Can anyone tell me the best metohd for connecting the MS
access database
file with an ASP page with vb script in dreamweaver. Any GOOD

> As I say I can do this with little effort when im
vertically scrolling my
> recordset and repeat region as its built in to DW..
> Can anyone suggest how I do this?
> Many Thanks in advance
> Regards Tag
Check the free Horizontal Looper extension on my site:
It should do what you need.
Tom Muck
co-author Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Complete Reference
Cartweaver Development Team
Extending Knowledge Daily

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  • Question about asp access

    I'm trying to get information from a MS Access database to a Java applet. I think the easiest way to do this is to use ASP. I got the asp page working to access the database and print its contents but I have no idea how the applet can access that information. I know nothing about asp and got the connection code from a tutorial. Can anyone tell me how I can access the information from a Java applet?
    Thanks in advance.
    ASP code follows:
    Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")
    MyConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & MdbFilePath & ";"
    SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM Table1"
    Set RS = MyConn.Execute(SQL_query)
    <LI><%=RS("Name")%>: $<%=RS("Balance")%>

    Thanks, I've gotten the reading working. But I'm a
    little confused on how I would update. If I wrote an
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    database, how would I call that from java? You
    wouldn't use an input stream would you?Same way. Don't confuse the input stream with "input to a database". It's just the response from the service, and also the way to actually get the service (URL) to be invoked. Of course, for updating the database, you're probably going to want to pass the service something, telling it what to update. Passing it something is done (or can be done, as one way) by putting the information on the URL, like:
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    that would be awesome. Thanks.I'd suggest using good-old google: to search for those keywords.

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  • Can CF and ASP Access the Same Database?

    Hello. I'm about to go into beta with a ColdFusion 8 site I
    just wrote, and I've just realized there could be a problem I
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    will accessing the same data at the same time. The data are in
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    then starting FoxPro, then re-starting the ASP server. (I do not
    mean the IIS server, but a little EXE written by the ASP
    programmer, which puts up its own little window with 'start' and
    'stop' buttons on it.)
    However, I find that on my own PC, using the free Developer
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    interest, my web site can't access that DBF. And conversely, if I
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    his ASP site does not work for me with CF on my local PC.
    Will matters be different in their system, where I will be
    installing my site tomorrow, along with the Standard version of CF
    8? If it matters, the FoxPro data and the Web server will be
    different boxes linked by a network. The operating system is
    Windows 2003 if I recall correctly.
    Should I be saying 'Oops!' right about now?
    I can probably come up with a workaround by having FoxPro
    write a record to an alternate DBF every time the DBF of interest
    to my site is updated, but will I have to do this?
    Thanks for your help.

    paross1 wrote:
    > there probably isn't
    > much that can be done with a database that probably
    isn't designed for multiple
    > simultaneous transactions.
    > Phil
    Not much that can be done to make the database robust and
    simultaneous transactions. But you could wrap all your CFML
    accesses this resource in named <cflock ...> tags so
    that they are
    single threaded, thus restricting CF to one access at at
    time. Then
    wrap all of this up in a <cftry><cfcatch...>
    blocks to gracefully handle
    when the database is locked up by some other user/process.
    You will still have many times when the CF application will
    not be able
    to access the resource do to locking issues, but it will
    handle this
    gracefully and not just FAIL.
    Of course this will have serious performance, throughput and
    consequences. But I suspect if you are using something like
    FoxPro you
    are not building an application expected to handle heavy

  • Flash, asp, access

    What i want to do is be able to control my flash menu from an
    admin page of my website. I want to be able to create headings and
    sublinks and have the flash menu read an access database and then
    work out what to do from that.
    Most of it is easy to do, the only problem I am having is the
    flash part, say i read in 3 headings and each one has 3
    subheadings, what do I do from here?. What is going to happen is
    when an heading is clicked it moves to the top and the rest
    disapear. The sublinks then appear. and can be clicked.
    Is there a way that I can auto generate a button or
    something, like new heading("TITLE",x,y) etc
    then after that I assume that the sub headings will need
    generating. dont know if any 1 will understand that, but hey its
    all fun, any ideas will be apriaciated. Thanks.

    There are a number of ways you could go about this, but it
    sounds like the
    best approach for you would be to create two movieclips - one
    for headings
    and one for subheadings and place them in the Library with
    linkage IDs.
    All you need to do to create a menu is use the attachMovie();
    function to
    place a new instance of the Library item on the screen. Look
    attachMovie(). That will explain a great deal.
    Also, in the book "Using Flash MX to Create eLearning", there
    is an example
    that sounds 99% on mark to fit your needs.
    Chris Hayes
    Senior eLearning Developer, SSE

  • Error in the test (test.asp) of IIS for Exchange2000 portlet

    To verify ASP access to my IIS and Exchange server,
    the test.asp return me the following error:
    Error Type:
    Active Server Pages, ASP 0241 (0x80004005)
    The CreateObject of '(null)' caused exception C0000005.
    Thanks a lot for your help!!

    since the function is defined in your db, it only makes sense in a query that gets data from you database
    the xquery for that would be something like ...
    for $business_row in BUSINESS_TABLE()
    where $business_row/BUS_ID = $mycode
    get_trade_name( $business_row/BUS_ID )
    then ODSI can generate the sql ...
    select get_trade_name ( BUS_ID ) from BUSINESS_TABLE where BUS_ID = ?

  • Looking for a ASP upload ext or code

    With all the problems I have had with PureASP3... I need
    something as backup
    to support the pages I have already created...
    I don't need all the bells and whistles like Pure ASP has...
    I just need the
    ability to upload files, and capture the path in the
    Is there anything available in the form of ext or maybe
    tutorial on how to
    accomplish this?
    DWMX - ASP - Access / SQL

    Can download the code and modify for free. If this is behind
    a secure area
    and only you, then you'll be fine. Maybe think about
    JavaScript if you have
    many users...

  • Random record selection in Access

    I need to define a record set in ASP / Access consisting of a
    single record from the available records.
    In PHP / MySQL I have used the following and it works fine:
    SELECT *
    FROM photolist
    LIMIT 1
    Can anyone give me a suitable recordset definition to do this
    in access?

    "whatalotofrubbish" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:gmk6pe$90k$[email protected]..
    >I need to define a record set in ASP / Access consisting
    of a single record
    > from the available records.
    > In PHP / MySQL I have used the following and it works
    > SELECT *
    > FROM photolist
    > LIMIT 1
    > Can anyone give me a suitable recordset definition to do
    this in access?
    Access won't do a "random" command when queried from a web
    page, although it
    can if done so within the actual Access application. ASP
    pages can certainly
    utilize mySQL databases; why not use mySQL as it would be far
    more robust
    and stable than Access would be. If you can't move to mySQL,
    try this
    extension from DMXzone:

  • Group recordset by date - Access SQL

    Can anyone tell me how to group by day, when the date field is a timestamp (something like 8356787)? I am trying to make a query in SQL inside of access that will do this.

    Simply write a SQL statement like this
    Select * from tablename
    Where DateField = Date()
    Paul Whitham
    Certified Dreamweaver MX2004 Professional
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    Valleybiz Internet Design
    "btn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ee4l34$oqj$[email protected]..
    > Hi - using asp/access/vbscript
    > I have a db table with a lot of records, all different
    > How can I filter a recordset - only display todays
    records (filter by date
    > where today is default )
    > Any?
    > Bj�rn.

  • Back to a Mac or not???

    To go back to a Mac or not that is the question more or
    My last experience with a Mac way System 7 days on a Mac
    I have been using Windows for a while now and man, I'm am
    just tired of patch the patch, worms, spyware.
    The big question is what problems will I run into on a Mac
    Powerbook with Dreamweaver and MS Access databases?
    I guess, I will have to use CS2, yuck... I'm a Corel guy 8)

    > To go back to a Mac or not that is the question more or
    > My last experience with a Mac way System 7 days on a Mac
    There's been a few updates since then. ;o)
    > The big question is what problems will I run into on a
    Mac Powerbook with
    > Dreamweaver and MS Access databases?
    Well, if you want to use OSX on your mac, the biggest problem
    is that you
    can't run Access on OSX.
    Granted, you probably shouldn't be using Access for web work
    to begin
    If you are using Access, I'm guessing you are also using ASP.
    ASP requires
    IIS to run and IIS will not run on OSX either.
    Of course, you can install Windows on a Mac, so you could buy
    your Mac and
    use it as a windows machine, but then you're back with having
    the same ol'
    windows probelms it sounds like you want to get away from.
    you could run Windows in virtualization mode on top of OSX,
    which would be
    Bottom line, though, if you are a web developer that works
    mainly with
    Microsoft technologies (.net, asp, access, etc.) it probably
    makes sense to
    stick with a Microsoft OS.
    Otherwise, the Mac is a great web developer platform. OSX can
    easily run
    Apache, PHP and the like. As mentioned, you can also run
    Windows so it
    becomes a great testing computer as well.

  • Local and Remote Database

    Hi Guys,
    I would like your suggestion on the following situation I
    want to try, currently we have a database on a web-sever to deliver
    content, add members and created pages for the CRM functions for
    our sales staff.
    We have specific requirements for the CRM application part of
    the system that requires me to design a number of forms for CRM
    users plus the database has other fuctionallity for other parts of
    the business.
    Due to these forms and additionaly functionallity
    requirements it is not practical to continue hosting the database
    and need to host this part of our site locally.
    Therefore I am considering if the suggestion below would
    1. Host the database locally on our own server allowing
    internal users full functionallity locally using designed access
    2. Continue hosting the website via hosting providor
    3. Create a connection string from the hosted website to our
    server for the database
    Ultimately the sensible solution is to host both the database
    and website via our own server, but due to setup problems we are
    having currently the site can be flaky, But we need to switch to
    the local database to improve the CRM part of the business in the
    very immediate future.
    If anyone has any suggestions, advise or further information
    related to this I would be grateful for the feedback.
    Regards: Les
    SBS 2003, DW8, ASP, Access 2000 DB

    Are you actually going to drag and drop things from Server Explorer, and or use Sever Explorer to create/edit/debug stored procedures and such? If so, you'll need (32 bit) Oracle Developer Tools installed, and you'll need to install it into a separate home from the Express home.
    If you're just going to "hand code" ODP.NET, you can use the ODP.NET that installs in the Express home. Note though that in VS2010, projects default to compile target of "x86", so to run a 64 bit app with the 64 bit ODP/client (assuming you installed 64 bit db home), you'll need to change it to x64.
    You can connect from ODP.NET without tnsnames via the EZConnect version of the connect string.. ie,"data source=//serverhost:port/db_service_name; user id...etc.."
    You can use 11g client against a 10g database.
    Hope it helps,

  • Dynamic email based on DB?

    I have CDO set up that I can mass email from a Access DB and
    it works fine. My client would like to be able to send HTML based
    email. (I have created a HTML email) How can I allow the client to
    send HTML email without having to code in the body of the email. I
    would like to allow the client to basically create the info. for
    the body and then have it insert into the HTML and then send the
    HTML out.
    I am using Dreamweaver CS3, ASP, Access and VBScript.
    How can I dynamically based on the DB allow the client to
    simply type the body of the email and save it to the DB then have
    the body added to the HTML code after it calls the info. from the
    DB and send it out in HTML only so it displays in the email as
    basic HTML.
    I hope that I have explained this good enough.

    "theMachien" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fj1hnf$l3i$[email protected]..
    > I have CDO set up that I can mass email from a Access DB
    and it works
    > fine. My
    > client would like to be able to send HTML based email.
    (I have created a
    > HTML
    > email) How can I allow the client to send HTML email
    without having to
    > code in
    > the body of the email. I would like ot allow the client
    to basically
    > create
    > the info. for the body and then have in inserted into
    the HTML and then
    > send
    > the HTML out.
    > I am using Dreamweaver CS3, ASP, Access and VBScript.
    > How can I dynamically based on the DB allow the client
    to simply type the
    > body
    > of the email and save it to the DB then have the body
    added to the HTML
    > code
    > after it calls the info. from the DB and send it out in
    HTML only so it
    > displays in the email as basic HTML.
    > I hope that I have explained this good enough.
    I'm not sure what you're asking, it seems you have a good
    idea about the
    In essence you would do exactly as you say, save the body in
    your database
    and construct the complete HTML document using that snippet
    from your
    strBody = "<html><head></head><body>"

  • Template changes will not propogate out to the child web pages in the defined site.

    I have a user in my organization who regularly makes changes to a dreamweawer template in order to universally change content on pages that are internal to her office.  The site that serves her office has been defined in dreamweaver (we're running dreamweaver CS4).  Normally, after saving the template changes on her way out of the dw session, she would be asked whether or not she wanted to propagate her template changes out to all of the child web pages (.htmls) in her site.  This has stopped happening and sure enough she can see that the change doesn't exist on the child pages.  Does anyone know why this might have happened, how to restore that prompt for propagation or, most importantly, how she can get those changes propagated to the child pages?

    That may be an eventuality, particularly assuming I'm never able to work on this fulltime...which is likely. =)  Anyway, thanks so much for the link.  We'll try this again.  Hopefully, you'll be able to read it.  Even if it's clear, it may still just be clearly ugly, but please let me know what you think.  Thanks!:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <!-- begin page information comments section.
    Replace the entries below to match your pages
    File:          /templates/intranet_full.dwt
    Date:          06/30/2005
    Author:          Page author / developer name
    template for the census intranet
    Sponsor / Contact:
    Modification History: (initials, modification, date changed)
    JRJ, Template created, 06/30/2005
    end of page information comments section.-->
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/geo_template.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
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    <meta name="author" content="" />
    <meta content="Geography Division, main page" name="Keywords" />
    <meta content="Main Geography Division Home Page" name="Description" />
    <link rel="Main Geography Division Home page" href="" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
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    <link href="../asset/css/cww-geo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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                   <option class="zcwwSelectB" value="4">Assoc Dir for Communications (ADCOM)</option>
                   <option class="zcwwSelectB" value="46">Assoc Dir for Decennial Census (ADDC)</option>
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          <h5><a href="">Geography Division</a></h5>
            href="">Branches</a> </li>
            href="">Roster</a> </li>
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            href="">MIS</a> </li>
            <li><a href="../asset/documents/geo_4th_floorplan.pdf">Division Floor Plan</a></li>
            <li><a href="">Census Building Floor Plan</a></li>
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  • Slow DSL in Springfield Delco PA (1 MBs service)

    I am about 1 mile from the local CO and my connection slows down or stops completely on an internittant basis. Verizon support has been great and reboot of modem  (westell 7500 (cabled to my VISTA PC) always fixes the issue.
    All wires have been replaced, the modem has been replaced with a 6100f, a home run line was install from the junction box to a jack near the modem (6 feet away). All lines were tested good by a very competent Verizon Tech.
    I am back on the 7500, and here are the stats after a reboot with everything working fine:
    Internet Status:  Connected
      DSL Link: Connected
      Speed(Down/Up) 1184 Kbps / 448 Kbps
      Connection Type:  PPPoE
      Username:{edited for privacy}
      IP Address:
    Transceiver Statistics
    Transceiver Revision  A2pB020b3.d20h
    Vendor ID Code  4D54
    Line Mode  ADSL_G.dmt
    Transceiver Information Down Stream Path Up Stream Path
    DSL Speed (Kbits/Sec) 1184 448
    Margin (dB) 9.7 22.0
    Line Attenuation (dB) 59.0 31.5
    Transmit Power (dBm) 11.6 12.1
    Logs Select a LogAllConnectionSystemDiagnostic TestsWireless 
    User ID:    {edited for privacy}
    DSL State:   Up
    Connection Mode:   PPPoE
    Connection State:   Up
    Ethernet WAN:   Down
    All Event Log 
    Time Severity Process Details
    Jun 14 13:15:16  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 13:15:15  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/goform/EventForm] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 13:15:11  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 13:15:11  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] access DENIED for user (none) from IP,no user specified
    Jun 14 13:15:11  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/goform/EventForm] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 13:12:30  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPACK(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 qwerty-9c63a414
    Jun 14 13:12:30  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPINFORM(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 
    Jun 14 13:11:57  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPACK(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 qwerty-9c63a414
    Jun 14 13:11:57  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPREQUEST(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 
    Jun 14 13:11:57  dnsmasq[309]:  using nameserver
    Jun 14 13:11:57  dnsmasq[309]:  using nameserver
    Jun 14 13:11:57  dnsmasq[309]:  reading /var/etc/resolv.conf
    Jun 14 13:11:20  kernel:  br0: port 1(eth1) entering forwarding state
    Jun 14 13:11:20  kernel:  br0: topology change detected,propagating
    Jun 14 13:11:16  kernel:  br0: port 1(eth1) entering learning state
    Jun 14 13:11:16  user.crit  kernel:  eth1 Link UP.
    Jun 14 13:09:59  cwmpd[332]:  CWMP: Final Http Return Code = 204
    Jun 14 13:09:59  cwmpd[332]:  CWMP: Inform (200). The following events are true:1 BOOT,4 VALUE CHANGE
    Jun 14 13:09:59  cwmpd[332]:  CWMP: SSL Status = SSL Connection Succeeded,TCP Status = TCP Connected,Authentication Type = Basic
    Jun 14 13:09:59  cwmpd[332]:  CWMP: Inform Sent Successfully
    I came back later to find the DSL light Green, but internet light off and no internet access
    Here are the logs, etc
    using westell 7500- DSL light on- no internet light
    Internet Status:  Not Connected
      DSL Link: Connected
      Speed(Down/Up) 1184 Kbps / 448 Kbps
      Connection Type:  PPPoE
      Username: {edited for privacy}
      IP Address:  PPP Down
    Transceiver Revision  A2pB020b3.d20h
    Vendor ID Code  4D54
    Line Mode  ADSL_G.dmt
    Transceiver Information Down Stream Path Up Stream Path
    DSL Speed (Kbits/Sec) 1184 448
    Margin (dB) 0.-1 22.0
    Line Attenuation (dB) 59.0 31.5
    Transmit Power (dBm) 11.6 12.1
    Logs Select a LogAllConnectionSystemDiagnostic TestsWireless 
    User ID:   {edited for privacy}
    DSL State:   Up
    Connection Mode:   PPPoE
    Connection State:   Down
    Ethernet WAN:   Down
    All Event Log 
    Time Severity Process Details
    Jun 14 17:23:01  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 17:23:01  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/goform/EventForm] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 17:22:57  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 17:22:57  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] access DENIED for user (none) from IP,no user specified
    Jun 14 17:22:56  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/goform/EventForm] Access by user admin from IP
    Jun 14 17:22:51  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/goform/EventForm] access DENIED for user (none) from IP,no user specified
    Jun 14 17:22:02  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/goform/EventForm] access DENIED for user (none) from IP,no user specified
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:329847509 bytes_sent:19814451 bytes_rcvd:1188141823 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_HOLDOFF(11)
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell Random Holdoff returning 335 seconds
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.warn  pppd[1897]:  Leaving destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.err  pppd[1897]:  Unlinking PPPoE session file:/WFIO/ppp-config0
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.warn  pppd[1897]:  Enter destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:329847509 bytes_sent:19814451 bytes_rcvd:1188141823 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_DISCONNECT(10)
    Jun 14 17:19:45  pppd[1897]:  Sent 19814451 bytes,received 1188141823 bytes.
    Jun 14 17:19:45  pppd[1897]:  Connect time 5497458.5 minutes.
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Connection terminated.
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:329847509 bytes_sent:19814451 bytes_rcvd:1188141823 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.warn  pppd[1897]:  pppd[1897] EXIT_PEER_DEAD caused InternetFail light to be lit
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_OK->EXIT_PEER_DEAD during phase PHASE_ESTABLISH->PHASE_DEAD
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_DEAD(0)
    Jun 14 17:19:45  daemon.err  cwmpd[355]:  ddnsWanIPCallback WAN State Down
    Jun 14 17:19:44  daemon.notice  net_mgr[366]:  Routes transitioning to Down state on ppp0.
    Jun 14 17:19:43  daemon.notice  net_mgr[366]:  QoS on ppp0 transitioning to Down state.
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  ip-down[2125]:  ppp0: 19814451 bytes sent,1188141823 bytes received
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  ip-down[2125]:  ppp0: disconnected;connected for 329847509 seconds
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.warn  pppd[1897]:  Couldn t increase MRU to 1500
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.warn  pppd[1897]:  Couldn t increase MTU to 1500
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:329847509 bytes_sent:19814451 bytes_rcvd:1188141823 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_ESTABLISH(4)
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:329847509 bytes_sent:19814451 bytes_rcvd:1188141823 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_NETWORK(7)
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:329847509 bytes_sent:19814451 bytes_rcvd:1188141823 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell ip_down()
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_TERMINATE(9)
    Jun 14 17:19:39  daemon.notice  pppd[1897]:  Serial link appears to be disconnected.
    Jun 14 17:19:39  pppd[1897]:  No response to 6 echo-requests
    Jun 14 17:18:53  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPACK(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 qwerty-9c63a414
    Jun 14 17:18:53  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPREQUEST(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 
    Jun 14 17:16:54  kernel:  br0: port 1(eth1) entering forwarding state
    Jun 14 17:16:54  kernel:  br0: topology change detected,propagating
    Jun 14 17:16:50  kernel:  br0: port 1(eth1) entering learning state
    Jun 14 17:16:50  user.crit  kernel:  eth1 Link UP.
    Jun 14 15:58:27  kernel:  br0: port 1(eth1) entering disabled state
    Jun 14 15:58:27  user.crit  kernel:  eth1 Link DOWN.
    Jun 14 15:49:49  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPACK(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 qwerty-9c63a414
    Jun 14 15:49:49  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPINFORM(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 
    Jun 14 15:48:02  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPACK(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 qwerty-9c63a414
    Jun 14 15:48:02  dnsmasq[309]:  DHCPINFORM(br0) 00:15:c5:00:49:65 
    Jun 14 13:38:36  user.warn  kernel:  AdslCoreEcUpdTmr: timeMs=1800555 ecUpdMask=0x40000
    Jun 14 13:15:16  syslog:  WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] Access by user admin from IP
    Verizon has run line test, and I have reset  the modem about 20 times, but the problem persists,
    I used to hear static on my phone lines, but I have not heard any since the dedicated line was set up.
    This allowed me to remove all filters and the phones all work while I am on DSL.
    Could there be a monthly restriction on  the amount of data downloaded? (I was told no ) Just today I was able to download almost 4 GIG before the internet light went out, but it also happens on days when I just surf the web without any downloading ??? Thanks, Joe 
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, please give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem. Thanks !!!
    Go to Solution.

    Verizon tech was out today, he ran a new line from the pole to the NID, Stats imporived slightly. Also the line from the jack to the modem was replaced (had a 12 foot cord now it is 6 foot). Internet access has been rock solid! Verizon support is outstanding. He told me if any issues come up, it could be a CO issue or a modem issue. Thanks again to all repliers, I have learned a lot about DSL, Will report back in a week, I am sure it will be good news.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, please give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem. Thanks !!!

  • No Connectivi​ty on line - rebooting Westell 7500 does not help

    Hi All,
    We've been having sync issues for well over 2 weeks now. Sometimes hard rebooting the Westell 7500 (Model:A90-750015-07 - firmware ver: will allow the line to stay up for a day or so.
    But since yesterday, nothing has helped. The line will come up and stay up for maybe 5-10minutes and then drop again.
    Calling the VZ support line is very frustrating since the "robot" menus do not help to get us to actual support personnel. The one time we got past the automated system, the lady said we had reached the wrong dept. and dropped us back to the robot
    I am working from home, so all of this is total time and monely loss. Currently a different internet connection helped to manage post this.
    Anyway, here are some "all event" logs we could collect today - (we are in an apartment and do not have access to any NID).
     cwmpd[338]:     CWMP: Final Http Return Code = 204
    syslog:     WebServer: Page [/htmlV/wacpHidden.asp] Access by user administrator from IP
     cwmpd[338]:     CWMP: Inform (200). The following events are true:1 BOOT,4 VALUE CHANGE
    cwmpd[338]:     CWMP: SSL Status = SSL Connection Succeeded,TCP Status = TCP Connected,Authentication Type = Basic
     cwmpd[338]:     CWMP: Inform Sent Successfully
    daemon.err     cwmpd[368]:     cwmpDDNSCallback: Result of DDNS Update (ipupdate_once) ->3
     syslog:     WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] Access by user administrator from IP
     syslog:     WebServer: Page [/goform/EventForm] Access by user administrator from IP
     syslog:     WebServer: Page [/htmlV/sys_system_log.asp] Access by user administrator from IP
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     pppd[1838] EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO caused InternetFail light to be lit
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_OK->EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO during phase PHASE_SERIALCONN->PHASE_HOLDOFF
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_HOLDOFF(11)
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell Random Holdoff returning 445 seconds
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Leaving destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.err     pppd[1838]:     Unlinking PPPoE session file:/WFIO/ppp-config0
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Enter destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.err     pppd[1838]:     Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Timeout waiting for PADO packets
    Apr 11 09:18:58     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:18:48     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:18:43     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:18:38     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:18:38     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO->EXIT_OK during phase PHASE_DORMANT->PHASE_SERIALCONN
    Apr 11 09:18:38     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_SERIALCONN(2)
    Apr 11 09:18:38     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Wan link is up and PPPoE Terminator on DSL:nas1 is done working
    Apr 11 09:18:38     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:18:38     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_DORMANT(3)
    Apr 11 09:14:15     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:14:15     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     pppd[1838] EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO caused InternetFail light to be lit
    Apr 11 09:14:15     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_OK->EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO during phase PHASE_SERIALCONN->PHASE_HOLDOFF
         daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_HOLDOFF(11)
         daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell Random Holdoff returning 263 seconds
         daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Leaving destroy_pppoesessionfile
        daemon.err     pppd[1838]:     Unlinking PPPoE session file:/WFIO/ppp-config0
      daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Enter destroy_pppoesessionfile
     daemon.err     pppd[1838]:     Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery
     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Timeout waiting for PADO packets
    Apr 11 09:14:15     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:14:05     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:14:00     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:13:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:13:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO->EXIT_OK during phase PHASE_DORMANT->PHASE_SERIALCONN
    Apr 11 09:13:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_SERIALCONN(2)
    Apr 11 09:13:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Wan link is up and PPPoE Terminator on DSL:nas1 is done working
    Apr 11 09:13:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:13:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_DORMANT(3)
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     pppd[1838] EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO caused InternetFail light to be lit
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_OK->EXIT_PPPOE_TIMEOUT_PADO during phase PHASE_SERIALCONN->PHASE_HOLDOFF
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_HOLDOFF(11)
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell Random Holdoff returning 480 seconds
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Leaving destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.err     pppd[1838]:     Unlinking PPPoE session file:/WFIO/ppp-config0
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Enter destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.err     pppd[1838]:     Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Timeout waiting for PADO packets
    Apr 11 09:05:55     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:05:45     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:05:40     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     waitForPADO: timed out
    Apr 11 09:05:35     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:05:35     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_PEER_DEAD->EXIT_OK during phase PHASE_DORMANT->PHASE_SERIALCONN
    Apr 11 09:05:35     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_SERIALCONN(2)
    Apr 11 09:05:35     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Wan link is up and PPPoE Terminator on DSL:nas1 is done working
    Apr 11 09:05:35     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:05:35     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_DORMANT(3)
    Apr 11 09:04:09     daemon.err     cwmpd[367]:     ddnsWanIPCallback WAN State Down
    Apr 11 09:04:07     daemon.notice     net_mgr[357]:     Routes transitioning to Down state on ppp0.
    Apr 11 09:04:07     daemon.notice     net_mgr[357]:     QoS on ppp0 transitioning to Down state.
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_HOLDOFF(11)
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell Random Holdoff returning 91 seconds
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Leaving destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.err     pppd[1838]:     Unlinking PPPoE session file:/WFIO/ppp-config0
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Enter destroy_pppoesessionfile
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_DISCONNECT(10)
    Apr 11 09:04:04     pppd[1838]:     Sent 287346 bytes,received 544123 bytes.
    Apr 11 09:04:04     pppd[1838]:     Connect time 5930402.2 minutes.
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Connection terminated.
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     pppd[1838] EXIT_PEER_DEAD caused InternetFail light to be lit
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     PPPD Exit Status changed EXIT_OK->EXIT_PEER_DEAD during phase PHASE_ESTABLISH->PHASE_DEAD
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_DEAD(0)
    Apr 11 09:04:04     dnsmasq[311]:     using nameserver
    Apr 11 09:04:04     dnsmasq[311]:     using nameserver
    Apr 11 09:04:04     dnsmasq[311]:     reading /var/etc/resolv.conf
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     ip-down[2062]:     ppp0: 287346 bytes sent,544123 bytes received
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     ip-down[2062]:     ppp0: disconnected;connected for 355824129 seconds
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Couldn t increase MRU to 1500
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.warn     pppd[1838]:     Couldn t increase MTU to 1500
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_ESTABLISH(4)
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_NETWORK(7)
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 connect_time:355824129 bytes_sent:287346 bytes_rcvd:544123 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell ip_down()
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell PPP Environment:device:nas1 ifnamepp0 linkname:config0 iplocal: ipremote: ppplogname:root orig_uid:0 usepeerdns:1 dns1: dns2:
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Westell phase_hook PHASE=PHASE_TERMINATE(9)
    Apr 11 09:04:04     daemon.notice     pppd[1838]:     Serial link appears to be disconnected.
    Apr 11 09:04:04     pppd[1838]:     No response to 6 echo-requests
    Apr 11 08:49:27     cwmpd[338]:     CWMP: Final Http Return Code = 204
    Apr 11 08:49:27     cwmpd[338]:     CWMP: Inform (200). The following events are true:1 BOOT,4 VALUE CHANGE
    Please help!!

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