Apple TV 2G won't update software

My Apple TV is telling me the "software is up to date". But it's not?! It's still on 4.1 and I want 4.2.1. Why won't it update?

danhigson wrote:
Yup all on same network, home sharing etc. Computer syncing wellbwith apple tv, iPhone remote app working with computer but No airplay icon to be seen ... anywhere?! Ah well. I suppose I can live without it!
again you mention the remote app, but the remote app has nothing to do with AirPlay.
as i said, you are looking for the airplay icon in the correct places? (ie NOT in the remote app).

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    In addition to Stedman's spot-on reply --
    When you buy an upgrade disk, all updates in that OS can be found on Software Update.
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    Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard installation system requirements
    Leopard is no longer available at the Apple Store but may be available by calling Apple Phone Sales @ 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753).
    If you can't obtain a retail install DVD from Apple, look on eBay or Google the installer part numbers to possibly find at an on-line store. Here's what to look for:
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    MB576Z/A  Leopard 10.5.4 install DVD
    MB021Z/A  Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (single user)
    MB022Z/A  Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (5-user family pack)
    Installing Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Installation and Setup Guide
    After you install the base 10.5, download & install the 10.5.8 combo update at
    The DVD should look like this
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     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi BrianRowe, 
    Welcome to the Sony Community! 
    Please perform the steps below to troubleshoot your issue: 
    Kindly check the software version of the player, the latest version is M24.R.0214. To check the version, please perform the following steps: 
    Press Home Button on your remote, then go to Setup
    Select System Settings, then choose [System Information]
    If the player is outdated compared to the version above, please download the update on our website and manually install the latest software. Kindly follow the steps below to install it manually 
    Press Home Button on the remote, then go to Setup
    Select Software Update, then choose [Update via USB Memory]. 
    Make sure that the Software Update Folder is correctly named as “UPDATE” and all the update files must be stored in this folder
    Please this link before you proceed with the update. 
    If the issue is still unresolved or if the player is updated, Please reset your unit back to default. Kindly check the steps below: 
    Press Home button on the remote, then go to Setup
    Select Resetting, then choose Initialize Personal Information. 
    Repeat Step 1 and 2 then select [Reset to Factory Default Settings]. 
    If my post answers your question, please click the button below  "Accept as Solution"

  • Apps say they belong to another Apple ID and won't update

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    I realise (or at least I assume) that having bought them pre App Store they will update outside of the App Store. I'm reluctand to delete them as I cannot see any way to download them again outside the App Store.
    Any help gratefully received.

    I completely stuffed up my question here. I have the iWork apps issue resolved. I should have been asking about GarageBand, iPhoto and iMovie as I did on my next attempt at posting a question. Sorry
    Proper question:                                                                            Changing the Apple ID associated with an app...                    

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