Applescript for integration of reminders and events?

Ive been looking high and low for a script that would automatically create an event for every new reminder. Lets say I add "purchase a mac" with a due date on nov 13 5pm, an event would be created "purchase a mac" on the corresponding calendar at 5pm on that date!
Anyone who knows of/can create and share such a solution?

I very thankful for all your help but I ahve yet another question which is driving me crazy! (And you seem to know this like back of your hand)
Another script im working on:
tell application "Reminders"
          repeat with i from 1 to (count of every reminder of list "x")
                    set theReminder to (the first reminder of list "x" whose completed = false)
                    set reminderName to the name of theReminder
                    if due date of theReminder exists then delete theReminder
          end repeat
end tell
tell application "Calendar"
          repeat with c in calendar "x"
                    set theEvents to (every event of c)
                    repeat with current_event in theEvents
                              set myTitle to summary of current_event
                              set myDate to start date of current_event
                              set myNote to description of current_event
                              tell application "Reminders"
                                        tell list "x"
                                                  if myNote is missing value then
  make new reminder at the end of reminders with properties {name:myTitle, due date:myDate}
  make new reminder at the end of reminders with properties {name:myTitle, due date:myDate, body:myNote}
                                                  end if
                                        end tell
                              end tell
                    end repeat
          end repeat
end tell
This script works just the way I want it to! Problem is, when I change the target calendar&reminder from "x" to "y" (just another set of calendar/reminder list) IT DOESNT WORK!! How can it work perfectly for on set of calendar/reminder lists but fail in others using the exact same script!? (Besides from the specified target lists, that is)
WHY?? Can you point me in the right direction?

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    try with the following ..i have collected this from previous thread..
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    Do it  through your IT 2002. Mark him as leave for those days. Cancelling through TEM will cancel attendence for whole program

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    Have you followed the following document to implement HR ?

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    If you use man softwareupdate to look at the command line options for softwareupdate you'll find:
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    I think Hold documents function will very much suits to your rqquirement.Any way Hold documents will not have any impact in the financial transactions and will not even post in GL accounts.
    when ever u feel that the dodument is completley correct u can post the hold documents.

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    First configure the same via the following menu path:
    1.) IMG>Financial accounting>Financial accounting global settings>Taxes on sales/purchases>Basic settings>External tax calculation>Define physical destination
    2.) Then test connection (option is available there).
    3.) If the connection is successful, also verify that the external tax package installed supports the R/3 4.6 version of the API. You do that by going to:
    System Information>Function List
    Check if the following functions are listed:
    4.) Then test the tax data retrieval:
    From SE37, select the relevant function modules like RFC_DETERMINE_JURISDICTION.
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    Hello Jack,
    Currently, you can only import an swf file or you can embed videos from youtube, vimeo etc. into Muse / add HTML5 Video to Your Website.
    Take a look at these simple videos that explain the currently available processes for adding videos in Muse, in a step by step method:
    1. kr-or-hulu-video/
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi ,
    I am having foloowing issue :
    I am able to book an employee for a period during which absence already created in system for the employee. I have checked all the settings at course type level in Course Type info infotype " Allowed in time off " is disabled.
    PLOGI TIME switch is active.
    Why its happening ?
    Thanks and best Regards

    Well Puneet,
    To just review all the steps, the followingsettings are required for integration iwth Time management - only sample settings are shown below
    PLOGI     TIME     1     Integration switch: Training and Event Mgmt/ Time
    SEMIN     AINST     0100     Attendance type for instructor in T554S
    SEMIN     APART     0101     Attendance Type for Attendance in T554S
    SEMIN     TIMEP     100     Minimum percentage attendance
    B     Event attendance     8     0800
    B     Event attendance     8     0900
    B     Event attendance     8     0901
    If we do all this, I have verified, that even if employee has one day absence during a course for more than 1 day, system does not allow me to book a training course when an absence already exists.
    If you are certain that the settings are all correct, then it looks as if there might be some kind of product bug in your system and it may be  required to raise an OSS message for the same. I cannot think of anything else that needs to be set up for this.

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    Best regards, Huy!

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    try with the following ..i have collected this from previous thread..
    PLOGI-TIME = '1'
    SEMIN-APART = 0420
    Created Attendance Type, Quota, Deduction rules etc.
    Configured a Business Event Type, Business Event and Booked a person against the same. I firmly booked the event and did the followup.
    PLOGI PLOGI entry for the integration of Training and Event Management Entry variant
    SEMIN-TIMEP entry to specify the minimum percentage attendance for the business event to create an attendance.
    1001 relationships and the A025 relation between the E and the P has a percentage (PROZT) of 0%. Could it be the reason? If yes, how can I change this value to 100%
    created entires in T779X and it worked

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