APO in Utilties

Hi Experts,
This is a very broad question. But still I would like to have all valuable insights.
1) Is APO ever used in Utilities Industry i.e. Gas/Water/Electricity Domain
2) If yes, then which functionality of APO is suitable?
3) Are there any practical examples of use of APO in Utilities; - to be precise in Transmission & Distribution arena?

After going through Pankaj and Ken's replies I did a bit of Google search on Utilities industry business requirements. The search results plus based on my earlier brief industry experience in Captive Cogeneration Power Plant engineering here are few points I could come up with.
For this discussion I am just considering conventional (coal or gas-based) Power Plants. These plants being capital intensive ideally need to run at their peak capacity (Plant Load Factor). So most power plants do not look at the demand but keep on generating at max PLF. In case there are multiple units (turbines ) at a power generation plant then depending on the load (customer demand) the decision would be to shut down one unit (turbine). However depending on the type of fuel that can be an inefficient operation. For example for a coal-based plant the shut-down and subsequent start-up time is farily high (measured in 8 hour shifts). On the other hand for liquid or gas fuel based plants (like oil, natural gas, naptha) the shut-down to start-up operation is quite fast (measured in half hours).
Whatever is the case demand management is important for utilities industry but not in terms of day-to-day planning for generation. It's either long-term planning (decision to shut down a unit for preventive maintenance etc.) or very short-term planning (sudden peaking of load due to another power plant trip in the grid etc.)
So really Production Planning or Demand Planning module is not a good fit.
On the other hand - apart from generation, transmission and distribution is other area. Here again as far as my knowledge goes, in developed countries there are huge inter-connected grids with control centers which act as brokers between generation (suppliers) and distribution (consumers) companies. These centres are quite specialised with power trading (matching of demand and supply) carried out in at least 15 minute intervals (if not less). Such a granular supply demand matching process depends on specialised automated optimization solutions.
While there are APO functionalities (potentially CTM) which can carry out such Demand Supply Matching, I do not think they are good anough to plan in quch a quick-changing scenario. For example if the CTM run has to be done in every 15 minutes with a different CTM profile (since master data like plants, capacities) then the results and interpretation of it will not leave much time.
But there is one area - Service Parts Planning where there can be a potential use of APO. There are a number of parts requiring servicing at specified intervals (preventive maintenance) or just inventory in case of failure both in generation (like boiler pump bearing, gaskets, piping etc.) and transmission & distribution (transformers?, wires, towers, switch gears). In these cases the business requirement would be to forecast the service parts requirement, decide on the optimal service parts inventory and its location. Service Parts Planning module of APO can definitely help in that.
Well that's my 2 cents on this issue. No doubt its an interesting and stimulating discussion and any feedback will be much appreciated.

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    Hi Manjunatha,
    RRP1 will list all the requirements: sales orders, forecast, dependent demand, putchase order release, etc.
    Same than in all the ALV reports, you can change the layout, sort, use filters in order to only see the document that you need, etc.
    Here you can an example of my system, where you have sales orders in RRP1:
    Kind Regards,

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    Dear Subhash, Thanks for your reply and i apologize as APO DP is new to me and i'm picking up things, can you please guide me to which tcode should i be going and checking this. Also reloading the planning area can you xplain a little more please
    Okay i have checked in the tcode /SAPAPO/TSCUBE and this is setup in the process chain for us which runs once a month on the opening day of the period. I hope this is what you were referring to?
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    Hi John,
    GATP in APO does not supports Free Goods.
    Edited by: rohit kumar on Feb 20, 2009 1:33 AM

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    Thanks & Regards,

    you may want to go to the transaction /SAPAPO/SNP_SFT_PROF
    Determine Forecast of Replenishment Lead Time
    In this field, you specify how the extended safety stock planning determines
    the forecast of the replenishment
    lead time (RLT). The following values are available:
    Supply Chain
    The system determines the RLT forecast using the supply chain structure by
    adding the corresponding production, transportation, goods receipt, and goods
    issue times. If there are alternative procurement options, the system always
    takes the
    option into account.
    Master Data
    The system determines the RLT forecast from the location product master
    Master Data/ Supply Chain
    First, the system determines the RLT forecast from the location product
    master data. If no RLT forecast can be determined, the system determines the
    forecast using the supply chain structure (as described under
    You can retrieve the replenishment lead time forecast yourself by using the
    method of the Business Add-In (BAdI) /SAPAPO/SNP_ADV_SFT.
    Replenishment Lead Time in Calendar Days
    Number of calendar days needed to obtain the product, including its
    components, through in-house
    production or external
    The replenishment lead time (RLT) is used in the enhanced methods of safety
    stock planning in Supply Network Planning (SNP). The goal of safety
    stock planning is to comply with the specified service level, in order
    to be prepared for unforeseen demand that may arise during the replenishment
    lead time. The longer the RLT, the higher the planned safety stock level.
    The field is taken into account by the system only if you have specified
    master data or master data/supply chain in the RLT: Determine
    Forecast field of the safety stock planning profile used.
    Hope this helps.
    The RLT from ECC is in MARC-WZEIT which is transferred to APO in structure /SAPAPO/MATIO field CHKHOR.
    May be if you maintain the setting in the profile, you may get the value in RELDT.

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    Data is right. This is the 'classic' case of missing Source of Supply
    Open the Preq in rrp2 and see if a source of supply has been assigned. See if there is a valid transport activity in the preq. Look for available Transportation lane and ensure one exists.
    If the problem is with incorrect Master Data, correct the data, delete the original preqs manually and rerun heuristics.
    Let us know how you progress.

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    I hope someone can help me out. Points will be rewarded if we are helped, because we are dealing with a show stopper here!
    Best regards,
    Simone Schuitemaker

    Hi Simone,
    I am posting this replay just for other people:
    In this case the transfer was failing because of two active implementations of BAdI  CRM_MKTPL_APO_INT. There should be at most one active implementation for any BAdI.
    Best regards,

  • How to activate the ATP buckets in APO?

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    ATP Buckets (Active)
    ATP Buckets (Planned)
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    To activate the buckets one need to check the box 'Current' in the options under ATP Buckets (Active). Also, as referred earlier by Dipthi do look up the documentation under:
    SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) -> Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) -> Settings for Global ATP -> General Settings for Global ATP ->Definition of Buckets for ATP Time Series ->Activation of Bucket Parameters for ATP Time Series.
    The details are as beneath:
    If you change bucket parameters (see Definition of Buckets for ATP Time Series), these must be activated subsequently for the ATP time series.
    The system activates the bucket parameters in the following situations:
    Since activation in each of the situations described below leads to downtime, you should change bucket parameters less frequently than other Customizing settings.
    ·        Creating the active planning version for a client using transaction /SAPAPO/MVM
    If you set up a system again, you should process the bucket parameters before you create the active planning version. The bucket parameters are thus activated automatically.
    ·        Initializing SAP liveCache for all clients using transaction LC10
    In the case of an upgrade, you should process the bucket parameters before activating SAP liveCache. The bucket parameters are then activated automatically.
    ·        Executing the report /SAPAPO/OM_ATP_REBUILD_TS
    The system only rebuilds the ATP time series here.
    In this case, the SAP liveCache administrator must execute the following steps:
                                a.      Shut down SAP liveCache.
                                b.      Replace the com-file registration:
                                                      i.       At command line level, go to the SAP subdirectory of the SAP liveCache installation.
                                                    ii.       Under Microsoft Windows, save the original registration files SAPAPO.lst and SAPATP.lst (UNIX: libSAPAPO.lst and libSAPATP.lst), for example, by renaming or copying to another directory.
                                                   iii.       Under Microsoft Windows, rename the registration file SAPAPO_REBUILD.lst as SAPAPO.lst (UNIX: libSAPAPO_REBUILD.lstas libSAPAPO.lst) or copy it to another directory.
                                                   iv.       Under Microsoft Windows, rename the registration file SAPATP_REBUILD.lst as SAPATP.lst (UNIX: libSAPATP_REBUILD.lstas libSAPATP.lst) or copy it to another directory.
                                c.      Launch SAP liveCache.
                                d.      Execute the report /SAPAPO/OM_ATP_REBUILD_TS.
                                e.      Shut down SAP liveCache.
                                  f.      Replace the com-file registration by replacing the registration files SAPAPO.lst and SAPATP.lst (UNIX: libSAPAPO.lst and libSAPATP.lst) with the original versions under Microsoft Windows.
                                g.      Launch SAP liveCache.

  • APO Product Master: New Freely Defined Attribute

    Dear Experts,
    We know than in the spro, you can defined up to 5 free attributes for the product Location master than appear in the Tab EXTRA.
    We would like to create a new one, I mean, a 6th one. The issue is that, even we are able to create it in the spro, we do not see it in the Product Master and therefore, we are not able to maintain it.
    Does anybody have the same issue? Wich kind of posibilities do we have?
    Thanks a lot for your help,

    I concur with the previous reply.
    This is not possible.
    I have used all the 5 additional Fields in the past in DP Macros to store & use values on product-locations that are not available in Standard APO Product screen.  But the Limit is 5 and this can be seen in /sapapo/matkey table and /sapapo/matloc tables as well (via Trnx. SE11).
    However In addition, you can create 'Z' Tables in ABAP.  Alternatively you can save Additional masterdata in your own customer created TimeSeries Planning Area of which the Characteristics will be Product and Location only to save anything additional you need in TS Planning areas.  Alternatively a BI InfoCube can be created with same characteristics. The Userexit can then Grab data from this InfoCube or Z Table to do whatever you want.
    Typically it is common that Demand Planning MACROS use it in their Code Logic.  Remember, none of the additional attributes are used in the Standard Planning Algorithms / Logic of SNP, PPDS, DP or TPVS.  You have to write Custom Logic which is possible via Demand Planning Macros in Planning Books created on that Planning area.
    So the Best Option for Additional Fields is a TimeSeries Planning area which DP Macros can be built to use. Of course the Standard 5 can be in Product Master (/sapapo/mat1) and then additional to whatever number you want can be in the TimeSeries Planning area.
    Hope you find this usefull.  Reward points if you do.
    Ambrish Mathur

  • Master recipes operations not getting transfered in SNP PDS to APO from R3

    Hello APO Gurus,
    I am trying to transfer SNP PDS for master receipes from R3 to APO.
    Issue description::
    The operation is not getting transfered correctly , some system default operation "010 generated Operation (from Planned Delive)" is getting generated in APO, also activity and resource capacity is not getting transfered. This situation exist for one plant 1000, for other plant 1100 the SNP PDS created correctly.
    i have following points:
    1. Is there some customizing setting missing on R3 or APO side  for plant 1000 tbefore SNP PDS transfer
    2. What need to be checked on master recipes data in R3,
    i have checked on below points
    1. FG Materials and all the Component Material to be in APO in a Active Integration Model.
    2. BOM & Routing and Production Version setup correctly.
    3. The Routing Operations have to Relevant to 'SCHEDULING'.
    4. Try deleting the existing Integration model for materials & re-create new IM & activate.
    Please help me to send SNP PDS correctly to APO to take heuristic run.
    Edited by: Gajendra_APO on Aug 23, 2011 1:14 PM

    It is good that you have given your already checked points.
    Please check the following things also and try to retransfer the PDS.
    1. Check your resource in ECC, whether you have maintained the Process formula.
    2. Check you have maintained some values in Master Recipe for processing time
    3. Check whether the resource has been transferred for your plant 1000 to APO and an active IM exists.
    4. Also check the type of the resource transferred to APO. It should be a single-mixed/ multi-mixed or bucket resource.
    Hope this will help you to solve the issue.
    Manimaran M.

  • Stock transfer PRs are not getting created in APO

    I have a plant-to-plant transfer is configured using special procurement type. When APO creates stock.PRs , it does not provide any numbers to PRs and they are not getting trasnfered to R3. CIF model for PIR & POs are running good.
    In CIF post processing these PRs as stuck and  I see " Vendor master data does not exist for plant A" . There is vendor master data created for plant A in R3 and material info record also exists.
    How to de-bug this post processing queue to see what is missing in vendor master data?

    Can you explain in detail your scenario..you say plant A so I suppose there is plant named B in your scenario. which one is the source location and which one destination location?
    In Stock transfer from plant to plant scenario, key is to have correct settings for the system to do source determination.
    Assuming plant A as destination and plant B as source. First, The material should be maintained at both the plants.
    You need to have a purchasing info record(ME11) linking your material and the source plant B.
    I assume you are using external procurement type in your material master. Special procurement type 40 (stock transfer)should be maintained in material master.
    Then the system creates a STReq and PurReq using the source plant B. For the system to do this source determination should happen. To verify that..you can check the following...
    When you transfer the purchasing info record, system automatically generates the external procurement relationships with  source location as plant B, destination location as plant A and info record reference.
    When you transfer material master data, the system auto'lly generates transportation lanes between plant A and plant B. (keep in mind transportation lanes should be manually created here)
    So in essence you have to check if all the above things are done by the system.
    Hope Im clear in this
    Mohan V R Chunchu

  • Order category BF not getting deleted in APO

    Hi Experts,
    I have a situation where the material is already deleted in ECC (hence no longer existing), but the product is existing in APO and we need to delete this in APO. To do this, we need to delete the dependent orders for that product/location first and then other dependencies.
    There are few orders for the prod/loc as confirmed purchase orders (ord cat BF). These orders are now PP/DS orders with status as PP firmed, output firmed and date fixed.
    I have tried the two programs- /sapapo/rlcdelete and /sapapo/delete_pp_order, but system is not picking up the orders to delete.
    The system shows as message as " No deletion of converted orders in active version"
    As I said earlier, the product is no longer existing in ECC, hence I can not delete the orders from there.
    Is there any other way to achieve this? Is there any BADI to do this in APO?

    You can use /SAPAPO/DELETE_PP_ORDER report for deleting these orders.
    Execute the this report, mention all the products for which you want to delete the order and execute it. It might give the message as orders will not get deleted as inactive in APO.
    Go back please enter as DEL_EXECU, in the place where we use to enter the T-codes and enter and than again execute the report. It will delete the orders.
    You can also try /SAPAPO/SDORDER_DEL report.

  • Purchase Requisition not getting generated in APO

    I am facing an issue in APO. Once I confirm a sales order, I have to run the Product Heuristic in APO to generate the purchase requisition through rrp3. The problem is the purchase requisition is getting generated without the PR number. The line does not show the number and also the purchase req is not reflecting in ECC. Please refer the screenshot. Kindly help me with this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Raja S

    Hi Guys,
    Sorry for the delayed response. Now got another issue. My CIF model for a Sales Order is not getting activated. I also cleared the queue in APO through /sapapo/cq and then start running the CIF. But it runs for a long period.
    What could be the other possible issues with CIF model activation?
    I am getting a message box like the below when try to activate the CIF. I keep ignoring the message and trying to run the CIF. But still I am unable to resolve. Kindly help
    After resolving this only, I can go for the above mentioned issue. I sincerely thank all your support.
    Raja S

  • Safety stock data update in APO product master

    Hi Gurus
    I have an active IM for a product . when i change the safety stock in R/3  , the same is not getting updated in APO. The method maintianed is SB
    Please suggest

    Finally i need to apply the below code in Exit EXIT_SAPLCMAT_001
    if no saftystock-method is explicitly set
    use method 'SM' if safty stock & time is transfered
    use method 'SB' if only safty stock is transfered
    use method 'SZ' if only safty time is transfered
    *APO und R/3: Safety stock
    *APO: Safety days' supply R/3: Safety time/act.cov.
    *Maximum of stock und safety time
    *Safety Stock
    *Safety days' supply
    Thanks all for the input

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