Applying a graphics style to object in extendscript

I've looked around but can't find anything on this although I'm sure its pretty straightforward.
How do I apply a graphic style (pre defined in the GRAPHIC STYLES palette as 'Line 1) to an object, say rectangle, called 'rectangle1' using extendscript.
Can't work this out. (In illustrator CS5 bye the way)

here's a sample, graphic style "add" applied to Selection
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var sel = idoc.selection[0];
var addStyle = idoc.graphicStyles['add'];
addStyle.applyTo (sel);

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    There are really two types of Graphic Styles - Object level styles and Group level styles. There is no way to tell which style is which. So if you have an Object level Style and try to apply it to a group of objects or often a compound shape, you get each individual object having the style. If you have a Group level style and try to apply it to only an object, you often get nothing applied.
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    What happens if you try it?
    I think this is your answer: under Document properties, I find
    The graphic styles defined in this document.
    (my emphasis)

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    Jennifer I am using CS 4 and if I apply a graphic style the text after I do an envelope distort with warp it applies fine if I then select a new graphic style for the text it is now the new graphic style.
    <br />
    <br />I think it should work this way in Illustrator CS2 and CS 3!
    <br />
    <br />I would try to trash the preferences or perhaps you could go step by step for us on how you are doing this!
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />

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    Try this:
    Copy an item that has the Graphic Style to the clipboard before starting the action. Then put a paste step followed by a delete step at the start of the action.
    Hope that helps.
    Mike D.

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    I'm going to take a guess here - if you create a brand new document and do not paste anything into it, but create a path, apply a Graphic Style, then copy and paste that path, you do not see this problem right?
    If that is correct, then my guess is that you frequently work with files where some of the content was created in a much older version of Illustrator and you should refer to this knowledge base article to see if it can help:

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    That could help - but it seems that it would kill your CS5 specific stuff if you opened the file up in an earlier version?
    Is that not true? Would I lose any other data?
    I tried bcl5462's comment below but the import into cs4 failed completely (I get a "PDF Objects that have been Reinterpreted error" and none of my original document remains), and I'm not sure if it even deals with graphic styles (from )
    Open the file with Illustrator CS5 (trial)
    From Window > Actions, "Delete Unused Panel Items"
    Also - try clicking on the brushes panel and selecting all unused brushes - delete.
    Select all unused swatches and delete.
    Save the file.
    Open the file with an older version of Illustrator (e.g. Illustrator CS3)
    This will inform you the file was saved in a newer version of Illustrator and the file will be imported.
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    Save the cleaned file.

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    Maybe its something you just didn't notice when making the update, so I thought I would let you know.

    You could make the arrowhead  into a Scatter/Pattern Brush, in the following way:
    1) Create the arrowhead,
    2) In the Brushes palette/panel flyout tick New Brush,
    3a1) Tick Scatter Brush,
    3a2) Set the Spacing (as the total length of arrowhead and gap relative to the length of the arrowhead, 200% for gap = length).
    3b1) Tick Pattern Brush,
    3b2) Set the Spacing (relative to the length of the arrowhead, 100% for gap = length).
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    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Thanks for the quick reply, Wade.
    Fantastic - it worked just fine. The only thing I noticed is that the swatch doesn't retain the -45 degree angle. Is this something I have to specify in the gradient pallet each time I apply the swatch? Actually I just tested it and worked out that a graphic style contains both the gradient information and the angle.
    Thanks again for your help.
    BTW, were you able to view the image I attached? When I view my post, it has the word QUEUED after it and I can't select it. Sorry, first time I've attached an image... Actually, just worked out there's an 'insert image' button in the editor, so I'll use that from now on. Cheers.

  • Adding Graphic Styles using VBA

    Hi all
    How would I go about applying graphic styles to a path using VBA? I would imagine the following line is wrong because it doesn't work.Any help would be appreciated.
    idoc.GraphicStyles("02-S").ApplyTo (isquare2)

    You're right, it is no fun to have someone give you all the answers. Trial and error is how I learn the most, well it least to make it stick.  Believe me, I go online and try out different things before posting anything on here. Along the way, I might not find the answer I'm looking for, but I always find something out, and most of the time, it's something I needed a while back.
    Yep, I've seen that error quite a few times on numerous projects, it means that the object isn't affected by the methods or properties I'm trying to affect it with.
    However, I was able to make it work by removing the () from the object variable isquare2.
    idoc.GraphicStyles("02-S").ApplyTo isquare2
    Thanks for the challenge Carlos!

  • Graphic styles that use current fill color instead of stomping them?

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    If I make a graphic style/appearance, it stores the colors of the fill and stroke and will then stamp that down on whatever else I apply it to (obviously). e.g. if I make a graphic style of a pale yellow fill and a bright orange dropshadow screen to make a glowing neon kind of look, and then drop that style onto a bright blue star, it will make the star pale yellow.
    Is there a way to do a graphic style that _modifies_ the existing appearance instead of stomping it - e.g. dropping that graphic style on my blue star would make a pale blue fill with a bright green dropshadow screen.
    e.g. A graphic style that said "make the new fill 110% value, 85% saturation, same hue as the existing fill color, add a 25 pt dropshadow that has the color of 90% value, 110% saturation, -3 hue of the existing fill color." And then that style dropped on a yellow star and a blue star would result in a glowing neon yellow star and a glowing neon blue star.
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    Thanks, and apologies if this is a really obvious question.

    You won't get as much control as you describe (specific HSV values), but try putting a negative value in the Drop Shadow dialog's Darkness field.
    To create a Graphic Style that can apply an Effect without disturbing the existing fill/stroke of the object(s), first group the object(s), then apply the Effect (Drop Shadow, etc.) to the Group, and then drag the Group to the Graphic Styles palette.

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    This seems to be related to "Align to Pixel Grid" option. You need to make sure while creating a new object that this option is unchecked.

  • Compound paths & graphic style problem (map related)

    Hi all,
    Been banging my head against a wal with this all morning. I'm hoping one of you can help.
    I need to replace portions of a map - it' slots and lots of shapes representing buildings.The original file has shapes made of compound paths (see illustration below). That's great, because the center needs to be knocked out (there are some items underneath that occasionally show through).  I thought I'd try to create a graphic style to replicate the look as closelty as possible, but I cannot get a fill to act as a knockout - so I have the basic shape and effect that I want, but with a colored center instead of a knocked-out one. This is a problem becuase I'll be changing dozens of shapes and I don't want to have to recreate the look on each shape manually.
    Here's a pic to help clarify. The original is on the left, my attempted recreation is on the right. Help!

    First, thansk so much for the help! I'm soooo close, but I keep doing something wrong. Let me run through my steps to see if you can spot where I'm falling down:
    Draw my rotated box (I Object> Compound Path > Make converted it to a compound path becuase I assuemd I'd need that when applying a knockout. I may be wrong there).:
    Fill with white, copy the fill and fill with brown:
    Apply a Transform effect to the 2nd fill (I need the numbers to be absolute, not scale, becuase I need to apply thsi to a variety of shapes but achieve a uniform look):
    I then go to the Opacity on that second layer and check Knockout:
    But when I drop the Opacity down to 0% (with knockout checked) that entire fill layer just goes transparent:
    And if I apply the Knowckout - Opacity settings to the main opacity at teh bottom, the whole thing goes blank:
    Incidentally, here's the shape I'm trying to replicate (I know my attempt doesn't reproduce the connected lower left and upper right rounded corners):
    And here's a small chunk of the map. I'll be changing dozens of these shapes and want to apply that consistent look to them without doing each one manually.
    G'ah! It's driving me nuts! What am I doing wrong?

  • Fonts default to 50 point when applying a paragraph style

    I have run into this several times.  When updating an InDesign file from an older version (now using CS5) when I apply a paragraph style the font defaults to 50 point no matter the style settings.  Is there some way to avoid this.  Currently I'm copying and pasting the graphics into a new file and having to reset the text.  If I copy any of the old text over it causes the same problem.
    Most of our text is copied and pasted from Microsoft Word (old version and new text edits), however, the text that was already in the document and the new text both do the same thing when a style is applied.
    Win 7 Pro 64bit

    My original "body" style isn't base on any style and the other styles are based on "body" but none of them (including Basic Paragraph), have 50 as the size.
    I had it wrong in my original question, it's not 50 point size, it's 30 point with 50 point leading, bold, and Myriad Pro (which is my body font) that everything converts to no matter which style I choose.  My basic paragraph style is Times New Roman 12/14.  Body font that everything is based on is Myriad Pro, regular, 10/14.

Maybe you are looking for

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