1st gen 16gb iPhone replaced with 3g?

My speakerphone quit working today on my 1st gen 16gb iphone. It is still well within warranty and will most likely get replaced when I go to my appointment at the genius bar tomorrow. I was wondering if they replace it with a 16gb 3g or another 1st gen iphone.

You will receive another 16 gb original iPhone rather than the newer 3G iPhone.

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with
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    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
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    Nobody here in the user forum can help you with that.
    Contact Apple Support

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    Message was edited by: Beebled

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    Whatever you do, do not use the factory unlocks, because then you will never be able to use your phone - this amounts to hacking your phone, which will void any warranty cover and perhaps brick your phone for good.
    Anyway, what you need to do is go back to the Apple reseller who gave you the replacement phone in the first place and tell them that you had an unlocked phone and that the replacement they gave you is locked to AT&T and you need to demand that you give you another replacement phone that is unlocked.
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    iPod Nano 1st generation   Windows XP  

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    Yep. I am sure
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    Hi Heefa,same case for me. However I received an email from Apple saying that the repair is under certain warranty so I got a free replacement. Following is a part of the email:
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    The old saying 'you get what you pay for' applies here.  The prices you quote from eBay are too good to be true.  If you want to waste your money, buy the £20 battery.  Look on the Internet for trusted third party vendors or buy from Apple.  If you look at some of the prior posts, you will see many tales of woe.

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    Quality control is not up to par with Apple these days. 

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