About JWSDP1.0 JAXRPC  (WebService)

How to use user defining object as WebService's paramater?
I have successfully tested the example about JAXRPC in JWSDP1.0 tutorial. For more practical use, I changed the function parameter from String to A (defined by me) and modified some code accordingly. Then I found that client code cann't be compile normally.
///////// A.java ////////
public A
public String s = null;
public A()
s = "";
///////// A.java ////////
the message when compile client code:
/////////////////// error message /////////////////////
<44 hw2 [wzm] :/export/home/wzm/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/jaxrpc/hello>ant compile-client
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] Creating the required directories....
[echo] Compiling the client source code....
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to /export/home/wzm/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/jaxrpc/hello/build/client
[javac] /export/home/wzm/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/jaxrpc/hello/HelloClient.java:52: s has private access in hello.A
[javac] a.s = "Duke!";
[javac] ^
[javac] 1 error
/export/home/wzm/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/jaxrpc/hello/build.xml:152: Compile failed, messages should have been provided.
Total time: 5 seconds
<45 hw2 [wzm] :/export/home/wzm/jwsdp-1_0_01/docs/tutorial/examples/jaxrpc/hello>
/////////////////// error message /////////////////////
If I modify A as JavaBean, it will be ok.
who can tell me why and what can i do?

ok, I solved the problem! Tomcat startup was getting only the jar packages in lib directory and not the zip files as it was the package file of oracle jdbc driver. If you rename the zip file to jar or change tomcat startup file it will solve this problem.

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  • Problem in JAXRPC Webservice - Urgent

    This is Santhakumar.
    I have developed and deployed a JAXRPC webservice in Tomcat5.0 with JWSDP1.5.
    WSDL is created and it works fine for normal java remote methods.
    But when I write a code for to connect a live server ( EPP-Extensible Provisioning Protocol TCP server ), I could not invoke the service.
    I get the following error:
    C:\examples\jaxrpc\dynamicproxy>ant run
    Buildfile: build.xml
    [java] UrlString = http://localhost:8080/domain-jaxrpc/domain?WSDL
    [java] java.rmi.ServerException: JAXRPCSERVLET28: Missing port information
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    Total time: 3 seconds
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    Is there any security settings to be handled for that?
    The method works fine and the server is connected  when I execute it from the normal java class in command prompt.
    But when implementing that method in JAXRPC webservice only I found this problem.
    Please share your ideas with me to resolve this problem.I am at urgent.
    Thanks in advance.
    The sample example site used is:

    Please check the OSS note - 1041204 - Controlling COMMIT WORK in production order BAPIs
    Hope this helps you.

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    some body help me!

    i think.
    this is your requirement: for all your customers dont need to show the navigation toolbar(or) address bar (i.e) dont what show the address
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    these thing have to be handled inside the adf code.
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  • Need help about setting timeout webservice client.

    I trying to set timeout before make call to the webservices, my target webservice is deployed on WebLgic server 8.14 (service pack 4). Nothing just Thread.sleep for 1 min. then return some string. Here is my client code. I use the proxy generated by the workshop testing browser, "Java proxy" button.
    public static void main(String a[]) {
    try {
    EjbTimeout_Impl proxy = new EjbTimeout_Impl();
    EjbTimeoutSoap_Stub myStub = (EjbTimeoutSoap_Stub)proxy.getEjbTimeoutSoap();
    BindingInfo bInfo = (BindingInfo)myStub._getProperty("weblogic.webservice.bindinginfo");
    System.out.println(bInfo.getTimeout()); // print out '-1' no timeout I guess
    bInfo.setTimeout(5); //secs
    System.out.println(bInfo.getTimeout()); // print out '5', value change accepted
    myStub._setProperty("weblogic.webservice.rpc.timeoutsecs", "5");
    ("weblogic.webservice.rpc.timeoutsecs")); // also print '5'
    String ss = myStub.sayHello("WEBLOGIC");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    As you see the timeout value is changed but when I call webservice from this client everything is fine. The output string ruturn from webservice is printed out after Thread.sleep(60000).
    Are there any missing things about this client code, my webservice code is quite simple, or if there is some way else to achieve this ???
    Many thanks.

    Before you use the JMS, you need to deploy some drivers related to specific MQseries, Kindly ensure that proper driver are deployed....
    If you use MQSeries 53x.xxx, you must enter the following JAR files in aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda.
    com.ibm.mq.jar, com.ibm.mqbind.jar, com.ibm.mqjms.jar, connector.jar (use the JAR file from the J2EE client directory)
    check this link it will give you more inofmration
    check this to get the condifuration the JMS
    How to use conversion modules in JMS - https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/f02d12a7-0201-0010-5780-8bfc7d12f891
    Ref How To Use the Content Conversion Module in JMS Adapter - https://websmp106.sap-ag.de/~form/sapnet?_SHORTKEY=01100035870000582377&

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  • Calling a webservice MessageBroker from PL/SQL

    Hi gurus,
    I'm a newby at this topic and I have a simple question about calling a webservice from pl/sql.
    There is a SMS Service providing information by webservices. I want to acces them by PL/SQL.
    user:password (after RFC 2617) = not required for simple respons
    method = mbInfo
    project = test
    smsbalance = total
    url with parameter:
    url with parameter values:
    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
          &lt;message>Transaction not found (project_id=159 step_id=1002)&lt;/message>
      &lt;handler />
    &lt;/result>I don't know how to start getting this simple result into a variable!
    I tried a simple example from here: http://akdora.wordpress.com/2007/08/03/calling-a-web-service-by-plsql-utl_http/
    But I do not understand how to use xmlns for my script or the function soap_api.get_return_value
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkg_my_webservice IS
    -- test parameter: 'http/test/mbInfo/1.0/?smsbalance=total'
         FUNCTION call_myfuntion
         (vp_parameter1 VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
    END pkg_my_webservice;
    /CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_my_webservice IS   
    vg_funciton_fnc VARCHAR2(256) := 'myFunction';
    vg_ws_address   VARCHAR2(255) := 'http://rp.yoc.de/';   
         FUNCTION call_myfuntion(vp_parameter1 VARCHAR2)
              ol_req  soap_api.t_request;
              ol_resp soap_api.t_response;
              -- we initilize a new request
              ol_req := soap_api.new_request(vg_funciton_fnc,
                                             'xmlns="' || vg_ws_address || vp_parameter1  || '"');
              -- we started to add parameters
              --                       'string1',
              --                       'partns:string',
              --                       vp_parameter1);
              --                       'string2',
              --                       'partns:string',
              --                       vp_parameter1);
              -- we call the web service
              ol_resp := soap_api.invoke(ol_req, vg_ws_address, vg_funciton_fnc);
              -- we get back the results
              RETURN soap_api.get_return_value(ol_resp,
                                               'result', -- result tag name
                                               'xmlns:m="' || --can be change as "xmlns:n1"
                                               vg_ws_address || '"');
    END call_myfuntion;
    END pkg_my_webservice;Thanks ahead!
    Best regards,

    Hi !
      req  utl_http.req;
      resp utl_http.resp;
      v_txt clob;
      req  := UTL_HTTP.begin_request ('http://rp.yoc.de/http/test/mbInfo/1.0/?smsbalance=total','GET','HTTP/1.1');
      resp := UTL_HTTP.get_response  (req);
    end;I'm not exactly sure what are you looking for .. but that response from your post you can get with my code ( it's tested ).
    Edited by: ttt on 12.3.2010 5:10
    My code is very "poor" , there is no error checks no header setup's no basic authentication no proxy settings .....

  • Create an XI webservice and import it to the NWDS

    Hi all,
    i created a webservice via the "define webservice" option in XI/PI. But when i try to use it in my NWDS the following error occurs:
    Exception on creation of service metadata for WSDL URL ......
    I read multiple threads and blogs about defining a webservice via XI but perhaps i still made something wrong.
    The XI scenario is an IDOC (ORDERS.ORDERS05) in xml format that lays on a server. By a senderagreement it is importet to XI. From there the receiver businesssystem sends it to the R3 system.
    How would you create the webservice in XI? Let's say the outbound interface is called MI_ORDERS_OUT. As the inbound interface i use the IDOC "ORDERS.ORDERS05".
    Sorry but i've really got no idea whats wrong with the created webservice. A pre-defined webservice like the google.wsdl works fine.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Hui, hi Chilla
    thanks for your answers but thats what i did.
    At least i'm wondering why i can't import the created webservice in my NWDS. It always aborts with the error mentioned above.
    Perhaps i'll describe what i did to create the webservice. The XI interface is running accordingly. But now i want to start the interface in my NWDS in a WebDynrpo application using a webservice which is created in XI.
    The outbound interface is:  MI_SO_IDOCTEST_ORDERS_OUT
    inbound interface            :  ORDERS.ORDERS05
    communication channel  :  SO_IDOCTEST_ORDERS_FILE_OUT
    SOAP sender channel    :  SO_IDOCTEST_SOAP_OUT
    (configured with interface name : MI_SO_IDOCTEST_ORDERS_OUT and
                           interface namespace :  http://sycor/xi/sotemp02)
    In "define webservice" i entered the following values:
    SOAP URL                    :  http://sygosrv02:50000/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?channel=:BS_SOTEST_T:SO_IDOCTEST_SOAP_OUT
    Specify the interface       :  MI_SO_IDOCTEST_ORDERS_OUT
    the next vaules are not needed for the SOAP adapter as i understood, so i filled anything in.
    Perhaps I'm trying to do a scenario that won't work in this way, but what do i have to change to make it work?
    Thanks and regards,
    basicly i want to do this:
    but the import of the created XI webservice does not work. And now i have no idea why i can't even import it. Is it because of the interface message type which is of course ORDERS.ORDERS05?
    Message was edited by:

  • Call Webservice with XI SOAP Adapter

    Hi there,
    I can't find sufficient information in the other posting about my scenario therefore I start a new again about XI and webservice.
    These parts are working:
    file adapter to XI and the SOAP Adapter is calling the Webservice (in the logfile I see the request from the XI)
    These parts aren't working:
    the response from the webservice
    Now my question:
    Is it necessarily to create a new Message Interface with communication channel from the webservice to XI or is it sufficient with an synchrony Message Interface and can I take a look of the response in the XI_Monitor.
    Where I can find information about an similarly scenario?
    THX for helping comments
    Kind Regards Johann

    Hi Johann,
             As others have adviced you dont need a seperate communication channel for the response message. Declaring your message interface as synch is enough.
    Also can you check <b>SXMB_MONI</b> for the request and the response messages. Just use transaction SXMB_MONI. and see if you get checked flags(successfull) or a red flag (error) for your messages.
    But Could you pls tell me if your are using the BPM for your scenario?? 
    If you are not getting response from the web service it could aalso be that the WEB Service is not working properly.
    First try to access the web link for the website using IE.
    Pls read the following for your reference:
    <b>In the SENDER SOAP ADAPTER, you will need to put the URL provided by the company and the SOAP ACTION to invoke a particular WEB METHOD. You will also need to provide URL Authorization, Proxy settings.
    make sure you are using the right SOAP ACTION.</b>
    Hope this helps or revert back.

  • Wls 10.3 weblogic-webservices.xml transaction-timeout attribute not working

    Hi, need some urgent need.
    I have a stateless ejb webservice and I'm trying to set the transaction timeout for some of the methods. Right now my webservice transaction is timing out to the default of 30 secs. I've tried setting in the admin console the JTA transaction timeout option, didn't work (file a case with bea support #81233). And after days of researching and searching I came across that you can setup the weblogic webservice transaction-timeout thru the weblogic-webservices.xml deployment descriptor. Tried setting the transaction-timeout attribute to 120 secs. and that didn't work. Here is the snippet of the xml file.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <weblogic-webservices xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-webservices/1.0/weblogic-webservices.xsd">
    Does anybody have any clue to solve my urgent need.
    Thanks in advance for your help or suggestion.

    Unhandled exception
    Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00040000
    J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000033
    Handler1=F144C588 Handler2=F1446A9C
    Target=2_40_20091214_049398 (AIX 5.3)
    CPU=ppc (4 logical CPUs) (0x600000000 RAM)
    ----------- Stack Backtrace -----------
    (0xD696E748 [libj9vm24.so+0x48748])
    (0xD8383EDC [libjclscar_24.so+0x10edc])
    (0xD8384514 [libjclscar_24.so+0x11514])
    (0xD6967718 [libj9vm24.so+0x41718])
    (0xD6967158 [libj9vm24.so+0x41158])
    (0xD69640D0 [libj9vm24.so+0x3e0d0])
    (0xD6932C9C [libj9vm24.so+0xcc9c])
    (0xD69BBA18 [libj9prt24.so+0x3a18])
    (0xD6932BB8 [libj9vm24.so+0xcbb8])
    (0xD69A77CC [libj9thr24.so+0x27cc])
    pthreadbody+0x118 (0xD010D784 [libpthreads.a+0x3784])

  • Dynamic Webservices Client

    Hey ,
    I have an application which requires to talk to 2 different published webservices
    from 2 different systems. Now instead od designing static webservice clients for
    each of these systems(which would involve having separate proxy jars etc),
    I am planning to design a dynamic webservice locator and invoker....
    I know that we can have webservice clients which are dynamic to the extent that
    we can create proxy objects at runtime once we know the endpoint WSDL..
    ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
    QName serviceName =new QName targetNamespace,"net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuoteService");
    QName portName = new QName(targetNamespace,"net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuotePort");
    QName operationName = new QName("urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes","getQuote");
    URL wsdlLocation = new URL("http://services.xmethods.net/soap/urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes.wsdl");
    // create service
    Service service = factory.createService(wsdlLocation, serviceName);
    // create call Call call = service.createCall(portName, operationName);
    My question on this...if I have a dynamic approach like the above what are the
    pros and cons..I guess it would surely have more overhead compared to a static
    Secondly ,is it even feasible to design a dynamic client in such a way that the
    endpoint WSDL could also be an unknown and my generic client would also locate
    the end-point dynamically and then invoke dynamic calls as above...
    If anybody can share their insights on a dynamic webservice client , I would really
    appreciate it...
    Senior Technology Analyst
    Bank of America Corp.
    Email:[email protected]

    Hi Krish,
    In WSDL, the data types passed between applications are described in schema
    this is key for interop. I dont know of any standard/natural mapping for
    values types,
    object reference, etc in a binary protocol (like JRMP, IIOP) to schema. For
    say there is serializable object Foo, which is the argument to a remote
    method in RMI.
    Object Foo can have data + behavior. It may be possible (not always, i
    think) to
    describe the data in Foo as schema, but how can one describe the behavior?
    So, if WSDL is the only contract between the server and client (key
    for interop), then IMHO RMI can not be described by WSDL.
    Also, WSDL was designed for future extensions and does not map well to a
    programming API. WSIF trys to expose all the gory WSDL details and its apis
    are very clumsy.
    These were the two main reason to vote it down at JAX-RPC EC.
    I am attaching an example that shows, how to introspect WSDL and invoke
    a method using JAX-RPC (with little extension to the std api). Also, it
    how to handle complex type without data binding. Will this solve your
    I am very interested to get your feedback on this.
    BTW, This example will only work with WLS 8.1.
    "Krish Venkataraman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Mike...thanx for the inputs...
    As per ur suggestion...I have taken this offline and mailed u [email protected]
    also....lemme know if thatz cool...
    there are my observations..lemme know what am i missing..
    1) The main difference I see between JAX-RPC and WSIF, is that with WSIFclient
    it is easier to port to services talking
    via other ports like RMI,IIOP etc...where as JAX-RPC is understandsonly SOAP(atleast
    for now).
    2) Lets assume for the time-being that I would be interested only to talkto services
    talking SOAP.
    Then why do I need WSIF ?
    3) I can have a JX-RPC client , I can have a similar generic(reflection)code
    for built-in/primitive datatypes and for
    complex datatypes I anywayz would be doing the same thing(requiringthe java
    representation of the datatype unless I use
    something like JROM or something which I do not want to) in JAX-RPC orWSIF.
    4) As far as syncronous or asyncronous invocation is concerned , myunderstanding
    is that my client call is going to remain the
    same ..the service provider is going to either use message-oriented orRPC
    on his side...
    Again assuming that I am interested only with services talking SOAP, thiscould
    be my generic client invocation design
    Background is that my client is going to run from within a WLS70sp1
    a) webSevice1ClientSessionBean : This will be a stateless session beanwhich might
    have knowledge about webSevice1's end-point ,
    complex dataTypes if any.
    (There would be other session beans like this which would haveknowledge about
    other specific webservice)
    b) GenericWebServiceInvoker : This will have knowledge about everythingwithin
    the webservice-standards/protocols.
    //set weblogic ServiceFactory
    System.setProperty( "javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory",
    "weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.ServiceFactoryImpl" );
    //create service factory
    ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
    //define qnames
    String targetNamespace = "http://soapinterop.org/";
    QName serviceName = new QName( targetNamespace, "SimpleTest" );
    QName portName = new QName( targetNamespace, "SimpleTestSoap" );
    QName operationName = new QName( "http://soapinterop.org/",
    "echoStruct" );
    //create service
    Service service = factory.createService( serviceName );
    TypeMappingRegistry registry = service.getTypeMappingRegistry();
    TypeMapping mapping = registry.getTypeMapping(
    mapping.register( SOAPElement.class,
    new QName( "http://soapinterop.org/xsd", "SOAPStruct" ),
    new SOAPElementCodec(),
    new SOAPElementCodec() );
    //create call
    Call call = service.createCall();
    //set port and operation name
    call.setPortTypeName( portName );
    call.setOperationName( operationName );
    call.addParameter( "inputStruct",
    new QName( "http://soapinterop.org/xsd", "SOAPStruct" ),
    All parameter values specific to a particular webservice likeQName,targetNameSpace
    etc will be sent to this invoker by
    webSevice1ClientSessionBean. The GenericWebServiceInvoker will invokethe
    (using reflection for primitive/builtin types) and alwayz accept anobject
    from the service operation and just return
    that "object" back the webSevice1ClientSessionBean.ThewebSevice1ClientSessionBean
    will know how to interpret the
    complexdataType or builtInDatatype whichever is returned.TheGenericWebServiceInvoker
    will not have any application
    specific knowledge...it will just have knowledge about how todiscover, invoke
    any SOAP webservice...
    Somewhere in the beginning of GenericWebServiceInvoker I will use JAXRto
    discover services from UDDI if needed.
    This way I will have a generic webservice client invocation frameworkwhich
    can invoke any service which talks SOAP.
    Now lemme know how the above picture looks and what is missing...
    I have some questions :
    1) Incase of complex dataTypes, I will have itz XML representation inthe
    publisher's WSDL and the publisher will give
    me the java representation of the complex dataType.But how does myclient
    JAX-RPC know how to map the XML
    to the java representation unless I specify the mapping somewhere?Does
    the TypeMapping/TypeMappingRegistry do this ?
    "Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
    You know, it's really cool to hear guys thinking things through, before
    they "jump
    on a bandwagon" :-)
    Anyway, I suspect that the performance overhead of doing reflection,
    and heavy
    server-side code intrusion, is what has made a lot of developers balk
    at using
    WSIF. I would check out the IBM newsgroups, to see what the general
    sentiment is on WSIF.
    To achieve any sort of decent performance with JAX-RPC based webservices,
    need to do a fair amount of optimization/tuning on both the client and
    side. I recommend setting up your own "lab environment" for doing these,
    so you
    can see exactly what's making things improve/degrade. If you are really
    in this topic, we should talk about it "off-line".
    In general, the more "dynamic" things are on the client side, the slower
    will be, the more you really need to question if you really need them
    to be dynamic
    :-) Does making it "dynamic" really offer something that you can't get
    from a
    "static" version? If not, who's really benefiting here. I mean, com'n.
    All you
    really want to do is invoke an operation, right? By the time you get
    all the information
    it takes to do a dynamic invocation (i.e. port, target namespace, data
    type for
    input argument, serializer/deserializer for each non-built-in data type,
    your client looks like you are trying to boot a PDP-11! LOL! For those
    of you
    who don't know what a PDP-11 is, it's an early computer (from the'60-'70),
    you actually had to use switches to create the "binary instructions"
    to boot it
    From a PM's (product manager's) perpective, I wouldn't even let thedevelopers
    modify "working" EJBs to expose them as a web service. Alarm bells should
    go off
    in your head, if you have to modify existing server-side code to expose
    a company
    asset as a web service.
    Response to OT comment: WebLogic Server 7.0 uses its own implementation
    of JAX-RPC
    1.0. This implementation, I've been told by one of the BEA engineering
    that worked
    on it, has been certified to be JAX-RPC compliant by Sun. Don't know
    about Apache
    Axis, in this regard. I use both Apache Axis and the JWSDP with WLS 6.1,
    but I
    haven't really spent a lot of time looking for differences between our
    implementation, and theirs.
    Mike Wooten
    "Krish Venkataraman" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hey Mike ...
    I hear ya..and I see the significance of WSIF...but that IBM started
    it a year
    back and itz not yet stabilized is what is holding me back...
    U mite have a better hold of what WSIF can do...whatever I could grasp
    from yesterday
    is this...
    a)It reads meta data from the wsdl and using a reflection mechanismcalls
    service operations...
    I see examples with primitive datatypes..but what happens when
    datatypes come into play...
    Would the client code differ between synchronous invocation toasynchronous
    And aleast in the samples for the WSIF distribution for connectors like
    etc, the code does not look generic anymore..there are specific calls
    to operations
    and parameters...
    Also Mike , what is the trade-off on performance between having adynamic
    say based on WSIF)or having a static client...the extent of reflection
    a dynamic
    client will have to do and create SAAJ objects at runtime will beenormous..
    Also I know that there is a relevant API...but can u give an examleshowing
    how I could discover services from UDDI ..?
    Out of this current topic...does BEA use itz own implementation of SOAP
    in itz
    webservice implementation...and how does it compare with AXIS ?
    "Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Krish,
    Well, I guess that's how things are when "needed functionality exceeds
    the current
    state of a technology" :-)
    I (not necessarily BEA) look at it like way:
    1. IBM co-authored the "Big 3" XML grammars for the current web
    2. IBM always appears to be "there, somewhere" in the new crop ofproposed
    XML grammars for "partially agreed upon extension layers", for theweb
    3. IBM donated it's original SOAP implementation to the open-sourcecommunity.
    4. IBM came up with WSIF over a year ago.
    5. IBM's WSTK uses the Apache Axis stuff.
    6. A lot of the JAX-RPC/JAXM API is based on the Apache SOAP and Apache
    Axis implementations.
    7. It looks like IBM may have donated WSIF to Axis.
    8. You appear to need something like WSIF :-)
    So, there's probably at least a 60/40 chance that some WSIF-like thing
    will make
    it into the JWSDP, right? If you want "higher odds", you should talk
    to the folks
    working on the JWSDP, as they are somewhat "in charge" here :-)
    Mike Wooten
    "Krish Venkataraman" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Yes...I am surely lookin at something similar...but that framework
    being standardized
    scares me as I have seen many good ideas not seeing the light of the
    I do not want to design something using a framework which might remain
    what are ur thots..
    "Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Krish,
    It sounds like you want WSIF :-)
    "WSIF allows stubless or completely dynamic invocation of a Web
    based upon examination of the meta-data about the service at runtime.
    also allows updated implementations of a binding to be plugged intoWSIF
    runtime, and it allows the calling service to defer choosing a
    This is a relatively new "unofficial" addition to the Web ServicesStack,
    so it
    is not in WLS 7.0 (or Sun's JWSDP) yet. See the following link formore
    Mike Wooten
    "Krish Venkataraman" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hey ,
    I have an application which requires to talk to 2 different
    from 2 different systems. Now instead od designing static webservice
    clients for
    each of these systems(which would involve having separate proxyjars
    I am planning to design a dynamic webservice locator and invoker....
    I know that we can have webservice clients which are dynamic tothe
    we can create proxy objects at runtime once we know the endpoint
    ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
    QName serviceName =new QName
    QName portName = newQName(targetNamespace,"net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuotePort");
    QName operationName = newQName("urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes","getQuote");
    URL wsdlLocation = newURL("http://services.xmethods.net/soap/urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes.wsdl");
    // create service
    Service service = factory.createService(wsdlLocation, serviceName);
    // create call Call call = service.createCall(portName,
    My question on this...if I have a dynamic approach like the abovewhat
    are the
    pros and cons..I guess it would surely have more overhead comparedto
    a static
    Secondly ,is it even feasible to design a dynamic client in such
    that the
    endpoint WSDL could also be an unknown and my generic client wouldalso
    the end-point dynamically and then invoke dynamic calls as above...
    If anybody can share their insights on a dynamic webservice client
    I would really
    appreciate it...
    Senior Technology Analyst
    Bank of America Corp.
    Email:[email protected]

  • Problems acessing a webservice

    I created a web service from a java Bean using the web service cration wizard from netweaver. The deployment is ok, I find my webservice on the web services list in the web services navigator, but when I click on it in order to test it, I got the following exception:
    javax.servlet.UnavailableException: javax.naming.CommunicationException: Can't find SerialContextProvider
    Does anybody know from wher it comes ?

    I have sort of the same problem:
    When selecting a service in the WS Navigator the following error occurs:
    Invalid Response Code: (503) Service Unavailable. The requested URL was: ......
    This happens with all Services, the builtin and my custom one.
    Ive read something about "starting a webservice" prior to testing it, is this true? How do i "start" a webservice??
    Any hint?

  • Webservices Performance impact Vs. JCo

    We are about to begin development and we are evaluating about developing with Webservices in the Back End following this instructions
    or using JCo, one of the issues we are worried about is performance, has some one messured the Performance degradation from using Webservices instead of JCo?
    Kind Regards!
    Gerardo J

    I was just looking for the same information. I was in kind of the same trouble as you.
    Exactly, according to what I managed to find, which is not much, about performance, rfc is better, but it involves more time in development.
    The article which the other contributor refers to is :
    u201CWeb services or RFCs u2014 choosing the right technology for your SAP integration challengesu201D by Prof. Dr. Willi Nüßer, May 15, 2006, available in SAP Professional Journal.
    Unfortunately, I have no access to this source. If you would have further information about this topic, I would appreciate a lot if you could refer it to me.

  • Webservice logon by code

    I created a webservice as a datasource to fetch xml data for a report which is running in an aspx-project. At design time I can use the credential of our own environment but at the customer I have to provide the report with new credentials (account, password) and another url.
    Reading in forum/help/manuals I found a lot about logon at databases by code but nothing about logon to webservice. Anybody there who can give me a hint how I can do the trick.

    Hi, Jason,
    thanks for your fast answer. But I think I didn't describe my problems correctly. So a new try:
    I looked at that sample myself before but there isn't an answer to my question. May be I've to precise it:
    I have a webservice providing data only. I have several repports (build with CS-XI) with consumer the data. Now I move the reports to the customer environment and have to change the datasources i.e. webservices (url and account) of the reports.
    I use the CrystalRteportsViewer in aspx:
    <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server" AutoDataBind="True"
                Height="1039px" ReportSourceID="CrystalReportSource1" Width="901px" />
            <CR:CrystalReportSource ID="CrystalReportSource1" runat="server">
                <Report FileName="MyReportt.rpt">
    How can I provide the new webservice url and login to the viewer or the MyReport.rpt. (I've seen some sample to provide sql-datasources with new credentials and server but never see anything about webservices).

  • How/ Where to Monitor XML Messages of  Provider Webservice ?

    Dear SDNers,
    I would like to Monitor XML Messages for Provider Webservice.
    I would like to tell upfront that SXM_MONI or SXI_MONITOR in ABAP Stack does not show any Messages.
    I have used SOAMANAGER which is the normal Transaction related to doing all things with Webservices. Even here i have found anything Messages.
    I could only see Success Messages under Webservice Logs(Webservice Logging and Tracing).
    Would like to know how/ where to do i monitor XML Messages for a Provider Webservice ?
    The Search around several places could not yield much to me about this Mointoring of Webservices.
    A lot of documents talk about Service Provision/ Consumption, Registry, WS-RM etc. but nowhere i could encounter about Monitoring of Webservices.
    So the normal links to Webservices documents where documents/ links describe about Service Provision/ Consumption, Registry, WS-RM, Protocols, Security, Transports etc. will not be of much HELP to me here.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Nick,
    There is no big difference between synchronous interface monitoring and asynchronous interface monitoring.
    Just goto SXMB_MONI, click on inbound message, it will automatically displaying one tab with name response message. Click on that response message to view the message content.
    In PI7.1 you can see response message and reqquest message in RWB. Open the message by click on that, it will automatically dispay request and response messages

  • Logon to Webservice datasource

    Post Author: gerdsander
    CA Forum: .NET
    Hi, I created a webservice to fetch xml data for a report which is running in an aspx-project. At design time I can use the credential of our own environment but at the customer I have to provide the report with new credentials (account, password) and another url.Reading in forum/help/manuals I found a lot about logon at databases by code but nothing about logon to webservice. Anybody there who can give me a hint how I can do the trick. THXGerd

    Hi Go to Settings Mail Accounts Delete yahoo email Then Re Add Email Account back again. This may help. Cheers Brian

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