YouTube App restrictions

Is it possible to set the YouTube app to require the pin code to open it, rather than having to go in and out of settings every time I want to use it? Reason is that I found some inappropriate content on YouTube and I have children under 13 years of age who love too play on my equipment. I use YouTube for school a lot also, so I would like to have the pin entry available.

You can restrict Youtube completely via Restrictions. You can apply Restrictions by going to Settings, General, Restrictions, and turning off Youtube. You are required to enter a passcode to change the setting.
However, there is no way to restrict certain videos. Tha t is unless you are willing to have a separate account that says you are under 17 years of age and will block most explicit videos.
Message was edited by: HuskieN

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    Save as a web app.
    Google is working on an iPad optomized version of YouTube, one for the iPhone is in the app store right now.

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