i replaced an airport express the other day[it fried after two years] with an airport extreme.
and i have concluded that this is a very buggy device.
it seems to run very hot. much hotter than the express, the original cloud base station. and i attribute that bugginess to its elevated operating temp.
i think it must have some kind of thermal shut-off. even though the light stays green, it loses my network. and refuses to find it unless i shut it down. even if i enter my network, it tells me that my password is no good.
so, i have discovered if i turn it off until it cools down, it then works again.
you know, i operated the original airport base station for 6-7 years. it was on all the time. i figure it finally failed from old age or a power surge. i used the airport express for the last two years, on virtually all the time[24/7/365]. i know it failed because of a lightning strike and attendant power surge. it never operated as hot as this airport extreme.
does anyone else out there think as i do? that the extreme operates so hot that it glitches?
all ears.

Zanra wrote:
Can anybody let me know if it will work or it won't?
it will work.

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    Hi all
    My Airport extreme stopped working last night and just now emits a high pitched noise when the power is connected and there are no lights on the front (amber or green)
    Has anyone else had this happen to them and is there any way to solve this without taking it back? Have only had this approximately 2 months.
    Any help would be gratefully received!

    Hi falloutphil,
    When I bought my iMac, I had the store install more ram for me. It would restart all by itself. Then it would shut off. I can't remember a noise but after I was on the phone with apple tech, he wanted me to drop off the mac at a apple dealership. If you bought ram from someone else other than apple, it needs to be pushed in a little bit further. When you swing the two white thingys closed, push the ram in just a little bit. Before you do that, run the apple hardware test. I bought my iMac from JR's and when I reviewed the system log, the hardware test failed and they still sent it to me anyway. this just happened in July. My iMac has been running beautiful since then. but I will never buy anything from JR's store again.

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    From my view, it's a litte bit high. My daughter's mini 210 has never run at that hot. Please check ventilation around it.
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  • Heat issue with airport extreme

    The top gets hot but the sides stay only warm. The temperature on the top is around 110 F. The unit works very well and I have had no problem with it.I'm worried the high operating temperature will shorten its life.

    Too hot to touch would be cause for concern, but 110° isn't abnormal.
    From p. 35 of the Airport Extreme Setup Guide:
    About Operating and Storage Temperatures
    When you are using your AirPort Extreme, it is normal for the case to get warm. The AirPort Extreme case functions as a cooling surface that transfers heat from inside the unit to the cooler air outside.
    The case itself is a heat sink, so keep the top clear of other "stuff" (including dust).

  • Is AirPort Extreme Base Station the right device and reliable for my setup?

    hey guys,
    i got a 2012 13" macbook air, iphone5 and an 2012 appletv
    ive also got two external usb3 2tb powered hdd's that i would to setup towards and use on my network.
    i have videos/movies/files/music that i would like to access from the network,
    so ive been looking at the extreme device and i can share via sb in the back x1 external hdd.
    from what ive googled i can share more devices such as my x2 external hdd's via a powered hub, is that correct?
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    what is the usb port on the back? 2 or 3?
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    how reliable are these extreme device?
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    Speed of read/write: if you're going by wireless, you're going to be limited by the wireless speeds.  Based on my usage, it seems like wireless N at 5 GHz tops out around 5-6 MB/s (40-48 mbps) with this router.  That's fine for video streaming, but will feel slow for heavy file transfer activity.
    The USB port on the back of the device is USB 2.0.  As a reminder, USB 2.0 is rated for theoretical speeds of 480 mbps, although in practice they're much lower; regardless, it's much faster than the wireless protocols are capable of.  Your bottleneck will be the wireless.
    I only use a printer with my USB port, so I can't give you any real-world experience with sharing hard drives.  You can use a USB hub to expand the ports, but it will need to be a self-powered hub: the Airport Extreme won't power devices through the port.  It's also worth noting that trying to use a network-shared disk as a Time Machine drive is a bit flakey; I've read a number of reports where people got it working, but then had their backups become corrupt with time.  I haven't read any reports of people having issues with using drives for purposes besides Time Machine, though.
    As for reliability, it's hard to say.  Nothing lasts forever; you'll find people whose devices failed very quickly, and some who are using generation 1 or 2 devices that are still working just fine.  I haven't heard any reports of an usually high failure rate with Airport Extremes.  Operation-wise, my Airport Extreme (5th gen) is the most stable router that I've used, and I went through four or five other routers before this one.  It's the only router that I have not needed to reboot, even after months of uptime and heavy traffic that usually choked up my other routers.  I'm very impressed with it.

  • Help setting up Open DNS with new airport extreme

    I cant seem to get Open DNS to work with a new airport extreme. The status says I am not using Open DNS and its not filtering anything. I have followed the exact steps for set up listed on their website, checked the dns settings, cleared both caches and restarted the computer, modem and router with no success. I set the airport up in bridged mode, although I tried the other option under setup, but not sure what I was doing? I picked up this router because I wanted easy set up and the apple store assured me it would work with Open DNS. Oh, and I also downloaded the latest firmware update on the router. Can anyone help me with the settings or what else I need to check?

    Sorry, I am not familiar with this product, so I checked online to pick up some information.  Here I am referring to the information found here:
    I found that your device is mentioned as follows in the intro under Section 1 of this document:
    The BellSouth supplied Westell 2100, 2200 and 6100 models (Models A90-210030-04, B90-220030-04, and B90-610030-06/C90-610030-06, respectively) share many features and functions.
    Next, I am referring to the information under Section 2, under the heading of Standard Default Mode Connection (separate hub or switch present).  Unless you have changed the configuration on the Westell, this is how your device is operating. In this mode, the Westell device is acting both as a modem and router in one unit.
    So, an attached router (AirPort Extreme) must be configured as a switch to work correctly. That is what Bridge Mode is....the AirPort Extreme is operating as a switch when it is in Bridge Mode (which would be the correct setting to use when the Westell is set to its Standard Default Mode).
    Any changes that you want to make regarding DNS settings would need to be made on the Westell device, since it is acting as the main router on your network.
    In Bridge Mode, the AirPort Extreme simply passes that information through to its connected devices. You will not be able to make any DNS related changes on the AirPort Extreme since it receives that info from the Westel device. Some service providers force you to use their DNS servers, so you might want to check with Bell South or AT&T for more information in this regard.
    If you want to be able to configure the AirPort Extreme as the main router on your network, and instruct it to use the DNS information that you want, you will need to refer to the section under the heading of Bridged Ethernet Mode ( separate router present).
    Please note that the first item under this heading specifies that "This is the preferred configuration when using a separate external router..." (which would be the AirPort Extreme in your case)
    So, it appears to me that this would be the way that you must reconfigure the Westell device to allow the AirPort Extreme to function as the "main" router on your network. In this type of setup, you will be able to enter the DNS information that you want to use under the setup for the AirPort Extreme and it will act as you instruct.
    The AirPort Extreme would not be configured in Bridge Mode for would be configured to "Share a public IP address".
    The next item in the article specifies that you "Must use a PPPoE client on the Router." This means that the AirPort Extreme would be configured to Connect Using = PPPoE as follows:
    AirPort Utility - Manual Setup
    Click the Internet icon
    Click the Internet Connection tab
    Connect Using = PPPoE
    You would enter your user name (probably your email address), password, etc in this area. Leave the Service Area box completely blank. Set Connection to Always On, and Disconnect if Idle to Never
    Click Update to save the new settings. Power off the Westell device after this and then restart it so that it will pick up the new information that you have programmed into the AirPort Extreme.
    I want to stress that this is how I would try to configure the Westell and AirPort Extreme. But, as I said, have not used a Westell device, so I cannot say that this will work correctly for you.
    It might be an excellent idea to contact Bell South or AT&T Support to ask for their opinion on this before you decide to change the configuration of the Westel device and the AirPort Extreme.
    This type of thing can be intimidating for users, so you might elect to use the services of someone like the Geek Squad at Best Buy, or a similar service from a local computer firm. Perhaps the Apple store could help as well.
    If it is not critical that you use Open DNS, you might want to simply leave things "as is", with the AirPort Extreme in Bridge Mode.

  • PC limited connectivity with airport extreme

    We still have a PC in the house.
    We just added the new AirPort Extreme.
    All of the Apple devices and the Zeppelin connected no trouble and have full internet acces.
    But for some reason I can't figure out the PC will only connect to the network but gets limited connectivity to the internet.
    How do I fix this please?

    You already know that the AirPort Extreme is operating correctly.
    So, something on the PC is blocking the connection attempt to the Internet. That might be the Windows Firewall, the anti-virus program, or Microsoft Security Essentials....if you have it installed on your PC.
    Work your way through the guide for troubleshooting Windows connection issues to see if you can find the cause of the block on your PC. -problems

  • Can't Configure New Airport Extreme

    My new Airport EXtreme is operational and I can access the net work from both my PC and 2 Macs however I have been unable to configure the base station to move it away from 'public' status with it's factory 10.??? IP address and thus have an open network.
    On initial startup with the Airport Setup Assistant on the Mac I get "An error occurred communicating with the selected base station".
    I've tried all the trouble shooting re-sets and the Airport Admin Utility but with similar results. At one point on the PC I got the slighlty more informative "the base station is in soft reset mode but does not appear reachable with the IP address configuration of this computer. Make sure your computer is configured for a 192.42.249.X IP address so base station can be configured". Don't know what this means ....
    All the correct DHCP settings seem to be in place but a colleague across the street with an Airport Express has no problem. I'm at a loss...

    Basic principle - setup instructions are there for a reason, and if you don't follow them then the thing won't work properly What happens if you connect your cable modem to the LAN port of the Base Station:
    - you bypass the router built into the Airport Base Station
    - your Mac will be unable to communicate with the Base Station.
    Neither is a good thing - and you need to get to the bottom of the problem causing you to have to incorrectly wire the Base Station just to give it the "appearance" it is working properly (even though it is not). Usually the solution is simple - cable the modem to the WAN port, pull power to the modem and the Base Station for a half hour, then plug power back into the modem, then plug power back into the Base Station. That's it.
    Incidentally - a temporary fix is to (a) disconnect the modem from the Base Station, (b) power cycle the Base Station, and (c) restart your Mac. Your Mac will now be able to "see" and configure the Base Station. However, as soon as you are done and you plug the cable modem back into the LAN port and restart your Mac - no admin access to the Base Station will be possible.

  • I have two airport extremes, one acting as amodem and the other operating in bridge mode.  The extremes are connected using ethernet, but remain connected even when I disconnect the Cat5a cable. How do I know if they are operating wired or wirelessly

    I have two airport extremes, one acting as a modem and the other operating in bridge mode.  The extremes are connected using ethernet, but remain connected even when I disconnect the Cat5a cable (I did this to check that the 100 feet of Cat 5a cable connecting them was working). How do I find out if they are operating wired or wirelessly?  I want to know as I assume I will get much better speeds if they are wired.

    Hi Bob, many thanks for the prompt response.  I think I did what you suggested, but you're the expert so I have sent over a few screenshots.  The extreme in question is High Birches Home Office (the rest of the network has been in place and working well for some time).  My new home office is going to be in the garden, circa 100 feet from the main house.  I have installed armoured Cat5e cable down to the shed that is going to be adjacent to the home office once built and situated the High Birches Home Office Airport Extreme there temporarily.  Everything works well, so I was surprised when I unplugged the ethernet, that it still worked.  I also tested the ethernet cable by switching off my laptop's wifi and unplugging the cable from the airport extreme and directly into the laptop and that worked ok.
    If the screenshots below (I did every Airport utility tab for the High Birches Home Office) don't tell you anything more, then the set-by-step instructions would greatly appreciated so I can ensure I completed the steps correctly. 
    Thanks, Greg.

  • External hard drive networked via AirPort Extreme gives "The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)" roughly every two days

    My lab has about 10 Mac computers.  We all access a central hard drive by the way of wifi provided by AirPort.  It's just a regular external hard drive (Seagate Desktop Drive) that I turned into our central storage space by plugging it into AirPort (USB).  It works pretty well.  We seem to be fine with viewing the file directories, opening files, saving, deleting etc., for a day or two.  But then after a day or two, when when trying to modify files or move new files onto the central hard drive, we get the error message: "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)"
    Any suggestions as to what may be causing this problem?
    All of the computers are 2011 iMacs & MacPros.  The AirPort is 802.11n WiFi.  The hard drive is a Seagate USB 3.0 Desktop Drive.
    Thank you for your insight/suggestions.

    Thanks for your reply.  I agree about the communication issue. Let me explain my setup and what I am trying to do and perhaps you can answer my questions or make suggestions.
    I have a MAC Mini with a Sony TV for the video monitor.  The  Mac Mini is hard wired to the AE (Airport Extreme).  The AE has a 2 TB HD hooked up to the USB Port.  I have a 17" Mac Book Pro on the WIFI Network.
    I am trying to use the MAc Mini as a "Media Server" of sorts.  Once I get iTunes running the way I plan I am goign to hook up my Apple TV (2nd Generation) to my television downstairs.
    What I am trying to accomplish is have iTunes on all my computers look to the External HD on the AE for the files.  This is why I am having my (-50 errors).
    So far I have noticed that if I go and try to download from iTunes purchased videos that are not ont he computer (to the external HD) it will also occassionaly give me teh -50 error.
    Is there a way to change where the files go when I download them?  Say I want to download videos to the computer but not to the external HD?  However I would want to still be able to move them to the External HD.

  • When i plug my network switch into airport extreme it affects my wireless operation

    I have a gigabit wired network with a 16 port unmanaged switch. I have a TWC cable modem, connected to the AE Tower. When I plug my wired network into one of the LAN ports on the AE, I can no longer connect to the internet. I have my Extreme set to "Create a wireless network" and it's connected to the router via DHCP and NAT. When I disconnect my wired network, I can once again access the internet.
    The switch seems to be operating correctly, I can see and access my other computer when it connected to the router. I can't seem to determine why connecting the wired network causes the loss of internet connectivity.

    Temporarily, disconnect the switch.
    Restart the AirPort Extreme
    Temporarily, turn off the wireless on a laptop and connect the laptop directly to the Ethernet port on the AirPort Extreme. Check to see if you can get a good Internet connection that way.
    Then, test the other 2 Ethernet ports on the AirPort Extreme the same way.
    What happens?

  • Extremely High Temperatures

    I have a new 2011 Macbook Pro 17".
    With the i7-2760QM processor.
    Anyway my CPU idle temp sits at around 65C, to me this is crazy.  No idea why it should be this high.
    In addition while gaming I am seeing temps as high as 100C. 
    What can I do to decrease this???
    Running bootcamp

    It would appear that it's not really "idle". My MBA when it is not doing anything out of the ordinary indicates a CPU temperature of 35°.
    65° is not normal but it is far from "extremely high".
    Gaming, Flash video, any processor-intensive activity is going to make it warm in a hurry, but playing HTML5 video in YouTube typically brings mine no higher than 45° or so.
    It is possible an SMC reset might fix the problem, also read the following to identify a particular process that may be taxing your Air's resources:
    Runaway applications can shorten battery runtime
    Edit: I don't know why you posted this in the MacBook Air forum, I was about to verify the temps on my MBP but Mrs. Galt is busy with it

  • Very high latency on my MBP 3,1 (mid 2007) with airport extreme card 0x168C

    I wanted to let you know that i filled a bug report concerning a problem involving a MacBookPro3,1 and my airport extreme card (AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x87) Firmware Version
    If you've got any feedback, please feel free to share it with me.
    Here's the bug report:
    I'm experiencing very high latency on my MBP when connected using Wi-Fi in my living room and I believe this is a software bug.
    This is the trace of my ping test to my router (5m from me):
    macbookpro:~ laurent$ ping
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1536.229 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=536.642 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3444.466 ms (DUP!)
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2547.260 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2671.552 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1671.272 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=2619.991 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=1619.350 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=2362.474 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=1362.662 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=363.461 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=1407.557 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=64 time=1020.437 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=64 time=119.570 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    14 packets transmitted, 13 packets received, +1 duplicates, 7% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 119.570/1663.066/3444.466/937.468 ms
    These are the details of my network when alt clicking on the network icon:
    Channel: 5
    RSSI: -54
    Transmit Rate: 54
    I'm using Channel 5 where my router is the only device available (checked with iStumbler and KissMac).
    I compared these results with another computer sitting at the same place:
    This is the trace of my ping test to my router using a PC laptop:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Laurent>ping -t
    Envoi d'une requête 'ping' sur avec 32 octets de données :
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=2 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=2 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=3 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=4 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=3 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=4 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=2 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=3 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=3 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=6 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=4 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=8 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=4 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=4 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=4 ms TTL=64
    Réponse de : octets=32 temps=1 ms TTL=64
    Statistiques Ping pour
    Paquets : envoyés = 16, reçus = 16, perdus = 0 (perte 0%),
    Durée approximative des boucles en millisecondes :
    Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 8ms, Moyenne = 3ms
    (PC: Win XP SP3 with Linksys Wi-Fi card)
    Obviously, my Mac has very high latency where my PC works as expected.
    I tried resetting the PRAM, but i didn't affect my results.
    I tried updating Airport with the latest AirPort Client Update (, but my hardware wasn't eligible for that update (Mid 2007 MacBookPro).
    I believe this isn't a hardware bug because i get acceptable ping results when next to my router or in other rooms of my flat.
    Can you help me with that bug ?
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: MacBook Pro
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro3,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 2 GB
    Bus Speed: 800 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: MBP31.0070.B07
    SMC Version (system): 1.16f11
    Serial Number (system): W874551DX91
    Hardware UUID: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-001B63B19195
    Sudden Motion Sensor:
    State: Enabled
    Type: AirPort
    Hardware: AirPort
    BSD Device Name: en1
    IPv4 Addresses:
    Configuration Method: DHCP
    Interface Name: en1
    NetworkSignature: IPv4.Router=;IPv4.RouterHardwareAddress=00:07:cb:3e:04:ef
    Subnet Masks:
    Server Addresses:,
    DHCP Server Responses:
    Domain Name Servers:,
    Lease Duration (seconds): 0
    DHCP Message Type: 0x05
    Server Identifier:
    Subnet Mask:
    Exceptions List: *.local, 169.254/16
    FTP Passive Mode: Yes
    MAC Address: 00:1e:52:72:05:2c
    Media Options:
    Media Subtype: Auto Select
    AirPort Card Information:
    Wireless Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x87)
    Wireless Card Locale: Worldwide
    Wireless Card Firmware Version:
    Current Wireless Network: kalamar
    Wireless Channel: 5

    Ok, I must have jinxed myself.
    High latency with my Negear WPN824v3. As previously mentioned, the other wireless computers connect fine. Latency remains regardless of the power connected or not.
    Please advise.
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=11.607 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=7280.106 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=9209.019 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=8237.475 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=7262.603 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=4313.763 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=3336.361 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=2339.579 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=64 time=1344.110 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=64 time=345.132 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=64 time=1191.119 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=64 time=3969.730 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=64 time=3992.111 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=64 time=3692.648 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=64 time=2927.634 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=64 time=2130.216 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=64 time=1437.424 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=64 time=2385.203 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=21 ttl=64 time=1393.622 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=22 ttl=64 time=396.783 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=23 ttl=64 time=1.295 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=24 ttl=64 time=115.793 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=25 ttl=64 time=3.137 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=26 ttl=64 time=10.240 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=27 ttl=64 time=2.709 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=28 ttl=64 time=9.958 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=29 ttl=64 time=1818.371 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=30 ttl=64 time=1470.613 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=31 ttl=64 time=472.520 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=32 ttl=64 time=2255.417 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=33 ttl=64 time=18198.039 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=34 ttl=64 time=23288.761 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=35 ttl=64 time=25150.840 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=64 time=26813.832 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    63 packets transmitted, 34 packets received, 46% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.295/4906.111/26813.832/7241.136 ms

  • New Aluminium MACBOOK - Airport Extreme adapter very high pitch scream! Oww

    I have just connected my Netgear Wi Fi router to my PCin order to get the internet on my Brand new MACBOOK. Unbelieveably I found this very easy once I had the necessary kit but to my dismay the Airport Extreme adapter on the the MACBOOK has started to scream at me in a way that is almost unbearable to listen to. The noise is that of a sinclaire spectrum loading but at a very high pitch so it pierces the ear drum! I am currently sitting with my finger in one ear to try to protect my brain from the savagery. Does anyone else have the same problem? none of my other Wi Fi adapters sound like this, is there anything I can do to stop this?
    Please Help

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    So, this is probably an incredibly simple thing, but I have to ask... At some point, while using OmniGraffle, I did something that is now causing my initial "Create a Template" / "Open Existing File" to pop up on my 2nd monitor. This is driving me a

  • Life time of a Connection URL

    what is life time of a connection url for an L2CAPConnection? Can we use the url for creating connection multiple times with the same device for which the url is?