2880 X 2880 problem

first this, english isn't my main language so you might read some weird sentences.
i'm making a web site in flash and i want it to be 1000 px (width) and 6000 px (height).
so when i want to adjust the document settings it give an error that the max size is 2880 x2880
so i thought ima make my stage 1000 X 2000 or something
and and my site itself (the image's or text of whatever the site can be) 1000 X 6000
and put 2000 px on the stage and the other 4000 px of the site under the stage ( in the gray area)
and if you look to the site in a browser you can just scroll the image's or whatever. but
the stage iself stay on the same place
so how can i make this "image's" scroll by using the browser scroll-bar ...???
if you want to help me and dont understant me well just ask

As far as I know you would have to place your content into a movieclip or some other vehicle that you could scroll, but you would have to use a scroller internal to the swf file, not the browsers scrollbar.
I have never tried this, but you could if you're up to it.  Instead of making your fla file 1000x6000, make it 400x 2400 and then specify it it to be 1000x6000 in the html embedding code.  If you have raster graphics you might or might not have a problem, though you could set them to allow smoothing so that when reduced in size they adjust better to their environment.
Unless someone that knows better than me steps in to squash this, it might be worth a quick try at least.

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    I have an Epson 2200, but am assuming the drivers and print dialog accesing that driver and ICC profiles are very similar to Epson's 2880, which is the same size as the 2200.
    In order to print 6 x 4, whish isn't a standard page size in the print dialogs, are you setting up a custom page size? (Print > Print Settings > Page Size > Manage Custom Sizes) - This works fine here, but if the paper is the wrong size, it won't print. The print driver requires that the paper size actually be 6 x 4.
    Of course, an alternative approach might be to print on a standard paper size, maybe adding trim marks, and then cutting the page down to 6 x 4 after printing.
    If none of this helps, I suggest you contact Epson's tech support.

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    From an Adobe Print engineer.  Hope this helps.
    He's got his monitor set to "as bright as the sun" brightness (as witnessed by "everyone else think my images look too dark.")
    Turn down the monitor brightness and everything will work fine.

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    To be honest, I thought I saw these yellow splotches (small splotches) myself, early when I bought it.
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    However, since then I've never seen those yellow splotches again. I have had the phone since the iDay.

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    to limit memory consumption, but why not limit the total image size
    (in memory) instead of the size in a particular dimension? We work
    with a lot of panoramic photos which exceed 2880 pixels in width,
    but may only be 600 pixels in height.

    waydewyatt wrote:
    > Does anyone know if there are plans to remove the 2880
    image dimension limit in
    > a future version of Flash? I understant the need to
    limit memory consumption,
    > but why not limit the total image size (in memory)
    instead of the size in a
    > particular dimension? We work with a lot of panoramic
    photos which exceed 2880
    > pixels in width, but may only be 600 pixels in height.
    Easy to over come. cut in bits and stitch.
    I do lots of panoramic content too, many clients run hotels
    or do interior design.
    Very common for portfolios. Anyway, I will cut the image in 5
    to 8 pieces than
    place it in movie clip, each frame has one slice of the
    image. Than i duplicate the
    frames, place one after another and get one long MC,
    sometimes 8,000 pixels big.
    Works w/o any problem.
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • 2880 size workaround, what happened?

    I developed a large flash application to handle production
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    The movie needed to span 6 wide x 2 tall, 19" LCD screens. To
    get around the 2880x2880 size limitation, I simply scaled the whole
    flash movie in the HTML code up to over 8,000 pixels and made the
    size of my application elements very small to compensate for the
    Here is an example of the HTML code that worked (with the
    .swf name changed to something generic)
    classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="
    height="8185" width="8185">
    <param name="movie" value="./generic/movie.swf">
    <param name="quality" value="best">
    <param name="play" value="true">
    <embed height="8185" pluginspage="
    src="./generic/movie.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    width="8185" quality="best" play="true">
    I am using flash player, and it works beautifully.
    However, I was looking to upgrade to the new player and did
    some testing beforehand. With Flash Player 8+ and specifically
    Flash Player 9, the movie will scale, but the actual viewable
    contents cuts off around 4,250 pixels, with just white space
    stretching to 8,185 pixels.
    Why was this changed? I cannot upgrade to the new player,
    with the new security features, action script support, etc if this
    problem is not resolved.
    Can someone explain why this might be happening in the newer
    players and not the older ones?

    brian_lenzo wrote:
    > I developed a large flash application to handle
    production planning for a large
    > printing company.
    > The movie needed to span 6 wide x 2 tall, 19" LCD
    screens. To get around the
    > 2880x2880 size limitation, I simply scaled the whole
    flash movie in the HTML
    > code up to over 8,000 pixels and made the size of my
    application elements very
    > small to compensate for the scaling.
    > Here is an example of the HTML code that worked (with
    the .swf name changed to
    > something generic)
    > <object
    > codebase="
    > rsion=6,0,0,0" height="8185" width="8185">
    > <param name="movie" value="./generic/movie.swf">
    > <param name="quality" value="best">
    > <param name="play" value="true">
    > <embed height="8185"
    > pluginspage="
    > src="./generic/movie.swf"
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="8185"
    > quality="best" play="true">
    > </object>
    > I am using flash player, and it works
    > However, I was looking to upgrade to the new player and
    did some testing
    > beforehand. With Flash Player 8+ and specifically Flash
    Player 9, the movie
    > will scale, but the actual viewable contents cuts off
    around 4,250 pixels, with
    > just white space stretching to 8,185 pixels.
    You were lucky to get away with it the first time. Generally
    any image above 2880 will cause
    problems and regardless whether you scale it down , it
    original size still remain 8000 so this
    is exactly what happened. Perhaps the player 8 or 9 is less
    tolerant and the solution can't apply.
    It is natural to have larger image, I have been doing
    panoramic for years and good quality one
    never go below 5000 pixels. In such case I will cut that
    image in 5, place it in movie clip,
    duplicate the frames and place each copy following each other
    making one long stripe.
    Using such methods you allowed to have much larger clips. I
    go sometimes beyond 10.000 pixels
    with no problems. Perhaps you could implement something like
    that ?
    Happy New Year guys - all the best there is in the 2006 :)
    <web junk free>
    </web junk free>

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    vinay.sujan wrote:
    Is the MacBook Pro Retina display resolution of 2880-by-1800 a strain on the eyes as I understand the higher the resolution the more strainful the screen can be to the eyes?
    Well there are two or three causes of eyestrain with displays different people seem to have.
    1: Small type/UI elements
    2: Glossy screens
    3: Flicker rate
    The higher pixel rate combined with the display set at the higher resolution is going to cause UI and type to be smaller and harder to see. In fact it's advised to set OS X to a lower resolouton so it upscales better to match the pixel of the higher display.
    Reports coming in say watching HD 1920 x 1080 trailers on the anti-glare 17" is best as the pixel content matches the display almost fullscreen, where on the MBP-R it's upscaled and thus looks blurry.
    HD content makers are NOT going to change all their video cameras to support 2880 x 1800 full screen, so in order to get a clearer image playing HD 1080 content, one will have to do so in a smaller window.
    The new MBP-R dispalys are 75% less glossy, but not 100% less glossy like the anti-glare models so this can still cause some people problems. This can be lowered to under 1%, however I'm suspecting to do so would be considered giving up a military advantage to China where Apple gets it products made.
    I don't know about the flicker rate if it's better or not on the MBP-R's than the previous screens.

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    Epson is having a lot of problems with their printer drivers on MacOS 10.9.
    Check with Epson for updated drivers.

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    LR 4 only prints a blank page on Epson 2880. Print preview panes remain blank. Window 7 OS. Need help desperately!

    Thank you for your kind consideration of my problem. Up until the software started to print blank pages the preview pane always showed the selected print within the selected layout. Something has changed. Lightroom will print to the JPEG file but only a blank page on the Epson 2880. I've been in contact with Epson support and an IT tech and they tell me the problem is with Lightroom. I'm at my wits end and thinking of upgrading but the glitch may carry over. Uninstalling and reinstalling and deleting the preferences file did nothing to rectify the situation.
    Thanks again!

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    I have loaded the latest Epson drivers and have got Premium Luster surface added but no Matte heavyweight. I can't select this in either 64 or 32 bit mode.
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    I have profiles for the Matte paper available, but it makes no difference
    I just wondered why I couldn't select the Matte option. It has been suggested that It wont appear unless I have the Matte Black cartridge installed, but I was of the opinion this cart was for uncoated stock, which I thought the Epson matte paper wasn't.
    Any ideas???
    John C

    John, you need to do two things.
    First, you need to insert the Matte Black cart. Whatever you may have heard elsewhere, Matte Black is not solely for printing on uncoated stock. It is for printing on whatever papers were designed to be used with Matte Black inks, whether coated or not. Enhanced Matte (a.k.a. Archival Matte, Ultra Premium Presentation Paper Matte), Velvet Fine Art, UltraSmooth Fine Art, Entrada, Photo Rag, etc. are all coated on the printing surface and are designed to be used with Matte Black.
    Second, you need to visit the Page Setup dialog box and make sure you have the appropriate paper feed selected. Otherwise you won't have access to all of the matte black-compatible media types, such as Velvet Fine Art.

  • Trouble printing with Epson 2880 and SL

    Installed SL on my MBP but not my iMac yet as it is my main computer for printing with Aperture. I have been very happy with the 2880 and how well the prints match what I see on the screen (calibrated with i1d2). Well with SL I downloaded rosetta and the new 2880 drivers (as instructed by Epson), but whenever I choose a paper profile e.g., Premium Photo Glossy, the picture in Aperture Print Pane turns a purple hue. I, of course, have color management turned off in the Print Settings dialog. Anyone have any idea what is going on? As far as I can tell I'm not doing anything differently. More importantly, has anyone been able to get good photo printing with SL, Aperture and the new Epson drivers for the 2880 or similar Epson printer?
    Thanks, Jim

    That KB article just saved me from going back to 10.5. I was having the same purple problem with all Ilford and Hahnemuhle profiles.
    That problem is now gone (by just disabling Black Point Compensation) but: when trying to print from Aperture (2.1.4) with my R2880, any paper I choose is apparently stuck at +roll paper+, giving a +wrong source+ error when it reaches the printer. I now have to hit preview, select the correct page setup and profile and print from there. So far this seems to work. But it's a pain and not what I want to be stuck doing for very long.
    I had this problem before but only when printing to Manual-Roll. Now even Sheet Feeder options don't work. This would all be fixed if we only had a proper Page Setup option in Aperture as in every other OS X application...
    At least that convoluted method gives me the right colors - which I was definitely not getting by going the system managed route.
    Growing pains anyone?

  • CS3, Epson 2880 - Dark Prints

    Hopefully some one might be able to help as I am a tad stumped with a problem of dark prints from CS3 on an Epson 2880.
    Macbook Pro with 10.4 Tiger
    I have a calibrated monitor
    CS3 setup with American Prepress colour settings
    Raw picture imported into CS3 with Adobe RGB profile
    So I edit the picture as required and then open the print window where I tell photoshop to manage the colours and select the correct ICC profile for my printer and paper. I then go to the Epson print driver and select the correct media type and turn off colour management.
    The picture that is printed is 1 to 2 stops darker than what is should be.
    Now the strange thing is if I use the Epson Print Plug-in the picture that it displays is generally dark like the print output.
    If I didnt know better I would say that another ICC profile is being applied to the picture as it moves either to the print driver or to the Epson Plug-in.
    If I check the picture in CS3 with proofing then I get a small colour change as expected but not the dark print that comes out.
    Any suggestions much appreciated as this is doing my head in.

    Please do a forum search. There are already at least two other threads on the subject of dark prints.
    Here are examples:
    Eric Chan, "PS3 prints fine, PS4 prints too dark, same Mac" #12, 12 Dec 2008 6:07 am
    Eric Chan, "Printer Dialog Box in CS4 - Printing Grayscale Images" #26, 4 Dec 2008 8:57 pm

  • Cannon irc 2880

    I've just upgraded to a new MacBook Pro, and I am trying to install the printer drivers for a Canon irc 2880 network printer that is located on our office network. After installing the drivers (keeping in mind that this driver did work on an early 2008 MBP model) one of three things happens. All print jobs pause before able to print; I get an error message "ERROR CODE 50" that Canon can't help with; or the printer prints pages upon pages of code that I have yet to track down the source.
    Please help, I just want to get some work done.

    Today I worked on the theory that the Canon driver may not be communicating correctly to the printer and thus the queue does not change to use the Canon protocols. So I just tried creating a new printer queue at home to an IP address that is not registered to any printer and in the Print Using selected the "Canon iR C2880/3380 UFR II (UK)". I was then prompted to enter the Installable Options for the printer, which of course there were none. The resulting print queue still shows "cntdbmu://MCDUFR2_LPR/_10_0_120/lpd://". So this to me suggests that your issue has nothing to do with the connection from the Mac to the Canon but with the UFR2 driver you have installed. I therefore suggest you remove the UFR2 driver and its supporting files as follows.
    1. Open Print & Fax and delete the iR C2880 print queue
    2. Navigate to HD > Library > Printers > Canon and delete the UFR2 folder
    3. Navigate to HD > Library > Launch Agents and delete the file "jp.co.canon.UFR2.BG.plist"
    4. Navigate to HD > Library > Printers > PPDs > Contents > Resources > en.lproj and delete all the files listed as CNTD**Z*2.ppd.gz (where * indicates a character string that represents the printer model and 2 indicates a character string that represents the corresponding language)
    With these files removed restart your Mac and then check the Canon USA web site for the UFR2 v2.20 driver and install (just in case the UK version of the driver used outside of the US is causing the problem).

  • Image loses ColorMatrixFilter when zoomed above 2880 pixels

    I have a image viewer component that allows the user to zoom
    and scroll an image. The user is allowed to invert the image. The
    problem I have is that when the user zooms the image so that the
    height is above 2880 the image loses its inverted filter and
    reverts to viewing the original image. The following is from the
    DisplayObect.cacheAsBitmap flex doc.
    The cacheAsBitmap property is automatically set to true
    whenever you apply a filter to a display object (when its filter
    array is not empty), and if a display object has a filter applied
    to it, cacheAsBitmap is reported as true for that display object,
    even if you set the property to false. If you clear all filters for
    a display object, the cacheAsBitmap setting changes to
    what it was last set to.
    A display object does not use a bitmap even if the
    cacheAsBitmap property is set to true and instead renders from
    vector data in the following cases:
    The bitmap is too large: greater than 2880 pixels in either
    The bitmap fails to allocate (out of memory error).
    My relevant section of code for applying the inverted state
    to the
    image follows:
    public function invertImage():void
    var matrix:Array = new Array();
    matrix = matrix.concat([-1, 0, 0, 0, 255]);
    matrix = matrix.concat([ 0, -1, 0, 0, 255]);
    matrix = matrix.concat([ 0, 0, -1, 0, 255]);
    matrix = matrix.concat([ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
    var filter:ColorMatrixFilter = new
    var filters:Array = new Array();
    image.filters = filters;
    Any suggestions on how I can workaround the 2880 limitation?

    Louis, it sounds like you have a few problems to overcome here.
    First, Facebook seems to be confused about what size of a picture it wants.
    Second, your image is taller than wde (220 x 426), and Facebook wasts the cover image to be wider than tall (851? x 315?).  You will have to crop something to make that happen.
    How do I zoom out on the image and save it ??
    Zooming is irrelevant to what your picture looks like or the size of the picture.  Think of a magnifying glass on top of that huge unabridged dictionary in the library.  You don't change anything about the dictionary by looking at it through a magnifying glass.  You just change how you perceive it.
    You need to resample the image.  In your case, you need to put more pixels into the photo than currently exist.  You might think about creating a different picture that's the right size, or at least has more pixels.  By resmpling to incldue more pixels, your photos will becoem "pixelated".

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