Aelfed parser - Input Source Problem???

Hi all, i'm fairly new to all this so excuse my basic knowledge. I am incurring a really annoying problem which is preventing me from continuing working. Basically, using the following code, when I excecute the program, specifying a 'Stocks.xml' file, it returns the following error,
'Error: no protocol: Stocks.dtd"
The 'Stocks.dtd' resides in the same directory as 'Stocks.xml' and is formatted correctly.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing this problem????
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
public class SAXApp {
     public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception {
          // Set the Parser: IBM XML Parser or AElfred
          String parserClass = "com.microstar.xml.SAXDriver";
          // String parserClass = "";
          // Create Parser Object using ParserFactory
          Parser parser = ParserFactory.makeParser (parserClass);
          // Set Parser Document Handler
          myHandler handler = new myHandler ();
          parser.setDocumentHandler (handler);
          // Create FileReader, then Input Source
          FileReader filereader = new FileReader (args[0]);
          BufferedReader bufreader = new BufferedReader (filereader);
          InputSource insource = new InputSource (bufreader);
          // InputSource insource = new InputSource (filereader);
          // Start Parsing
          try {
          parser.parse (insource);
          catch (SAXException e) {
          System.out.println("Error: "+e.getMessage());
// Event Handler
class myHandler extends HandlerBase {
     // Constructor
     public myHandler () {
     public void characters
     (char ch[], int start, int length) {
          String text = new String (ch, start, length);
          System.out.println("Character data: "+text);
     public void startElement
     (String name, AttributeList atts) {
          System.out.println ("Start Element: "+name);
     public void endElement (String name) {
          System.out.println ("End Element: "+name);

I seem to have come across a way to over come this problem,
Instead of using the following,
FileReader filereader = new FileReader (args[0]);
BufferedReader bufreader = new BufferedReader (filereader);
InputSource insource = new InputSource (bufreader);
parser.parse (insource);
If I just use,
It works... only using the URL starting with "file:///"
...can anyone shed any light on this.
Cheers in advance!

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    It could be this or that and hardware issues are tough to
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    Did you use the audio recording level adjustment setup in
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    In using Captivate 2, I have had no problems with my Lavalier
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    I have a Vista machine that will be tested soon. Seems fine
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    Failing all of the above, look at Adobe for answers. You may
    need to cal them and go through this. They may have logged an
    experience report-solution that will get you going.
    Please report back any solution that works so that others can
    benefit from your experience.
    Joe C.

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    Do you have the same problem when switching among Apple apps?  All those you mention are from elsewhere and it's possible their support for this feature is imperfect.

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    Sample mapper for SAP-XI
    @author Gopal
    public class SchemaValidate implements StreamTransformation {
        //Constants when using XML Schema for SAX parsing.
         static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE =
         static final String W3C_XML_SCHEMA =
         static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE =
    Injection of mapping parameters
    from integration engine
    @param map Map with configuration data
        public void setParameter(Map map) {
    Mapping implementation
    @param inputStream Input data from integration engine
    @param outputStream Output data to integration engine
        public void execute(InputStream inputStream,
                            OutputStream outputStream)
          throws StreamTransformationException {
            try {
                  // obtain an object of class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser,
                  SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactoryImpl.newInstance();
                  SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
                  // setup the schema file
                  sp.setProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE, W3C_XML_SCHEMA);
                  sp.setProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE, new File("IOReqMsgSchema.xsd"));
                  //parse the input xml using the given schema
                  sp.parse(inputStream, new ParseErrorHandler());
            catch(SAXException se) {
            catch ( Exception e ) {
              throw new StreamTransformationException( e.getMessage() );
    My input message is :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:OrderCreate_request xmlns:ns0="mynamespace">
       <ORDER_NAME>Test Order</ORDER_NAME>
    Kindly help! please this is urgent!!!!!!
    Edited by: gopalkrishna baliga on Feb 28, 2008 9:34 AM

    Hi Stefan,
       I did the code changes to return output stream and the java code works perfectly in standalone mode in my PC.
       But when I use the same in the Java mapping with XI then It throws an error "Getting Error in java mapping: Parsing empty source. Root element expected!".
    My XI J2EE server has JDK1.4.3.11.
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    Do I have to handle reading XSD file differently? Any suggession how?
    Is this parser error due to some security access?
    Kindly help me! I have been struggling with this problem since 2 weeks. I will be greatfull to you if you can help me.

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    xmlin = reqWrapper.getInputStream();
    inReader = new InputStreamReader(xmlin);
    insource = new InputSource(inReader);
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    for your time

    Hello Pretpal,
    In the sample, OTN Survey Application located at, I have used the InputSource to read the XML from an URL and this is working perfectly. The code is as follows :
    public XMLDocument parseXMLFromURL(String xmlURL) throws SurveyException{
    // Get the XML ID
    String xmlID = (new URL(xmlURL)).toString();
    // Create an InputSource
    InputSource is = new InputSource(xmlID);
    return parseXML(is);
    }catch(SurveyException surveyexp){
    throw surveyexp;
    See if this code works for you. You can get more information about this method in the sample. Please check out the link provided above.
    Hope this helps,

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    I think you will have to reinstall your OS.    If you are running Yosemite, see
    OS X Yosemite: Reinstall OS X
    Best to avoid Monolingual and simlar "cleaning" utilties if possible, it is too easy to make mistakes that destroy parts of you system.
    Your problem has nothing to do with your hardware, so in the futue it would be best to use the software forums for similar questions:
    Mac OS & System Software

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    But i need to output the line number of the input source, not that of the transformer source, because this is the location of the error.
    Anybody knows how to do this?
    How can i get the current line number of the input source XML text?

    Hello Fritz!
    XALAN reads the entire input file (SAX) before starting with transformation.
    So overriding the input stream is no way to find this line number.
    I think this would have to be a built-in XSLT functionality within the tag "xsl:message".

  • FODC0002 [{bea-err}FODC0002a]: Error parsing input XML: Error at line:2 col

    I have an ODSI Physical Service that is based on a Java Function. The Java Function builds a SQL statement and uses JDBC to query for a ResultSet. One of the columns that is queried is a Clob. Sometimes, the data in this column causes an XMLBeans validation exception in ODSI: {err}XQ0027: Validation failed: error: decimal: Invalid decimal value: unexpected char '114'
    The issue is not consistently replicable with particular database record, the database records that present this issue at one point in time will be resolved after a restart of ODSI and replaced by another list of records that present the same error.
    As can be seen from the stack trace, it looks like the issue is happening after the database query has returned and while the process is assembling the SOAP response.
    Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.ScannerState.expect(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.startState(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.scan(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.accept(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.accept(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.EndElement.parse(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.parseElement(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.parseSome(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamReaderBase.advance(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.parseSome(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.nextEvent(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.BufferedParser.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.navigation.ChildPath.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.GenericIterator.hasNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.schema.BestEffortValidatingIterator$OpenedIterator.hasNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.schema.ValidatingIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.iterators.ItemIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.schema.BestEffortValidatingIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.iterators.ItemIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.typing.SeqTypeMatching.fetchNext(
    at com.bea.dsp.wrappers.jf.JavaFunctionIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.querycide.QueryAssassin.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.GenericIterator.peekNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.qname.InsertNamespaces.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.core.ExecutionWrapper.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.iterators.ItemIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.LegacyGenericIterator.hasNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.util.Serializer.serializeItems(
    at com.bea.ld.server.ResultPusher$
    at com.bea.ld.server.ResultPusher.pushResults(
    at com.bea.ld.server.XQueryInvocation.execute(
    at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeQueryInternal(
    at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeOperationInternal(
    at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeOperation(
    at com.bea.ld.ServerWrapperBean.invoke(
    at com.bea.ld.ServerWrapperBean.invokeOperation(
    at com.bea.ld.ServerWrapper_s9smk0_ELOImpl.invokeOperation(
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleResponse(
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleResponse(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.handlePost(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.process(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet$
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    <Apr 29, 2011 12:47:01 PM EDT> <Notice> <ODSI> <BEA-000000> <LabOrderDataServices> <Error occurred performing ODSI operation: {ld:LabOrder/logical/LabOrderReport}getLabOrderDetails:1
    weblogic.xml.query.exceptions.XQueryDynamicException: ld:LabOrder/logical/LabOrderReport.ds, line 34, column 6: {err}FODC0002 [{bea-err}FODC0002a]: Error parsing input XML: Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.AbstractIterator.reportUserError(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.AbstractIterator.reportUserError(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.Parser.reportParseError(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamReaderBase.advance(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.parseSome(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.nextEvent(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.ScannerState.expect(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.startState(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.scan(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.accept(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Can somebody shed some light on this issue?
    Edited by: user738507 on May 6, 2011 7:21 AM

    Here is the java function:
         * Iterate through the search results and build out the XmlBean response
         * @param helper A helper class used to simplify common JDBC commands
         * @param doc The XmlBean document to populate
         * @param isCollectionsIncluded True if Collection info should be included in results, False otherwise
         * @param isFullDetailsIncluded True if Result data should be included in results, False otherwise
         * @throws Exception
         private static void addOrders(XmlBeansJDBCHelper helper, LabOrderReportDocument doc,
                   boolean isCollectionsIncluded, boolean isFullDetailsIncluded) throws Exception {
              int rows = 0;
              ResultSet rs = helper.getResultSet();
              LabOrders labOrders = doc.getLabOrderReport().addNewLabOrders();
              LabOrder record = null;
              HashMap<Long, Collection> parentCollectionMap = null;
              // initialize variable used to track when child elements of the XML should be created
              long previousRowOrderId = 0;
              long previousRowParentOrderCollectionId = 0;
              long previousRowOrderCollectionId = 0;
              long previousRowResultId = 0;
              boolean isRootCollectionNode = false;
              LabOrder.Collections lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = null;
     lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = null;
     lastCollectionAdded = null;
              Result lastResultAdded = null;
              // Loop through the results and build XmlBean nodes for each row
              // Since the SQL is joining Orders to Collections (one-to-many) to Results (one-to-many),
              // and returning a flat structure, there will be duplicate Order data on each row when
              // multiple collections exist on the Order, and duplicate Collection data when multiple
              // Results exist. We can use this fact to determine when to create a new Collection, or
              // Result node.
              while (helper.getResultSet().next())
                   long currentRowParentOrderCollectionId = 0;
                   long currentRowOrderCollectionId = 0;
                   long currentRowResultId = 0;
                   long currentRowResultRemarkId = 0;
                   //int rowno = helper.getResultSet().getRow();
                   // Get the Order ID
                   logDebug("Getting the OrderId.....");
                   BigInteger dbOrderId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.ORDER_ID);
                   logDebug("DONE getting the OrderId.");
                   long currentRowOrderId = dbOrderId.longValue();
                   // Determine the Order ID, Order Collection ID, and Result ID currently being processed.
                   // These will be used to determine whether to start a new LabOrder Bean, Collections Bean, or Results Bean
                   if (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) {
                        // Get the ParentOrderCollectionID
                        logDebug("Getting the Parent Collection Order ID.....");
                        BigInteger dbParentOrderCollectionId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.PARENT_ORDER_COLLECTION_ID);
                        if ( dbParentOrderCollectionId != null )
                             currentRowParentOrderCollectionId = dbParentOrderCollectionId.longValue();
                             currentRowParentOrderCollectionId = 0;
                        // Get the OrderCollectionID
                        logDebug("Getting the Order Collection ID.....");
                        BigInteger dbOrderCollectionId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.ORDER_COLLECTION_ID);
                        if ( dbOrderCollectionId != null )
                             currentRowOrderCollectionId = dbOrderCollectionId.longValue();
                             currentRowOrderCollectionId = 0;
                        if ( isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                             // Get the ResultID
                             logDebug("Getting the Result Id.....");
                             BigInteger dbResultId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.RESULT_ID);
                             if ( dbResultId != null )
                                  currentRowResultId = dbResultId.longValue();
                                  currentRowResultId = 0;
                             // Get the ResultRemarkID
                             BigInteger dbResultRemarkId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.RESULT_REMARK_ID);
                             if ( dbResultRemarkId != null )
                                  currentRowResultRemarkId = dbResultRemarkId.longValue();
                                  currentRowResultRemarkId = 0;
                   isRootCollectionNode = (currentRowParentOrderCollectionId == 0);
                   logDebug("currentRowOrderId: " + currentRowOrderId);
                   logDebug("previousRowOrderId: " + previousRowOrderId);
                   logDebug("currentRowResultId: " + currentRowResultId);
                   logDebug("previousRowResultId: " + previousRowResultId);
                   logDebug("currentRowResultRemarkId: " + currentRowResultRemarkId);
                   logDebug("previousRowResultRemarkId: N/A");
                   logDebug("currentRowParentOrderCollectionId: " + currentRowParentOrderCollectionId);
                   logDebug("previousRowParentOrderCollectionId: " + previousRowParentOrderCollectionId);
                   logDebug("currentRowOrderCollectionId: " + currentRowOrderCollectionId);
                   logDebug("previousRowOrderCollectionId: " + previousRowOrderCollectionId);
                   if ( currentRowOrderId != previousRowOrderId ) {
                        parentCollectionMap = new HashMap<Long, Collection>();
                        lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastCollectionAdded = null;
                        lastResultAdded = null;
                        // This is a new Order, generate a new Lab Order bean
                        record = addOrder(labOrders, helper, dbOrderId, isFullDetailsIncluded);
                        logDebug("Order Added!");
                        // If there is Parent Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( !isRootCollectionNode && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                             lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = record.addNewCollections();
                             lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, true);
                             logDebug("Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                        // If there is Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowOrderCollectionId > 0 && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                             if ( isRootCollectionNode ) {
                                  lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = record.addNewCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, false);
                                  parentCollectionMap.put(new Long(currentRowOrderCollectionId), lastCollectionAdded);
                                  logDebug("parent collection added to map: " + currentRowOrderCollectionId);
                             else {
                                  lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = lastCollectionAdded.addNewCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded, false);
                             logDebug("Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                             // If there is Result data and it should be included, build a Results element,
                             // and populate the first one
                             if ( currentRowResultId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                  logDebug("Adding result....");
                                  lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                                  logDebug("Result Added!");
                                  // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                                  // and populate the first one
                                  if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                       addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                        logDebug("DONE getting first Collection and Result.");
                   else if ( currentRowParentOrderCollectionId != previousRowParentOrderCollectionId
                             && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                        // This is a new, top level, Order Collection to be included
                        lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastCollectionAdded = null;
                        lastResultAdded = null;
                        logDebug("Getting next Order Collection...");
                        // If there is Parent Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( !isRootCollectionNode ) {
                             lastCollectionAdded = ( Long(currentRowParentOrderCollectionId));
                             logDebug("A Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                        // If there is Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowOrderCollectionId > 0 ) {
                             if ( isRootCollectionNode ) {
                                  //LabOrder.Collections collections = record.addNewCollections();
                                  lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = record.getCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, false);
                                  parentCollectionMap.put(new Long(currentRowOrderCollectionId), lastCollectionAdded);
                             else {
                                  lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = lastCollectionAdded.addNewCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded, false);
                             logDebug("B Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                             // If there is Result data and it should be included, build a Results element,
                             // and populate the first one
                             if ( currentRowResultId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                  lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                                  // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                                  // and populate the first one
                                  if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                       addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   else if ( currentRowOrderCollectionId != previousRowOrderCollectionId
                             && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                        // This is a new Order Collection to be included inside of a parent collection
                        logDebug("Getting next CHILD Order Collection...");
                        logDebug("isRootCollectionNode: " + isRootCollectionNode);
                        logDebug("Order ID: " + helper.getBigInteger(DataConstants.ORDER_ID));
                        logDebug("Order Collection ID: " + helper.getBigInteger(DataConstants.ORDER_COLLECTION_ID));
                        logDebug("Collection ID: " + helper.getBigInteger(DataConstants.COLLECTION_ID));
                        if ( isRootCollectionNode ) {
                             lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, false);
                             parentCollectionMap.put(new Long(currentRowOrderCollectionId), lastCollectionAdded);
                        else {
                    parentCollection = ( Long(currentRowParentOrderCollectionId));
                             if(parentCollection == null) {
                                  log(LOG_LEVEL.WARN, "Parent Collection with id: " + currentRowParentOrderCollectionId + " is null for collection id: " + currentRowOrderCollectionId + " but isRootCollectionNode is " + isRootCollectionNode);
                             } else {
                                  lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = parentCollection.getCollections();
                                  logDebug("Is lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded null? " + (lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded == null));
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded, false);
                        // If there is Result data and it should be included, build a Results element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowResultId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                             lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                             // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                             // and populate the first one
                             if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                  addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   else if ( currentRowResultId != previousRowResultId
                             && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                        // There is a new Result to be included
                        logDebug("Getting next Result...");
                        // This is a new result to be included
                        lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                        // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                             addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   else if ( isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                        // There is a new Result Remark to include
                        logDebug("Getting next Result Remark...");
                        // This is a new result remark to be included
                        addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   logDebug("Done building response.");
                   previousRowResultId = currentRowResultId;
                   previousRowParentOrderCollectionId = currentRowParentOrderCollectionId;
                   previousRowOrderCollectionId = currentRowOrderCollectionId;
                   previousRowOrderId = currentRowOrderId;
              logDebug("Found " + rows + " rows of data.");

  • Can't login due to input source issue

    I'm using my MBP (Yosemite) with a hungarian input source, however, my login password was in english.
    Yesterday, I've changed it. Now, it contains hungarian characters.
    I was able to use that password for logging in as long as the Mac just went to sleep.
    This morning, however, I rebooted my MBP and now I'm unable to login.
    It seems like the default input source is english, while in my profile, it is hungarian.
    I've never had that problem before. And I'd really need my mac back, so that I could work.
    Does anyone have any solution in mind?

    At the login screen, you can select one of the available layouts by choosing from the flag menu in the upper right corner, or cycle through them by pressing the key combination command-space or command-option-space. See this support article.

  • Input source disappears after restart or log out. How to fix it?

    I use two input sources: U.S. and Russian-PC. But recently the Russian-PC started to disappear everytime I restart the iMac or just log out and log in back. Instead of Russian-PC there is Russian which is inconvinient to use. So I always have to open language and text preferences unchek Russian, check Russian-PC.
    I have tried to change language preferences on root user but it did not help.
    Does somebody know how to fix it?

    Well Bababooey if you're comparing yourself to a Apple Genius Bar then you should already know my answer, your snarky remark get a snarky reply.  Why would I go to a salesperson to fix my computer problem when I can go directly go to the source itself.  I used to sell Apple computers over 8 years ago and was apple certified before the Genius bar existed. If I am to go about fixing an issue I can't fix on my own I will go to the source itself meaning Apple's programmers and developers - being UI UX Developer myself I know they should have QA'd all platforms and troubleshooted any arising issues. 
    This was also the first time in the 20 years I've been using a Mac that I even attempted to go on this forum which i thought would put me in connection with a certified Apple representative.  This turned out to be a complete waste of time just being a public forum with no Apple employee involved.  I was hoping to find a quick fix but in turn I was only frustrated with stupid responses such as yours that were in no way an answer to my original question. 
    BTW I fixed the issue on my own and without your help or Apples help. I'm glad if all forums point here regarding this issue because I now have the answer. The answer I was looking for from someone earlier was as simple as this {Download Maverick and reinstall the platform - it will take an hour to do but afterward 10.9.2 was installed and my computer is now able to shutdown and restart without having to do a hard boot.}  No more software update bar at top and no problems with my drive which I told both you and Grant - I know my computer better than you and I've probably been using them longer than you. 
    So again Babowa you were so wrong...... and I am right.
    Again anyone having the same problem, I suggest reinstalling Maverick and you'll be suprised 10.9.2 will work fine.

  • JSF & Data source Problem

    Hi all
    I wrote my first jsf-adf project as discussed in cue cards in developer 10.1.3 using sql server 2005 , I configed my oc4j and app module as discussed in "Developing Oracle ADF Business Components for a SQL Server Database " paper in the same release of jdeveloper but I have 2 problems
    1. when I Config my environment without adding data-source into data-source.xml
    I get jbo-30003,jbo-29000 and jbo-26066 errors in the ie
    2. If i define my customized data-source in data-source.xml I get this error:"Unable to create com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource "
    my data-source code is
    what should I do?
    by thanks

    I tried both of data sources which you explianed but the problem already exists:
    when I set the data source which you called global I received this error in the log window :
    May 29, 2006 9:42:30 AM com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig parseRootNode
    INFO: Legacy datasource detected...attempting to convert to new syntax.
    May 29, 2006 9:42:30 AM com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig createConfigFromLegacy
    WARNING: Exception processing legacy data source. Exception: Unable to instantiate Exception is:
         Missing class:
         Dependent class: com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig
         Loader: oc4j:10.1.3
         Code-Source: /E:/Programs/JDeveloper/j2ee/home/lib/oc4j-internal.jar
         Configuration: <code-source> in boot.xml in E:\Programs\JDeveloper\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar
    This load was initiated at oc4j:10.1.3 using the Class.forName() method.
    The missing class is not available from any code-source or loader in the server.
    06/05/29 09:42:30 Error initializing server: Error instantiating default application at Unable to get ApplicationConfig for default : Error parsing data-sources config at file:/E:/Programs/JDeveloper/jdev/system/oracle.j2ee. DataSourceConfigException: Unable to instantiate Exception is:
         Missing class:
         Dependent class: com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig
         Loader: oc4j:10.1.3
         Code-Source: /E:/Programs/JDeveloper/j2ee/home/lib/oc4j-internal.jar
         Configuration: <code-source> in boot.xml in E:\Programs\JDeveloper\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar
    This load was initiated at oc4j:10.1.3 using the Class.forName() method.
    06/05/29 09:42:30 Fatal error: server exiting
    The missing class is not available from any code-source or loader in the server.
    Process exited with exit code 1."
    and when I set the data source which you called local
    I see Jbo-30003;Jbo-29000 & Jbo-26066 errors in IE
    I can't understand what is wrong
    By thanks

  • Why do all the added input sources disappear on reboot?

    Since installing Mountain Lion, every time I do a full reboot (or power down and restart the system), the input source that I added in the System Preferences > Language & Text > Input Sources (in my case, Dvorak, which is the main one I use) gets removed, and the default setting is US Keyboard again. This means that every time I have to go into System Preferences and check Dvorak again to have it reappear in the menu, and then switch to it again.
    Somehow the system is not remembering the input sources I've set after rebooting. Thanks to anyone who can help me fix this annoyance.

    I am having the same problem. Any fix for that?

  • Input sources grey out after action on MacOS

    I have a problem with japanese input sources (Hiragana and Katakana). When I launch Indesign, I can use this in text box. But if I open my flex panel, and do an action on it (click on button, select texteinput, change checkbox...), the input source change to an other, this two sources are grey and I cannot go back to this to write katakana or hiragana in text box.
    I don't have this problem on InDesign CS5 and CS5.5, only in CS6.
    I talk about input sources which is on Mac : "System Preference"->"Language & Text"-> "Input Sources" (I put it on the menu bar to select it easily)
    How can I go back to this input source ?
    Thank you for your help.

    I try with a basic palette with just one button, and I have the same problem. My code is :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <csxs:CSExtension xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:csxs="com.adobe.csxs.core.*" backgroundColor="#E3E3E3" width="100%" height="100%">
        <s:Button label="Test Button" width="100%" height="100%"/>
    Could you reproduce the problem ? Do you understand what happen ? Is it a bug on InDesign CS6 ?
    Please advise.

  • Input sources CONSTANTLY lost after reboot!!!

    Since installing Yosemite (currently on 10.10.2, as per "About this Mac"), almost every time I restart, reboot, or simply turn off and then on my computer, I lose all my input sources. This is particularly annoying, as I work in humanities and constantly use about 8 different keyboards. Can something be done about this, for heaven's sake? I remember this happening on extremely rare occasions before (usually after the computer froze and had to be rebooted), but this seems to be a major problem since I installed Yosemite.
    Many thanks in anticipation!

    Do a backup.
    Quit the application System Preferences.
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Library. Then go to Preferences/ Move the .plist to your desktop.
    Restart the computer, open the application and test. If it works okay, delete the plist from the desktop.
    If the application is the same, return the .plist to where you got it from, overwriting the newer one.
    Thanks to leonie for some information contained in this.

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