Am I allowed to install Lightroom on multiple PCs?

I purchased the student's edition of Lightroom 4 for my (Win7) computer at home. I'm working often at the university and now I would like to know whether I am allowed or not to install Lightroom on my (Win7) notebook with the same license key as on the desktop?
If it's legal, I would wonder, if there are differences in the licenses for Windows and Mac OS, because I'm thinking about buying a Mac notebook.
Thanks in advance and best regards.

Technically LR can be loaded onto both a Windows and Mac system using the same serial number, since it does not require activation. The primary stipulation is that you cannot use the program simultaneously on two systems.
Sec 2.1.3 Portable or Home Computer Use. Subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 2.1.4, the primary user of the Computer on which the Software is installed under Section 2.1 ("Primary User") may install a second copy of the Software for his or her exclusive use on either a portable Computer or a Computer located at his or her home, provided that the Software on the portable or home Computer is not used at the same time as the Software on the primary Computer.
I'm not an attorney, but I see no restrictions anywhere in the LR4 specific EULA that apply to your usage.

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    Your Lightroom License Key/ or Subscription to Creative Cloud can be installed on two computers Mac and or PC with to provision that only one is in use at any point in time.
    If you have the License Key you just download and install then use the key to activate. The Subscription model has to be downloaded via the Adobe Creative Cloud Application Manager.

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    Try installing 2.7 from here: Adobe - Lightroom : For Macintosh   Historically, installing a download has often worked better than installing from CD.

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    I hope you'll understand my problem.
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    Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {5C21D397-1DA5-3749-8C1F-165F21DE9E3E}. HRESULT: 0x80070002. assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, function: Commit, assembly name: Microsoft.VC90.MFCLOC,version="9.0.21022.8",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",processorAr chitecture="amd64",type="win32"
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    Thank You! -fehnse

    Thanks for your reply.
    I have found  ADOBE support lacking, to say the least.  They had me run a program which invalidated my Vista License, and then had the nerve to tell me to contact Microsoft to fix that problem.  And THEN they had the nerve to tell me that LR3 wouldn't install because my Vista license was no longer valid.  They could not seem to comprehend that my first attempt to install LR3 was BEFORE they had me run the program which invalidated my Vista license. 
    I corrected my license problem by going through the online validation process with MS.  The final straw was the last tech who seemed to be questioning my honesty.  He was skeptical that I had not validated Vista, and wanted to get remote access to my computer.  That takes some nerve, doesn't it?  I didn't allow him access but he took my telephone number to have a "Senior," tech call me.  I doubt I will get that call, based on the comments of other Adobe customers.
    I am shocked at this kind of service from Adobe.  I am comparing to HP, which has been surprisingly helpful with my laptop that has been out of warranty for two years.
    Anytime someone tells me that I have to re-load my OS, I know I'm talking to the wrong person.  Reloading the OS and all the programs is always the easiest resolution for the person giving the advice.  It may work, but it's not always necessary.  After having done that a couple of times, I decided to buy another laptop hard drive and clone my internal drive to it every couple of weeks.  If my drive goes bad, or I need to reload every thing, I just swap the drives, and restore files which have been updated since the last cloning. 
    I found some instructions on Intuit's Turbotax website which I will try when I return home from the weekend, if I haven't heard from Adobe.
    I wish that I could paste the link; just google "error 1935 turbotax" and it's usually at the top.
    I'll attach a screen print so you can see what it should look like.

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    Gary Self

    I'm sorry to beat this to death but I'm having a hard time reconciling semantics I guess. That or I'm not being clear. I read the FAQ you reference. I understand it says LR is unlike other CC apps in that it "must be installed to your local drive." Okay, so is not your "local drive" that which is running the system? If so, it seems to me that I should be able to switch to the second partition with the alternate OS (Mavericks) and install a second iteration of LR as per the subscription's allowance. Am I mistaken about this? It's not like I've installed LR on separate drive and tried running it from a different system drive which is what I take the FAQ to be telling me. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.
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    Yes, your license key is cross platform PC & or Mac you are allowed to have two current installations with one in use at any point in time. You can uninstall / install as many times as is necessary so long as you adhere to the limits.

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    That is because the photos you are looking at are still being managed under the old process version. If you look under the histogram in the develop module you will see a little lightning bolt. If you click on that you can change the 2012 process version. Then you will have the new adjustments.  Be aware that sometimes switching process versions produces unwanted results. So that is why Lightroom is designed to allow you to update the process version on an individual image basis.

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    Copytobbe then please remove all installed Adobe Creative software and run the CC Cleaner Tool to ensure complete removal.  You can find details on the use of the CC Cleaner Tool at Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 -
    If the serial number is valid but the installer is seeing it as invalid then it is likely the licensing file is damaged or is not able to be updated properly.  To help ensure other Adobe Creative applications are not affected it is best to remove all installed Adobe Creative applications.  This should also remove these damaged files and allow for a successful reinstall.  If you can please update this discussion with the results it would be appreciated Copytobbe.

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    A single Lightroom license entitles you to two installations but for your personal use. There is no activation process for Lightroom, so you can simply uninstall from a computer you are no longer using and have it installed on two computers that you use. There are things to be aware of if you are going to move all of your work to a new computer. The following link will probably be of help to you.
    How do I move Lightroom to a new computer? | The Lightroom Queen

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    Can I install lightroom on both a MacBook and a Windows with the same license??

    Yes...the license is cross platform and allows 2 licenses installed (cross platform), not to be used at the same time.

  • Unable to install lightroom 3.6 error code 2753

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    Hello Jeff, Thanks for the reply. What had occured was when I was working inside of Lightroom one of those balloon messages popped up making note of a hardware driver not working or missing, I really did not pay attention to be honest I thought it may have had something to do with the download of files off of the compact flash card. After downloading the files into lightroom I turned off the machine. Later on when I came back to work on the files the machine would not boot up into windows 7 instead a sort of chkdsk utility initiated, after it finished checking the disk I was given the option of going to a previous restore point, the first time it did not work. On the second try with a different restore point selected I was able to bring up windows. Everything was working except for the lightroom software. After running Registry Reviver and also optimizing the registry I still was unable to get lightroom to work.
    I decided to download another copy and re-install. Well the first trouble encountered was not being able to un-install the software from the control panel utility so I tried installing the software without the old software being removed, that is the first time I received the 2753 error code. I checked FAQ page and the only mention about this code was in reference to the 2.X version. I tried the procedures there anyway. Still no success with the error code 2753 still coming up. I then decided to remove the software manually from the computer (only in windows, did not go through DOS or to regedit). I again ran Registry Reviver software  and tried installing the software again with no success still.
    Finally I decided to google the error code 2753 and review what was actually happening. Part of the instructions to clear the code required me to download some software that microsoft created (msicuu2) that would force the removal of the lightroom software from my machine (it was still showing up in the control panel un-install eventhough I removed it from the program file in windows). I again ran Registry Reviver and Optimized the registry, re-booted the machine gave it another try and this time I had success.
    I am happy to report that Lightroom is working without any problems. I cannot say with any certainty what caused the problem initially for all I know it could be just a case of SH's syndrome.
    I took note in your reply about the stability issue, I will pay more attention for now to see if there is a re-occurrence of this or a similar problem and then address it at that time. I would like to mention that I did not loose any photo files or have any files corrupted due to this problem........ so I am thinking more a windows problem as you alluded to in your reply than it being a Lightroom problem.

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    I found the solution to my problem after I upgraded and it lies with the X509 Anchors.
    SOLUTION:  Go to /Library/Preferences/ (it may be a hidden file) and change it to /Library/Preferences/  This should remove the system calling to old outdated anchors and allow it to use the new security protocols under Lion's sandboxing feature.
    It worked for me and mail runs fine.

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