16gb iphone only has 13.09 gb capacity on itunes?

Hi Everyone, I'm wondering if anyone could help me?
I recently bought a white 16gb iphone 4s, and along with the other problems with battery, and siri being utterly useless within the UK for buisness searches I've recently just discovered that my Iphone has decided that its now a 13gb iPhone.... Now im not great with technology and it may be a very simple solution - I've currently got it in my head that the missing 2.41gb?! is taken up with software?!
When i plug the iphone into iTunes i look at capacity and it says that its 13.59gb
is there a simple soltuion, is it possible that my messages or something else may be taking up this room on my iPhone??
Any helpful response would be greatly aprecicated

I have (re)joind ASC for a real purpose. I'm sorry for losing my previous account (thanks apple for the iCloud/MobileMe accounts fun) so one can see I did helped ansering some of the questions, but... today I have got upset about this storage advertising from vendors, and searching on the web I came to this topic, so I was willing to let other people know they are not alone with this issue.
I shouldn't be marked as a troll when I am complaining about real things, and sorry for offending anyone here. I am complaining about this to all storage vendors, but considering I have most of my products from Apple.. well, it just happen to be Apple's forum when I am complaining this time.
I know things are not going to be "fixed" anytime soon, but if nobody complains about this issue, then this issue will never be fixed. Complaining opens a small chance to change sometimes...

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