Open bookmarks group in custom order

I can open bookmarks in custom order at once in my laptop (that is, in the order I saved them), but I noticed in my tablet that if I select multiple bookmarks and open them as a group they will always be opened in alphabetical order (according to the web page title).
How can I open many bookmarks, at once, in the order I saved them (or any order I organize them in the bookmarks interface)?

Maybe I wasn't clear, I was very tired when I posted this answer.
My problem is not opening multiple bookmarks at the same time.
My problem is to open multiple bookmarks in an intended order.
If I just mark the bookmarks and open them they will open in an 'inverse order' (the first bookmark of the list will be at the furthermost right position in the tabs, etc. ).
If I try to invert the order of the bookmarks in the bookmarks windows with the A>Z Z>A command the bookmarks will open in some random order (it seemed alphabetical to me yesterday, it's not. it's just random.)
The end result is that I can't really use the function unless I reorder all the (possibly many) tabs that will be opened by the function.

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  • Retrive open order and open delivery value x custome

    how can i obtain a list of open order value and open delivery value per customer?

    Check the following code which give details of pending orders & values and it can be modified as per ur requirement.
    REPORT  ZPEND_ORDER no standard page heading line-size 255.
    *& Purpose : Details of Sale order having pending deliveries           *
    *&           ( For Rake order handling )                               *
    tables : vbak, vbap, likp, lips, kna1, vbuk, vbpa, vepvg, vbfa, vbup.
    data : pend_qty like  vbap-kwmeng,
           dlv_qty like  vbap-kwmeng,
           ord_qty like vbap-kwmeng.
    data: begin of itab_vbak occurs 0,
          vbeln like vbak-vbeln,           "sales order no
          audat like vbak-audat,           " created date
          auart like vbak-auart,           " Sales Document Type
          vkorg like vbak-vkorg,           "Sales Organization
          vtweg like vbak-vtweg,           " distribution channel
          spart like vbak-spart,           " Division
          vkgrp like vbak-vkgrp,           " Sales group
          vkbur like vbak-vkbur,           " Sales office
          kunnr like vbak-kunnr,           " sold to party
          kunag like vbak-kunnr,           " ship to party
          cust like vbak-kunnr,            " sold to party
          ship like kna1-name1,            " ship to party
          city like kna1-ort01,            " ship to party location
          deliv like likp-vbeln,           " delivery
          matnr like vbap-matnr,
          arktx like vbap-arktx,           " mat description
          kwmeng like vbap-kwmeng,
          kbmeng like vbap-kbmeng,
          fkrel like vbap-matnr,
          vstel like vbap-vstel,
          route like vbap-route,
          chln_no like likp-xabln,
          grn_no like likp-bolnr,
          truck_no like likp-traid,
          dlv_dt like vbfa-erdat,           "dlvy date
          ord_qty like vbap-kwmeng,
          dlvd_qty like vbap-kwmeng,
          pend_qty like vbap-kwmeng,
          kzwi5 like vbap-kzwi5,
          posnr like vbap-posnr,
    end of itab_vbak.
    data  posnr like vbap-posnr.
    type-pools: slis.
    constants: formname_top_of_page type slis_formname value 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    *Data Decelararion for alv display
    data: i_fieldtab type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          i_heading  type slis_t_listheader,
          i_layout   type slis_layout_alv,
          i_sort     type slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
          i_print    type slis_print_alv,
          i_events   type slis_t_event,
          i_repname  like sy-repid,
          f2code   like sy-ucomm value  '&ETA',
          i_save(1) type c,
          i_exit(1) type c,
          i_variant like disvariant,
      selection-screen skip 1.
      selection-screen begin of block v1 with frame title text-001.
      selection-screen skip 1.
                     ord_no for vepvg-vbeln,
                     audat for vbak-audat obligatory,
                     matnr for vbap-matnr,
                     spart for vbap-spart obligatory,
                     vstel for vepvg-vstel obligatory,
                     sale_org for vbak-vkorg obligatory,
                     sale_off for vbak-vkbur.
      selection-screen skip 1.
    check box for ALV display
      parameters p_alv as checkbox.
      selection-screen end of block v1.
      selection-screen skip 1.
      data:   ftab(72) occurs 5 with header line.
      refresh ftab.
      ftab = 'VBELN'. append ftab.
      refresh itab_vbak.
      i_repname = sy-repid.
      select vbeln audat vkorg vtweg spart vkbur kunnr from vbak
           (itab_vbak-vbeln, itab_vbak-audat,
            vbak-vkorg, vbak-vtweg, vbak-spart,
            itab_vbak-vkbur, itab_vbak-kunnr)
           where vbeln in ord_no
           and audat in audat
           and vbtyp = 'C'
           and vkorg in sale_org
           and spart in spart
           and vkbur in sale_off.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          select posnr kwmeng kbmeng matnr arktx  "added for mat description
                   fkrel vstel route kzwi5 spart
                   from vbap into corresponding fields of itab_vbak
                   where vbeln = itab_vbak-vbeln .
            check ( itab_vbak-fkrel = 'A' or  "Delivery-related billing document
                    itab_vbak-fkrel = 'D' )   "Relevant for pro forma
              and itab_vbak-vstel in vstel
              and itab_vbak-matnr in matnr
              and itab_vbak-spart in spart.
            select single * from vbup where vbeln = itab_vbak-vbeln
                                        and posnr = itab_vbak-posnr.
            check vbup-gbsta ne 'C'.
            dlv_qty = 0.
            select single kunnr from vbpa into itab_vbak-kunnr
                   where vbeln = itab_vbak-vbeln
                   and parvw = 'WE'.
            select single name1 ort01 from kna1 into
                   (itab_vbak-cust, itab_vbak-city)
                    where kunnr = itab_vbak-kunnr.
          in case of partially processed sale order get delivery details
            clear : dlv_qty, itab_vbak-dlv_dt, itab_vbak-dlvd_qty, itab_vbak-chln_no,
                    itab_vbak-grn_no, itab_vbak-truck_no.
            if vbup-gbsta eq 'B'. "partially processed
              dlv_qty = 0.
            get details from delivery
              select vbfavbeln vbfarfmng vbfavbtyp_n vbfaerdat
                 into (vbfa-vbeln, vbfa-rfmng, vbfa-vbtyp_n, vbfa-erdat)
                 from vbfa
                 where vbelv = itab_vbak-vbeln
                   and posnv = itab_vbak-posnr.
                check vbfa-vbtyp_n = 'J'.
                clear : dlv_qty, itab_vbak-dlv_dt, itab_vbak-dlvd_qty, itab_vbak-chln_no,
                        itab_vbak-grn_no, itab_vbak-truck_no.
                select single erdat xabln bolnr traid kunag
                   into (itab_vbak-dlv_dt, itab_vbak-chln_no, itab_vbak-grn_no,
                         itab_vbak-truck_no, itab_vbak-kunag)
                   from likp
                   where vbeln = vbfa-vbeln.
                if sy-subrc = 0.
                  dlv_qty = dlv_qty + vbfa-rfmng.
                  itab_vbak-dlv_dt = vbfa-erdat.
                  itab_vbak-dlvd_qty = dlv_qty.
                  itab_vbak-deliv = vbfa-vbeln.
                append itab_vbak.
            elseif vbup-gbsta eq 'A'.
            for unprocessed sale order
            ship to party details
              itab_vbak-kunag = itab_vbak-kunnr.
              itab_vbak-ship = itab_vbak-cust.
              append itab_vbak.
        clear itab_vbak.
      loop at itab_vbak.
      clear with change in document / item no
        on change of itab_vbak-vbeln or itab_vbak-posnr.
          clear: dlv_qty,ord_qty,pend_qty.
        at new posnr.
        In case full qty not delivered
          if itab_vbak-kwmeng > itab_vbak-dlvd_qty.
            select single vbpa~kunnr into vbpa-kunnr
               from vbpa
               where vbeln = itab_vbak-vbeln
                and  posnr = itab_vbak-posnr
                and  parvw = 'WE'.
            if sy-subrc eq 0.
              itab_vbak-kunag = vbpa-kunnr.
              select single name1 ort01 from kna1 into
                    (itab_vbak-ship, itab_vbak-city)
                     where kunnr = itab_vbak-kunag.
              if sy-subrc ne 0.
                select single vbpa~kunnr into vbpa-kunnr
                   from vbpa
                   where vbeln = itab_vbak-vbeln
                   and parvw = 'WE'.
                itab_vbak-kunag = vbpa-kunnr.
                if sy-subrc ne 0 and p_alv ne 'X'.
                  write :/ 'vbpadetls' , itab_vbak-vbeln, itab_vbak-posnr, itab_vbak-vbeln.
          itab_vbak-ord_qty = itab_vbak-kwmeng.
        Delivered Qty & Pending qty
          dlv_qty = dlv_qty + itab_vbak-dlvd_qty.
          itab_vbak-pend_qty = itab_vbak-kwmeng - dlv_qty.
          modify itab_vbak transporting kunag ship city dlvd_qty ord_qty pend_qty .
      sort itab_vbak by vbeln posnr audat kunnr matnr.
      if p_alv ne 'X'.
        loop at itab_vbak.
          select single kna1name1 kna1ort01
                 (kna1-name1, kna1-ort01)
                 from kna1
                 where kunnr = itab_vbak-kunnr.
          pend_qty = itab_vbak-ord_qty - itab_vbak-dlvd_qty.
          format color col_normal.
          write : /01(10) itab_vbak-vbeln,
                  12(10)  itab_vbak-audat,
                  24(8)  itab_vbak-kunag no-zero,
                  34(6)  itab_vbak-posnr no-zero,
                  42(10) itab_vbak-matnr no-zero,
                  54(15) itab_vbak-arktx,
                  72(25) itab_vbak-ship,
                  100(15) itab_vbak-city,
                  118(8)  itab_vbak-ord_qty,
                  128(10) itab_vbak-route,
                  140(10) itab_vbak-dlv_dt,
                  152(10) itab_vbak-dlvd_qty,
                  164(10)  itab_vbak-chln_no,
                  176(10)  itab_vbak-grn_no,
                  188(10)  itab_vbak-truck_no,
                  200(10) itab_vbak-pend_qty,
                  218(15) itab_vbak-kzwi5 left-justified.
          format reset.
          at end of audat.
            pend_qty = itab_vbak-ord_qty - itab_vbak-dlvd_qty.
            format color col_background.
            write: /118(8) itab_vbak-ord_qty,
                   152(10) itab_vbak-dlvd_qty,
                   200(10) pend_qty,
                   218 itab_vbak-kzwi5 left-justified.
            format reset.
          at last.
            pend_qty = itab_vbak-ord_qty - itab_vbak-dlvd_qty.
            format color col_total.
            write : /5 'Grand Total : '.
            write: /118(8) itab_vbak-ord_qty,
                  152(10) itab_vbak-dlvd_qty,
                  200(10) pend_qty,
                  218 itab_vbak-kzwi5 left-justified.
            format reset.
      for ALV Display
        i_repname = sy-repid.
        perform fieldcat using i_fieldtab[].
        perform eventtab using i_events[].
        perform comment using i_heading[].
        perform call_alv.
        perform build_layout using i_layout.
      if p_alv ne 'X'.
        format color col_heading.
        write: /01 'Ord No',
                12 'Ord Date',
                24 'Sold to Party',
                34 'Item No',
                42 'Mat No',
                54 'Mat Descp',
                72 'Ship to Party',
                100 'City',
                118 'Qty',
                128 'Route',
                140 'Dlv Date',
                152 'Dlv Qty',
                164 'Challan No',
                176 'GRN No',
                188 'Truck No',
                200 'Pend Qty',
                218 'Total Value'.
        format reset.
    *&      Form  fieldcat
         -->P_I_FIELDTAB[]  text
    form fieldcat using p_fieldtab type slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
      data: l_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv.
      clear l_fieldcat.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'ITAB_VBAK'.
      l_fieldcat-fix_column = 'X'.
      l_fieldcat-no_out     = ' '.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'VKBUR'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 6.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Sales Office'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'VSTEL'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 5.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Shipping Point'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = ' '.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'VBELN'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Order No.'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      l_fieldcat-hotspot = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'AUDAT'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Doc Date'.
      l_fieldcat-hotspot = ''.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = ' '.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'POSNR'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 5.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Item'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'MATNR'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Material No'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'ARKTX'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 15.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Mat. Description'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'KUNNR'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 8.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Sold to Party'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'CUST'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 15.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Sold to Party Descp.'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'KUNAG'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 8.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Ship to Party'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'SHIP'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 15.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Ship to Party Descp'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'CITY'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 13.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'City'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = ' '.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'DELIV'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Delivery No.'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      l_fieldcat-hotspot = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'ORD_QTY'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Qty'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = ' '.
      l_fieldcat-hotspot = ' '.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'ROUTE'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Route'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'DLV_DT'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Delivered date'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'DLVD_QTY'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Delivered Qty'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = ' '.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'CHLN_NO'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 15.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Challan No'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'GRN_NO'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 15.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'GR Number'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'TRUCK_NO'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Truck No'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'PEND_QTY'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 10.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Pending Qty'.
      l_fieldcat-no_zero = ' '.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'KZWI5'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = 13.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Value'.
      append l_fieldcat to p_fieldtab.
      clear l_fieldcat.
    endform.                    " FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  EVENTTAB
         -->P_I_EVENTS[]  text
    form eventtab using p_events type slis_t_event.
      data: ls_event type slis_alv_event.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET'
          i_list_type = 0
          et_events   = p_events.
      read table p_events with key name = slis_ev_top_of_page
                               into ls_event.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        move formname_top_of_page to ls_event-form.
        append ls_event to p_events.
    endform.                    " EVENTTAB
    *&      Form  BUILD_LAYOUT
         -->P_LAYOUT   text
    form build_layout using p_layout type slis_layout_alv.
      p_layout-f2code       = f2code.
      p_layout-zebra        = 'X'.
      p_layout-detail_popup = 'X'.
    endform.                    " BUILD_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  COMMENT
         -->P_I_HEADING[]  text
    form comment  using    p_i_heading type slis_t_listheader.
      data: hline type slis_listheader,
            text(60) type c,
            sep(20) type c.
      clear: hline, text.
      hline-typ  = 'H'.
      write : 'Pending Sale Order Details' to hline-info.
      append hline to i_heading.
    endform.                    " COMMENT
    *&      Form  TOP_OF_PAGE
    form top_of_page.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE'
          it_list_commentary = i_heading
          i_logo             = 'ALV_REPORT'.
    endform.                    " TOP_OF_PAGE
    *&      Form  call_alv
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form call_alv .
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
          i_interface_check        = ' '
          i_buffer_active          = ' '
          i_callback_program       = i_repname
          i_callback_pf_status_set = ' '
          i_callback_user_command  = 'FRM_ALV_USER_COMMAND'
          i_structure_name         = 'ITAB_VBAK'
          i_background_id          = ' '
          is_layout                = i_layout
          it_fieldcat              = i_fieldtab
          it_sort                  = i_sort[]
          i_default                = 'X'
          i_save                   = 'A'
          is_variant               = i_variant
          it_events                = i_events[]
          is_print                 = i_print
          t_outtab                 = itab_vbak.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        write: 'SY-SUBRC: ', sy-subrc, 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'.
    endform.                    " call_alv
    *&      Form  frm_alv_user_command
         -->UCOMM      text
         -->SELFIELD   text
    form frm_alv_user_command using ucomm like sy-ucomm
                  selfield type slis_selfield.
      case ucomm.
        when '&IC1'.
          if selfield-tabname = 'ITAB_VBAK'.
            if selfield-fieldname = 'VBELN'.
              read table itab_vbak index selfield-tabindex.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
                set parameter id 'AUN' field itab_vbak-vbeln.
                call transaction 'VA03' and skip first screen.
            elseif selfield-fieldname = 'DELIV'.
              read table itab_vbak index selfield-tabindex.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
                set parameter id 'VL' field itab_vbak-deliv.
                call transaction 'VL03N' and skip first screen.
    endform.                    "frm_alv_user_command

  • SAP Tables  for Open Customer Orders and Sales History

    Dear Experts.
    I am looking to get SAP SD related tables for the following,
    1) SAP tables for Open Customer Orders     
    From SAP, I need to get all tables that Contain all open customer orders for products.
    2) Sales History
    From SAP, I need to get all tables that contain the previous month's sales history (shipped customer orders).
    Please Help!!

    check the following link
    hope it will help you
    sreelatha gullapalli

  • Credit group in sales order

    How we link credit group to sales order ?

    it is done through ova6 Transaction code.  more over i am sending you the screen shot of credit check managment stps. follow this u will not get any error while u r determining the order.
    pl. follow the steps of credit check.
    1. Define the credit control area under img=definition=financial accounting= define cr.control area.
    2.assign it your company code and ur sales area under assignment under img screen.and assign it your sales document types and delivery types and pgi.
    3. create the credit groups for your customers. it can be determined or happen in three stages either in Sales order , or else in delivery or in Post goods issue (PGI).
    ex: Z1 - credit groups for sales order
    Z2 - credit groups for delivery
    Z3 - credit groups for PGI
    4. define the risk categories. it is required b'coz the customer is of high risk, or medium risk, or low risk customer.
    5.maintain automatic credit control check for ur credit control area and credit groups of the customer and risk categories. so that the credit check will determines automatically. menu path is IMG=SD=BASIC FUNCTIONS= CREDIT MANAGEMENT AND RISK CATEGORIES= DEFINE AUTOMATIC CREDIT CONTROL.
    6. while u r creating automatic credit control, pl. copy from the std. one and make changes. so that all the existing details will copy and fine tuning have to be done by the SD consultant. basically this is integration with FICO.
    So copy it from any one of the 1000 credit control area and make changes like
    dynamic credit as C and activate the open for order and deliveries and save
    i.e maintain credit control area + risk categories+ credit groups for the customer.
    7. finally maintain the credit limit thru FD32 for ur customer. activate everything on that screen.
    if you follow those rules, definetely cr. limit will determine for you.
    pl. reward point if it is helpful.

  • External Inventory Feed - Wish to Exclude Customer Order Stock

    We have an hourly inventory job, which writes available inventory to an external file.  Recently, we learned that the report is including material which has already been reserved for future customer orders (see for example in MD04).  We do not have an ABAP programmer on staff so I am posting our existing code below and would appreciate hugely an updated script.
    I've seen references in other searches to MD04 and use of function 'MD_MPS_READ_STOCK_REQMTS' as well as 'BAPI_MATERIAL_STOCK_REQ_LIST', but do not know how to incorporate this into the hourly job.
    As you can see, the report output is being pulled from MARD-LABST, unrestricted, but it needs to also exclude allocated customer order stock.
    Thank you in advance for looking.
    *& Report  ZMM_INVENTORY_FEED*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    REPORT  zmm_inventory_feed NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING.
    *-------------Types Declaration----------------------------------------*TYPES:BEGIN OF ty_file,
          END OF ty_file,
          BEGIN OF ty_mard,
          matnr    TYPE mard-matnr,
          werks    TYPE mard-werks,
          lgort    TYPE mard-lgort,
          labst    TYPE mard-labst,
          mstae    TYPE mara-mstae,
          maktx    TYPE makt-maktx,
          mvgr2    TYPE mvke-mvgr2,
          END OF ty_mard,
          BEGIN OF ty_final,
          supplier TYPE lfa1-lifnr,   "Supplierid
          matnr    TYPE mard-matnr,   "Item no
          labst    TYPE char13,       "Qty
          qtyback  TYPE char13,       "Qtyback
          qtyorder TYPE char13,       "Qtyorder
          itemav   TYPE c,            "Itemavdate
          itemdis  TYPE char13,       "Discount
          desc     TYPE makt-maktx,   "Description
          END OF ty_final.
    *----------Internal Table Declaration---------------------------------*DATA:it_mard   TYPE TABLE OF ty_mard,
         it_final  TYPE TABLE OF ty_final,
         it_file   TYPE TABLE OF ty_file,*----------Work Area Declaration--------------------------------------*
         wa_mard   TYPE ty_mard,
         wa_temp   TYPE ty_mard,
         wa_final  TYPE ty_final,
         wa_file   TYPE ty_file.
    *----------Local variable Declaration---------------------------------*DATA: lv_labst   TYPE char13,
          lv_labst_i TYPE i,
          lv_labst1  TYPE char13,
          lv_labst2  TYPE j_1itaxvar-j_1itaxam1,
          lv_mess    TYPE string.DATA lv_filename TYPE char100.*----------Selection-Screen Declaration-------------------------------*SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001.
    SELECT-OPTIONS:s_mstae  FOR mara-mstae OBLIGATORY,                     "Material Status
                   s_mvgr2  FOR mvke-mvgr2 OBLIGATORY,                     "Material Group
                   s_matnr  FOR mara-matnr,                                "Material Number
                   s_werks  for mard-werks,
                   s_lgort  FOR mard-lgort.PARAMETERS:    p_per(3) TYPE n DEFAULT 20,                             "Percentage
                   p_appl   TYPE rlgrap-filename DEFAULT '\\Appsrv02\Datadown\DropShip_SAP_Test\'. "File Path
    SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1.*----------End Of Declarations----------------------------------------*
    *AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_appl.*  PERFORM f4_filename.                     "F4 help for file path
      PERFORM get_data.
      PERFORM process_data.
      PERFORM file_export.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  GET_DATA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM get_data .
      SELECT a~matnr
             d~mvgr2 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE  it_mard
                           FROM mard AS a
                     INNER JOIN mara AS b
                             ON b~matnr = a~matnr
                     INNER JOIN makt AS c
                             ON c~matnr = a~matnr
                     INNER JOIN mvke AS d
                             ON d~matnr = a~matnr
                          WHERE mstae   in s_mstae              "Exclude Material Status Filteration
                            AND a~werks IN ('1100','1200')        "Plant in 1100 and 1200
                            AND mvgr2   IN s_mvgr2              "Exclude Material group
                            AND a~matnr IN s_matnr
                            and a~werks in s_werks
                            AND a~lgort in s_lgort.
      SORT it_mard BY matnr werks lgort.
      DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM it_mard COMPARING matnr werks lgort.ENDFORM.                    " GET_DATA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  PROCESS_DATA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM process_data .
    *--------------File Header Information --------------------------------*
      wa_final-supplier    = 'Supplier Id'.
      wa_final-matnr       = 'Item Number'.
      wa_final-labst       = 'Total Qty'.
      wa_final-qtyback     = 'Qty Backordered'.
      wa_final-qtyorder    = 'Qty on Order'.
      wa_final-itemav      = 'Item NextAvdate'.
      wa_final-itemdis     = 'ItemDiscont'.
      wa_final-desc        = 'Description'.
      CONCATENATE  wa_final-supplier
                   wa_final-desc    INTO wa_file
                                    SEPARATED BY ','." RESPECTING BLANKS.
      APPEND wa_file TO it_file.
      CLEAR :wa_final,
             wa_file.*------------------End File Header---------------------------------------*
    *------------------File Item Data----------------------------------------*
      LOOP AT it_mard INTO wa_temp.
        wa_mard = wa_temp.
        MOVE:wa_mard-matnr TO wa_final-matnr,  "Item No
             wa_mard-maktx TO wa_final-desc.   "Description
        IF wa_mard-werks     = '1100'.
          wa_final-supplier  = '6476'.         "Supplierid
        ELSEIF wa_mard-werks = '1200'.
          wa_final-supplier  = '6477'.
        IF wa_mard-labst IS NOT INITIAL.
          lv_labst1 = lv_labst1 + wa_mard-labst.
        AT END OF werks.
          IF wa_mard-mstae = 'AE'.
            wa_final-itemdis = '0'.        "Item Discontinued
          ELSEIF wa_mard-mstae = 'CM' OR wa_mard-mstae = 'DR'.
            wa_final-itemdis = '1'.
          IF lv_labst1 IS NOT INITIAL AND p_per IS NOT INITIAL.
            lv_labst = lv_labst1 * p_per / 100. "Qty
            lv_labst = lv_labst1 - lv_labst.
            IF lv_labst LT 0.                    "If Qty less than Zero Make it as Zero
              lv_labst = 0.
            lv_labst = lv_labst1.
          lv_labst2 = lv_labst.                  "Rounding to Nearest Qty
              i_amount = lv_labst2
              e_amount = lv_labst2.
          lv_labst_i = lv_labst2.
          lv_labst = lv_labst_i.
          CONDENSE lv_labst.
              input         = wa_final-matnr
             OUTPUT        = wa_final-matnr
          CONCATENATE wa_final-supplier
                      '          '"'00/00/0000' "wa_final-itemav
                      wa_final-desc INTO wa_file
                                    SEPARATED BY ','." RESPECTING BLANKS.
          APPEND wa_file TO it_file.
      ENDLOOP.*---------------------------End  File Item data----------------------*ENDFORM.                    " PROCESS_DATA*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&      Form  FILE_EXPORT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**       text*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM file_export

    What you said is exactly what I want! Very thankful for your help.
    Yes, I have found that in EBEW table that standard price is valuated with preliminary cost estimate because I don't give a sales order cost estimate but I give an sales order stock in the customizing - requirement class. So, I have this question that how the sales order stock is determined.
    In COPA customizing (COprofitability analysismaster datavaluationSet up valuation using material cost estimate), standard cost estimate or sales order cost estimate can be transferred into COPA value fields in our system.
    But, I have still have a question: I found in our system, preliminary cost estimate in the linked production order is determined for valuation of sales order stock in EBEW table. As sap online help says, cost component splits can not be transferred to COPA.
    So, according to SAP online help, I think what you said u201Cu2026..However , when we start thinking about the result of this cost to flow into COPA , this cannot happen as the Inventory was valued with a Preliminary csot estimate. So , the Online help says that it will not be able to transfer Result of Preliminary cost estimate into COPA for transferrring COGS details. System would always require a Standard cost estimate or a Sales order Cost estimate to flow Cost details into COPAu201D is correct.
    But, in our system, cost component can be transferred into COPA!? When I create a sales billing (invoice) with tcode VF01, it can create a profitability analysis document (shown in VF03) which it had a cost component split for that material in the sales order stock valuated with the preliminary cost estimate. Or where is stored for the Make-to-Order materialu2019s cost component split in COPA?
    That is the real point that confused me. Hope you can help me. Thanks very much.

  • I would like to know if there is a setting i can change that will use the current tab i'm on when opening a group of links in tabs.

    Until i upgraded to firefox 8, when i opened a group of tabs (right click on a folder of bookmarks and open all in tabs option), it would use the current tab to as the first of the links and open the rest to the right of that tab. Now that has changed. I don't mind except for not using the tab i'm on. That is somewhat annoying, especially if that is how i browse most of the time. As the first thing i do is open a group of tabs when i start firefox, the first tab has to be closed manually as it did not before and this is annoying to me.

    * You could use different Profiles, each with its' own set of homepages.
    * You could load the default homepage and then open a folder of bookmarks in new tabs by middle-click on the folder or using a right-click & Open All in Tabs.

  • Updation of sles group in sales order

    Dear all,
    The sales office and sales group is properly updated in the specific sales area master data of the customer but not flowing in the sales order and subsquently in the invoice. For some documents it gets updated and for others the filed is blank.
    I have checked the master data and also the documents and found no errors. Please help in how to solve the issue. I need 100% updation of sales office and sales group in the order and invoice. Please advice how to solve the issue.

    Hi Parthasarathy,
    Pls once again check in the customer master, whether the Sales Office and Sales Grp values are maintained for Sold to Party or Ship to Party, as these 2 values are fetched only from Sold to party customer master.
    Or even, you can try entering the Sales Office and Sales Grp field value in the VA01 main screen, which will automatically flow in to the sales Order and it will be copied to billing document as well in case of Order related Billing. Even if there is different Payer with different Sales Office & Sales Grp, these values will be copied as it is from the Sales Order to Billing.
    And if still those values are missing in Billing document, take your ABAPer help in debugging the screen while creation of Billing document to find the reason.

  • Inconsistent updation of sales group in Sales order and invoice

    Dear all,
        The sales office and sales group is properly updated in the specific sales area master data of the customer but not flowing in the sales order and subsquently in the invoice. For some documents it gets updated and for others the filed is blank.
    I have checked the master data and also the documents and found no errors. Please help in how to solve the issue. I need 100% updation of sales office and sales group in the order and invoice. Please advice how to solve the issue.

    Dear Parthasarathy,
    Request You to post the same query in SD Forum
    You will get quick response there
    this is PP forum
    Hope You Understand

  • F.05 - Posting Logic - How are the open items grouped?

    I am trying to understand how the posting logic works. We are on ECC 6, Classic Ledger and use F.05 for the revaluation. I am trying to revalue a Open Item managed balance sheet account, that has open items since 2009. It has  a total of 480 open items, but after reval system posts only 19 entries. I am trying to understand how SAP groups these open items, what criteria is used to group open items to different documents. The totals are matching, but I am failing to understand the how SAP combined these different open items into a smaller set that were actually posted. Can anyone please enlighten me with this logic?

    In terms of open item valuation, open items are grouped by the Vendor/customer and the transaction currency of the open item. But if corporate group of the vendor/customer are same and group vendor/customer is checked in settings of valuation method, the grouping will be based on corporate group and transaction currency of the open item.
    For example: You have 6 open items (say invoices)
    Local currency is USD
    1. Vendor ABC (GL account 160000) - 100EUR => diff 3$
    2. Vendor ABC (GL account 160000) - 150INR => diff 2$
    3. Vendor ABC (GL account 160000) - 200AUD => diff -2$
    4. Vendor ABC (GL account 160000) - 300EUR => diff 1$
    5. Vendor XYZ (GL account 160000) - 350EUR => diff 1.5$ (corporate group - A123)
    6. Vendor TTT (GL account 161000) - 200EUR => diff 0.5$ (corporate group - A123)
    If you carry out foreign currency valuation now, Assuming that each of these 6 open items gives valuation difference.
    1 & 4 will be grouped together and 5 & 6 will be grouped together.
    Once the open items are grouped, the following logic applies into each group.
    If post per line check is checked in the settings of valuation method, then each differences will be separate line item.
    If post per line check is not checked, then all the gains will be grouped as one line item and losses will be grouped as one line item.
    Edited by: Sukhbold Altanbat on Oct 25, 2011 8:08 AM

  • I want to order files (e.g., photos) in a particular order (not necessarily an order that is an option in MacOS. Ie, my own custom order, and I want them STAY in that order until I change the order. Is this possible?

    I want to order files (e.g., photos) in a particular order (not necessarily an order that is an option in MacOS. Ie, my own custom order, and I want them STAY in that order until I change the order. Is this possible?

    Custom sort order is not a typical option in the list view of any desktop computing systems I know of. The way you're seeing it work is also how it works in Windows and other systems.
    There is no "None" sort order. What you're seeing is a "None" option under "Arrange By." Arranging is not the same as sorting; arranging is how the files are grouped in the window. For example, you can arrange (group) files by Kind while sorting by Name. You'll notice that if you are in List view and you choose Arrange By "None," in the window there is still a sort triangle next to the column name that it's sorting by.
    If Arrange is set to None, the files appear in one big group (the traditional view) that is controlled by the Sort order (where there is no None option).
    I didn't even know the difference between Sort and Arrange until I saw your question and did a little research! This Macworld article helped:
    How to arrange and sort files in Lion Finder (also applies to later OSs like Mavericks)
    As for your main question, how to do a custom sort order in the Finder, you can only rearrange files manually in Icon view. As with other operating systems, if you want to create a custom sort order for photos there are other ways:
    Use a photo organizer application like iPhoto or Lightroom. Some let you have custom sort orders in folders, but others only let you have a custom sort inside a different container like an "album" or "collection". Having those additional container types is part of why photos are often best managed in an organizer application and not on the desktop.
    Rename the files. You can use a renaming utility program to rename the photos with numbers that will enforce your sort order when sorted by name on the desktop, like
    01 Photo.jpg
    01 Photo.jpg
    01 Photo.jpg
    Photo 01.jpg
    Photo 02.jpg
    Photo 03.jpg

  • Group by sort order and display accordingly

    I have two groups - primary sort order and a secondary sort order in my report, formula for both follows:
    If {?Sort Order}='1' then {PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.CUSTOMER_NAME}
    else if {?Sort Order}='2' then {PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.PRODUCT_ID}
    else if {?Sort Order}='3' then {PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.CUST_REVISION_LEVEL}
    else if {?Sort Order}='4' then {PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.CMS_UD36}
    else if {?Sort Order}='5' then {PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.CMS_UD38}
    else if {?Sort Order}='6' then totext(year({PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.PURCHASE_DATE}),0,"")"/"
    right("0" + totext(month({PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.PURCHASE_DATE}),0,""),2)"/"
    right("0" + totext(day({PRODUCT_CUSTOMER_MNT_V.PURCHASE_DATE}),0,""),2)
    Groups are suppressed and fields are placed in the detail the line.  I have a request to group by Customer name with selected product ID's listed or vice versa.   My quandry is how do I accomodate the descriptive fields in the page header since the user can select any number of combinations using the sort order parameter.  Sure, right now they are only looking at customer and product ID but let's face it, that requirement could change in the future.  Seems simple enough but it's been awhile since I've touched reports and my brain is fuzzy.  Is what I'm trying to do possible?   Crystal XI (

    I was overthinking the problem.  The report was already sorting on customer or product based on user selection.  I placed the customer ID/Name field and the Product ID field into group one and checked the underlay following section box in section expert.  This is will work fine for our purposes.

  • Custom Order of Pictures not accepted

    Hi to all!
    It happen to me now on a regular basis. After ordering and pre-editing of newly imported files in my first 'neutral' project I drag them in groups into other existing projects. Now I would expect that the new pictures will than appear at the bottom of the project, in the same order they were placed before.
    But often the new motives are mingled with the older pictures, and all my ordering before was useless, and has to be redone. Also it seems that some pictures simply don't like to be placed beside certain other particular pictures, and simply popping away from each other. Only in a kind of labyrinth game I can bring them staying side by side.
    I always using the 'custom' setting in the browser, no other order like image date, rating etc.
    does anybody experience similar behavior? Or did I simply overlooked anything? The big advantage of Aperture as organizing tool is hereby for me a bit reduced.
    Any ideas?

    I won't address the workflow that you've chosen, but others may question the idea of starting images off in one project and then moving them to another...
    That said, I think one straightforward way to accomplish what you want is to:
    1) Import photos into your "neutral" project
    2) Create one or more albums in that project to hold your reordered images
    3) Perform the reordering +within the album+
    4) Drag the images at the project level from your neutral source to your destination project
    5) Drag the album from the neutral to destination project
    The images will have been migrated from the neutral to the destination project, and your custom ordering will be preserved inside the migrated album.

  • Custom Order and returns

    I ordered my MacBook Pro 1.83ghz with a 120gb drive and additional memory - at the time I did not realize the implications of a "custom order", namely that a return can't be done. I purchased the machine from a reseller as opposed to the Apple Store. I would like to return my whining machine - anyone one else in this situation that was able to accomplish a return?
    I'm checking out other options such as small claims court - I think Ontario has some strong consumer protection laws but would rather it not go in that direction.
    MacBook Pro 15 inch - w8617....   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    I am sorry to hear this. In lieu of going after the reseller, and they should have told you that they wouldn't accept any returns or exchanges, have you tried any of the whine work arounds, such as opening Comic Life and then closing it? Or do you have the screen hiss? I believe there is a fix for that if you send your computer in to Apple. Other than that, you could eBay the machine but would like take some loss on the product, which would be unfortunate. If all else fails, I might see how far you can take your complaint up the Apple food chain, so to speak. Ask to speak to a product specialist first and then go from there.

  • Customer Order in MRP

    I created a customer(XD01)
    Account Group: Customer (general)
    created a sales order (VA01) date: 24/04/2010
    added the material and saved..... No issues
    Finished product strategy group 10. Run MRP (MD02) and found Customer Order w/ reference to Sales Order I created.
    Now, how to fulfill the order? Req. type is 'Sales from stock' and stock available is Zero. What is the general procedure for creating stock in this scenario?

    Dear ,
    Check the following :
    1.Sales Order should not be blocked -Goto Status Header  or Select the line item and double click -Goto Status -It should be Credit relase.Otherwise , perform VKM3  to release the order
    2.Now while carrying out MD02 , please select the following indicator -
    Process Indicator : NETCH
    Create Purchase Req Indicator : 2 -so that it will create planned order for finsihed good and PR for dependent based on the stock and shortage
    Delivery Schedule Indicator : 1 ( in case if u do no have any delivery schedule )
    MRP List : 3
    Planning Mode : 3
    Lead Time Scheduling Indicator : 2
    Tick the check box : Diplay before Save .  and Execute
    3.Make sure -Finished good should have proper MRP Type -PD,Procurement Type : E   where as dependent should have Procurement Type : F
    Please try and revert back
    Edited by: Jiaul Haque on Mar 27, 2010 7:46 AM

  • Customer Groups and Customer Credit Groups

      I was going through the documentation for Credit Management, but I was confused on what the difference was between customer groups and customer CREDIT Groups.. both of them sort of have the same definition, then what is the difference ?
    Please help me out.

    Hi Raj,
    For your info :
    The <b>credit group</b> groups together different business transactions which should be dealt with in the same manner with regard to the credit check.
    You enter the credit groups when you configure the sales document types for credit management and define the automatic credit check.
    Default settings
    The following credit groups are contained in the standard SAP R/3 System:
    01 = credit group for sales order
    02 = credit group for delivery
    03 = credit group for goods issue
    1. Check whether you can use the credit groups in the standard system.
    2. If you need to create new credit groups, enter an alphanumeric key with two characters and a descripion for the credit group.
    A <b>customer group</b> tells to which a customer can belongs to.
    You specify the customer group for sales data in the customer master record for each sales area.
    The SAP System copies this specification automatically into the sales documents at header and item level. Here, you will find the customer group on the detail screen for general business data.
    1. Specify an alphanumeric key which can have up to 2 characters and a description for the customer groups.
    2. Make sure that the customer groups are entered in the customer master records.
    Hope it helps. Pl reward if useful.
    Thanks & Regards
    Sadhu Kishore

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