Audible tick in between split tracks

I recently recorded a classical guitar piece. In between a few of the split tracks is a tick. It's undetected in the audio spectrum. I tried deleting the portion where the tick lives but, it is always there. I've had luck burying it in other sound but, there is a solo piece where I can't get away from it. Any help?

When you were editing your tick did you completely max out to zoom function in the edit window?
If not try that to find the offending area. I find 99 percent of my tick sounds this way.
You can also expand the edit window vertically upwards using the little hand icon. Take the hand and resize the window upwards to its max. Maximum zoom and maximum vertical height on the edit window will give you a lot more detail on the audio waveform.
Also if two regions are close to each other you might try to join them into one region using the join command. This should create one region and often it will remove the tick sound.

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    Set the next/previous jumps for the tracks to where you want them to go
    Take a look at the picture here in 3.) to see how to set them
    You also should order them with track 1 above track 2 - did you use stories or just tracks?

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    I'm getting acclimated to working in Premiere CS5 after years of editing on Avid Media Composer and Symphony.  There are of course similarities and differences, some of which I can figure my way through and others where I'll need to ask for help.  Here's one.
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    Thanks Colin (and Jim).
    It's amazing how wedded one becomes to a particular way of working, and how unusual it feels (after nearly 20 years) to start using a different platform.
    For anyone who has NOT used Avid (the Meridian and pre-Meridian versions, anyway): imported materials are literally split up into components and stored/handled separately; thus, video ends up in a video file and each audio track ends up in a separate mono .wav or .aiff file, so when they're brought into a sequence they are quite literally individual and totally independent tracks.  One major disadvantage of that generation of Avid is that materials need to be imported and reprocessed into Avid media; they don't come in natively.  Newer generations of Avid (I believe) have improved this.
    Premiere's handling of native clips, where stereo audio is just that instead of individual and independent tracks, is an alien concept that takes getting used to.  Modifying the clip to treat audio channels as "mono" is exactly what I was looking for.  The "fill left" and "fill right" effects, while they would work, seem a little bit more limiting.
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    Thank you!

    CD tracks should not be starting on the nearest .001 of a second but 1/75 of a second. The CD standard is 75 frames per second. If tracks do not start on the nearest 1/75 of a second the audio will be filled out to the nearest one causing clicks at the junctions. Make sure that the Display Time Format is set to Compact Disc 75fps and that Snap to Frames is turned on.

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    Yes, recording at 24/96 wave is the best that you can go with.
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    Thanks in advance!
    Message was edited by: .jordan

    is WaveBurner my solution??

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    No expert, but since noby else is answering, try Audacity...

  • Split track Export Issue

    Computer: Mac OS 10.95 -  I-Mac Processor 3.4 GHz Intel Core I7, 32GB 1333 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB
    This is extremely frustrating since creating Split Track Audio files in both Final Cut and AVID are pretty much straight forward.  However, Adobe Premiere's workflow has quite a few additional and somewhat unclear steps that in my personal opinion I think there should be an update where (similar to final cut) you ASSIGN each Audio Track in the Sequence Timeline along with a simple change preferences "8 tracks audio" etc... instead of the loop around workflow you have to go through.  Lately I've been seeing numerous errors and bugs and glitches and flaws in the Adobe Premiere system (along with the creative cloud where there's a new glitch when your purchased software becomes a 'free trial')  but that's a different story.   Moving on....
    I have created a Split Track Audio Workflow and it appears to be inefficient due to the final export.
    Here are the Steps I have:
    1. Create a NEW Sequence and set it for the BELOW settings:
    On the TRACKS tab - In New Sequence dialog window, choose 'Custom' then go to 'Tracks' tab. Master should be set “Multichannel”, and Number of Channels “4”. (or 8 if that's what you want).
    Once The sequence is made and the previous sequence is copied to the new timeline that has the split tracks.  Open up Audio Mixer to select the tracks:
    Once Everything has been checked off it's time for the FINAL EXPORT.
    Here's where the ISSUE takes place:
    1. On Different COMPUTERS using the SAME EXACT Up to date Version of Adobe Premiere the Export Options in the Audio Settings Change.
    See Attached Images:
    Problematic Version - Notice no "Audio Layer Track" Option:
    Preferred Export Setting with "Audio Layer Track" Option:
    What is causing this?  And what would be the appropriate option to troubleshoot this to make these steps as simple as possible?  Is there a step I am missing?
    Thank You.

    Ronin Edits I completely agree with you!  I mean I remember Adobe Premiere back in 2001 and I am impressed with their improvements over the years including the whole creative cloud feature etc...  I've always preferred Adobe Photoshop as their "top of the line" but all of the other programs have a lot of work to do.
    I mean for instance what you said up there is not a simple solution for the everyday person who is in a rush and cannot think of extra workarounds in order to have a final master.  With this day in age everything is happening now at the speed of light that no one has time to do things the traditional way.  Times are definitely changing so I'm doing my best to pick up the pace and find a standardized (semi-fair) solution.
    For Example Final Cut Pro > This is perhaps the easiest/best option to select individual tracks for Split tracks or/and Surround Sound Audio.  Don't get me wrong there's been several bugs with this program/system but FCP 7 has been one of the best (aside from AVID).  FCP X not so sure about.
    I truly agree that Adobe is only trying to beat their competitors and launching how it is despite the bugs and flaws that they still haven't fully developed and figured out.
    I've tried the cleaner tool and every time it has been used it's always been unsuccessful for me and the other members in the studio that I work in.
    Adobe Premiere has numerous amounts of bugs including the "Media Pending" issue when it comes to reading and "supporting" (quotes there for a reason) .mts workflows. 
    There's also the mysterious "Get Trial version" bug where a complete uninstall/reinstall has to happen.
    Unfortunately with this day in age there's not much time for these flaws to happen. 
    Thanks for your feedback since it looks like there's no exact conclusion/reason why this is happening, I will do an uninstall/reinstall on a few computers and check out the export settings and choose the "4 channels or more" of audio along with export as mono tracks in order for each Audio track to be exported on at their own channel.
    The option (that's apparently removed) for "Single Tracks" was a great feature that should have not been removed....ever.

  • Split track error

    I had a weird one the other day. I had imported an mp3 into GB of a radio program I had been a guest of, which was about 45 minutes long. When I started editing it, I used split track at the first edit mark, but as soon as I did that, the portion of the track after the playhead disappeared. Normally I can select which side of the track I want to delete, but this was automatically deleting everything after the playhead.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Paul,
    First, you should save every five minutes or so. Good habit to be in. The reason is when things like this happen and undo doesn't fix the problem, you can close the song and it will ask if you want to save the changes. You need to select no. Then when you re-open the song, the file will be intact (unless the song file is corrupt).
    For your issue, Iw ould do a search for ".plist," find the one realted to Garageband and trash it. Do another search for ".cs," find the one related to garageband, and trash it. (Garageband will create new versions on it's next start up.) Restart your computer and try GB again.
    Good Luck Paul, let us know how this works out for you.

  • How to add metadata to split tracks

    I know how to do it to a single track but when i click on the next track it still show the name from the previous track. How to add metadata to split tracks for like a mixtape?

    Thanks for the screenshots, very helpful.
    Once you split them into different tracks, and each track is a different file on disk (as shown in your Windows Explorer / Finder screenshot), you'll want to:
    Go through each file
    Enter the desired metadata via the Metadata Panel (see below)
    Save each file
    If you're working with MP3 files, the relevant fields are the ID3 tags shown in this dialog:
    If you're saving as WAVE files, the relevant RIFF metadata fields are shown in this dialog
    Once you enter the info you want into those fields and the save the file, then it should show up in Windows Explorer which is what I think you're going for.

  • Eliminating pauses between LIVE tracks?

    Hi. I listen to some music on my iPod (4G) and iPod Nano, that is either live, or music that is continuous from track to track, with no break (such as some of the later Beatles albums). Unfortunately, you get a fraction-of-a-second pause between all tracks. It's not noticeable when listening to most music, but it IS noticeable when listening to live tracks. Is there anyway to make the tracks flow smoothly together, and eliminate this pause? Thanks.
    iMac G3   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    This question is one that crops up a lot on these forums and has been a major source of complaint for as long as the iPod has been in existence.
    Currently the only way to eliminate the gap between songs is to import the cd as one track. You do this by using the “join cd tracks” option in the advanced menu of iTunes.
    Make sure the tracks are in their correct order, and highlight those you wish to join.
    No gaps, but the downside is that you will of course lose the ability to navigate between tracks, and the song info is also lost. The iPod will display the cd title in the song field in the “now playing” screen . You’ll also have one large file instead of a number of smaller ones.
    Be aware also that playback of single large audio files can shorten battery playtime between charges.
    If you would like to see gapless playback implemented to the iPod, add your voice to the many here.
    iPod Feedback.

  • Split track movies

    already posted this over at LogicPro Help, apologies if I'm boring anyone.
    I work in tv composing, and frequently get sent split track movies (temp music on one side, everything else on the other).
    My current monitors (old Genelec 1029s) have a handy power stitch on the front, so I can switch off the temp side, and listen to my cue (in mono) in situ. But my new monitors (KH120s) have the power switch at the back.
    So I was wondering, how do people deal with their split track qts? I know I can extract audio, but that seems too time consuming, as I start a new project for every cue, and its a nightmare lining up the audio every time. And I don't want the movie audio coming through the main outs.
    Am I missing something really easy?
    I guess I could pull a cable out of the duet each time, but that doesn't seem very elegant...
    Thanks in advance

    To mute the speaker in OSX, use the Audio Midi Setup app. There you can mute the left or right channel separately.
    However, I wonder why you are not extracting the audio from the video. This is basic scoring workflow.
    You do it only once when you start a show and each new cue is just a "save as" copy of the previous cue (project) so the video/audio track is already in place.
    Once in Logic, You click-hold on the output icon (the double circle) and you can just select the left or right channel. I usually create two audio tracks with same copy of the split track audio file and have one selected to play only the left channel (dialog) and the other one to play the right channel (temp). Now they are technically two independent mono track (that you can pan left to right)
    This gives you complete mixing controls (if you have an external controller) for this tracks: solo, mute, eq, etc. Sometimes the production track has problems that you can fix (with automation) so it doesn't bother you when scoring with the dialog.
    Screener. Don't you have to make screeners, little quicktime files of you cues to send to the director/producer for approval? Having the dialog on a track in your project, you can quickly make a decent mix, even for your own show reel.
    Routing. Usually I have the dialog and temp tracks routed directly to a different channel on my audio interface, so it doesn't go through my master bus. This way they don't show up on the bounce and don't mess up my meters that I monitor constantly. Just for the export video procedure, I route them to the master bus.
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

  • I need help. How to export split track for Final Cut Pro 7 Thanks

    I need help. I have edited a film and now the company I have made the film for want a split track of it. I have no idea how to export a split track off Final Cut Pro 7 and I need simple language to explain it to me as I am a beginner. Thanks

    I assume you have multiple tracks of audio? And the audio is distributed discretely over these tracks (sync sound on tracks 1 and 2, sound effects on tracks 3 and 4, music on tracks 5 and 6 for example)?
    Then duplicate your sequence by clicking on the icon for your sequence in the FCP browser and control-clicking on it. From the drop-down menu choose Duplicate. Double click on the duplicate sequence you just created to load it to the timeline and canvas.
    Now, working on the copy you just made of your finished sequence, click anywhere on the timeline, and type Command + 0 {zero} to bring up your sequence settings. Click on the Audio Outputs Tab.
    Once the Audio Output Tab opens, set the Outputs to the desired number of discrete tracks you want to export - in this case I will set it to 8, as I have sync sound on tracks 1 & 2, Voice Over on tracks 3 & 4, Sound Effects on tracks 5 & 6 and Music on tracks 7 & 8.
    Once I do that the 8 tracks appear. I set them all to Dual Mono as I want them to be discrete tracks:
    Once I am done, I click OK and return to the far left side of the timeline where the audio selectors are, and carefully control - clicking in the empty space above the lock symbol,
    From the drop down menu I assign the output of each track - track 1 to to output track 1, track 2 to output track 2, doing so to each track:
    You need to set the output for each track. Once all my track assignments are done, I go to the menu File > Export . . . > QuickTime Movie and export my sequence, but now it is exporting with 8 discrete tracks of audio.
    To do a quick check that everything is OK, re-import the movie you just exported back into FCP, and open it in the Viewer and you will see that it does indeed have the multi-tracks, as 8 mono track tabs appear at the top of the viewer.
    Now give that QuickTime a name that includes "Split Tracks" in the title and copy it to your delivery drive.
    Message was edited by: Meg The Dog to fix typo

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