Apple logo stays on

Macbook air. at startup the apple logo wont go away. I am trying to start up disk utility, but I dont know what key to press to start it

put it in recovery mode and recover it, then restore.

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    Hi magostin,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    In situations where your iPod nano is not recognized in iTunes, I would suggest the troubleshooting steps in the attached article. Please use the troubleshooting for Windows or Mac in the article depending on what type of computer you are connecting to. 
    iPod not appearing in iTunes - Apple Support

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    P.S. I bought it refurbished and its an 8gb.. 2nd generation I think
    Message was edited by: Brianna1988

    put it in recovery mode and recover it, then restore.

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    Please help and answer ASAP because I want this to WORK PERFECTLY !!!
    Thank you,

    Notwithstanding Barry's point; try working through this article.

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    - Connect the iPod to your computer and try to make a backup
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    - Next reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    and try making a backup again. If you can't then there is no way of getting the info off the iPod unless data recovery company can do it. Not cheap.
    - If photos are in an existing iPod backup (iTune>Preferences>Devices  for iTunes backup or an iCloud backu) then restore from that backup. See the restore topic of:
    iOS: How to back up
    - If you used PhotoStream then try getting them from your PhotoStream. See that topic of:
    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer

  • Ipad wont switch on and apple logo stays on screen

    Tried holding down buttons but still not working?

    If it has NEVER been jailbroke, here are some standard repair procedures:
    First, I want to ensure that you did the system reset correctly.  Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  It could take well over an hour!  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow the on-screen directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    At the end of the basic Restore, you will be asked if you wish to sync the iPad/iPod.  As before, say "yes."  Note that that sync selection will disappear and the Restore will end if you do not respond within a reasonable time.  If that happens, only the apps that are part of the IOS will appear on your device.  Corrective action is simple -  choose manual "Sync" from the bottom right of iTunes.
    If you're unable to do the Restore (or it doesn't help), go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.  You WILL lose all of your data (game scores, etc,) but, for the most part, you can redownload apps and music without being charged again.  Also, read this.

  • I reset my ipod and he dont want restart  the apple logo stay and sometime with flash appear

    Please help me

    Jailbreaking can have unintended consquences.  Jailbreaking can't be discussed in this forum since it vialate the lience agreement.

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    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not a good sign. See Apple's topic on that here:
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    If not successful, look at this long-running previous discusion
    Camera shutter issue: Apple Support Communities

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    Since your phone is hacked, we can not help you here. You will need to use the forums at the Cydia site for assistance.

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    Did you reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time until the Apple Logo appears on the screen?

  • Endless restarting and flashing on Apple logo loop

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    I checked the battery and power cable and sensor, both of them are working well.
    please help me, how should I do? what`s the problem?

    As I posted to another similar question, I got this problem fixed followingly (is that a word?):
    For those like myself who don't backup your device regularly and fear you may lose data, there is hope. My 4S started looping the apple logo at start up and wouldn't go anywhere from there, the screen went black and then the apple logo would appear again over and over... Browsing around I found that recovery mode and resetting the phone was suggested, some suggested downloading software to fix the issue but I found that rather dodgy so I decided to try something else.
    Now I must remind you that opening your phone will void your warranty or such if still applicable, my phone's maybe four three years old and I've replaced the screen myself so I figured I'd try something to shock the phone back into life somehow (think the last popup reminder said I hadn't backed up in 29 weeks so meh).
    What I did was opened up the back cover and removed the battery, plugged it back into the charger (other end in my mac) but the loop would still occur. I plugged and unplugged a few times, unplugging right after the apple appeared, hoping for this to "confuse" the phone which was so stubbornly stuck in "recovery mode" (from what I've understood through other threads). Notice that the phone did appear to turn on without the battery connected, but plugged into a power source (not sure if that should happen since after dead battery you need to charge a while until the phone wakes up), just something mildly interesting I picked up on.
    This did not appear to have any effect tho, but I decided to pop the battery back in its place (I did leave out the little black plate that goes between the battery connector and the motherboard, covering the antenna cables connecting point, not sure if that had any effect or how it would effect fully working phones (I only use this phone as an "ipod" since the sim reader has been dead for some time, but I still use the camera and music)). Pressed the power button and noticed the apple logo stayed for longer than before (became hopeful!) and eventually made way for my home-screen!
    That's how I got it working, don't know if you can do a similar thing with other models. And sorry for rambling on like that, that's just how I express myself and I can't afford to hire an editor to work my internet posts. But I can leave a TL;DR version.
    TL;DR Iphone 4s stuck on logo loop? disconnect battery and do magic.

  • IPhone keeps flickering apple logo and won't turn on, any suggestions?

    So I have a 4s 16 GB with the latest version of iOS 7 and just randomly as I was texting my friend my iPhone crashed. When I try to turn it on the apple logo stays flickering. I tried to enter in recovery mode and restore my iPhone but each time before the restore starts loading on the iPhone i get an error message 9. I have the latest version of iTunes and as well as the latest version of OS X on my macbook. I do not have any warranty on my phone which is why I haven't bothered calling apple. Any suggestions? I'd greatly aprreciate it.

    Howdy therye9,
    It sounds like you are at this point unable to restore your phone due to error code 9. According to the following article, there maybe some security software interfering with communication to the update server so thats where I would start:
    Resolve iOS update and restore errors
    Check your security software
    Related errors: 2, 4, 6, 9, 1000, 1611, 9006. Sometimes security software can prevent your device from communicating with either the Apple update server or with your device.
    Check your security software and settings to make sure that they aren't preventing a connection to the Apple servers.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • Iphone 4 will not boot up, the apple logo does not go away

    The phone will not boot up, the apple logo stays on and does not finish booting.  All I did was delete an app, I went to reboot the phone becasue it was running slow and now it wont boot up at all.  I've tried the hard reset and nothing

    And then if that fails try this:
    What is DFU: Device Firmware Upgrade
    Step 1: Turn off your iPod touch / iPhone completely and connect to PC / mac
    Step 2: Hold down the Power button for 3 seconds
    Step 3: Without releasing the power button, also hold the Home button for 10 seconds
    Step 4: Without releasing the home button, release the power button and keep holding the Home button  for 20 seconds.
    Itunes will identify that you are in DFU mode.

  • 2011 21.5" iMac not booting past Apple logo

    A friend of mine has had a 21.5" iMac since last fall. It's a 2011 model, which came with Snow Leopard preinstalled; however, as he was eligible for the free upgrade to Lion, I took care of that from him (basically, he's been running 10.7 since day one). It's been working well ever since, and I successfully managed to install Mountain Lion on the machine just a few weeks ago.
    Just a few hours ago, Mail started acting up on his machine and I tried to help him. The symptoms, if they're at all relevant, were that a new message composition window wouldn't close if he clicked the "close window" button, and the send button was greyed out. I recommended a restart.
    Here's where things got really interesting. The computer froze on the Apple logo. That is to say, initially, after the startup chime, the Apple logo showed up with a spinner; after three or four minutes (already abnormally long), the spinner vanished, but the Apple logo stayed. We left it like that for about a half hour, to no effect. I restarted a few times using the I/O button on the back of the machine, trying to eject any CDs using the "click on restart" trick, holding down the shift key to get into safe mode (with limited success: a loading bar appeared, then nothing happened for 20 minutes, at which point I restarted again) and to zap the PRAM, to no effect. I can't hear the hard drive's head clicking back and forth, as it usually does in my iMac, and tried booting from the recovery CD. Strangely enough, the CD drive spins up, then back down almost immediately, and we're back to square one, with an Apple logo in the middle of the screen.
    At this point I'm completely puzzled; I've browed fora and message boards, and so far, nothing I've tried seems to work. My friend is reluctant to go to the Apple store, as he thinks that he'll lose all of his data that way (even though he's got a backup disk set up, with backups from just before the restart, going back about a month). Fact is, I'm not sure that there is a solution at this point, beyond taking the machine, which is still under warranty, to an Apple store.
    What would be a good course of action at this point?

    I tried starting up in safe mode. The loading bar showed up, filled up, and disappeared, and then, nothing. Just the Apple logo, for at least 20 minutes (I later restarted and tried zapping the PRAM, also without success).

  • My iphone 3g stays on the apple logo for about 4 minutes then flashes white and goes back to the apple screen, it repeats untill battery is flat,  every now and then im lucky enough to get it to turn on but not very often and then it freezes and repeats??

    hello my name is kirstie, i updated to firmware 4.2.1 iphone 3g stays on the apple logo for about 4 minutes then flashes white and goes back to the apple screen, it repeats untill battery is flat,  every now and then im lucky enough to get it to turn on but not very often and then it freezes and repeats the same problem?? (if i turn the phone off my pressing the two buttons it wont keep rebooting, its only when i leave it after turning it on)
    I have reset the phone, full firmware restore, even downgraded back from firmware 4.2.1 to .3.1.3 official by using dfu mode and still doesnt fix.
    (i correctly got out of dfu mode after the downgrade)
    i can enter dfu mode and recovery, and update through itunes with no problem, but it doesnt fix the problem,
    i have searched and found no answer to this problem, every option availible to try that i know of i have tried and failed. i dont care about preserving my content i just want a fix. i have a good understanding how to operate software on a computer and shouldnt be too confused by any advice given, so plz even if the answer is very complex i wish to try anything, please help me to get my iphone working.

    Anyone have any suggestions? or is everyone else just as clueless as me !

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