Your Best Source For More Loops?

Looking for a good source for more loops. There are a bunch of sites out there but would like to find one where:
- Garageband Compatible Loops
- Can demo a good sampling of loops in a package
I don't want to just buy 200MB of random loops, I'd like to listen to some of them first.
Where is your favorite source for more loops?

Those NewerTech's are supposed to be pretty good. I bought a BTI battery from Fry's last summer. So far, I'm getting about 5-6hrs out of it, doing word processing and internet surfing. Can't complain, since it was fairly cheap ($100).
OWC is selling the Newertech and is giving a $19 rebate for sending in a dead battery. See here:
Here's a couple of other places selling batteries:
Lastly, here's someone who tricked a 'dead' battery into some life again by doing an open firmware reset:

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    You do not have permissions to complete this operation. Contact your fax administrator for more assistance
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    Will it void my Applecare as well?
    Yes...AppleCare is your warranty.
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    Have an Apple Authorized Service Provider isntall an internal drive so as to not void the warranty.

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    I understand the gist of what he wrote. BTI lists their replacement as 11.1V and 5000mAh (Product ID: MC-G4/A15): That same model is listed as 11.1 and 4800mAh at one of their reseller's:
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    on it on drag it to the desktop, then into the album
    art box of iTunes.
    I believe that copying directly into the iTunes box
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    It's the other way round.
    If you copy it to your Desktop then it takes space there and if you then copy it to iTunes it gets added to the music file making that bigger.
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    Here's a useful app for working out where all your space is going: Disk Inventory X
    Colin R.

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