Adobe PPro y titulos

Tengo un sistema nuevo con Matrox rtx100 y adobde premiere rpo 1.5 y resulta que cuando hago los titulos y los paso al proyecto no tengo problema alguno, pero cuando los paso al timeline e intento agrandarlos o achicarlos o solamente intetno colocarlos en el ugar que deseo que estèn, adobe premiere pro 1.5 me saca una ventana diciendo que ha encontrado un error y que tiene que cerrarse, inmediatamente el programa se congela y se cierra y yo pierdo todo el trabajo anterior de ese proyecto, o sea, me quedo como si acabara de capturarlo, sin nada, si a alguno de ustedes se les ha presentado este problema y fuera tan sumamente amable de responderme con alguna sugerencia, lo agradeceria infinitamente, pues no se puede trabajar de esa forma, y mucho menos sin utilizar titulos
Muchas gracias
Jorge Alvarez
Video Excellence Corp.

Mirando por los foros de Matrox veo que no eres el único que tiene este problema. Según parece el problema es con ímágenes fijas. He de suponer que los títulos los generas con Photoshop (por ejemplo) y los importas en PPro com psd o Tga, etc? Yo pensaba que hablabamos de titulos generados desde PPro.
Si es así, prueba con archivos que no superen 720x576 para PAL o 720x480 para NTSC.
Si quieres mirar por los foros de Matrox sobre el tema, aqui tienes la ruta:
Matrox RT.X100 Xtreme User forums. » Hardware » General Troubleshooting » Premiere crashes rendering (mxtgareader.dll)
Suerte. Toni

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    The Xacti uses it's own version of some MPEG4 codec. That works great with applications like Nero or Ulead, typical consumer applications. PR however is more oriented to standard video camera formats, that are shown in the available presets, like AVCHD.
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    You are not understanding how the MPE engine works. The MPE engine does not lower the overall load of the CPU as far as usage. It lowers the instructions ie the types of code/threads it has to handle in a given time period. The CPU has to handle all  of the Decoding/encoding of the codecs/ie material that you are using. It will also have to process any non accelerated effects. It also handles all memory management and interrupts that is required by the applications, machine code, and hardware. The GPU handles the scaling, interpolation, and some of the effects besides drawing and GUID code. The CPU has to process the Decode then cache the material to ram so it can cache over to the GPU card Ram for CUDA processing. Once threading is done via the GPU then it caches back to the system ram for the CPU to final encode and adjust further frame data for effects. All of this means the entire pipeline happens faster the more load the CPU can handle focused on specific functions and at what GHz those process through the system during a given time. So basically the MPE allows the system to process more work in a given time period simultaneously essentially. So the higher the load on your CPU the faster your entire workflow will process. In simple terms, this means you want the highest CPU load you can get because that means the GPU, system ram, disks, or board throughput is not slowing anything down. Your at 62%. That means your system somewhere in the pipeline is not allowing the cpu to run at max performance in that given time period. I hope that clarify's what you are seeing and why.
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    [Email flotsam removed.]

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    adobe PPro 5.5
    any type file, mt2s, wmv etc...
    Panasonic aghmc-150
    nikon d5200

    Try totally shutting all of your apps, double click the home button then hold your finger on an app until you see the red minus sign then tap that on all your app, then restart your iPhone, then give it a try.  If you are still having problems you will need to check with your service provider to make sure your account is provisioned correctly. 

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    I recently purchased a Hyperdeck Shuttle 2 to pair with my Canon C100. The C100 outputs uncompressed footage thru HDMI. I shot a film recently and I recorded uncompressed 10 bit 4:2:2 Quicktime files thru the shuttle. I need some help with the best way to edit/grade this footage. I searched all over the internet and I found references only to the DNxHD MXF file format or ProRes file format that the shuttle can do. Nobody seems to be using/discussing the uncompressed Quicktime 10 bit 4:2:2 workflow.
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    B. Do I just skip rendering and somehow send the footage over to Premiere for Editing, Speedgrade for grading and then output for delivery? This would mean sticking to the same file format that the shuttle captured. I am not even sure if this can be done.
    2. Removing Pull Down in Adobe PPro?
    Is there any way I can remove pulldown in Ppro without having to go to AE? I see the Interpret footage option in Ppro. Even after I do it, the file properties still show as 29.97 fps.
    Also, what would be the correct preset option in Ppro? I see a Blackmagic Capture
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. The reason why I want to stick to the least lossy format is because I have a few shots that are underexposed and a few that have an incorrect white balance

    Hi Jim... Yes :-). Foolish. Lesson Learnt.
    But if you look at the questions, I guess they are general to Camera + External Recording setup rather than a specific brand?

  • CS3 How to choose a Codec/extension wrapper and Preset for a project

    To create fanvideos from commercial DVDs for personal fair use.
    Potential to use to promote a series in a social media campaign with permission of owner.
    Tools on Hand
    Three seasons worth of the series ripped from commercial DVD --> .VOB format in TS Folders on my 2008 10.5.8 Mac using MacTheRipper
    FFMpegx CODEC pack.
    CS3 Premierie Pro with Mac updates that were posted on the Adobe site.
    So far I've been able to
    I managed to use ffmpegx to convert my .vobs into .mp4s, which I then renamed as .movs to get Premiere to recognize it.  I managed to sync my audio with the mp4 encoder (may have been a H264 but not sure by changinge the frame-rate from ntsc film to ntsc. 
    Problems I've encountered
    I had admittedly been experimenting with different codecs and .exts, trying to find optimum quality:size:premiere/iDVD compability, so I had a variety of source footage in my project.  For some, I had to readjust the pixel aspect ratio.  But when i rendered/exported the final product...everything was squished and incorrect.  I had sound syncing issues for some of my trials, too.  Before I was trying to make things compatable with iDVD.  I no longer care about this and have no intention of burning anything with this project. 
    I saw things on the internet about using Encore's library of codecs, but couldn't find anything .dll on my computer.  I also have no idea how to use any of hte CS3 support software (bridge, extension manager, after affects)
    Current steps I'd like to take
    I'm starting over and converting my .vob files into something Adobe will recognize (a simple file name change didn't work in this instance).  I've read the different file types that Adobe PPro recognizes, but it's come to my attention that it prefers some file types to others.  Which extension wrappers are the least likely to cause headaches when trying to edit in Pro?
    Out of those possible codecs and extension wrappers that are compatible, which are the best for fitting a lot of quality into a small filesize?  I heard good things about H264, but I don't know if the patch I dl'd will be enough to make it Adobe PrePro compatible (and I know there are a few different kinds of h264.  the only one i had any success with at all put it an mp4 mpeg container, but didn't end up being anything of a filesize savings compared to the other h264, which ended up being useless).  I have about 60 .vobs that are 2 GB big, and don't have an external hard drive yet, so this is a consideration.
    How do I choose a preset for my new project?  These DVDs were released over the course of 3 years, and they don't all have the same specs in their native format (when I grab the info from DVD player, it's different).  Will I have better luck using different seasons if I convert them from .vobs to identical target file types?  I guess the better question is, when using 3 different types of files that are wrapped into .vobs, am I better off customizing the target file to match the file information DVD Player gives me for each different season....or trying to find specs that serve all three seasons best and have more uniform files imported into Premiere?  Eitherway, how do I know how to pick a Preset?  I try keeping a 16:9 or 16:9 DVD in my target files, but does that make it a widescreen project to start?  Once I start the project, is it too late to change these settings?
    Thank you for helping a newbie.  I tried looking around for answers to each problem as I came across them, but eventually I got overwhelmed and threw my hands up, deleting everything.  I'm ready to ask for help and have a little patience.
    *It's important for me to use free or very affordable 3rd party software, as I am currently unemployed. 

    You MAY want to think about a product that will read the output from your DVD player and convert to DV AVI
    Matt with Grass Valley Canopus in their tech support department stated that the model
    110 will suffice for most hobbyist. If a person has a lot of tapes that were played
    often the tape stretches and the magnetic coding diminishes. If your goal is to encode
    tapes in good shape buy the 110, if you will be encoding old tapes of poor quality buy
    the model 300
    Both the 110 and 300 are two way devices so you may output back to tape... if you don't
    need that, look at the model 55 One Way Only to Computer for good tapes, or better with OLD tapes

  • Premiere Pro CC Crashes on startup

    Hi, I'm using a Mac OS X 10.9.2, and premiere pro keeps crashing every time I try to start up today. The other creative cloud programs all work, just premiere pro. There are no updates as far as I can tell. I've tried restarting. Any suggestions?

    Your Prefs to the trash worked here.. I though i had done that, but i guess i didn't trash all the Adobe Prefs, only the Premiere Pro ones.
    There must be a hidden pref in ther somewhere.. at this point, It doesn't matter, Adobe PPro CC works. now i'll check to see if my CS6 works.
    As a side, i didn't remove all the files from the Application Support. That one woories me, as those files are supposed to be dependent ont he user settings, (like PRefs) those are what the program needs to run. I guess if you're reistalling at this point, it doesn't hurt. I just didn't want to reset everything.. But i guess i may have anyway by thrashing all the prefs.. Uh boy..
    Thanks anyway..

  • Premiere Pro CS4 4.2.1 Halts rendering whatever I ask!

    Hi there.
    Finally I decided to post this.
    I have been tracking in internet this situation for months... since PPro CS4 got out, I have been testing and working with it. However, I cannot say I prefer CS4 to other opponents (even one  or two Linux apps oddly).  The thing is when an app makes us spectate, we should have results! I cannot go back to previous releases of PPro because I need that queue in AME. So, let me beggin to explain the error:
    The application (Premiere Pro CS4 or Adobe Media Encoder [AME]) halts forever when rendering video (a code loop? while "something"="some thing" then do "render frame again"?). So, happening the error in two aplications that use a bunch of files, I must say it is something used by booth like, my guess, PProHeadless. Moreover, the video it might have a filter or not, an opacity key, might be in a diferent format and created within adobe realm, or even outside like Fusion or Combustion, it can stop. And I say can because I am making tests these holy days to reach a conclusion: it's random. It might ocour in frame 150, or in 20 000, with some kind of format video or a filter or everything "as nature as" a PPro captured avi.
    Graphics? Updated as today means. Windows? Up to date also! Adobe Premiere Pro? same thing as you already noticed.
    This halt is documented by a png file atached to this post. With taskmanager also. That halt is typical. I am in windows 7 64bits, but also have winxp 64bits that produces the same error. The program can only be terminated by process kill and that sort of things.
    As I have searched thoughout the internet, I have only seen a post in creative cows that appears similar to this. No luke for a solution yet. When update 4.2.0 came and I had an enormouse reliefe, thiinking it would "heal" the program... no good. I have not been able to respect some deadlines with clients. I will shift if necessary! At least the minimum would be an error ex spit by the program... nothing never came out. I'm blind and adobe might be also. All programs I've try to develop had error mannagement. CS4 release was something apparatuouse but could had wait for a 4.1.0 update in Premiere for instance...  I am really tempted for a mac! At least I know what should I buy to make a program run in there... just a mac!
    As I see, no software seems to be the problem. It's a fresh install of windows 7 and PPro CS4. Nothing else installed in the system but flash, vlc, acrobat reader MSN live, calim av, proDVD mercalli
    Hardware bug or incopatability?
    So... my specs if this helps:
    Processor:     AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ 2.21 GHz
    Ram:             5,00 GB 667Mhz
    OS:               Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Operating System
    Graphic board: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE
    MB:               Asus M2N-E with Serial 3Gb/s RAID
    Disks:            1 SATA for OS.     SATA Disks for footage and project storage 7000 rotations all I think
    I believe everything is Adobe PPro supported... so... where the hell is the problem?
    Thanks in advance!

    I have been these days arround this issue. Done many troubleshooting... trying to understand problems. Here is what I got:
    Getting the hauppauge board off the PC seems to have stopped the "halt" of the encoders and renderings in Premiere and AME. Hope it won't happen again, but, It's kind an exclusion game... What was diferent from the setups I have seen in many forums and posts was this ancient board. Adobe shoulde analyse this one against Premiere CS4 and AME: Hauppauge WinTV-Go bt848 conexant board (or it's a lost of time... as it's not supported anymore in Windows, but is in Linux :] ).
    As for the playback... a fine tune for performance options of my graphic board was able to reduce the jerkiness of video... so I had the idea to also overclock both processor and graphics. The result is this:
    Before: Processing of video with the timeline in view (default workspace) was allways 100%, skipping so many frames that even entire clips coundln't send a sigle frame. Where only the output frame (ç shortcut) playback was almost aceptable, with processing at 100% and some times going leaving a tiny space for other things to process.... The fine tune of graphics board, was able to get in default workspace the insertion of may more frames in there, and with ç shortcut - output full mode, it was 95-100 spiking frequently between them.
    Now: Default workspace: 80% processing... Output frame: 60-70% My pc is now in test to seach for the optimal (aceptable) overclock parameters. And it seems I can overclock even more (not in graphics but the processor).
    This is good and aceptable for the computer setup...
    However, to everyone reading this, please be very carfull at how you overclock. Be shure you read everything you can find (from reliable sources - your hardware suppliers, as for the processor, the mother board, the graphic board... etc..). If you mess something, better you have the money to replace :].
    Thanks for everyting

  • Little stuttering on 3e monitor

    After installing a 2 videocard to play the 3e monitor and some help from the forum this works principally.
    One problem in this setting stay's. It looks if ones or twice per seconde the picture on the monitor "freezes" shortly, or plays back two frames, as what you see if you split a clip, and insert two frames  so it looks if shortly the same action is seen on the clipcut.  Or playing a NTSC clip in a PAL setting.
    This is most seen in horizontal action, f.i walking person of moving camera. This is not seen on the sourcemonitor of PPRO 5.5, so it should someting to do with the 3e monitor or the videocard.
    Anyone suggestion what that can be? Thanks
    SSD Corsair 115GB Force Series 44558 P8P67 EVO v3.0 (1155) ATX 2*DDR3 8GB 1333 XMS CL9 Kit2 Dominator DH GEFORCE ENGTX570 DCII/2DIS/1280MD5 GEFORCE GT 520 silent (3th monitor) 2*DVDRW Samsung sata WIN7 pro 64 bits 2*HDD Samsung 1TB 7200 1* HDD Samsung 0,7TB Core i7-2600 3.4Ghz 6MB 1155 SONATA IV 620W 80+ ADOBE PPRO 5.5, Encore 5.5, Audition 5.5
    Configuration: HD C: OS and programms; HD D: captured video/audio and exports;  HD E: Previews video/audio and exports;  HD H: pagefiles mediacache and archiveclips

    If your project contains audio clips as well as video clips, you might be seeing the slowdown that occurs when the project contains many audio clips.
    More about the problem here, with workarounds:
    The precise number of audio clips that causes this problem seems to vary from Mac to Mac. As few as 30 audio clips has been reported.
    The project I just tested plays poorly except in Full Screen mode. That wasn't true in the others I tested, but apparently Full Screen does work for some projects. So what I see here is consistent with your experience.

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