPDFACT.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    DbSl Trace: OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed with rc=12541
    DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    (DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 99
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    G:\usr\sap\AT2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100326100910
    Thanks in Advance
    Jose H

    You can check the defined enviornment variable using command prompt and System properties.
    Open Command Prompt and give "set" command. It will show you active environment variable.
    You can also set missing environment variables in system properties.
    Start -->Control Panel --> System
    On Advanced Tab --> Environment Variables.
    After logging to the database if it shows message "Connected to idle instance", that means your database is not started.
    Please start the database using below SQL command.
    Open Command Prompt
    C:\Sqlplus / as sysdba
    Once it says "Database opened", retry SAP installation.
    You can also check the database status in SQL prompt using below command:
    SQL> select instance_name,status from v$instance;
    It must show output like:
    <SID>              OPEN
    Rajesh Narkhede

  • Error in import abap step while importing system copy.

    Hi All,
    My colleague had taken System copy of development server, few days back. it was completed successfully,
    now we want to restore that system copy, as hardware failed. But when we start the import of system copy,
    all ABAP jobs are failing in import abap step, Some DDL statement problem. can u pls help wht to do.
    I found in some forums, SMIGR_create_DDL report need to be generated prior to taking system copy, but he
    didnt taken tht.
    OS: Windows 2003
    DB: DB2
    Pls find sapinst.log
    INFO 2009-10-27 10:43:06.890
    Output of C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13-x64\bin\java.exe -classpath migmon.jar -showversion -Xmx1024m com.sap.inst.migmon.imp.ImportMonitor -sapinst is written to the logfile import_monitor.java.log.
    WARNING 2009-10-27 10:53:37.125
    Execution of the command "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13-x64\bin\java.exe -classpath migmon.jar -showversion -Xmx1024m com.sap.inst.migmon.imp.ImportMonitor -sapinst" finished with return code 103. Output:
    java version "1.4.2_13"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_13-b06)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.4.2_13-b06, mixed mode)
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 63, completed 0, failed 0, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 62, completed 0, failed 0, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 61, completed 0, failed 0, total 64.
    Loading of 'DOKCLU' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 61, completed 0, failed 1, total 64.
    Loading of 'D010TAB' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 61, completed 0, failed 2, total 64.
    Loading of 'REPOSRC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 61, completed 0, failed 3, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 60, completed 0, failed 3, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 59, completed 0, failed 3, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 58, completed 0, failed 3, total 64.
    Loading of 'DYNPSOURCE' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 58, completed 0, failed 4, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1_4' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 58, completed 0, failed 5, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_2' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 58, completed 0, failed 6, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 57, completed 0, failed 6, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 56, completed 0, failed 6, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 55, completed 0, failed 6, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPNTAB' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 55, completed 0, failed 7, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_9' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 55, completed 0, failed 8, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_8' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 55, completed 0, failed 9, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 54, completed 0, failed 9, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 53, completed 0, failed 9, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 52, completed 0, failed 9, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_6' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 52, completed 0, failed 10, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1_3' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 52, completed 0, failed 11, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_5' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 52, completed 0, failed 12, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 51, completed 0, failed 12, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 50, completed 0, failed 12, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 49, completed 0, failed 12, total 64.
    Loading of 'D010INC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 49, completed 0, failed 13, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1_2' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 49, completed 0, failed 14, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1_7' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 49, completed 0, failed 15, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 48, completed 0, failed 15, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 47, completed 0, failed 15, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 46, completed 0, failed 15, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_2' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 46, completed 0, failed 16, total 64.
    Loading of 'DYNPLOAD' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 46, completed 0, failed 17, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_5' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 46, completed 0, failed 18, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 45, completed 0, failed 18, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 44, completed 0, failed 18, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 43, completed 0, failed 18, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSDIC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 43, completed 0, failed 19, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_14' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 43, completed 0, failed 20, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_2' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 43, completed 0, failed 21, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 42, completed 0, failed 21, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 41, completed 0, failed 21, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 40, completed 0, failed 21, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_3' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 40, completed 0, failed 22, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_4' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 40, completed 0, failed 23, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_10' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 40, completed 0, failed 24, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 39, completed 0, failed 24, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 38, completed 0, failed 24, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 37, completed 0, failed 24, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_7' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 37, completed 0, failed 25, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_7' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 37, completed 0, failed 26, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_1' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 37, completed 0, failed 27, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 36, completed 0, failed 27, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 35, completed 0, failed 27, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 34, completed 0, failed 27, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_7' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 34, completed 0, failed 28, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_4' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 34, completed 0, failed 29, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1_6' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 34, completed 0, failed 30, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 33, completed 0, failed 30, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 32, completed 0, failed 30, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 31, completed 0, failed 30, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_3' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 31, completed 0, failed 31, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPCLUST' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 31, completed 0, failed 32, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_8' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 31, completed 0, failed 33, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 30, completed 0, failed 33, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 29, completed 0, failed 33, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 28, completed 0, failed 33, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSRC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 28, completed 0, failed 34, total 64.
    Loading of 'ENHOBJCONTRACT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 28, completed 0, failed 35, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_4' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 28, completed 0, failed 36, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 27, completed 0, failed 36, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 26, completed 0, failed 36, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 25, completed 0, failed 36, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_1' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 25, completed 0, failed 37, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_6' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 25, completed 0, failed 38, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_8' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 25, completed 0, failed 39, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 24, completed 0, failed 39, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 23, completed 0, failed 39, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 22, completed 0, failed 39, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPPOOL' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 22, completed 0, failed 40, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_1' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 22, completed 0, failed 41, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1_5' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 22, completed 0, failed 42, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 21, completed 0, failed 42, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 20, completed 0, failed 42, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 19, completed 0, failed 42, total 64.
    Loading of 'REPOTEXT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 19, completed 0, failed 43, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_5' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 19, completed 0, failed 44, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_9' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 19, completed 0, failed 45, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 18, completed 0, failed 45, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 17, completed 0, failed 45, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 16, completed 0, failed 45, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC_10' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 16, completed 0, failed 46, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_3' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 16, completed 0, failed 47, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_6' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 16, completed 0, failed 48, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 15, completed 0, failed 48, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 14, completed 0, failed 48, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 13, completed 0, failed 48, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSLEXC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 13, completed 0, failed 49, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0_9' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 13, completed 0, failed 50, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_11' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 13, completed 0, failed 51, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 12, completed 0, failed 51, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 11, completed 0, failed 51, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 10, completed 0, failed 51, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSPROT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 10, completed 0, failed 52, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_13' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 10, completed 0, failed 53, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2_12' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 10, completed 0, failed 54, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 9, completed 0, failed 54, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 8, completed 0, failed 54, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 7, completed 0, failed 54, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSLOAD' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 7, completed 0, failed 55, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPSDOCU' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 7, completed 0, failed 56, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1_1' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 7, completed 0, failed 57, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 6, completed 0, failed 57, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 5, completed 0, failed 57, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 4, completed 0, failed 57, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPDDIM' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 4, completed 0, failed 58, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPUSER' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 4, completed 0, failed 59, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPDFACT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 4, completed 0, failed 60, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 3, completed 0, failed 60, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 2, completed 0, failed 60, total 64.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 1, completed 0, failed 60, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPDODS' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 1, completed 0, failed 61, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAPUSER1' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 1, completed 0, failed 62, total 64.
    Loading of 'SAP0000' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 1, completed 0, failed 63, total 64.
    ERROR 2009-10-27 10:53:37.125
    CJS-30022  Program 'Migration Monitor' exits with error code 103. For details see log file(s) import_monitor.java.log, import_monitor.log.
    ERROR 2009-10-27 10:53:37.140
    FCO-00011  The step runMigrationMonitor with step key |NW_Doublestack_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_ABAP_Import_Dialog|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|NW_ABAP_Import|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|runMigrationMonitor was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step :Program 'Migration Monitor' exits with error code 103. For details see log file(s) import_monitor.java.log, import_monitor.log.).

    i checked the DOKCLU log, pls find the log below:
    D:\usr\sap\ATD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20091027104307
    D:\usr\sap\ATD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#20 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\ATD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Aug 23 2009 23:42:38
    D:\usr\sap\ATD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i DOKCLU.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -k 1gage5M50Dp01eqte1]x3Qa5 -l DOKCLU.log -stop_on_error -loadprocedure fast LOAD
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "ATD                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "DB6                             "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "UNKNOWN                                                         "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "SERVER"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 1"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "4x AMD64 Level 6 (Mod 23 Step 7)"
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    dsql_exec_immediate returned DS_DBOBJECTUNKNOWN
    (IMP) INFO: a failed DROP attempt is not necessarily a problem
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    dsql_exec_immediate returned DS_DBOBJECTUNKNOWN
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    D:\usr\sap\ATD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    D:\usr\sap\ATD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20091027104307

  • Error in phase import Homogeneous system copy from a BI 7.3 dual stack ABAPJAVA

    I'm doing a Homogeneous system copy from a BI 7.3 dual stack ABAP+JAVA system with an Oracle DB (11g version, patch level) with AIX ibm OS.
    Before starting export I've executed in the source system the report SMIGR_CREATE_DDL, as described in sap note 888210, and I generated *.SQL files.
    After, during the import in the target system I get the following error message:
    vi /expdb2/tmpDB0/sapinst_instdir/NW730/ORA/ORA/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/STD/AS/import_monitor.log
    INFO: 2014-03-08 00:21:57 com.sap.inst.migmon.LoadTask run_report
    Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 1, completed 60, failed 5, total 66  finish processing of package SAP0000
    You can see below the detail of the 5 packages in error:
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 2216)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-02216: tablespace name expected
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /usr/sap/DB2/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /usr/sap/DB2/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64/R3load: END OF LOG: 20140307141347
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 2216)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-02216: tablespace name expected
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 922)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-00922: missing or invalid option
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    DbSl Trace: Error 1741 in exec_immediate() from oci_execute_stmt(), orpc=0
    DbSl Trace: ORA-01741 occurred when executing SQL stmt (parse error offset=8126464)
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    (  ALTER TABLE "/BI0/F0TCT_C01"    ADD PARTITION "/BI0/F0TCT_C010000001131" VALUES LESS THAN ( 0000001131  )    TABLESPACE "" )
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 1741)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01741: illegal zero-length identifier
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    DbSl Trace: Error 922 in exec_immediate() from oci_execute_stmt(), orpc=0
    DbSl Trace: ORA-00922 occurred when executing SQL stmt (parse error offset=242024448)
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    (CREATE TABLE "/BIC/B0000989000"    ("REQUEST" VARCHAR2 (000090)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "DATAPAKID" VARCHAR2 (000018)      DEFAULT '000000' NOT NULL,    "PART
    NO" NUMBER (000010)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "RECORD" NUMBER (000010)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "PLANT" VARCHAR2 (000012)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "MATERIA
    L" VARCHAR2 (000054)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RPA_CURUOM" VARCHAR2 (000015)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RPA_MVF" NUMBER (000017, 000002)      DEFAULT 0 NOT N
    ULL,    "PRICE_UNIT" NUMBER (000017, 000003)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "RPA_QTYUOM" VARCHAR2 (000009)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_SSMFGR" VARCHAR2 (000024)
        DEFAULT '00000000' NOT NULL,    "BASE_UOM" VARCHAR2 (000009)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "FRE_PLNPUR" VARCHAR2 (000036)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "FRE_MINS
    TK" NUMBER (000017, 000003)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "FRE_SERLEV" NUMBER (000017, 000003)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "FRE_SELCLS" VARCHAR2 (000003)      DEFAULT '
    0' NOT NULL,    "FRE_REPLST" VARCHAR2 (000006)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "ABCKEY" VARCHAR2 (000003)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RECORDMODE" VARCHAR2 (000003)
        DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_SERVLEV" VARCHAR2 (000003)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_SUPS" VARCHAR2 (000003)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "VAL_TYPE" VARCH
    AR2 (000030)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "PUR_GROUP" VARCHAR2 (000009)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_VPNEU" NUMBER (000017, 000002)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    "CURRENCY" VARCHAR2 (000015)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_VRKPE" NUMBER (000017, 000003)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "DISMM" VARCHAR2 (000006)      DEFAULT ' '
    NOT NULL,    "SALES_UNIT" VARCHAR2 (000009)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_VP_BT" NUMBER (000017, 000002)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "RT_VPE_BT" NUMBER (000017,
    000003)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "RT_VP_NT" NUMBER (000017, 000002)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "RT_VPE_NT" NUMBER (000017, 000003)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "R
    T_VWAERBT" VARCHAR2 (000015)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_VWAERNT" VARCHAR2 (000015)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_VPMEIBT" VARCHAR2 (000009)      DEFAULT '
    ' NOT NULL,    "RT_VPMEINT" VARCHAR2 (000009)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "LOC_CURRCY" VARCHAR2 (000015)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "UNIT" VARCHAR2 (000009)
      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "CM_MCATDIV" VARCHAR2 (000054)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "CM_CDT1" VARCHAR2 (000054)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "CM_CDT2" VARCHAR2
    (000054)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "CM_CDT3" VARCHAR2 (000054)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "CM_CDT4" VARCHAR2 (000054)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "CM_HIEID"
    VARCHAR2 (000006)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "CPSTLC" NUMBER (000017, 000002)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "CPSVLC" NUMBER (000017, 000002)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
    ,    "STOCK_VAL" NUMBER (000017, 000002)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "STOCK_QTY" NUMBER (000017, 000003)      DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,    "RT_SEASON" VARCHAR2 (000012)
      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "RT_SEASYR" VARCHAR2 (000012)      DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,    "CALDAY" VARCHAR2 (000024)      DEFAULT '00000000' NOT NULL,    "CALWEEK"
    VARCHAR2 (000018)      DEFAULT '000000' NOT NULL,    "RF_BNDID" VARCHAR2 (000012)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "/BIC/ZCATTR3" VARCHAR2 (000006)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT
    003)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,    "/BIC/ZCGROUPE" VARCHAR2 (000054)      DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL)    PCTFREE 10    PCTUSED 00    INITRANS 001    TABLESPACE    STORAGE (
    INITIAL    0000000016 K            NEXT        0000001024 K            MINEXTENTS  0000000001            MAXEXTENTS  2147483645            PCTINCREASE 0000
        FREELISTS  001            FREELIST GROUPS 01)      PARTITION BY RANGE ("PARTNO")      (      PARTITION "/BIC/B00009890000000000002" VALUES LESS THAN      (00000
    00002)      NOCOMPRESS      ) )
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 922)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-00922: missing or invalid option
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB

    Before anything update DB shared lib, R3load, R3ldctl and R3szchk in the target system. Also Check in source system if you have any tables o index missing in db02 transaction, If this system wa upgraded from a previous release please check TAORA and IAORA tables in source system and check all the tablespaces named in those tables are created in the target system.
    let me know how it goes.

  • DB2 9.7 DFACT.SQL syntax error in Import ABAP phase - System Copy

    Hi all. I'm trying a system copy with a source system SAP ECC 6.0 ehp4 based on NW 701 and db2 LUW 9.1 .
    As it seems supported by SAP, i'm using db2 LUW 9.7 in target system.
    O.S. is Windows 2008.
    I got an error in phase "Import ABAP".
    Sapinst.log says:
    INFO 2010-02-18 10:12:14.337
    An error occured and the user decided to retry the current step: "|NW_ABAP_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_ABAP_Import_Dialog|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|NW_ABAP_Import|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|runMigrationMonitor".
    INFO 2010-02-18 10:12:14.509
    Switched to user: devadm.
    INFO 2010-02-18 10:12:14.572
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERPEhP4\LM\COPY\DB6\SYSTEM\CENTRAL\AS-ABAP\import_monitor.java.log.
    INFO 2010-02-18 10:12:14.603
    Switched to user: devadm.
    INFO 2010-02-18 10:12:14.618
    Working directory changed to C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERPEhP4\LM\COPY\DB6\SYSTEM\CENTRAL\AS-ABAP.
    INFO 2010-02-18 10:12:14.618
    Output of C:\j2sdk1.4.2_24-x64\bin\java.exe -classpath migmon.jar -showversion -Xmx1024m com.sap.inst.migmon.imp.ImportMonitor -sapinst is written to the logfile import_monitor.java.log.
    WARNING 2010-02-18 10:12:44.790
    Execution of the command "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_24-x64\bin\java.exe -classpath migmon.jar -showversion -Xmx1024m com.sap.inst.migmon.imp.ImportMonitor -sapinst" finished with return code 103. Output:
    java version "1.4.2_24-rev"
    Java(TM) Platform, Standard Edition for Business (build 1.4.2_24-rev-b06)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.4.2_24-rev-b06, mixed mode)
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 1, completed 73, failed 0, total 75.
    Loading of 'SAPDFACT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 1, completed 73, failed 1, total 75.
    WARNING[E] 2010-02-18 10:12:44.790
    CJS-30022  Program 'Migration Monitor' exits with error code 103. For details see log file(s) import_monitor.java.log, import_monitor.log.
    ERROR 2010-02-18 10:12:44.790
    FCO-00011  The step runMigrationMonitor with step key |NW_ABAP_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_ABAP_Import_Dialog|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|NW_ABAP_Import|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|runMigrationMonitor was executed with status ERROR .
    Looking into import_monitor.java.log i found that the problem is in dfact import.
    I've looked into sapdfact.log and i found:
    S:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20100218105045
    S:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/701_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#8 $ SAP
    S:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.01/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jan 28 2010 20:22:25
    S:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -i SAPDFACT.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPDFACT.log -stop_on_error -loadprocedure fast LOAD:COMPRESS_ALL
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (DB6) INFO: COMPRESS YES is set during table creation.
    (DB6) DB2 9.5 automatic dictionary creation does not require an explicit REORG.
    (DB6) Compression threshold is ignored.
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "DEV                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "DB6                             "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "UNKNOWN                                                         "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "SRVSAPDEV"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "6.0"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "6002 Service Pack 2"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "4x AMD64 Level 6 (Mod 26 Step 5)"
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed with SQL error
      (SQL error -539)
      error message returned by dsql:
    SQL0539N  Table or nickname "SAPDEV./BI0/E0PPM_VC1" does not have a "PRIMARY" key.  SQLSTATE=42888
    (IMP) INFO: a failed DROP attempt is not necessarily a problem
    (DB6) INFO: executing DDL statements for object /BI0/E0PPM_VC1 from external SQL file.
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed with SQL error
      (SQL error -7)
      error message returned by dsql:
    SQL0007N  The character "_" following "" )   USING STOGROUP" is not valid.  SQLSTATE=42601
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    S:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    S:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20100218105045
    So as you can see it seems that there's some syntax error in dfacl.log. The wrong SQL statement referred by sapdfact.log is
    ind: /BI0/E0PPM_VC1~0
      ("KEY_0PPM_VC1T" ,
      "KEY_0PPM_VC11" ,
      "KEY_0PPM_VC1U" ,
      "KEY_0PPM_VC1P" )
      "KEY_0PPM_VC1P") ;
    Am i missing something?
    Data in referred tables (infocubes) isn't really important.
    Is there a safe way to proceed?
    Thanks in advance.
    Simone Zaffalon

    And this is the strange point: my source system is not a BI and my dataclasses .SQL files are not empty.
    Me too i would expect that the files should be empty but instead they are full of object definitions.
    For example i have APPL0.SQL that contains a list of all tables of ECC system, for example
    tab: MAMT
    sql:     CREATE TABLE "MAMT"
            ("MANDT" SAPDB6VARCHAR(000003)
            DEFAULT '000' NOT NULL,
            "MATNR" SAPDB6VARCHAR(000018)
            DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
            "SPRAS" SAPDB6VARCHAR(000001)
            DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
            "MEINH" SAPDB6VARCHAR(000003)
            DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
            "MTXID" SAPDB6VARCHAR(000002)
            DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
            "LFDNR" SAPDB6VARCHAR(000002)
            DEFAULT '00' NOT NULL,
            "MAKTM" SAPDB6VARCHAR(000040)
            DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL)
            IN "&location&"
            INDEX IN "&locationI&"
            LONG  IN "&locationL&"
          COMPRESS YES;
    and like this for all others tables.
    What would occur if i launch an import with such .SQL files?
    (shuld i put this question to another thread or is fine for you to answer on this?)
    Thank you again.
    Simone Zaffalon

  • Error in "Run Java migration toolkit", doing a SAP system copy.

    Hi all,
    Migration to new hardware with system copy, get an error in CI installation on "Run Java Migration Toolkit".
    From the sapinst.log:
    ERROR 2009-05-13 12:46:47.188
    FJS-00003  TypeError: ci.getInstanceDir() has no properties (in script NW_Doublestack_CI|ind|ind|ind|ind, line 120276: ???)
    ERROR 2009-05-13 12:46:48.318
    FCO-00011  The step InitPrivateContext with step key |NW_Doublestack_CI|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|12|0|NW_CI_Instance_Configure_Java|ind|ind|ind|ind|4|0|NW_RUN_MIGRATION_CONTROLLER|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|InitPrivateContext was executed with status ERROR .
    From the sapinst_dev.log:
    ERROR      2009-05-13 12:46:47.188 [iaxxejsbas.cpp:204]
    FJS-00003  TypeError: ci.getInstanceDir() has no properties (in script NW_Doublestack_CI|ind|ind|ind|ind, line 120276: ???)
    TRACE      2009-05-13 12:46:48.038 [syuxctask.cpp:1382]
    A child process has been started. Pid = 23620
    ERROR      2009-05-13 12:46:48.318 [sixxcstepexecute.cpp:951]
    FCO-00011  The step InitPrivateContext with step key |NW_Doublestack_CI|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|12|0|NW_CI_Instance_Configure_Java|ind|ind|ind|ind|4|0|NW_RUN_MIGRATION_CONTROLLER|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|InitPrivateContext was executed with status ERROR .
    TRACE      2009-05-13 12:46:48.368 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:752]
    <html> <head> </head> <body> <p> An error occurred while processing service SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Support Release 3 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > Oracle > Target System Installation > High-Availability System > Based on AS ABAP and AS Java > Central Instance . You may now </p> <ul> <li> choose <i>Retry</i> to repeat the current step. </li> <li> choose <i>View Log</i> to get more information about the error. </li> <li> stop the task and continue with it later. </li> </ul> <p> Log files are written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW04S/LM/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/HA/AS/CI. </p> </body></html>
    TRACE      2009-05-13 12:46:48.368 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:1255]
    Waiting for an answer from GUI
    I had checked the INSTANCE_NAME parameter, in every profile, and is ok.
    I tried a new instalation, after importing the profiles, and checking the INSTANCE_NAME, but got the same error.
    Please, advice.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards.

    Thanks Manoj for your advice.
    We had already checked the procedures, we are working based on the System Copy Guide: "System Copy for SAP Systems Based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 SR3 ABAP+Java".
    I had to mention that source and target systems are HP-UX, 11.23, Itanium and the DataBase is Oracle 10.2.02.
    The copy was made from a Central System (ABAP + Java) to a High-Availability System (ABAP + Java), and the problem appeared when copying the Central Instance.
    Thanks in adavance.

  • SSO to R3 not working after system copy

    Hi Experts,
    Recently our QA R3 client XXX was deleted and the whole system was rebuild using system copy of client ZZZ of R3 production. Now we had to reconfigure the SSO between portal and QA R3 with the new client.
    But it is not working. It was found that the QA R3's own self signed certificate shows CN=ERP (same as R3 Prod) and not ERU as it should have been. We changed the CN value to ERP,in Visual Admin (Services ->key storage , Ticket ). Still the result is same.
    How to re-generate the self signed certificate in R3 with CN=ERU ?
    or a workaround for this problem.

    HI Jayendra 
    Recreate the saplogonticketkeypair following the procedure outlined here
    Then you can export the SAPLogonticketkeypair-cert (public key certificate) of the Java AS and import it into the target ABAP system
    Important: the following two steps must be done in the ABAP client that will receive the logon tickets i.e the ABAP client that the component/application on the Java AS is configured to connect to e.g the client specified in the portal iview properties or the client specified in a Web Dynpro JCo Destination
    (1) Import the public-key certificate of the Java AS into the ABAP systems certificate list using transaction STRUSTSSO2
    (2) Add the certificate to access control list
    When adding the certificate to the ACL the SID should be set to the SID of the ticket issuing Java AS and the client should be set to the client that the Java AS is writing to the logon tickets i.e the value of login.ticket_client in the Java AS
    Remember, in an Add-In installation, where the system IDs are the same, you must change the default client for the J2EE Engine (000) to a client that does not exist on the SAP Web AS ABAP system e.g change login.ticket_client to 999
    See: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/cb/ac3d41a5a9ef23e10000000a155106/content.htm
    The reason for this change is that the system ID and client combination must be unique when tickets are to be accepted by an SAP Web AS ABAP system
    By the way it is better to start a new thread with your question rather than bumping a thread that was already set to 'answered'

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