Error code 1 occurs with build of .exe (problem VI attached)

The problem I have been having with a particular project has been posted many times by others.  I have read through many of the threads related to this (or somewhat related to it).  I've tried some things but not all.  I finally started disabling sections of my code to see if the error went away.  I have tracked it down to the attached VI.  The error code is also attached.  Can someone analyze this VI and see what the problem could be?  It uses .NET objects, so I am not sure exactly what the compiler is looking for.  I should note that this is not my VI, but one I copied from the forum here.  As far as e-mail, the VI works great in development mode, but obviously I desire a stand-alone application.
Also note that I created a new project and dropped this VI on the top-level VI and it built an .exe just fine, which doesn't make any sense to me. Perhaps someone can shed some light on this issue.  When I tried moving it back to the original project, it failed the build.  If all instances of this VI are disabled in my project (using a disable diagram), it builds the project with no errors.  Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Reese, (former CLAD, future CLD)
Some people call me the Space Cowboy!
Some call me the gangster of love.
Some people call me MoReese!
...I'm right here baby, right here, right here, right here at home
Go to Solution.
Error 1 with Build.PNG ‏52 KB

I have the same problem, me too.
It took often some time to be able to compile my project. I modified some code in some VIs (but keeping the functionality) until I modified the blocking part by hazard and compile worked. But today it takes me hours and I am still trying on.
When I remember right the message most often told me about a broken VI. (But there was none.) But today I got the same error message as you. There is no helpful information included:
An error has occurred. Expand the Details section for more information.
Visit the Request Support page at to learn more about resolving this problem. Use the following information as a reference:
Error 1 occurred at -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: An input parameter is invalid. For example if the input is a path, the path might contain a character not allowed by the OS such as ? or @.
NI-488: Command requires GPIB Controller to be Controller-In-Charge.
Any hints how to quickly identify the problematic code?
(My guess was that it could have something to do with upconverted VIs containing a conditional disable structure. But it looked like this was not always the case.)

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    My iPad2 has repeatedly refused to update to iOS7, whether connected to a PC or not.  The error message indicates an unknown error has occurred, with error code 6.  Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be and how to solve it?  Many thanks.

    I followed this guy's instructions and it worked:
    I did disable the security (AVG and Zone Alarm) when I tried on my own PC. My wife's laptop which eventually got it working also uses AVG and Zone Alarm but on an XP O/S whereas my PC is Vista - maybe this is why.
    Cheers for you help.
    Message was edited by: bigbadandy

  • Preverification failed with error code 1. BUILD FAILED

    Hallo Oracle,
    Am learning my first J2me application and when i build it am getting this error. can some one help me understand what it means
    Created dir: C:\Users\Dell\Documents\NetBeansProjects\watsdownapp\build\preverifysrc
    Copying 1957 files to C:\Users\Dell\Documents\NetBeansProjects\watsdownapp\build\preverifysrc
    Created dir: C:\Users\Dell\Documents\NetBeansProjects\watsdownapp\build\preverified
    Preverifying 1957 file(s) into C:\Users\Dell\Documents\NetBeansProjects\watsdownapp\build\preverified directory.
    Error preverifying class com.sun.activation.registries.MailcapFile
        VERIFIER ERROR com/sun/activation/registries/MailcapFile
    Cannot find class java/util/Map
    C:\Users\Dell\Documents\NetBeansProjects\watsdownapp\nbproject\build-impl.xml:431: Preverification failed with error code 1.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 25 seconds)
    this is the contents of build-impx.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- *** GENERATED FROM project.xml - DO NOT EDIT *** -->
    <project name="watsdownapp-impl" default="jar" basedir="..">
        <target name="pre-load-properties">
            <property file="nbproject/private/"/>
            <property name="" location="${netbeans.user}/"/>
            <available property="" file="${}"/>
        <target name="" unless="">
            <echo level="warning" message="Active configuration ( property) is not set - using default."/>
            <property value="" name=""/>
        <target name="exists.netbeans.user" unless="netbeans.user">
            <echo level="warning" message="NetBeans IDE user directory (netbeans.user property) is not set. By specifying this property many properties required by the project will be automatically evaluated (e.g.: ant-ext library home, ...). You could also open this project in the NetBeans IDE - in this case this property would be set automatically."/>
        <target name="" unless="">
            <echo level="warning" message="User properties file ( property is not set. By specifying this property many properties required by the project will be automatically evaluated (e.g.: libraries, platforms, ...)."/>
        <target name="load-properties" depends="pre-load-properties,,exists.netbeans.user,">
            <loadproperties srcfile="nbproject/">
                    <containsregex pattern="^configs\.${}\.(.*)" replace="\1"/>
                    <concatfilter prepend="nbproject/"/>
                    <containsregex pattern="^|^deployment.method=|^deployment.instance="/>
            <property name="deployment.instance" value="default"/>
            <loadproperties srcfile="${}">
                    <replaceregex pattern="^platforms\.${}\." replace="platform."/>
                    <replaceregex pattern="^deployment\.${deployment.method}\.scriptfile=" replace="deployment.scriptfile="/>
                    <replaceregex pattern="^deployments\.${deployment.method}\.${deployment.instance}\.([^=]+)=" replace="\1="/>
            <loadproperties srcfile="nbproject/">
                    <containsregex pattern="^configs\.${}\.(.*)" replace="\1"/>
                    <concatfilter prepend="nbproject/"/>
        <target name="" unless="">
            <echo level="warning" message="Active platform ( property) in not set. If you set this and property, many properties required by the project will be automatically evaluated (e.g.: platform home, platform classpath, ...)."/>
        <target name="exists.platform.configuration" unless="platform.configuration">
            <echo level="warning" message="Platform configuration (platform.configuration) is not set. Using default (CLDC-1.0) configuration."/>
            <property name="platform.configuration" value="CLDC-1.0"/>
        <target name="exists.platform.profile" unless="platform.profile">
            <echo level="warning" message="Platform profile (platform.profile) is not set. Using default (MIDP-1.0) profile."/>
            <property name="platform.profile" value="MIDP-1.0"/>
        <target name="basic-init" depends=",exists.platform.configuration,exists.platform.profile">
            <fail unless="libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath">Classpath to J2ME Ant extension library (libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath property) is not set. For example: location of mobility/modules/org-netbeans-mobility-antext.jar file in the IDE installation directory.</fail>
            <fail unless="platform.home">Platform home (platform.home property) is not set. Value of this property should be ${} emulator home directory location.</fail>
            <fail unless="platform.bootclasspath">Platform boot classpath (platform.bootclasspath property) is not set. Value of this property should be ${} emulator boot classpath containing all J2ME classes provided by emulator.</fail>
            <fail unless="src.dir">Must set src.dir</fail>
            <fail unless="build.dir">Must set build.dir</fail>
            <fail unless="dist.dir">Must set dist.dir</fail>
            <fail unless="dist.jar">Must set dist.jar</fail>
            <property name="javac.source" value="1.3"/>
            <property name="" value="1.1"/>
            <property name="javac.encoding" value="${file.encoding}"/>
            <property name="deployment.number" value="0.0.1"/>
            <property name="deployment.counter" value="000002"/>
            <condition property="no.deps">
                <istrue value="${no.dependencies}"/>
            <condition property="no.preprocess">
                <isfalse value="${use.preprocessor}"/>
            <condition property="no.javadoc.preview">
                <isfalse value="${javadoc.preview}"/>
            <condition property="filter.excludes.evaluated" value="${filter.excludes},${filter.more.excludes},**/*,**/test,**/test/**">
                <istrue value="${filter.exclude.tests}"/>
            <property name="filter.excludes.evaluated" value="${filter.excludes},${filter.more.excludes}"/>
            <condition property="" value="">
                <istrue value="${deployment.override.jarurl}"/>
            <condition property="" value="DefaultConfiguration">
                <length string="${}" trim="true" length="0"/>
            <property name="" value="${}"/>
            <taskdef resource="org/netbeans/mobility/antext/">
                    <pathelement path="${libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath}"/>
            <condition property="skip.deployment">
                <equals arg1="${deployment.method}" arg2="NONE" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>
            <condition property="app-version.autoincrement.trigger">
                <istrue value="${app-version.autoincrement}"/>
            <condition property="debug.timeout" value="30000">
                    <equals arg1="${debugger.timeout}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
                        <isset property="debugger.timeout"/>
            <property name="debug.timeout" value="${debugger.timeout}"/>
            <nb-overrideproperty name="buildsystem.baton" value="${src.dir}"/>
        <target name="cldc-pre-init">
            <condition property="cldc-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="CLDC" arg2="${platform.trigger}" casesensitive="false"/>
        <target name="cldc-init" depends="cldc-pre-init" if="cldc-platform.trigger">
            <property name="preverify.sources.dir" location="${build.dir}/preverifysrc"/>
            <property name="" location="${build.dir}/"/>
            <property name="platform.device" value=""/>
            <property name="dist.jad.url" value="file://"/>
            <property name="run.cmd.options" value=""/>
            <condition property="" value="">
                <isfalse value="${}"/>
            <property name="" value="${}"/>
            <condition property="override.jarurl.trigger">
                    <istrue value="${cldc-platform.trigger}"/>
                    <istrue value="${deployment.override.jarurl}"/>
            <property name="deployment.jad" location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
            <property name="deployment.jar" location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
            <property name="deployment.dir" location="${dist.dir}"/>
            <patternset id="deployment.patternset">
                <include name="${dist.jad}"/>
                <include name="${dist.jar}"/>
        <target name="cdc-init">
            <condition property="cdc-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="CDC" arg2="${platform.trigger}" casesensitive="false"/>
            <available file="${manifest.file}" property="manifest.available"/>
            <condition property="main.class.applet">
                <equals arg1="${main.class.class}" arg2="applet" casesensitive="false"/>
            <condition property="main.class.xlet">
                <equals arg1="${main.class.class}" arg2="xlet" casesensitive="false"/>
            <condition property="manifest.available+main.class+fat.jar">
                    <isset property="manifest.available"/>
                    <isset property="main.class"/>
                    <istrue value="${platform.fat.jar}"/>
                        <equals arg1="${main.class}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <condition property="manifest.available+main.class">
                    <isset property="manifest.available"/>
                    <isset property="main.class"/>
                    <isfalse value="${platform.fat.jar}"/>
                        <equals arg1="${main.class}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <condition property="application.version.invalid" value="true">
                <equals arg1="${deployment.number}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <fail if="application.version.invalid" message="Property deployment.number must not be empty and must contain version in format %d.%d.%d!"/>
            <condition property="sign.jar.trigger" value="true">
                    <isset property="cdc-platform.trigger"/>
                    <istrue value="${sign.enabled}"/>
        <target name="semc-pre-init" if="cdc-platform.trigger">
            <condition property="semc-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="semc" arg2="${platform.type}" casesensitive="false"/>
        <target name="semc-init" depends="semc-pre-init" if="semc-platform.trigger">
            <condition property="semc.icon.invalid" value="true">
                    <contains string="${semc.application.icon}" substring="$${"/>
                    <equals arg1="${semc.application.icon}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <condition property="no.certificateorkey" value="true">
                    <isset property="no.application.uid"/>
                    <equals arg1="${semc.certificate.path}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
                    <contains string="${semc.certificate.path}" substring="$${semc.certificate.path"/>
                    <equals arg1="${semc.private.key.path}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
                    <contains string="${semc.private.key.path}" substring="$${semc.private.key.path"/>
            <property name="j9.dist" location="${build.dir}/j9/${semc.application.uid}.j9"/>
            <taskdef resource="org/netbeans/modules/j2me/cdc/project/">
                    <pathelement path="${libs.cdc-ant-utils.classpath}"/>
            <taskdef resource="org/netbeans/modules/j2me/cdc/project/semc/">
                    <pathelement path="${libs.semc-ant-utils.classpath}"/>
            <property name="deployment.dir" location="${dist.dir}"/>
            <patternset id="deployment.patternset">
                <include name="*.sis"/>
                <include name="*.SIS"/>
        <target name="savaje-pre-init" if="cdc-platform.trigger">
            <condition property="savaje-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="savaje" arg2="${platform.type}" casesensitive="false"/>
        <target name="savaje-init" depends="savaje-pre-init" if="savaje-platform.trigger">
            <property name="savaje.application.uid" value="TBD"/>
            <condition property="savaje.bundle.base.invalid" value="true">
                    <equals arg1="${savaje.bundle.base}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
                    <contains string="${savaje.bundle.base}" substring="$${savaje.bundle.base"/>
            <condition property="savaje.unsupported.main" value="true">
                    <equals arg1="${main.class.applet}" arg2="true"/>
            <condition property="savaje.icon.invalid" value="true">
                    <isset property="no.application.uid"/>
                    <contains string="${savaje.application.icon}" substring="$${"/>
                    <equals arg1="${savaje.application.icon}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <property name="jnlp.dist" value="${build.dir}/jnlp/bundle.jnlp"/>
            <property name="deployment.dir" location="${dist.dir}"/>
            <patternset id="deployment.patternset">
                <include name="bundle.jnlp"/>
                <include name="bundle.policy"/>
                <include name="lib/*"/>
        <target name="sjmc-pre-init" if="cdc-platform.trigger">
            <condition property="sjmc-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="sjmc" arg2="${platform.type}" casesensitive="false"/>
        <target name="sjmc-init" depends="sjmc-pre-init" if="sjmc-platform.trigger"/>
        <target name="ojec-pre-init" if="cdc-platform.trigger">
            <condition property="ojec-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="ojec" arg2="${platform.type}" casesensitive="false"/>
        <target name="ojec-init" depends="ojec-pre-init" if="ojec-platform.trigger"/>
        <target name="cdc-hi-pre-init" if="cdc-platform.trigger">
            <condition property="cdc-hi-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="cdc-hi" arg2="${platform.type}" casesensitive="false"/>
        <target name="cdc-hi-init" depends="cdc-hi-pre-init" if="cdc-hi-platform.trigger"/>
        <target name="nokiaS80-pre-init" if="cdc-platform.trigger">
            <condition property="nokiaS80-platform.trigger">
                <equals arg1="nokiaS80" arg2="${platform.type}" casesensitive="false"/>
        <target name="nokiaS80-init" depends="nokiaS80-pre-init" if="nokiaS80-platform.trigger">
            <property name="j9.dist" location="${build.dir}/j9/NOKIA.j9"/>
            <property name="" location="${build.dir}/"/>
            <condition property="nokia.icon.invalid">
                    <contains string="${nokiaS80.application.icon}" substring="$${"/>
                    <equals arg1="${nokiaS80.application.icon}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <property name="deployment.dir" location="${dist.dir}"/>
            <patternset id="deployment.patternset">
                <include name="${dist.jar}"/>
        <target name="pre-init"/>
        <target name="post-init"/>
        <target name="init" depends="pre-init,load-properties,basic-init,cldc-init,cdc-init,semc-init,savaje-init,sjmc-init,ojec-init,cdc-hi-init,nokiaS80-init,post-init"/>
        <!--conditional clean-->
        <target name="conditional-clean-init">
            <uptodate property="" targetfile="${build.dir}/.timestamp">
                <srcfiles dir="nbproject">
                    <include name=""/>
                    <include name="build-impl.xml"/>
        <target name="conditional-clean" depends="init,conditional-clean-init" unless="" description="Clean project in case its meta information has changed.">
            <antcall target="do-clean" inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true"/>
        <target name="deps-jar" depends="conditional-clean" unless="no.deps"/>
        <target name="pre-preprocess"/>
        <target name="do-preprocess" unless="no.preprocess">
            <fail unless="preprocessed.dir">Must set preprocessed.dir</fail>
            <property name="abilities" value=""/>
            <property name="debug.level" value="debug"/>
            <mkdir dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
            <echo message="ignore me" file="${build.dir}/.timestamp"/>
            <nb-prep destdir="${preprocessed.dir}" preprocessfor="${},${abilities},DebugLevel=${debug.level}" encoding="${javac.encoding}">
                <fileset dir="${buildsystem.baton}" defaultexcludes="${filter.use.standard}" excludes="${filter.excludes.evaluated}"/>
            <copy todir="${preprocessed.dir}">
                <fileset dir="${buildsystem.baton}" defaultexcludes="${filter.use.standard}" excludes="${filter.excludes.evaluated},${build.classes.excludes}"/>
            <nb-overrideproperty name="buildsystem.baton" value="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
        <target name="post-preprocess"/>
        <target name="preprocess" depends="deps-jar,pre-preprocess,do-preprocess,post-preprocess" description="Preprocess project sources."/>
        <target name="pre-compile"/>
        <target name="do-compile">
            <fail unless="build.classes.dir">Must set build.classes.dir</fail>
            <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
            <javac includeantruntime="false" source="${javac.source}" target="${}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" optimize="${javac.optimize}" debug="${javac.debug}" destdir="${build.classes.dir}" srcdir="${buildsystem.baton}" bootclasspath="${platform.bootclasspath}" encoding="${javac.encoding}">
                    <path path="${libs.classpath}"/>
            <copy todir="${build.classes.dir}">
                <fileset dir="${buildsystem.baton}" defaultexcludes="${filter.use.standard}" excludes="${filter.excludes.evaluated},${build.classes.excludes}"/>
            <nb-overrideproperty name="buildsystem.baton" value="${build.classes.dir}"/>
        <target name="extract-libs" description="Extracts all bundled libraries.">
            <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
            <nb-extract dir="${build.classes.dir}" excludeManifest="true" classpath="${libs.classpath}" excludeclasspath="${extra.classpath}"/>
        <target name="post-compile"/>
        <target name="compile" depends="preprocess,pre-compile,extract-libs,do-compile,post-compile" description="Compile project classes."/>
        <target name="pre-compile-single"/>
        <target name="do-compile-single">
            <fail unless="javac.includes">Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes</fail>
            <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
            <javac includeantruntime="false" source="${javac.source}" target="${}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" optimize="${javac.optimize}" debug="${javac.debug}" srcdir="${buildsystem.baton}" destdir="${build.classes.dir}" bootclasspath="${platform.bootclasspath}" includes="${javac.includes}" encoding="${javac.encoding}">
                    <path path="${libs.classpath}"/>
        <target name="post-compile-single"/>
        <target name="compile-single" depends="preprocess,pre-compile-single,do-compile-single,post-compile-single" description="Compile selected project classes."/>
        <target name="proguard-init" description="Up-to-date check before obfuscation.">
            <property name="obfuscation.level" value="0"/>
            <condition property="no.obfusc">
                    <equals arg1="${obfuscation.level}" arg2="0"/>
                    <uptodate targetfile="${obfuscator.destjar}">
                        <srcfiles dir="${buildsystem.baton}"/>
            <uptodate property="obfuscation.up-to-date" targetfile="${obfuscator.destjar}">
                <srcfiles dir="${buildsystem.baton}"/>
        <target name="skip-obfuscation" depends="proguard-init" if="obfuscation.up-to-date">
            <fail unless="obfuscated.classes.dir">Must set obfuscated.classes.dir</fail>
            <nb-overrideproperty name="buildsystem.baton" value="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
        <target name="proguard" depends="skip-obfuscation" description="Obfuscate project classes." unless="no.obfusc">
            <fail unless="obfuscated.classes.dir">Must set obfuscated.classes.dir</fail>
            <fail unless="obfuscator.srcjar">Must set obfuscator.srcjar</fail>
            <fail unless="obfuscator.destjar">Must set obfuscator.destjar</fail>
            <property name="obfuscator.classpath" value=""/>
            <dirname file="${obfuscator.srcjar}" property="obfuscator.srcjar.dir"/>
            <dirname file="${obfuscator.destjar}" property="obfuscator.destjar.dir"/>
            <mkdir dir="${obfuscator.srcjar.dir}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${obfuscator.destjar.dir}"/>
            <jar jarfile="${obfuscator.srcjar}" basedir="${buildsystem.baton}"/>
            <property name="obfuscation.custom" value=""/>
            <nb-obfuscate srcjar="${obfuscator.srcjar}" destjar="${obfuscator.destjar}" obfuscatorclasspath="${obfuscator.classpath}" classpath="${platform.bootclasspath}:${extra.classpath}" obfuscationLevel="${obfuscation.level}" extraScript="${obfuscation.custom}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
            <unjar src="${obfuscator.destjar}" dest="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
            <nb-overrideproperty name="buildsystem.baton" value="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
        <target name="pre-obfuscate"/>
        <target name="post-obfuscate"/>
        <target name="obfuscate" depends="compile,pre-obfuscate,proguard,post-obfuscate" description="Obfuscate project classes."/>
        <import file="lwuit.xml" optional="true"/>
        <target name="-lwuit-check">
            <condition property="lwuit.allowed">
                    <available file="nbproject/lwuit.xml"/>
                    <isset property="is.mesdk_lwuit"/>
        <target name="-pre-lwuit-build" depends="-lwuit-check" if="lwuit.allowed"/>
        <target name="-lwuit-build" depends="-lwuit-check" if="lwuit.allowed">
            <antcall target="lwuit_build"/>
        <target name="-post-lwuit-build" depends="-lwuit-check" if="lwuit.allowed"/>
        <target name="lwuit-build" depends="-lwuit-check,-pre-lwuit-build, -lwuit-build, -post-lwuit-build" if="lwuit.allowed"/>
        <target name="pre-preverify"/>
        <target name="do-preverify" if="cldc-platform.trigger">
            <fail unless="preverify.classes.dir">Must set preverify.classes.dir</fail>
            <mkdir dir="${preverify.sources.dir}"/>
            <copy todir="${preverify.sources.dir}">
                <fileset dir="${buildsystem.baton}" includes="**/*.class"/>
            <mkdir dir="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
            <nb-preverify srcdir="${preverify.sources.dir}" destdir="${preverify.classes.dir}" classpath="${platform.bootclasspath}:${extra.classpath}" configuration="${platform.configuration}" platformhome="${platform.home}" platformtype="${platform.type}" commandline="${platform.preverifycommandline}"/>
            <copy todir="${preverify.classes.dir}">
                <fileset dir="${buildsystem.baton}" defaultexcludes="${filter.use.standard}" excludes="${filter.excludes.evaluated},${build.classes.excludes}"/>
            <nb-overrideproperty name="buildsystem.baton" value="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
        <target name="post-preverify"/>
        <target name="preverify" depends="obfuscate,lwuit-build,pre-preverify,do-preverify,post-preverify" description="Preverify project classes."/>
        <target name="set-password-init">
            <property name="sign.enabled" value="false"/>
            <condition property="skip-sign-keystore-password-input">
                    <isfalse value="${sign.enabled}"/>
                        <isset property="sign.keystore"/>
                        <isset property="sign.keystore.password"/>
                            <equals arg1="${sign.keystore}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
                            <equals arg1="${sign.keystore.password}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <condition property="skip-sign-alias-password-input">
                    <isfalse value="${sign.enabled}"/>
                        <isset property="sign.keystore"/>
                        <isset property="sign.alias"/>
                        <isset property="sign.alias.password"/>
                            <equals arg1="${sign.keystore}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
                            <equals arg1="${sign.alias}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
                            <equals arg1="${sign.alias.password}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
        <target name="set-keystore-password" if="netbeans.home" unless="skip-sign-keystore-password-input">
            <nb-enter-password keystore="${sign.keystore}" passwordproperty="sign.keystore.password"/>
        <target name="set-alias-password" if="netbeans.home" unless="skip-sign-alias-password-input">
            <nb-enter-password keystore="${sign.keystore}" keyalias="${sign.alias}" passwordproperty="sign.alias.password"/>
        <target name="set-password" depends="set-password-init,set-keystore-password,set-alias-password"/>
        <!--create JAD-->
        <target name="add-configuration" unless="contains.manifest.configuration">
            <nb-output file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" encoding="UTF-8" append="true">MicroEdition-Configuration: ${platform.configuration}
            <nb-output file="${}" encoding="UTF-8" append="true">MicroEdition-Configuration: ${platform.configuration}
        <target name="add-profile" unless="contains.manifest.profile">
            <nb-output file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" encoding="UTF-8" append="true">MicroEdition-Profile: ${platform.profile}
            <nb-output file="${}" encoding="UTF-8" append="true">MicroEdition-Profile: ${platform.profile}
        <target name="create-jad" if="cldc-platform.trigger">
            <fail unless="dist.jad">Must set dist.jad</fail>
            <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
            <dirname file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" property="dist.jad.dir"/>
            <mkdir dir="${dist.jad.dir}"/>
            <condition property="evaluated.manifest.apipermissions" value="${manifest.apipermissions}">
                    <equals arg1="${platform.profile}" arg2="MIDP-1.0"/>
            <condition property="evaluated.manifest.pushregistry" value="${manifest.pushregistry}">
                    <equals arg1="${platform.profile}" arg2="MIDP-1.0"/>
            <condition property="contains.manifest.configuration">
                <contains substring="MicroEdition-Configuration: " string="${manifest.others}"/>
            <condition property="contains.manifest.profile">
                <contains substring="MicroEdition-Profile: " string="${manifest.others}"/>
            <property value="" name="evaluated.manifest.apipermissions"/>
            <property value="" name="evaluated.manifest.pushregistry"/>
            <property name="manifest.jad" value=""/>
            <property name="manifest.manifest" value=""/>
            <nb-output file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" encoding="UTF-8">${manifest.midlets}${evaluated.manifest.apipermissions}${evaluated.manifest.pushregistry}${manifest.others}${manifest.jad}</nb-output>
            <nb-output file="${}" encoding="UTF-8">${manifest.midlets}${evaluated.manifest.apipermissions}${evaluated.manifest.pushregistry}${manifest.others}${manifest.manifest}</nb-output>
            <antcall target="add-configuration" inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true"/>
            <antcall target="add-profile" inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true"/>
            <property name="manifest.available" value="true"/>
        <target name="do-extra-libs" if="extra.classpath">
            <property name="dist.lib.dir" value="${dist.dir}/lib"/>
            <mkdir dir="${dist.lib.dir}"/>
            <copy todir="${dist.lib.dir}">
                <path path="${extra.classpath}"/>
        <target name="nokiaS80-prepare-j9" if="nokiaS80-platform.trigger">
            <fail message="Main class is not set!">
                    <equals arg1="${main.class}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/j9"/>
            <taskdef name="j9builder" classname="org.netbeans.modules.j2me.cdc.project.J9Builder" classpath="${libs.cdc-ant-utils.classpath}"/>
            <j9builder jvmargs="${run.jvmargs}" mainclass="${main.class}" args="${application.args}" home="${platform.home}" dist="${j9.dist}" id="NOKIA" platform="${platform.type}" xlet="${main.class.xlet}" applet="${main.class.applet}" jarname="${dist.jar}"/>
            <copy file="${manifest.file}" tofile="${}" failonerror="false"/>
            <property name="manifest.available" value="true"/>
            <loadfile property="nokia.manifest.j9" srcFile="${j9.dist}"/>
        <target name="nokiaS80-prepare-manifest" depends="nokiaS80-prepare-j9" if="nokiaS80-platform.trigger" unless="nokia.icon.invalid">
            <pathconvert property="" pathsep=" ">
                <path path="${nokiaS80.application.icon}"/>
                    <globmapper from="*" to="*"/>

    The error says class file is missing, you can try to clean and build.

  • HT1420 Please help.... cannot get into the ITUNES account. It says unknown error has occured. Is there a problem with ITunes?

    Please help.... cannot get into the ITUNES account. It says unknown error has occured. Is there a problem with ITunes?

    Same thing happened with my iPhone 4S - no one is any help.  Thanks Apple for such a crappy update!  I've called Apple, they say the SIM card needs replacing, I go to my service provider they tell me nothing wrong with the SIM card - provider tells me I now need a new phone.  Sheesh!  If someone has a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated.

  • In App Purchase An unknown error has occurred with test user account

    I have created a test app that has in app purchasing. I am able to connect to the store and verify my product ID's. I then use my test user account to purchase a product. And guess what... it works... the first time. If I try to use the test user account to buy another product (the same product or a different one) then I get a pop up that says
    "An unknown error has occurred"
    with a "Cancel" and "Retry" option. If I retry then I get the same error. After hitting cancel I get the error:
    Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 UserInfo=0x161180 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"
    Any ideas?

    I am having the same problem with my test account on multiple versions of iPhones. Any idea? Would this error affect real users?

  • How to fix an error has occurred with your microphone/speaker.(104) when using line application

    I am an iphone 5 user, while using the line application for calling with my girlfriend,
    suddenly this error happened
    an error has occurred with your microphone/speaker.(104)
    anyone can help me fix this problem?
    thank you..

    So I tried the trial version but my serial number didn't work I guess because it's for a CS5.5 Web Premium product. I also tried uninstalling my current version of FB4 Standard, uninstalling CS5.5 and starting from scratch without any copies of FlashBuilder in my Applications folder and that didn't work, same error log message. I ended up reinstalling my original copy of FB4 Standard so I could continue working.
    The odd thing is when I went to my MacBook Pro and uninstalled the copy of FB4 Standard I have on there and installed the CS5.5 FlashBuilder 4.5 Premium it works and started up fine. So I'm guessing there's something specific about my iMac setup that's preventing launch.
    I was looking at my FB installation details, don't know if this matters but I'm running the standalone version:
    Adobe Flash Builder Localized Standalone Feature
    Unfortunately it's the weekend (holiday in US too). I like the weekend for trying to get these things setup but I'm on my own and feel I'm out of luck until the work week starts.
    If anyone from Adobe is reading this with a beer in one hand and hotdog in the other (or burger or veggie burger or bbq chicken leg) on a hot memorial day and have an idea on how to fix this I'd really appreciate your advice. Thanks!

  • Error -2147221480 occurred at Building DLL stub

    When I build a Shared Library, I get following error message
    Error -2147221480 occurred at Building DLL stub.
    This can be caused by illegal function or parameter names. Please verify your names are legal C identifiers and do not conflict with LabVIEW headers
    This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.
    Can anyone help me out regarding this error...

    To begin with, do didn't say whether you have checked the two possible errors listed in the error message:
    1) the function and parameter names are legal C identifiers
    2) the function and parameter names do not conflict with LabVIEW headers
    How many functions does your DLL have? What are their names?
    What parameters do the function(s) have? What are their names?
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Error code: MobileMe Services has encountered a problem and needs to close - I get this message everytime i open Outlook and it slows down opening?  This problem started when itunes updated

    Error code: MobileMe Services has encountered a problem and needs to close
    I get this mesage everytime i open Outlook and it slows down opening. This problem started when itunes updated. What do I do to solve this?

    Hi turingtest2 (you pass, BTW):  Thanks for the speedy reply.  MobileMe doesn't appear in the list of programs which can be uninstalled.  I tried the link you suggest: but when I tried to "Run Now", I get the error message:  " Troubleshooting cannot continue because an error has occurred... etc.... [code 80072F8F]"  So googled this error & found a tool called (80072f8f) Repair Tool   -  I'm leery to download yet more stuff from non-microsoft sites -- any recommendations?

  • LDAP Newbie:    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-031522C9, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT)

    I am getting the following error when I try to do a search on an ldap (AD LDS) database:
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-031522C9, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
    ]; remaining name 'cn=Users,dc=AppPartFE,dc=com'
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.searchAux(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_search(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_search(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Test.<init>(
    at Test.main(
    I can bind successfully using either the userPrincipalName (UPN) or the Distinguished Name (DN), however my search is failing.
    It is almost as if I am connected to the db tree at the wrong place.  Do I need a different search scope?
    I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
    Here is my code:
    import java.util.*; 
    import static java.lang.System.err;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
    import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
    public class Test 
    public Test() 
      Properties prop = new Properties(); 
      prop.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); 
      prop.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ldap://");
      String strProviderUrl = "ldap://";
      // Can successfully bind with the userPrincipalName in AD LDS
      //prop.put("", "[email protected]");
      // Can successfully bind with Distinguished Name
      // Note: the string is case insensitive and embedded blank after a comma is not a problem
       prop.put("", "cn=tst0001,cn=Users,dc=AppPartFE,dc=com"); 
      prop.put("", "password"); 
      try { 
        LdapContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(prop, null); 
        System.out.println("Bind successful");
    //I am successful to this point....
       //now try doing a search on another user
         String strFilter = "(&(objectClass=userProxy)(sAMAccountName=tst0001))";
        SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
        searchControls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); //works with object class=* to find top partition node
        NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results ="cn=Users,dc=AppPartFE,dc=com", strFilter, searchControls);
        SearchResult searchResult = null;
        if(results.hasMoreElements()) {
             searchResult = (SearchResult) results.nextElement();
            //make sure there is not another item available, there should be only 1 match
            if(results.hasMoreElements()) {
                System.err.println("Matched multiple users for the accountName");
      catch (NamingException ex) { 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
      Test ldaptest = new Test(); 

    Because you are specifiying a base distinguished name in your ldap url, the ldap context will be rooted at that context and all subsequent objects will be relative to that base distinguished name.//connect to my domain controller
    String ldapURL = "ldaps://rhein:636/dc=bodensee,dc=de";andString userName = "CN=verena bit,OU=Lehrer,OU=ASR,DC=bodensee,DC=de";results in an fully distinguished name of:CN=verena bit,OU=Lehrer,OU=ASR,DC=bodensee,DC=de,dc=bodensee,dc=deEither specify your ldap url asString ldapURL = "ldaps://rhein:636";and leave your username as is, or specify the user object relative to the base distinguished name in the ldapurlString userName = "CN=verena bit,OU=Lehrer,OU=ASR";

  • F-03....FI_TAX_GET_MWSKZ_EXISTENCE error code 12 function builder TAX2

    Transaction: F-03
    Error: System erro in routine FI_TAX_GET_MWSKZ_EXISTENCE error code 12 function builder TAX2
    please let me know .how to fix this error

    Hi Vinay
    I applied SAP note for that problem. I now am in new project donu2019t remember  exact  note number .....but  pls check the below  note

  • Firefox Version 27 Reporting Services Action Menu Error. An error has occurred with the data fetch.

    Hello, since I've updated to Firefox 27.0.1 on Windows 7, I'm encountering a problem with Reporting Services on a Sharepoint site. It is a Sharepoint 2010 site with SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 Sharepoint Integrated mode. I was previously on Firefox version 26 and didn't encounter this problem.
    When a report is open and you use the Actions link on the Reporting Services toolbar, I receive the following error messages.
    An error has occurred with the data fetch. Please refresh the page and retry.
    I've tried updating to Firefox 28 beta but the same error occurs. I see another user is having the same problem here.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Rachel, I did perform the Sharepoint file alteration discussed in the other article and it did stop Firefox from producing the error. I've done some testing on some other browsers and have yet to encounter any problems with the fix however I'm hesitant to perform that workaround in a production environment.
    Thanks for looking.

  • IOS 8.1.3: an error has occurred with your microphone/speaker

    I have this problem with my girlfriend.
    Recently, we just upgraded from IOS7 to IOS8.1.3.
    We are frequent facetime users as we use it via Wifi and 3G connections.
    After the update, there are many annoying facetime issues occurred while we were trying to call each other.
    Below are the examples:
    1. An error has occurred with your microphone/speaker (T104):
    After a few tries to call via facetime, we are always stucked at "Connecting...". So we gave up. We changed to use other apps, such as Line to call. However, I noticed that the speaker volume button will not work anymore. Volume up/down do not have any functions. Even calling with other apps, will have this error. So the only solution is to restart the phone. We need to restart almost everyday now.
    2. No Network Connection:
    Explanation: I am using the same Wifi connection everyday at home. Sometimes this error pops up. No other solution but must restart the phone to use facetime. No problem using the same Wifi in other apps.

    Greetings Eelnoow,
    If you are having an issue with getting FaceTime to function properly, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Be well,
    Brett L 

  • "error code-39 with core audio driver"

    so I have a 75 minute continuous dj mix I recorded onto garageband... after having recorded this I then converted the file from a 120bpm to a 60bpm speed so as to fit it all in... now, however, towards the end (between 65-70 minutes into it) the mix suddenly is interuppted by a crude digital-type sound. a pop up then says "error code-39 with or in core audio driver"....
    what gives here?
    I'd appreciate any help you can give.

    does this mean I have to re-record the audio file?
    Probably. I guess you could try a commercial disc repair program like TechTool Pro or Disk Warrior, but odds are if the file system can't figure out where the end of file is, the file is hosed --Hang B-(>

  • LDAP: error code 53 - 0000055E: SvcErr: DSID-031A0FC0, problem 5003

    I Am trying to add an User(whose Primary Group is'Domian users') to a Group called "CN=DS_Disabled_IG,OU=Common,OU=Access Management,OU=Security Groups,OU=BAND,dc=something,DC=com" by using the below code:
    LdapContext ctx = null;
    ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
    String groupDn = "CN=DS_Disabled_IG,OU=Common,OU=Access Management,etc....";
    String completeDnOfUser = "This will be the current DN of the user";
    ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[1];
    mods[0] = new ModificationItem(DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,
    new BasicAttribute("member", completeDnOfUser));
    ctx.modifyAttributes(groupDn, mods); ------- line A
    At 'line A' exception is being throwed as below:
    In Exception catch block [LDAP: error code 53 - 0000055E: SvcErr: DSID-031A0FC0, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0
    javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - 0000055E: SvcErr: DSID-031A0FC0, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0
    remaining name 'CN=DS_Disabled_IG,OU=Common,OU=Access Mana etc......'
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(
    at goes on ......
    But the same code is working for me in Lower environment but not in one of the upper environment.
    It would of great help, if anyone can suggest solution on this.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Hi Colin,
    I am talking about adding the user to a Disabled Group using the below code :
    ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[1];
    mods[0] = new ModificationItem(DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,
    new BasicAttribute("member", completeDnOfUser));
    ctx.modifyAttributes(groupDn, mods);
    But what i suspect here is we should use ADD_ATTRIBUTE instead of REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE. Is that so?
    This code success rate in local environment is 70% or 80%(around 70 users passed out of 100 users) but whereas in one of the Upper environment during initial days the same success rate was >70% and then nowadays suddenly it started failing for all the users completely 0%. So I have a confusion here ???
    Yes, Domain Users is not a real Ldap group here but what i was conveying here is all created users will be assigned to this group.
    Colin, what are those LDP or third party Applications and how useful it will be here??

  • HT202159 I started download of OS X Mountain Lion and it stopped with "An error has occurred" with no option to resume download. When I go to appstore it shows but again.

    I started download of OS X Mountain Lion and it stopped with "An error has occurred" with no option to resume download. When I go to appstore it shows but again.

    Try this Discussion...

Maybe you are looking for