Advice on merging partitions

I have been trying to find the appropriate sub-forum for this...but most don't I am just gonna post here. If a mod thinks it needs a moving...well..a mods gotta do, what a mods gotta do !
This is my disk structure
inxs ~ > fdisk
Disk /dev/sda: 30.0 GB, 30005821440 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3648 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000080
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 1779 14289786 5 Extended
/dev/sda2 1780 2714 7510387+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 2715 3648 7502355 83 Linux
/dev/sda5 1 8 64197 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 9 16 64228+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda7 17 212 1574338+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda8 213 408 1574338+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda9 409 1061 5245191 83 Linux
/dev/sda10 1062 1714 5245191 83 Linux
/dev/sda11 1715 1779 522081 82 Linux swap / Solaris
inxs ~ >
and this is my used partitions for Arch
inxs ~ > df
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda10 5.0G 1.8G 3.0G 37% /
none 125M 0 125M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda6 61M 9.8M 48M 17% /boot
/dev/sda8 1.6G 137M 1.4G 9% /var
/dev/sda2 7.2G 411M 6.4G 6% /home
inxs ~ >
So you see all even numbered drives are for Arch and odd ones were for Debian --- Yeah, it was a smartass idea I had when I created the dual boot, so that both my /boot partitions would be at the start of the hard drive thereby enabling a faster boot. Maybe its made a difference, who knows !!
I created a dual boot because I came over from Ubuntu 5.10 >> Debian Lenny >> Arch. So I had some sentimental attachment to a deb based distro and apt ;-)
Infact I used to prefer apt over pacman when I first moved to Arch - probably because I didn't know all that pacman could do.
Anyway, over time, I have realized that I boot into Debian very less and in the last few months I have booted into it ONCE -- just to update it.  and also the login manager thread has given me the idea of having different runlevels run different WM's. That way I can use fluxbox too and openbox too
So I am thinking I will get rid of it and get all the diskspace for Arch. What would be the best way to do it? Delete the debian partitions and merge them with the Arch ones? or simply whack the whole thing and install Arch all over?
The dual boot has helped me at times when the Arch kernel update screwed up the system, I could go into Debian and rectify things...but I guess I can always use a live CD for that - and those things occur once in a while

I want to use fluxbox and openbox on my Arch install. I read about starting different WMs on different runlevels, but I was wondering if the following in bash_profile would do the same
if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/vc/1 ]]; then
xinit /usr/bin/openbox
if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/vc/2 ]]; then
xinit /usr/bin/fluxbox
That way, if I login at tty1, openbox starts up and on tty2 fluxbox does. This gives us a max of 6 different WMs installed at the same time. Although I would rather use at least 1 tty for console. So 5 + 1
My question is will this work? I ask because I haven't installed other WM's yet, because I am still unsure if I want to mix all the config files of different WMs under the same home......maybe I will create a different user for fluxbox, but that means that I will have to configure all the apps twice in both usernames, correct?
Last edited by Inxsible (2009-02-04 20:34:07)

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    In Windows systems we can only extend a partition to unallocated space behind it - so if we have 2 consistent partitions, we can only delete the second one and extend the first one.
    If the 2 partitions are on 2 different disks, you can also create a spanned volume - you will still need to delete the second partition and convert both disks to dynamic disk to create the spanned volume. 
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    1) If you are using the standard edition, partitioning is not an option. Partitioning is an extra-cost licensing option that is only available to enterprise edition customers.
    2) I am having a bit of difficulty reconciling the numbers you are providing with your descriptions. An application that inserts 5 MB of data a day and adds fewer than 2 million rows per year is a pretty small database, particularly to consider partitioning for. 50 active users doesn't seem terribly large. It is far from obvious to me that separate schemas by year provides any sort of benefit overall. OLTP operations should be able to use appropriate indexes to avoid all the read-only data. And a single schema with a single set of tables minimizes the number of hard parses you have to do, the number of queries that have to be rewritten every year to go after new schemas of data, etc

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    (     "DAILY" DATE,
         "ID_TEST" NUMBER
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    MERGE PARTITIONS PART_2008_08_01, PART_2008_08_16, PART_2008_08_31
    but both are failing with ORA-14126.
    What am I missing ?
    Edited by: marcopb on Nov 28, 2008 12:39 PM

    marcopb wrote:
    I need to merge some range partition into a new big one,
    something like
    ALTER TABLE sales
    MERGE PARTITIONS sales_q4_2000, sales_q4_2000b
    INTO PARTITION sales_q4_2000;
    My question is: How should I specify the tablespace for the NEW partition name ?
    I'm trying to execute (where PART_2008_08 is a new partition, never used or created, so with no tablespace)
    MERGE PARTITIONS PART_2008_08_01, PART_2008_08_16, PART_2008_08_31
    (in this example where I don't specify the tablespace and according to SQL Reference [merge_table_partitions|] it should create the new partition whereas any attributes are inherited from table-level defaults so it should create the NEW partition on TABLESPACE "TBL_DEFAULT_SLIDE".)
    MERGE PARTITIONS PART_2008_08_01, PART_2008_08_16, PART_2008_08_31
    but both are failing with ORA-14126.
    What am I missing ?I haven't tested your example but I think that you can merge only TWO partitions in one merge operation, so if you attempt to merge three partitions you need actually to perform this in two steps rather than in a single step. In addition in case of range partitions these have to adjacent to be merged, but this seems to be the case in your example.
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  • Unable to Merge Partition

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    Thanks for your clarification, Drew.
    When I boot up in recovery mode (cmd+r) I am able to load up disk utility however, I essentially go through the same process as in the first post.
    From my understanding, I believe what you have said is completely correct. After attempting to resize the partition, I get prompted with a pop up display that states: "Partition failed. Partition failed with the error. Couldn't unmount disk."
    Unfortunately, I don't have any boot up disks. I have only been backing up those important files onto an external HDD. If you don't mind me asking, which of the methods would you advise as being the one most likely to solve this partition issue, and least time consuming? I'm actually not too fussed about reformatting anymore.
    Oh yes, I am running 10.9 and not 10.6. I noticed this afterwards but was unable to figure out how to move this thread. Apologies as this was my first time on the forum.
    Thanks again.

  • Advice on "merging" multiple projects into one

    RH9 webhelp.
    We currently run as merged help, but for maintenance and other reasons, I would like to merge these into a single project. This is mostly due to the variety of style sheets and folder structures that resulted from many of our older topics being added using the import Word feature in earlier versions of RH. I've done this in the past with a few smaller projects, but it ended up requiring a fair amount of manual per-topic work that I'd like to avoid if possible, give the # of these that would be affected by this.
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    4. Is there advice on mass-updating styles via style-sheets? I'm noticing a lot of weird display and control issues if I import a bunch of old topics and then try to apply our current style sheet to them. For example, RH will show that the new style is now associated with them, but they continue to display using the old style, or the wrong options (usually font styles and font sizes) are enforced with the update (for example RH seems to always default to want to use Times New Roman, even when neither the old nor new styles uses this font), or options (most commonly the font styles we use in the new style) will disappear from drop downs and the like. It just feels very buggy and not consistent or correct in being applied, and I'm worried about having to manually update or recreate a lot of individual topics because of this. Given we have some very ancient topics that have 'survived' 4 or 5 (or more) versions of RH, I guess I'm wondering if there's any old html code or similar that might be the culprit, and if so, how best to sort it out.
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    Thanks for any tips or suggestions!

    Hi there TWnKC
    Personally, I'd copy the existing master, then begin importing the child topics in order to create a new project that is a combination of the former. And I do think it will be helpful moving forward to describe this as "Combining" as opposed to "Merging". Just so everyone is aware of the difference.
    As for the structure, it may be whatever you like and all you have to do is ensure you import the topics into the correct folder.
    Not sure about the images. That one will require a bit of testing. I might expect that if nothing is done you do run the risk of having them overwritten. So here is what I would probably do. Before importing, move images to a folder that is rather unique. That way they will be out of the way and won't get overwritten. By moving them inside RoboHelp, all references to them are updated as well.
    As for the style sheets, only picking apart what is happening will truly reveal the issues. My own guess here is that you are probably seeing some inline or embedded styling that is causing things to run amok. But once you sort what is happening, it shouldn't be a big deal to fix.
    I'm sure others will pop in and offer other additional advice.
    Best of luck to you! Rick
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  • Failed to revert logical volume group while merging partition

    Hi All,
    Previously, on my macbook pro, I partitioned my disk for win7 for my dual operation system and only left 120 GB for OS, now I want to delete win7 and return disk space to OS. Currently my OS is yosemite.
    I have already deleted disk space for win7 and merged it back to disk0s3. And, I had a problem to merge disk0s2 with disk0s3.
    I was told it is because I need to revet my Logical Volume Group. I am blocked at reverting it.
    This is my disk info:
    rescomp-14-251133:~ rico$ diskutil list; diskutil  cs list
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:          Apple_CoreStorage                         119.3 GB   disk0s2
       3:                  Apple_HFS Recovery HD             380.6 GB   disk0s3
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh HD           *119.0 GB   disk1
                                     Logical Volume on disk0s2
    CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)
    +-- Logical Volume Group F454017F-C531-43BA-B270-E2058E05BFF4
        Name:         Macintosh HD
        Status:       Online
        Size:         119290187776 B (119.3 GB)
        Free Space:   4096 B (4.1 KB)
        +-< Physical Volume AC7A2748-0DA1-49D6-B50C-30348838760E
        |   ----------------------------------------------------
        |   Index:    0
        |   Disk:     disk0s2
        |   Status:   Online
        |   Size:     119290187776 B (119.3 GB)
        +-> Logical Volume Family 4B7E6277-69BC-475A-BBB7-7A94D6434D9E
            Encryption Status:       Unlocked
            Encryption Type:         AES-XTS
            Conversion Status:       Converting
            Conversion Direction:    -none-
            Has Encrypted Extents:   Yes
            Fully Secure:            No
            Passphrase Required:     No
            +-> Logical Volume CC457129-6FE9-41A0-B0D2-F547F21A7555
                Disk:                  disk1
                Status:                Online
                Size (Total):          118954639360 B (119.0 GB)
                Conversion Progress:   -none-
                Revertible:            Yes (unlock and decryption required)
                LV Name:               Macintosh HD
                Volume Name:           Macintosh HD
                Content Hint:          Apple_HFS
    when I type unlock:
    rescomp-14-251133:~ rico$ diskutil corestorage unlockVolume CC457129-6FE9-41A0-B0D2-F547F21A7555 -stdinpassphrase
    CC457129-6FE9-41A0-B0D2-F547F21A7555 is already unlocked and is attached as disk1
    It is already unlocked
    then, I tried revert it
    rescomp-14-251133:~ rico$ diskutil coreStorage revert CC457129-6FE9-41A0-B0D2-F547F21A7555
    Started CoreStorage operation on disk1 Macintosh HD
    Error: -69750: Unable to modify a FileVault context
    Does anyone how I can revert it, then merge disk0s2 and disk0s3

    Here is another try via the command line:
    dhcp-10-201-238-248:~ KyleWLawrence$ diskutil coreStorage resizeVolume BB2662B7-58F3-401C-B889-F264D79E68B4 210g
    Started CoreStorage operation
    Checking file system
    Performing live verification
    Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
    Checking extents overflow file
    Checking catalog file
    Incorrect block count for file 2012.12.11.asl
    (It should be 390 instead of 195)
    Checking multi-linked files
    Checking catalog hierarchy
    Checking extended attributes file
    Checking volume bitmap
    Checking volume information
    Invalid volume free block count
    (It should be 21713521 instead of 21713716)
    The volume MAC OS X was found corrupt and needs to be repaired
    Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed

  • How to merge partitions in Windows 7 ?

    i have partitions C and D. My problem in that C is smoler than D. How can i move some space to C from D or to merge this partitions?
    Thanks in advance,

    I’m assuming D is just a data partition and doesn’t contain the page file, boot files or a second operating system. If so, merge the partitions by removing D and extending C, as follows:
    1. Back up to an external device any important data on D and, optionally, move the same important data from D to C.
    2. Right-click Computer > Manage > Storage > Disk Management, then right-click the graphic of the D partition and select Delete. The partition returns to Unallocated for a Primary Partition or Free Space if it‘s a Logical Drive within an Extended
    Partition. Delete the partition if it is an Extended partition.
    3. Now right-click the graphic of the C partition and select Extend.
    I just had to restore an HP with Window 7 Pro using their factory supplied restoration discs. At no time did the set up ask me about formating or patitions. It overrode the primary parition I created and it ended up setting up 4. The 1st is a
    system area, 2nd is the HP backup partition, 3rd is C: and the 4th unallocated. C is only 100gb, the 4th has the remaining of the 1tb drive.
    Right clicking on C: within the manager and "Extend" is grayed out. 

  • Problem with merging partitions

    Hi all,
    I am having a bit of trouble partitioning the HD on the MBP. I hope you guys can help me. I would like to reformat the drive and have made a partition entitled "Backup" (see image link above) to store the files I need. 
    Now, I would like to merge "Macintosh HD" and "Macintosh HD 2" together but it won't do it. I have tried in recovery mode and I have tried deleting Mac HD 2 and pulling down Mac HD. Both methods did not work. Appreciate any help. Thank you and sorry if this problem has been posted in the forum.

    Something is messed up in the partition map which means you will have to repartition the entire drive from scratch.
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Boot from a bootable external drive. Open Disk Utility.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.

  • Merge partition on old iMac

    I bought a 2007 iMac form eBay.
    It is running Mac OS 10.6.8
    The hard drive is split into Mac1 (50gb) and Mac2 (128gb)
    I use Mac2 as my start up disc and have loaded Photoshop etc and store files on this partition.
    But I feel like I am wasting 50gb.
    I'm not sure why the Mac has been configured like this.
    Is there a way to merge the two partitions?
    I noticed in Disk Utilities that there is no PARTITION tab, just First Aid, Erase, RAID and Restore.
    Many thanks, Brion

    No. You'll have clone Mac2 to an ext HD, erase and reformat the int HD into one partition, and restore the clone to it. Ensure that you can boot the machine with the clone before wiping the int HD.

  • Merge partitions without loosing TM backups?

    I have a 1 tb external hdd which I split into two partitions of 700gb and 300 gb. the 700 one is for TM backups and the 300 one for my movies and videos. Now I dont need the 300 one so i reformatted it into a mac friendly format, same as that of the TM. when i opt to make these two partitions into a single one, in disk utility, it gives me a warning saying all the data in both the partitions will be erased!
    i dont want this to happen. i want to merge the 300 gb free space into the 700 gb TM partition and still want to retain my tm backups. anyway to do it?

    Hi Linc,
    I got two drives at my disposal. One is this 1 TB that I'm talking about and the other is a 320 GB which i transferred all my movies to from my 300 GB partition.
    I guess I'll request a friend to carry in his HDD with sufficient free space to clone the tm partition and then format the 1 tb hdd and then reclone the tm backups to 1 tb.
    Lets see if this work. You know of a good cloning tool that doesn't break the integrity of the TM backups? or should i just copy the top most folder to a different drive?

  • Merge Partitions

    I currently have my hard in two partitions, one for Mac OS and the other for Windows XP. I want to reformat the Windows partition and then merge it with the existing Mac OS partition. Is this possible without having to reformat my entire hard drive? Also before doing any of this should I uninstall Boot Camp?
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    If you look in the Boot Camp Installation guide the last section details the operation to "Remove Windows from Your Computer".
    Follow those instructions and you will be OK
    DO NOT remove the Application Boot Camp until after removing Windows

  • Need help on merging Partition

    I have a scenario where two tables (main and archive table) are using the same partition number and file group.
    Row count is different on each table, though partition range value is same. The way it happened was that we created archived partition process to archive partitions in which data is older than 4 years. After running archiving process , business users inserted
    data which were older than 4 years and fell into that archiving range in main table.
    Now we have rows in both main table and archiving table. I want to merge those record together in archive table.
    I was thinking to switch partition but I believe for that I need to empty archive table partition. Any guidance would be appreciated..

    Use $PARTITION function to get partition number for the value. Look at BOI for more details. 
    example from BOI
    AS RANGE FOR VALUES (10, 100, 1000) ;
    SELECT $PARTITION.RangePF1 (100) ;
    Then check rows values in sys.partitions table for that partition number and object_id 
    select rows from sys.partitions where object_id = object_id (<archive table>) and partition_number = @partition_number
    if rows are 0 then that partition is empty you can switch partition else do delete and insert. 

  • Merging Partitions - forgot to preserve permissions

    Hello Archers,
    Recently I was merging some partitions on my drive, and stupidly forgot to preserve the permissions when using cp. It seems that all files are now owned by root 755. I have fixed my home directory permissions, but it seems there are a whole bunch of other directories/files on system that need to have different ownership and are screwing things up (/tmp and /var/log for example) is there some sort of list of proper file permissions for arch? or some way to set these back to the way they are supposed to be? I can't even start X because of these permission problems(it works fine on root).
    Thanks for any help,

    You might perhaps restore many of the permissions by forcing pacman to reinstall all your packages, but you would still have to change permissions of /tmp, /var, and so on manually.

  • Advice on removing partitions on Ext HD

    I'm using a 5TB external drive. I've partitioned it into 3 and have data saved on all 3 partitions. I now want to remove partitions 1 & 3 and allocate that space to the middle partition (2) without losing any of the data on partition 2. I am unclear as to whether I can do that using Disk Utility. Any advice???

    So, essentially you want to change it back to a single partition disk?
    I would recommend you copy the data you want to keep to another location or drive then re-format your 5TB external drive to a single partition volume.
    You can then copy it back once the format is complete.
    Any other method would be messy or would require 3rd party software. A re-format is by far the easiest and quickest solution.

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