Zen Vison:M Docking th

I lost the thing that you connect to the Zen Vision:M at the bottom. And I'm currently in Mexico City. Is there any where I can buy a new one? Or will an iPod one work?

It's $8 (minus shipping) direct from Creative. Thats the only place I have seen it.

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    i have this same problem
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    So what would be the best way to go?
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    A dock: http://us.creative.com/products/prod...7&product=4485
    Speaker System: http://us.creative.com/products/prod...7&product=4097
    Wireless remote?:http://us.creative.com/products/prod...Specifications
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    Anyway, if anyone could help me that would be great.

    Hi There,?I just bought my Zen Vision M yesterday and so far I'm very happy with it. I had a Toshiba Gigabeat S30 first but the battery was horrid (seems to be very close to the Zune in design and features etc)?then I swapped for an 80GB Ipod video but there is a massi've problem with the EQ settings wanting to clip passed the digital headroom (google "ipod distortion")?Got The Creative Zen Vision M and I can say the following so far:?The sound output is strong and powers my $200 Sony in ear headphones with clean power even with bass all the way up. It's got a custom 5 band graphic EQ which works well to customise the sound to how you want it (I hate the standard MP3 EQ options of most players)?The sound quality is Very Very Good. (I'm a Hi-Fi freak and a competent home recording engineer)?I can see the screen easily even on a hot bright sunny day outdoors on 50% brightness (Very useful)?I have a couple of MP3's that were converted from WMA's and on some players they dont play but the Creative plays them fine. The use interface is easy to navigate but not quite as good as the Toshiba Gigabeat but looks nicer. The FM radio is great sounding aswell which is a bonus and you can custom name the stations. You can set photos as wallpaper and it comes with 6 player skins to customise the look. Battery seems pretty good. when its not locked the screen goes dimmer instead of turning off completely but the battery still seems to last ok. (if you lock it though it will last even longer.)?I haven't found anything bad about it yet. Toshiba Gigabeat S30? 5/0Apple Ipod Video 80GB? 2/0Creative Zen Vision M?? 0/0 so far?hope this helped.

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    I have it. It definitely is strong and will prevent scratches.
    Despite what the directions say, you should get the application right the first time. Once you start pulling it up it really starts looking bad. The overall look is like you vacuum seals your zen in plastic.

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    "Re: Zen Vision:M 30gb Won't ChargeI
    TheNewZackMorri wrote:
    Hey guys. New to the forum and hope you all can give me some help.
    I've had the Zen Vision:M 30gb for a while and it's acting strangely. If I connect the player to a USB port or to a wall charger, it will not charge. It simply turns the player on, but never charges. If connected to USB it will say it is docked, but won't charge.
    Any idea what is going on? I've the latest firmware installed and have tried on multiple computers and have gotten the same result. These compures range from XP SP3 to Vista SP. Both systems have the latest drivers installed.
    Any help you all can give me would be greatly appreciated.
    Is the battery holding a charge? Does the player only work when connected to a source of power?Does the player feel really warm or hot when plugged in? How long have you had the player? The average life of the internal battery is about 3yrs.from date of manufacturing.other than not charging? does the player work as it should?Does the charging icon show?

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    i am having the same problem right now.
    i plug in, the computer recognizes it, gives me the autoplay popup. i open mediasource and my computer tells me there is no player connected, same thing with wmp0.
    help out?

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    There is a huge thread on this issue on this forum already. I think some of it is referenced in the "sticky" section at the top of this forum.
    Bottom line is try to install all the new stuff; driver, Mediasource, Mediasource Plugin for Playsforsure, etc..

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    Hi and thanks for looking:
    I was trying to dock my Creative Zen Touch a few minutes ago, the way I usually do:
    . I have Creative MediaSOurce open
    2. I plug the USB cable into the Zen
    3. It's docked.
    But that didn't work. The "DOCKED" screen came up on my Zen for about 2-3 seconds, then went away and went back to Now Playing. Now, this sometimes happens, but if I reset the MediaSource software and plug it in again, it is usually all set, but no. I've tried over 20 times, with different USB cables too, but I just can't get anything to dock. I'm going to try on another computer and if I can get it to work, I'm planning on backing up everything I have on it. I don't want to reset my 3000 songs that are on my Zen, so if anyone has any solution to this problem, I could really use some help. Thanks!!

    well with my micro, logging off other users and removing other background programs, real player etc.. sometimes seemed to help. try restarting your system.
    I believe that recently rolling back from WMP affects the vision

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    yeah I really wanted a 60 gig version but creative is being an ass about capacities.
    I bought the Zen Sleek, 20 gigs only, filled it up quickly. I ended up taking it back because too much dust accumulated under the screen.
    I bought the Zen Vision:M, was lovin it, but within a week it was FULL!
    Why are creative making such dumb decisions?
    I hope they see the light and finally drop the 60 gig one and keep the THE SAME SIZE!!!!
    Apple has PROVEN that you can make a 30 gig player that thin, so it's not impossible, but creative insisted on making a larger player when they don't have to.
    I'mma stick with creative unless the next player generation doesn't have 60 gig, if it doesn't I'm done with creative and im gonna find out what else is out there

  • Zen touch speakers / dock

    I was just wondering what different speakers or docks there are that are compatible with the Zen Touch? The best one available appears to be the Cambridge Soundworks playdock, but this is only available to US customers.
    What docks or speakers are available in the UK for the Zen Touch?

    Okay, if you want one that doesn't use battery but a power cable, then you would still need to connect to a socket, so not as portable as the Travelsound is.
    The speakers listed under 2.0 are all fairly small (especially ones like the SBS Vivid 60), as they are just 2 speakers and a power adapter (no subwoofer).
    (near the bottom of the page, 2.0 speakers)
    Message Edited by Catherina-CL on 07-29-2005 0:32 AM

  • Zen vison m video cable

    hi all i have recently bought a i-trigue 3000i system for my i-pod classic 20gb. after much searching i bought the zen m vision video cable via creative online to enable me to play videos music and pictures through my tv. i ensured the tv out settings were correct through my i-pod and plugged in. all i got was sound and a very wavey picture on videos and nothing at all from photos . can anybody help [email protected]

    Anyone tried holding down power and pressing the reset at the same time. Then after hit clean up from the recovery menu. I was told to do that but i havent tried test it out on tv output yet.
    Warning: it clears all the settings in your zen player. (Custom eq, menus, all zen settings)

  • CF card to Zen vison

    I ll get a digi cam to my birthday so i want to play the pictures on my Zen vision: M...
    Now i want to know how i can conect the cam to the Player OR to conect the CF card to the camerea...
    SO... can i get a "addon" 4 the Zen visio: M or is there any Program?!?!
    Thanks 4 ur answer...
    PS: i am a german guy so pls 4givr me my bad english---> thx

    With the standard Zen Vision:M (30GB), you cannot connect any other devices to the player, that will not work, it does not have this option. The Zen Vision:M 60GB has been announced, and the USB Host feature:

  • Connecting Zen Vison to PC causes all .exe to stop load

    Hey all.
    I'm having a strange issue. When I connect my Zen V 4gb to my PC i become unable to open ANY applications such as .exe and .msi files until I unplug the unit. I have tried plugging it in directly to the PC, and through a USB 2.0 hub.
    I am running WinXP SP2 and Widows Media Player v. I also have the latest firmware installed on my Zen V.
    Thoughts anyone?

    EAG wrote:
    Thanks everyone for the replies. Allow me to add more information and make some more comments. I did try doing in batches. The?smallest number of songs I had tried was 500 and that seemed to?hang. I then tried 250?and that?worked at first. I got all excited, I would do them all 250 at a time if necessary, but when I tried importing the next 250 files?it got "stuck". Probably in the same place that it did when I tried 500 together.
    This might suggest a corrupt tag/file. See if you can narrow down where it is and then analyse the file with something like MP3 Library.
    But SSR suggestion made me realize that I can add the track/files without using the import feature, by just dragging and droping from My Computer mapped dri've. It looks like I can add the files to the PC Music Library or the MP3 directly by drag and drop. I was hoping to use the PC Music Library first, so that I could fix files that are not tagged properly, rate some music,?set the Genre (I have a lot of foreign music, so I could differentiate them by nationality in the Genre), etc and them I could also use when transferring to my memory based/jogging mp3 player as well. But it looks like I might be able to fix the tags directly on the player as well (I have a feeling this might be slower, take more time). I can drag single items (I'll do one by one if that's what it takes), but I saw that I can also drag multiple items (so that will cut down manual labor). I just hope that it won't get stuck once I get close to droping the 500th item. I didn't get a chance to try because I had to come to work, I'll try later and let everyone know.
    Don't edit the files on the player. If you copy the files back to the PC the changes will be lost unless you use a special update feature in MediaSource 3.

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