AKAI MPD18 no audio in garageband

I have an MPD18 drum pad.
I am opening garageband, adding a new project, selecting software instrument, and built in output.
My MPD is connected with a USB cable (it only has one port, USB).
When I tap on a pad, I hear nothing. But I see the little blue light in garageband comes on when I hit the pad.
If I unplug the usb and plug it back in, the Mac detects adding and removing a midi device.
My speakers work fine, and I can use the keyboard as an input, or the on screen keyboard to get sound.
What am I doing wrong? I feel stupid, and I'm frustrated... I just want to play with my new toy... I would do anything to hear this thing through the speakers right now.

Tha answer is, unplug =it and plug it back in (USB) over and over again until it works... Wow, that's pretty dissapointing.

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    This will do what you want:

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    If you want the video and audio to automatically sync, Final Cut Pro X is the tool of choice, but it is more expensive than iMovie, and it has a big learning curve.
    With iMovie, you can still do this by showing the wave forms and lining them up visually. There is a nuance that in iMovie, you must have video. You cannot have sound that exists outside a video element. For you, this means that if your GB track is the same length or longer than your iMovie video track, you cannot shift it side to side. This is easily fixed by adding some dummy clips before and after your video so there is room to slide the track back and forth. You can find these "Black Background" clips (and others) under the Maps tab.
    I recently had to sync up some audio with video. Here is a post that explains in detail how I did it. It may help. Unfortunately, in my case, I was syncing the audio from 2 cameras. This is easier than syncing video with an audio track, but some of the tricks may still apply.
    If anything still does not make sense, please ask.
    One more thing. When you have an audio track like one created in GB, it is not simple in iMovie to delete a chunk of it and delete the corresponding video at the same time. Once again, this is a task better suited for Final Cut Pro X.  It is possible to export your movie to the Media Browser and then continue editing it in GB, so that may be an option for you.

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    Hey StephLWells,
    Thanks for the question. You may find some helpful information in the GarageBand Help resource:
    GarageBand Help
    For example, information on editing (cut, copy, & splitting or trimming) audio regions:
    GarageBand Help: Edit audio regions in the Audio Editor
    Matt M.

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    Hi Life93,
    What you describe would be possible by recording your video, then removing the audio from it and adding audio from GarageBand once the video is in iMovie (I presume here that you are using iMovie for your video production. Other applications may need different methods.)
    See this thread on how to remove the audio from a clip in iMovie -
    Is there a way to separate audio from a video c...
    To add audio from GarageBand use this article -
    iMovie '11: Add a sound clip to your project
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

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    Go to share in menu and choose Export to disk and choose mp3.
    To make it a little louder you can try boosting the track volume and master volume some. But if it's loud enough when you play it in itunes it should be the same when someone else listens to it in itunes.

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    WO HOO I answered my own question.
    I found this little gem of a tutorial:
    ...which outlines how to route DV audio into garageband using soundflower. Worked like a charm!

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    [and all the different major scales]
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    Hi p.lawrence,
    For your questions seems like just a question of right configuration of the MPD18. Probably the botton left (and maybe others) are configure to send midi other channel, or to send CC and not note. But with the AKAI software may be easy to solve it (just configure those pads). If you then need help to configure with MS just ask.
    Hope it helps you

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    I know this thread was last posted some time ago, but since this still comes up on the google results when asking this question, I thought I'd post the solution here as well:
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    Apple has not yet released GarageBand tutorials for GarageBand 10.0. There is only the built-in Help, see:  http://help.apple.com/garageband/mac/10.0/
    The Bullets&Bones FAQ has a few nice videos,  see:  http://www.bulletsandbones.com/GB/GBFAQ.html
    -- Léonie

  • "Cannot Find Audio File", Garageband

    Mac OS X version 10.6.8
    GarageBand 08-Version 4.1.2 ·(248.7)
    This is a issue which goes back to 2005 on some forums, and in my case, has just occured. There seems to be thousands of people effected.  After 3 years of using GarageBand for language studies, I'm now afraid to open any file with this software. Some 3 years work potentially lost.
    Please don't suggest I upgrade my software. This problem occurs in all versions of Garageband and OSX. I was thinking of buying a new MacPro but so far I could not risk it with this problem unresolved.
    When I try to open a file, which up to recently functioned perfectly, I get a message "Audio File Not Found...Skip or Search". Regardless of which option I chose, a file opens but with no audio content.
    Below are extracts from some of the solutions I've come accross on Forums.None have worked for me, despite some promising suggestions.
    For instance I don't have "Working Copies" file on my computer.
    Any comments from Apple would be appreciated.
    Extracts from some previous Contributions
    1. Quit GarageBand.
    2. Goto /Users/<your username>/Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Working Copies
    3. Delete the Guitar Lesson 2_Chords - G, C
    4. Start GarageBand up and enjoy Lesson 2.
    If i had to guess i would say it looks like there is a cache created when you start a lesson and it must be easily corrupted.
    It may have happened to me by having a download interrupted and I tried to run the Lesson anyway. Or perhaps trying to run the lesson mid download, i believe i may have tried that too in my impatience waiting for the Lesson. Either of those scenarios i could envision creating a corrupt "working copy."
    You went to the Library file path that is in your user folder. You must go to Macintosh HD and go to the main Library folder and follow the path Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Garageband/Learn to Play. Then you can delete the lessons you don't want.
    MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
    Christoph Drösser
    Re: garageband saying "audio file not found"
    Apr 29, 2012 11:59 PM (in response to cole91)
    Hm. Saving the project might have actually killed your recording. The only way to get back to your audio clips is: locate your project in the finder, ctrl-click it, select "Show Package Content", and look into the Media folder. If the folder is empty, I'm afraid the recordings are gone for good.

    there is something completely wrong. You should see the following options:
    Does your song project show with the Guitar icon and the filename extension "band"?
    And does it say "Kind: GarageBand project", when you select the package in the Finder? 

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    1.In garageband: share to iTunes and than pick the file up via iMovie
    2. In iMovie, click the itunes icon you will not only see the iTunes library but also your Garageband files.
    If you click on a GB-file to play it will tell you wether it has already been shared or if you want to share it, if that's done you can use the file for your film

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    DVDs are in a socalled delivery format (mpeg2), which isn't meant and made for any processing as editing...
    for using the iLife apps, you have to convert'em first, in recommended order, choose one of the following tools/workarounds:
    * DVDxDV (free trial, 25$, Pro: 90$)
    * Apple mpeg2 plugin (19$) + Streamclip (free)
    * Cinematize >60$
    * Mpeg2Works >25$ + Apple plug-in
    * Toast 6/7/8 allows converting to dv/insert dvd, hit apple-k
    * connect a miniDV Camcorder with analogue input to a DVD-player and transfer disk to tape/use as converter
    none of these apps override copyprotection mechanisms as on commercial dvds...

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