i am getting this error please resolve is great help..
The XML page cannot be displayed
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The following tags were not closed: AR_INVOICE_PRINTING, LIST_G_AR_INVOICE_PRINTING. Error processing resource 'http://orau...
this is my code ...please resolve i am not figured out wher  the error lies...........
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <dataTemplate name="AR_INVOICE_PRINTING" dataSourceRef="test64" version="1.0"> 
- <parameters> 
<parameter name="p_org_id" datatype="number" defaultvalue="" />  
<parameter name="p_invoice_type" datatype="varchar2" defaultvalue="" />  
<parameter name="p_FROM_date" datatype="varchar2" defaultvalue="" />  
<parameter name="p_to_date" datatype="varchar2" defaultvalue="" />  
<parameter name="p_invoice_number_from" datatype="number" defaultvalue="" />  
<parameter name="p_invoice_number_to" datatype="number" defaultvalue="" />  
<parameter name="p_customer_number_from" datatype="number" defaultvalue="" />  
<parameter name="p_authorized_dealer" datatype="varchar2" defaultvalue="" />  
- <sqlStatement name="Q_OPERATING_UNIT_ADD"> 
- <![CDATA[
     /*SELECT po.profile_option_name nme , po.user_profile_option_name , pov.profile_option_value VALUE , fnd_global.resp_id , operating_unit_name , org_add.address_line_1||' '||org_add.address_line_2||' '||org_add.address_line_3||' '||loc_information14||', '||loc_information15||', '||loc_information16||', '||postal_code operating_unit_address FROM fnd_profile_options_vl po , fnd_profile_option_values pov , fnd_user usr , fnd_application app , fnd_responsibility rsp , fnd_nodes svr , hr_operating_units org , hr_organization_units_v org_add WHERE 1 = 1 AND po.profile_option_name in ('ORG_ID', 'DEFAULT_ORG_ID') AND pov.application_id = po.application_id AND pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id AND usr.user_id
= pov.level_value AND rsp.application_id
= pov.level_value_application_id AND rsp.responsibility_id
= pov.level_value AND app.application_id
= pov.level_value AND svr.node_id
= pov.level_value AND org.organization_id
= pov.level_value AND rsp.responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id AND TO_NUMBER(pov.profile_option_value) = org_add.organization_id ORDER BY nme, pov.level_id, value*/   SELECT name organization_name , organization_id , address_line_1||' '||address_line_2||' '||address_line_3||' '||loc_information15||' '||postal_code||' '||loc_information16  operating_unit_address FROM  hr_organization_units_v org_add WHERE 1 = 1 AND organization_id = :p_org_id
- <sqlStatement name="Q_MAILING_ADDRESS"> 
- <![CDATA[
     SELECT po.profile_option_name nme , po.user_profile_option_name , fnd_global.resp_id , pov.profile_option_value business_grp_id , business_group , org_add.address_line_1||' '||org_add.address_line_2||' '||org_add.address_line_3||' '||loc_information14||DECODE(loc_information14, NULL, '',', ')||loc_information15||DECODE(loc_information15, NULL, '',', ')||loc_information16||DECODE(loc_information16, NULL, '',', ')||postal_code business_grp_address FROM fnd_profile_options_vl po , fnd_profile_option_values pov , fnd_user usr , fnd_application app , fnd_responsibility rsp , fnd_nodes svr , hr_operating_units org , hr_organization_units_v org_add WHERE 1 = 1 AND po.profile_option_name = 'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID' AND pov.application_id = po.application_id AND pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id AND usr.user_id
= pov.level_value AND app.application_id
= pov.level_value AND rsp.application_id
= pov.level_value_application_id AND rsp.responsibility_id
= pov.level_value AND svr.node_id
= pov.level_value AND org.organization_id
= pov.level_value AND rsp.responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id AND TO_NUMBER(pov.profile_option_value) = org_add.organization_id ORDER BY NME, pov.level_id, business_grp_id
- <sqlStatement name="Q_AUTHORIZED_DEALER"> 
- <![CDATA[
     SELECT meaning FROM fnd_lookups WHERE 1 = 1 AND lookup_type = 'AUTHORIZED_DEALER' AND lookup_code = nvl(:p_authorized_dealer, lookup_code)
- <sqlStatement name="Q_BANK_ACCOUNT_COUNT"> 
- <![CDATA[
     SELECT COUNT(ceba.bank_account_id)ACCOUNT_COUNT FROM ce_banks_v ceb , ce_bank_branches_v cebb , ce_bank_accounts ceba WHERE 1 = 1 AND ceb.bank_party_id = cebb.bank_party_id AND ceb.bank_party_id = ceba.bank_id AND ceba.bank_branch_id = cebb.branch_party_id AND ceb.bank_party_id = :p_bank_id HAVING  COUNT(ceba.bank_account_id) > 1 GROUP BY ceb.bank_party_id
- <sqlStatement name="Q1"> 
- <![CDATA[
           SELECT inv.inv_number as main_invoice_number , inv.previous_invoice_number , inv.org_id as inv_org_id , inv.org_country , inv.organization_name , inv.legal_entity_name , inv.trx_date , inv.invoice_currency_code , inv.project_name , inv.project_number , inv.invoice_class , inv.term , inv.ie_code , inv.purchase_order , inv.customer_name , inv.location , inv.address1 , inv.address2 , inv.address3 , inv.address4 , , inv.postal_code , inv.state , , inv.bill_to_address , inv.item , inv.text , inv.unit_of_measure , inv.quantity , inv.bill_rate , inv.bill_amount , inv.SOW , inv.msa , inv.ar_balance_due , inv.payments_credits , inv.balance , inv.line_number , inv.line_num , inv.event_num FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT  ra.trx_number inv_number , ra1.trx_number previous_invoice_number , ra.org_id , org_country , organization_name , legal_entity_name , to_char(ra.trx_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') trx_date , ra.invoice_currency_code , project_name , pa.segment1 project_number , decode(nvl(pa1.draft_invoice_num_credited,    0),    0,    'INVOICE',    'CREDIT_MEMO') invoice_class , term , '0405000910/11.4.05' ie_code , agr.customer_order_number purchase_order , hp.party_name customer_name , cust_site.location , hz_loc.address1 , hz_loc.address2 , hz_loc.address3 , hz_loc.address4 , , hz_loc.postal_code , hz_loc.state , DECODE(, 'IN','India', country , hz_loc.address1||' '||hz_loc.address2||' '||hz_loc.address3||' '||hz_loc.address4||DECODE(hz_loc.address4, NULL, '',', ')||||', '||hz_loc.postal_code||', '||hz_loc.state||', '||DECODE(, 'IN','India',  bill_to_address , '' item , NVL( item.translated_text , NVL( decode (pa_line_dtl.system_linkage_m, 'Usages',  lbr_res.description) , decode ( decode( (select 1 from pa_invoice_formats where name like '%Employee%' and invoice_format_id =inv_format .invoice_format_id) , 1 , 1 , (select 2 from pa_invoice_formats where name like '%Job%' and invoice_format_id =inv_format .invoice_format_id) , 2 , 2 , 0 ) , 1 , nvl( (select full_name from per_people_f where full_name like ltrim(rtrim(substr(item.text,1,21)))||'%' and rownum = 1), item.text) , 2 , substr(item.text,1,25) , item.text ) )) text , pa_line_dtl.unit_of_measure_m unit_of_measure , decode(pa_line_dtl.unit_of_measure_m, 'Currency', null, qty.quantity)  quantity , pa_line_dtl.bill_rate bill_rate --, brate.bill_rate bill_rate , decode( pa_line_dtl.bill_rate, null, item.inv_amount , qty.quantity * pa_line_dtl.bill_rate ) bill_amount , ra.interface_header_attribute3||' '||agr.start_date SOW , agr.attribute1 msa , ar.amount_due_remaining ar_balance_due , nvl(ar.amount_applied,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.amount_credited,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_earned,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_unearned,to_number(0)) - (nvl(ar.amount_adjusted,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.receivables_charges_charged,to_number(0))) payments_credits /*, to_char(nvl(ar.amount_applied,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.amount_credited,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_earned,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_unearned,to_number(0)) - (nvl(ar.amount_adjusted,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.receivables_charges_charged,to_number(0))) , fnd_currency.get_format_mask(ra.invoice_currency_code,40)) payments_credits */ , ABS(nvl(rec.amount,0) + nvl(ar.amount_credited,0) + nvl(amount_adjusted,0) + nvl( discount_original, 0)) balance , ra_lines.line_number , item.line_num , item.event_num FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_all ra_lines , ra_customer_trx_all ra , ra_customer_trx_all ra1 , hr_organization_units_v ou_add , xle_entity_profiles leg_ent --, ra_customer_trx_lines_all ra_lines1 , ra_terms_tl trm , hz_cust_accounts hca , hz_parties hp , ar_payment_schedules_all ar , ar_cash_receipts_all rec , hz_cust_site_uses_all cust_site , hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site , hz_party_sites party_site , hz_locations hz_loc , hr_operating_units org , pa_projects_all pa , pa_draft_invoices_all pa1 , pa_draft_invoice_items item , pa_draft_inv_line_details_v pa_line_dtl , pa_agreements agr , pa_non_labor_resources lbr_res , (SELECT SUM(dtl.quantity) quantity , draft_invoice_item_line_num , project_id , draft_invoice_num FROM pa_draft_inv_line_details_v dtl GROUP BY draft_invoice_item_line_num, project_id, draft_invoice_num ) qty /*, (SELECT SUM(dtl.bill_rate) bill_rate , draft_invoice_item_line_num , project_id , draft_invoice_num FROM pa_draft_inv_line_details_v dtl GROUP BY draft_invoice_item_line_num, project_id, draft_invoice_num ) brate */  , (SELECT project_name , pa.project_id , pif.invoice_format_id , pif.invoice_group_id , invoice_format , pifd.invoice_format_detail_id , pifd.invoice_group_column_id , Invoice_column_group , pigc.column_code FROM pa_invoice_formats pif , pa_invoice_format_details pifd , pa_invoice_group_columns pigc , pa_projects_all pa WHERE 1 = 1 AND pif.invoice_format_id = pifd.invoice_format_id AND pif.invoice_group_id = pigc.invoice_group_id AND pigc.invoice_group_column_id = pifd.invoice_group_column_id AND pa.labor_invoice_format_id = pif.invoice_format_id )inv_format WHERE 1 = 1 AND ra.batch_source_id IN (20, 21) AND ra.interface_header_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND ra_lines.interface_line_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND ra_lines.customer_trx_id = ra.customer_trx_id AND ra.customer_trx_id BETWEEN nvl(:p_invoice_number_from, ra.customer_trx_id) AND nvl(:p_invoice_number_to, ra.customer_trx_id) AND ra.trx_date BETWEEN nvl(to_date(:p_FROM_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), ra.trx_date) AND nvl(to_date(:p_to_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), ra.trx_date) AND ra.org_id = ou_add.organization_id AND ra.legal_entity_id = leg_ent.legal_entity_id AND ra.previous_customer_trx_id = ra1.customer_trx_id(+) AND ra.term_id = trm.term_id(+) AND ra.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id AND ra.customer_trx_id = ar.customer_trx_id(+) AND ra.interface_header_attribute3 = agr.agreement_num(+) AND ar.cash_receipt_id =  rec.cash_receipt_id(+) AND hca.cust_account_id = nvl(:p_customer_number_from, hca.cust_account_id) AND cust_site.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO' AND ra.bill_to_site_use_id = cust_site.site_use_id AND cust_site.cust_acct_site_id = acct_site.cust_acct_site_id AND acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id AND party_site.location_id = hz_loc.location_id AND ra.org_id = org.organization_id AND ra.org_id = :p_org_id AND ra_lines.interface_line_attribute1 = pa.segment1(+) AND pa.project_id = inv_format.project_id --AND pa.invoice_group_id = inv_format.invoice_group_id AND pa.labor_invoice_format_id  =  inv_format.invoice_format_id AND ra.trx_number = pa1.ra_invoice_number AND pa1.org_id = ra.org_id AND pa.project_id = item.project_id AND ra_lines.line_number = item.line_num AND pa1.draft_invoice_num =  item.draft_invoice_num AND pa.project_id = pa_line_dtl.project_id AND pa1.draft_invoice_num = pa_line_dtl.draft_invoice_num AND item.line_num= pa_line_dtl.draft_invoice_item_line_num AND pa_line_dtl.non_labor_resource = lbr_res.non_labor_resource(+) AND pa_line_dtl.project_id = qty.project_id AND pa_line_dtl.draft_invoice_item_line_num  = qty.draft_invoice_item_line_num AND item.line_num  = qty.draft_invoice_item_line_num AND pa1.draft_invoice_num = qty.draft_invoice_num /* AND pa_line_dtl.project_id = brate.project_id AND pa_line_dtl.draft_invoice_item_line_num  = brate.draft_invoice_item_line_num AND item.line_num  = brate.draft_invoice_item_line_num AND pa1.draft_invoice_num = brate.draft_invoice_num */ UNION SELECT DISTINCT ra.trx_number inv_number , ra1.trx_number previous_invoice_number , ra.org_id , org_country , organization_name , legal_entity_name , to_char(ra.trx_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') trx_date , ra.invoice_currency_code , project_name , pa.segment1 project_number , DECODE(nvl(pa1.draft_invoice_num_credited, 0), 0, 'INVOICE', 'CREDIT_MEMO') invoice_class , term , '0405000910/11.4.05' ie_code , agr.customer_order_number purchase_order , hp.party_name customer_name , cust_site.location , hz_loc.address1 , hz_loc.address2 , hz_loc.address3 , hz_loc.address4 , , hz_loc.postal_code , hz_loc.state , DECODE(, 'IN','India', country , hz_loc.address1||' '||hz_loc.address2||' '||hz_loc.address3||' '||hz_loc.address4||DECODE(hz_loc.address4, NULL, '',', ')||||', '||hz_loc.postal_code||', '||hz_loc.state||', '||DECODE(, 'IN','India',  bill_to_address , '' item , nvl( item.translated_text , item.text ) text , eve.attribute3 unit_of_measure , decode(eve.attribute3, 'Currency', null, decode(nvl(pa1.draft_invoice_num_credited,    0),    0,TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute1), (-1*TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute1))))  quantity , TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute2) bill_rate , decode( TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute2) , null , item.inv_amount , decode( eve.attribute3, 'Currency', null , decode(nvl(pa1.draft_invoice_num_credited, 0) , 0, (TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute1) * TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute2) ) , (-1 * TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute1) * TO_NUMBER(eve.attribute2) ) ) ) ) bill_amount , ra.interface_header_attribute3||' '||agr.start_date SOW , agr.attribute1 msa , ar.amount_due_remaining ar_balance_due , nvl(ar.amount_applied,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.amount_credited,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_earned,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_unearned,to_number(0)) - (nvl(ar.amount_adjusted,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.receivables_charges_charged,to_number(0))) payments_credits /*, to_char(nvl(ar.amount_applied,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.amount_credited,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_earned,to_number(0)) + nvl(ar.discount_taken_unearned,to_number(0)) - (nvl(ar.amount_adjusted,to_number(0)) - nvl(ar.receivables_charges_charged,to_number(0))) , fnd_currency.get_format_mask(ra.invoice_currency_code,40)) payments_credits */, ABS(nvl(rec.amount,0) + nvl(ar.amount_credited,0) + nvl(amount_adjusted,0) + nvl( discount_original, 0)) balance , ra_lines.line_number , item.line_num , item.event_num FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_all ra_lines , ra_terms_tl trm , ra_customer_trx_all ra , ra_customer_trx_all ra1 , hr_organization_units_v ou_add , xle_entity_profiles leg_ent , hz_cust_accounts hca , hz_parties hp , ar_payment_schedules_all ar , ar_cash_receipts_all rec -- ,  mtl_system_items mtl , hz_cust_site_uses_all cust_site , hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site , hz_party_sites party_site , hz_locations hz_loc , hr_operating_units org , pa_projects_all pa , pa_agreements agr , pa_events eve , pa_draft_invoice_items item , pa_draft_invoices_all pa1 --, pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines rev_eve WHERE 1 = 1 AND ra.batch_source_id IN (20, 21) AND ra.interface_header_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND ra_lines.interface_line_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND ra_lines.customer_trx_id = ra.customer_trx_id AND ra.customer_trx_id BETWEEN nvl(:p_invoice_number_from, ra.customer_trx_id) AND nvl(:p_invoice_number_to, ra.customer_trx_id) AND ra.trx_date BETWEEN nvl(to_date(:p_from_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), ra.trx_date) AND nvl(to_date(:p_to_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), ra.trx_date) AND ra.org_id = ou_add.organization_id AND ra.legal_entity_id = leg_ent.legal_entity_id AND ra.term_id = trm.term_id(+) AND ra.previous_customer_trx_id = ra1.customer_trx_id(+) AND ra.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id AND ra.customer_trx_id = ar.customer_trx_id(+) AND ar.cash_receipt_id =  rec.cash_receipt_id(+) --AND ra_lines.inventory_item_id(+) = mtl.inventory_item_id --AND mtl.organization_id = 204 AND hca.cust_account_id = nvl(:p_customer_number_from, hca.cust_account_id) AND cust_site.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO' AND ra.bill_to_site_use_id = cust_site.site_use_id AND cust_site.cust_acct_site_id = acct_site.cust_acct_site_id AND acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id AND party_site.location_id = hz_loc.location_id AND ra.org_id = org.organization_id AND ra.org_id = :p_org_id AND ra_lines.interface_line_attribute1 = pa.segment1 AND ra.trx_number = pa1.ra_invoice_number AND pa1.org_id = ra.org_id AND pa1.draft_invoice_num =  item.draft_invoice_num --AND agr.attribute_category(+) = 'Additional Attributes' AND ra.interface_header_attribute3 = agr.agreement_num(+) AND pa.project_id = eve.project_id AND pa.project_id = item.project_id AND ra_lines.line_number = item.line_num AND item.event_num = eve.event_num AND nvl(item.event_task_id, -1) = nvl(eve.task_id, -1) ) INV ORDER BY inv.inv_number, inv.line_number, inv.line_num
- <sqlStatement name="Q_TAX_DETAILS"> 
- <![CDATA[
             SELECT tax.invoice_number1 , tax.tax_total , tax.tax_name FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT  ra.trx_number invoice_number1 , ra.customer_trx_id , tax_total.tax_total , tax.TAX_NAME FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_all ra_lines , ra_customer_trx_all ra , hz_cust_accounts hca , hz_parties hp , ar_payment_schedules_all ar , ar_cash_receipts_all rec , hz_cust_site_uses_all cust_site , hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site , hz_party_sites party_site , hz_locations hz_loc , hr_operating_units org , (SELECT DISTINCT SUM(tax.tax_amount) tax_total , rac.customer_trx_id , tax_id FROM jai_ar_trx_tax_lines tax , ra_customer_trx_lines_all ral , ra_customer_trx_all rac WHERE 1 = 1 AND tax.customer_trx_line_id(+)  =  ral.customer_trx_line_id AND ral.customer_trx_id = rac.customer_trx_id AND batch_source_id IN (20, 21) AND interface_header_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND interface_line_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND rac.trx_number = :main_invoice_number GROUP BY tax_id , rac.customer_trx_id --, ral.customer_trx_line_id, ral.line_number ) tax_total , jai_cmn_taxes_all tax WHERE 1 = 1 AND ra.batch_source_id IN (20, 21) AND ra.interface_header_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND ra_lines.interface_line_context IN ('PROJECTS INVOICES', 'PA Internal Invoices') AND ra_lines.customer_trx_id = ra.customer_trx_id --AND ra.customer_trx_id BETWEEN  nvl(:p_invoice_number_from, ra.customer_trx_id) AND nvl(:p_invoice_number_to, ra.customer_trx_id) --AND ra.trx_date BETWEEN nvl(to_date(:p_FROM_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), ra.trx_date) AND nvl(to_date(:p_to_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), ra.trx_date) AND ra.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id AND ra.customer_trx_id = ar.customer_trx_id(+) -- AND ra.interface_header_attribute3 = agr.agreement_num(+) AND ar.cash_receipt_id =  rec.cash_receipt_id(+) --AND hca.cust_account_id = nvl(:p_customer_number_from, hca.cust_account_id) AND cust_site.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO' AND ra.bill_to_site_use_id = cust_site.site_use_id AND cust_site.cust_acct_site_id = acct_site.cust_acct_site_id AND acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id AND party_site.location_id = hz_loc.location_id AND ra.org_id = org.organization_id AND ra.org_id = :p_org_id AND tax_total.customer_trx_id = ra.customer_trx_id AND ra_lines.customer_trx_id = tax_total.customer_trx_id AND tax_total.tax_id = tax.tax_id AND ra.trx_number = :main_invoice_number ) tax WHERE 1 =1 AND tax.invoice_number1 = :main_invoice_number ORDER BY tax.tax_name
- <sqlStatement name="Q_BANK_DETAILS"> 
- <![CDATA[
     SELECT ceb.bank_name , ceb.bank_party_id , cebb.bank_branch_name , cebb.branch_party_id , ceba.bank_account_id , ceba.bank_account_name , ceba.bank_account_num , ceba.bank_branch_id , ceba.bank_id , fnd_global.org_id FROM ce_banks_v ceb , ce_bank_branches_v cebb , ce_bank_accounts ceba , ce_bank_acct_uses_all cbau WHERE 1 = 1 AND ceb.bank_party_id = cebb.bank_party_id AND ceb.bank_party_id = ceba.bank_id AND ceba.bank_branch_id = cebb.branch_party_id AND ceba.bank_account_id = cbau.bank_account_id AND cbau.org_id = :inv_org_id
- <sqlStatement name="Q_ORG_NAME"> 
- <![CDATA[
     SELECT name organization_name FROM hr_operating_units org WHERE 1 = 1 AND org.organization_id = :inv_org_id
- <!-- <link name="L_1" parentGroup="G_TAX_DETAILS" parentColumn="INVOICE_NUMBER1" childQuery="Q1" childColumn="invoice_number" />condition="eq" sqlClause="where"/>
- <GROUP name="G_AR_INVOICE_PRINTING" source="Q1"> 
<element name="LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME" />  
<element name="ORG_COUNTRY" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="ORG_COUNTRY" />  
<element name="ADDRESS1" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="ADDRESS1" />  
<element name="ADDRESS2" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="ADDRESS2" />  
<element name="ADDRESS3" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="ADDRESS3" />  
<element name="ADDRESS4" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="ADDRESS4" />  
<element name="CITY" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="CITY" />  
<element name="POSTAL_CODE" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="POSTAL_CODE" />  
<element name="STATE" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="STATE" />  
<element name="COUNTRY" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="COUNTRY" />  
<element name="BILL_TO_ADDRESS" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="BILL_TO_ADDRESS" />  
<element name="TRX_DATE" dataType="DATE" value="TRX_DATE" />  
<element name="INV_ORG_ID" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="inv_org_id" />  
<element name="ORGANIZATION_NAME" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="organization_name" />  
<element name="INVOICE_NUMBER" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="main_invoice_number" />  
<element name="INVOICE_CLASS" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="INVOICE_CLASS" />  
<element name="PROJECT_NAME" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="PROJECT_NAME" />  
<element name="TERM" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="TERM" />  
<element name="IE_CODE" datatype="VARCHAR2" value="IE_CODE" />  
<element name="PURCHASE_ORDER" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="PURCHASE_ORDER" />  
<element name="CUSTOMER_NAME" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="CUSTOMER_NAME" />  
<element name="MSA" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="MSA" />  
<element name="SOW" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="SOW" />  
<element name="PAYMENTS_CREDITS" dataType="NUMBER" value="PAYMENTS_CREDITS" />  
- <GROUP name="G_INVOICE_LINE_DETAILS" source="Q1"> 
<element name="ITEM" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="ITEM" />  
<element name="DESCRIPTION" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="TEXT" />  
<element name="UNIT" dataType="NUMBER" value="UNIT_OF_MEASURE" />  
<element name="QUANTITY" dataType="NUMBER" value="QUANTITY" />  
<element name="RATE" dataType="NUMBER" value="BILL_RATE" />  
<element name="AMOUNT" dataType="NUMBER" value="BILL_AMOUNT" />  
<element name="OPERATING_UNIT_ADDRESS" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="operating_unit_address" />  
<element name="RESPONSIBILITY_ID" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="RESP_ID" />  
<element name="BUSINESS_GROUP" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="business_group" />  
<element name="BUSINESS_GROUP_ADDRESS" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="business_grp_address" />  
<element name="AUTHORIZED_DEALER" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="meaning" />  
- <GROUP name="G_TAX_DETAILS" source="Q_TAX_DETAILS"> 
<element name="INVOICE_NUMBER" dataType="VARCHAR2" value="INVOICE_NUMBER1" />  
<element name="TAX_NAME" dataType="VARACHAR2" value="TAX_NAME" />  
<element name="TAX_TOTAL" dataType="NUMBER" value="TAX_TOTAL" />  

Please see if the following docs help.
Warning:The Following Tags Were Not Closed ; Packing Slip XML Report (Doc ID 751641.1)
Cannot Create XML Input Using XSL Style Sheet (Doc ID 559357.1)

Similar Messages

  • Duplicate AP Invoices Error Setting

    How do I set duplicate AP invoices error in SAP?

    If you have to do this, you need to check the field "Chk Double Inv" in the vendor master.
    What happens?(please read the help for this field in SAP)
    Checking Logistics documents
    Firstly, the system checks whether the invoice documents have already been entered in the Logistics invoice verification; the system checks invoices that are incorrect, or invoices that were entered for invoice verification in the background.
    Checking FI documents
    The system then checks whether there are FI or Accounting documents that were created with the original invoice verification or the Logistics verification, and where the relevant criteria are the same.
    Checking Logistics documents
    In checking for duplicate invoices, the system compares the following characteristics by default:
    Company code
    Gross amount of the invoice
    Reference document number
    Invoice document date
    If all of these characteristics are the same, the system issues a message that you can customize.
    When you enter credit memos or subsequent adjustments, the system does not check for duplicate invoices.
    Exception: Country-specific solution for Argentina, where invoices and credit memos are checked for duplicate documents.

  • J1IEX capture excise invoice error.  part 2

    was created to continue from this [thread|J1IEX capture excise invoice error.; which was locked for no apparent reason.
    Mr Jeyakanthan A, don't you lock my thread and telling me to search the forum for answer.
    i have done my search on this [ topic on J1IEX no selectable item|], it had yielded a few threads but none of it offer a resolution.
    go thru the threads yourself if you want.
    once again don't you lock my this thread.

    The message 'document/PO doesnt contain any selectable items' would come when there are any open PO's for the same vendor for the same material. Check whether there are any open PO's in ME2L or ME2N. Close the unwanted PO's by ticking the Delivery completed in the Delivery tab and save. Try J1IEX after this.
    The option of Internal excise invoice number will come in the excise item tab under part 1 tab if the excise values are Captured/Capture & posted while processing MIGO. If the excise values are not captured, please try reversing the MIGO and process a fresh MIGO and check excise values are being captured or not.
    Hi Hari,
    i have created a new vendor and maintained all the entries in J1ID for it. yet i still encountered this message.(in response for any open PO for same vendor for same material cases.)
    next, i have also entered the necessary data in the PO's Import tab(on both header and item level), but when i tried doing MIGO-GR, there's no excise tab as well. i guess this might also be part of the reason why i am hitting that message when doing J1IEX.
    strange..i had tried all means but still cant get it work.

  • We are Not able to Add, approved A/P invoice - Error - Tax code Missing

    Dear Experts,
    In A/P -> A/P service Invoice
    When We are going to Add Approved Invoice ,system can not allow . This
    invoice is go through a approval process ,system can not allow to change any
    of document row during approval process or after approval process.
    we are unable to add tax or remove line item after approval.
    We are Not able to Add, approved A/P invoice - Error - Tax code Missing
    [A/p Invoice Row -Tax code] Line 3 [Message 3513-14]
    I think ,It should allow the system to edit the row tax or amount after or during
    approval process

    Don't worry,AP invoice is not get posted,it will be saved as draft only,
    Default tax code for purchase documents using tax code determination.
    Create new ap invoice with tax code and send it for approval.
    Orginator should ensure all mandatory fields in document are entered correctly before
    sending it for approval.

  • Duplicate invoice error

    What are the possibilities for duplicate invoice error.
    When the user is entering the reference no, PO no, in the MR01, he is getting duplicate invoice or credit memo exist with reference number - Posting can't be made.

    When checking duplicate invoices, the system compares the following attributes in the standard system:
    Currency Company code
    Gross invoice amount
    Reference document number
    Invoice date
    and throws an error  messgae it this is activated for a company code in transaction SM30 view V_169P_DC

  • Accounting Document not posted for Cancelled Invoice -error in FI interface

    When I create a billing document then an accounting document gets created automatically in the background and then when I cancel the billing document no accounting document gets generated and the field Posting Status in header Detail of Billing document updated as "Errors in Financials Interface.
    I tried to release it for Posting via VFX3 but failed due to below error message in Log:
    "Incorrect 4900000005. Select document number between 3000000000 and 3099999999"
    I have checked the Number range assignments to the Invoice type and Accounting type.
    The number range is same for both Invoice type (Y0F2) and Cancelled Invoice type (Y0S1).
    The Accounting document type (RV) is also same for both the cases. But it is working fine for Y0F2 (Acounting document generated and cleared automatically). But not working fine for Cancelled Invoice (Y0S1).
    Can anybody please help me find out a solution to the issue.
    Thanks, Ram.

    The error message F5151 refers to the number range of the FI document.
    Please have a look at the note 1259505: FAQ: New cancellation procedure in SD, which covers this issue in detail.
    Question 5:
    Q5. What is the FI document type, generated by the cancellation ?
    In the old cancellation procedure, the FI document type is always
    determined in SD, and passed to FI (the same when a normal invoice  -
    not a cancellation -  is transferred to accounting).
    In transaction VOFA there is the field 'Document type' (TVFK-BLART).
    If this field is filled, then the FI document will have the document
    type maintained here.
    If TVFK-BLART is empty, then the FI document will get the default
    document type 'RV'.
    If the new cancellation procedure is performed, the FI document type is
    always determined in FI, based on the document type of the FI document
    to be reversed.
    In transaction OBA7 the FI document type has assigned the field 'Reverse
    document type' (T003-STBLA).
    If it is filled, then the FI cancellation document will get the document
    type maintained here.
    If T003-STBLA is empty, then the FI document cancellation will get the
    same document type as the cancelled FI document.
    Notice that an unexpected FI document type can cause the error message
    F5 151.
    F2 invoice 90000001 was released, creating an accounting document with
    document type 'RV'.
    This F2 invoice is reversed by the S1 billing document 70000001.
    In customizing of SD there is:
    Billing Type    Document Type
    F2              RV
    In customizing of FI there is:
    Document Type    Number range   Reverse Document Type
    RV               00             AB
    AB               01             AB
    The FI number ranges (object RF_BELEG) are:
    No  From number    To number   Ext
    00  0090000000     0099999999  X
    01  0100000000     0199999999
    Different situations can occur, due to these customizing settings of the
    FI document type, caused by the type of cancellation.
    If the new cancellation is used:
    The FI document type 'RV' has 'Reverse Document Type' = 'AB'.
    Document type 'AB' has number range '01' set as internal.
    So the FI document will have its own number included in
    There is no issue.
    If the old cancellation is used:
    The cancellation billing type S1 has no 'Document type' maintained, so
    the FI document will get document type 'RV'. It has number range '00',
    set as external number range.
    So the FI document should get the same number of S1 billing document.
    But the S1 billing document has number 70000001, not included in the
    interval of number range '01'.
    This will cause error F5 151.
    I hope this information helps you.

  • Re: AR Open Invoice Error

    Hi Friends,
    I am getting the following errors while doing the AR Open Invoice Migration, as this is the first time i am doing. I am facing the down error in the Error Table
    Error Message:
    "You must supply an invoice number when your batch source indicates manual invoice numbering; otherwise you must leave invoice number blank"
    If any one knows this error solution please reply this
    Thanks in Advance.
    Bindhu Behra

    Complementing the answer, the profile option "OM: Invoice Numbering Method" allows you to choose between using automatic numbering and use the delivery number as your transaction number.
    If you have records in your receivables interface with a manually number batch source and no transaction number you can either manually number your transactions, filling the field transaction number (trx_number), or change the batch source to one automatically numbered. You can do both using the interface lines form available in Control: Autoinvoice: Interface Lines. If you are going to change the batch source, remember reviewing all related records (taxes, salescredits, accounting lines).
    If you want to move from manual to automatic numbering, you''ll need to define a new batch source, with automatic numbering, and change the batch source used by OM to interface data to AR. This can be done by OM order or line types or using the profile option "OM: Invoice Source", depending on your current setup.
    Hope it helps,
    Ketter Ohnes

  • Cancel a SD invoice error message "no authorization for transaction FB08"

    Hi Gurus,
    I am trying to cancel a SD invoice and am receiving the error message " no authorization for transaction FB08" is coming. Never has this happened in past, i have checked all the security authorizations also and they are in place. Accounting document status is showing as not cleared. Also, as per my understanding cancellation of invoice happens through VF11 which does not calls FB08. Please point out reasons as to why this could be happening and the possible solution thereof.
    Anmol Pareek

    Hi Anmol
    Once you got the error screen, immediately after that goto T code SU53 and expand all link. Take the screen shot and send it to your BASIS team to provide you proper access.
    Yes you are correct cancellation is done through VF11 but sometime some programs internally calls other T codes.
    take help of your basis team.

  • Excise Invoice Error in STO from Manufacturing to Manufacturing Plant

    This is a scenario of Intracompany (within a company) STO from one manufacturing to another manufacturing Plant. Steps involved are
    ME21N: STO Creation with doc type UB
    VL10B: Outbound Delivery
    VL02N: PGI (Mvt Type 641)
    VF01: Billing
    J1IIN: Excise Invoice
    MIGO: Goods Receipt in Receiving Plant
    The problem is while doing Goods Receipt (MIGO) wrf Outbound Delivery in Receiving Plant when we refer the Excise Invoice (created in J1IIN) we are getting an error message as u201CExcise Invoice 2000000033 31.05.2011 of Vendor 1300003 does not exist for Referenceu201D
    Customer and Vendor master for the plants as well as STO configuration seems to be complete but still we are getting this error message.
    Can anyone provide some idea how to resolve this?
    Thanks in advance

    when we refer the Excise Invoice (created in J1IIN) we are getting an error message as u201CExcise Invoice 2000000033 31.05.2011 of Vendor 1300003 does not exist for Reference
    If I am not wrong in J1IIN ,you get two number ,one will be internal number try to capture with internal number
    Kailas ugale

  • Excise Invoice Error

    Hi Guru's
    While creating excise invoice using tcode J1IIN wrt commercial invoice (created with vf01),                                                           I am getting an error
    Field Assign. is a required field for G/L account SELC 215210
    Message no. F5808
    The value for field "Assign." in the interface to Financial Accounting is an initial value but you are required to make an entry in the field selection for G/L account "215210" in company code "SELC" linked to the field selection for posting key "50".
    System Response
    It might be an error in the configuration of the G/L account field selection. The initial application, used to call up the interface must otherwise define a value for field "Assign.". If this is the case, contact the consultant responsible for the application used to call up the interface or get in contact with SAP directly.
    and subsequently when I press the enter button again I get another error
    System failure during locking GLaccount SELC by 761010
    Message no. 8I076
    I have tried everywhere in SDN and with friends but still I am unable to solve this error.
    Please help to solve this error.

    Hi Krishna
    Thanks for responding
    Both the G/L A/C's mentioned above has not been ticked for automaic postings in FS00
    Moreover we have the same settings activated for the other company code which uses the same set of G/L's.
    But there is no problem while creating excise invoice in the other company code where the same set of G/L A/C's are in use.
    Still I am unable to solve this errror
    Please help.

  • J1IEX capture excise invoice error.

    what i had done was;
    1st - create an import PO and my pricing procedure used was SAP CIN standard JIMPOR.
    2nd - PO created under 12345, i proceed to MIRO to post the invoice under 11111. *note that GR was not being done at this point.
    3rd - next i proceed to J1IEX to capture excise invoice, i entered the PO number and a small popup screen appeared asking for commercial inv no, i key in the invoice no 11111 and year 2011.
    and i encountered the error message Document 12345 does not contain any selectable items.
    why is that so?
    what i understand that JIMPOR is CIN pricing procedure and it contain JCD1 condition type which is a valid condition type for it to be captured in J1IEX. pls help!.
    thank you.
    Note : Please search forum before posting,there are lot of resources(search forums,sap help documentation,articles,wiki etc.,) available.If you have any specific queries please post it here.
    Follow forum rules before posting.
    Edited by: Jeyakanthan A on Jul 21, 2011 12:00 PM

       still i feel that this issue is related to number ranges. have u checked  to give there ur Invoice Number.
    u can  try sm more thing ...........
    For Import Purchase Order first you should settle the delivery costs in MIRO.
    also check sm threads which can give some ideas:
    Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase
    Not able to capture excise invoice for import PO
    hope it will be helpful.

  • EDI - Incoming Invoice Error and GR based Invoice Verification - 51 No GR

    We are implementing EDI for incoming invoices and use Goods Receipts based Invoice Verification.  When processing an inbound IDOC Invoice (type INVOIC01) where the Goods Receipt has not yet been posted, then Inbound IDOC is siiting at Error Status, 51 - No GR documents found.
    Is there any way we can process this as a Parked Invoice or for Verification in the background (MIRA)?  because the current situation is a problem, as 95% of our Inbound Invoices will be received electronically before the Goods are Received. 
    The actual Vendor's delivery note is stored in the segment E1EDP02 (Qualifier 016), field BELNR.
    Currently the IDOC as to sit in error until the Vendor's Delivery Note is Goods Receipted which can be several days later - SAP OSS Note 393883 fro 2001 suggests doing this, but surely this is a common situation.  The IDOC sitting in error in WE02 in the list of IDOCs is difficult to isolate from true errors.
    If this is was mnaul Invoice it could be processed through MIRA for background Invoice Verification later with program RMBABG00.
    We havd SAP version ECC 6.0
    I have spotted OSS Note 501524 which implies that is possible automatically Park Incoming EDI IDOC Invoices, has anyone tried this?  and what would be the transaction/program that could be used to post several at once when the GR has been processed (similar to RMBABG00)

    Hi ,
    You can use the program   RBDMANI2   which will reprocess all the IDOCs (EDIinvoices )that have failed . You can schedule this program in the background and it will post all failed invoices which have the GR posted later .
    We had the same scenario and we have scheduled this program as a daily job at night .

  • A/R Invoice Error

    Hi Experts,
    I got an error msg "G/L account is missing (2) [Message 131-46]"
    This happened when I add A/R invoice copy from on Delivery with zero balance.
    Here in complete scenarion:
    1. Create sales order $ 10,000
    2. A/R Down Payment Invoice $ 3,000 copy from SO
    3. Incoming Payment $ 3,000
    4. A/R Down Payment Invoice $ 7,000 copy from SO
    5. Incoming Payment $ 7,000
    6. Delivery
    7. A/R Invoice copy from Delivery, then above error msg appear.
    I've filled in all account related to Sales in G/L Account Determination
    I made this scenario because the product will be delivered if all payment have been paid.
    My question is what it the missing account that i have or is there other way to handle its?
    First payment by customer and second payment by Leasing company

    Hello Bambang,
    Have you defined the Rounding account ,Revenue Account, Expense Acct etc for this item? Is it a stock, sales, purchase item? Is it a part of BOM?
    What is setting for "Set G/L Accounts by" in item master data?
    Please also check if the GL account defined under Freight Set up.
    Wilma Wang
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Invoice error Message

    Hi All
    When the invoice is coming from third party systems  for a particular purchase orders & for a specific Line items we are getting errors in the third party system as "Invoice exceeds the tolerance levels enforced by the client .so invoice cannot be sent"
    Further informations
    1.The Purchse order has 13 line items ,where we are getting the error message only specific to 3 line items .where as for all other invoice items the invoice posting has been successful from the third party systems.
    The Purchase order is assigned with Account Assignment category-P(WBS Element).
    There is no budget available at WBS level.However the enough budget is there at project level.
    Please help on this issue
    Thanks & regards

    Hi Prasad,
    Go to Tcode: FTXP and create tax for the country you are posting the invoice. Then try to use that tax code in the invoice verification at item and at header and check calculate tax.
    Hope this helps.

  • A/P Invoice Entry - Duplicate Invoice Error vs. Warning Message Control

    In configuration, the duplicate invoice message has been defined as an error instead of a warning.  This affects all invoice entry dialog transactions.  Is there a method  or approach to change only transaction F-63 Park Document so the message is a warning intead of an error?   Thxs.

    we have to activate certain setting in MM.
    Step - 1
    SPRO - MM - Logistic Invoice Verification - Incoming Invoice - Set Check for Duplicate Invoices - Activate Check box for reference field.
    Step - 2
    In Vendor Master XK02/FK02 goto Payment Transaction & click on check box - Check double Inv
    Step - 3
    There is also a Std Report for checking the invoices for which same reference feild was given
    Hope its useful, give if found useful

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