AIR 2.5.1 ServerSocket Problem

Hey Guys, Something Really funny just happened to my AIR/ FlashBuilder Installation, I've got Flex 4 / Flash Builder on my system, I've also got AIR 2.5.1 on my system too, my flash builder IDE doesnt seem to find ServerSocket Class....
I tried to Check the Current Version of AIR using nativeApplication.runtimeVersion andd it says 1.5
Those anyone have anuy idea what the problem is?

I have the same problem. When I run my project from Flash Professional CS5 works fine but when I publish the project to an AIR application the ServerSocket does not work (any client could connect to it).

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    ADEEL UR REHMAN wrote:
    ...the problem is that without doing anything 1.5gb of ram out of 2gb always in use
    No computer can do a thing without using memory. 1.5 GB is very little. It's normal.
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    Which Mac OS X is installed.
    Troubleshooting advice can depend on that information.
    Without seeing a video, tell us exactly what happens when you startup your Mac?

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        //trace (evt.type);   
    function updaterInitialized(e:UpdateEvent):void{
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    Why don't you post some of the relevant lines for your application?
    Makes hard to guess what the issue is otherwise.
    The first line of your matching app file (<appname>-app.mxml) must have the same matching air sdk version as in...
    <application xmlns="">
    The version number if that same file must match the versionNumber in your update file, as in
    Compile it and distribute it to the url specified in your update xml file
    Manually check your app:/update_config.xml - make sure it is what you think it is

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    I don't know how your application is structured, but if you can split sections off into separate SWFs(plain AS3 document) then you could host those section SWFs online and require the user to download them on first run.
    You could use the FileReference object to download the SWFs, save them to the File.applicationStorageDirectory, and then display/load them up with the Loader object when needed from the app storage directory. You would possibly need to check to see if the files are present at every boot of the app though as a user could "Clear Data" or "Clear Cache" of the app in the Settings of their device and one or both of those could/would delete the downloaded files.
    FileReference - Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3 ) API Reference

  • ServerSocket problem.

    I have written a small server program using the class. The server can serve simple servlets and html pages.
    I am creating the ServerSocket instance like this:
    ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(port_no, acceptCount, InetAddress.getByName("webserver"));The hostname of the computer on which this program runs is "webserver", ip address is "".
    When I send request for a basic servlet using either "" or "webserver" it works. But it displays a 'Page cannot be displayed" error when I try to use "localhost" or "" in the url.
    This works:
    Does'nt work:
    Please help me with the problem. I've tried using different options with the ServerSOcket constructors and methods but always I miss one or the other.
    I would like my server program to server requets sent for localhost/, please guide me as to what should I do to acheive this.
    Thanks a lot.

    Can you see something wrong with this output? I was
    expecting the ip address of the computer to be bound
    to the ServerSocket instance but surprisingly it is is nothing wrong with this output. The ServerSocket is bound by default to the 'wildcard' address which is represented as above and which means it will accept connections via any of the computer's interfaces. This is what you want. The way you had it before it would only accept connections via one interface.
    As _ck clearly doesn't know the answer himself his contribution is valueless and is best ignored.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • MacBook Air and Safari movie download problems

    I bought a new MacBook Air in August 2013 (OS 10.8.5). After migrating all my files from my iMac I have encountered problems with downloading movies that are playing in Safari (v 6.0.5). On my iMac (OS 10.6.8) and Safari (v 5.1.10) I could go under "Window", select "Activity" and see the files associated with the movie. I could select the movie that was playing, copy the url & then past it into "Downloads" (also under the "Window"). The movie would then download to my preferred folder & I could then view it on my iMac. I can't find the "Activity" or the "Downloads" options under the "Window". How do I get the movies to download now?

    The next time you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.
    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Scroll back in the log to the time you noted above. Select any messages timestamped from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Adobe AIR Output using Unipane Template - Problem in Publishing

    I have created new Adobe AIR browser based help using the Unipane template. When I generate the output, I specify a folder path in the Start Page field and click Finish. I can see the output excatly I have prepared when I select the first topic in the same folder.
    But the problem is when I copy the folder and paste in the new location and click the first topic, it shows the template only, my content is missing. Because of this I could not send my output to the client.
    If any one please guide me What should I do? I have prepared an entire Help system but now I could not send it to client. Please guide me.

    In another thread (now deleted) AR Raj has posted that he cannot locate the previous thread with the same problem.
    I am adding AR Raj's post here as it relates to this thread.
    I will look later to try to find the post but if anyone else remembers it, please add the link in this thread.
    I  have created a help system using the Unipane template of Adobe AIR  feature and when I open the first topic of the help locally in my  system, it displays with the skin I have selected when initially  generated. But when I try to host the help in the Internet using IIS  Mgr, the help open with the default skin 'Black Pearl'  with a default  message at the bottom 'Powered by Robohelp' eventhough I have used the  skin 'Aqua Grey'. I have also replaced the message with my client name,  still it opens with the same message. The probelem arise when I try to  host the help system, but locally in my system it works fine.
    Mr.Peter  Grainge told me that this issue was raised already and it got answered.  I have searched Adobe AIR forum for a day long, but I could not locate  the answer.
    If anyone can help me to solve this, I have to deliver it to the client who repeately ask me about the Help system.
    Please anyone guide me to correct this.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • AIR 1.5.3 colorTransform problem

    When I run this code in in Flex 3 it works fine:
    private function setDigitsColor( t:Text, iHex:int ):void
    var ct:ColorTransform = t.transform.colorTransform;
    ct.color = iHex;
    t.transform.colorTransform = ct;
    (It changes the font color in a Text comp)
    When running the resulting Air program it doesnt work - the fontcolor doesnt change.
    Likewise, when running it in Flash Builder it doesnt work.
    I can get the same effect by using setStyle instead.
    But I wonder if this is a bug.
    Any idea ?

    Have you updated your SDK to 1.5.3? You need to do download it and replace your existing AIR SDK 1.5 directory with the downloaded AIR 1.5.3 SDK donwload. I have no idea where this would be stored on a MAC. You then need to modify your application XML file, change the names space to Adobe AIR 1.5.3 and add a new node called PublisherID and it needs the value of your orginal private key (again I am not sure where you find this on a mac, it usually shows as part of the path for your sol files. A big numeric value usually ending with .1). This kind of half solves the problem. You are then meant to run the new ADT utility with the -migrate option from the command line (the java adt.js and adt.bat files are in the SDK). This kind of works butyou end up with a new generated AIR file which is at least twice as big as the original, however, I also get some things that don't work propeperly in the migrated AIR program so I have deiced not to go down that route but just re-install everybody instead which is a rubbish outcome.
    In short this is an Adobe screw up of moumental proprtions. I flagged this up some time ago with Adobe but to no avail. At least with version 1.5.3 the publisherID is now independant of the digital certificate private key value so publisc key renewals are no longer a headache. I am justglad we did not do a major product launch with th eprior versions or we would be in a serious mess. Unable to do any application updates automatically and with the location of the flash file lost for future versions. I would be even more stuffed if I had encrypted the sol files.
    I have been working with AIR since beta over two years ago. I found serious bugs (especially memory leaks) with it all along the way and I have learned the hard way to program around them. Their technical support is practically non existant. Adobe put me on their developer forums and I was getting more questions than answers from the Adobe techs. Best of luck....

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