Audio in Premier but not Encore (CS3)

I have the same material in avi, mpeg2 & wav, both play clearly in Premierc CS3, but nothing I load, even just a music track will play in Encore CS3. I'm using M-Audio and have reset the Preferences, tried everying I know how to try and cannot get audio to work. I have dual mointors and have both Premiere and Encore open, plays fine on Premiere. Shut down Premiere and still no audio.
Very confusing and frustrating. Hope for some advice.

Have you checked that the Encore Audo Output preferences are mapped onto an active, functioning audio device?

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  • Audio balance greatly different in Encore CS3 after encoding 5.1 master track in Premiere Pro CS3

    Hello! I'm wondering if anyone can offer some advice for my DVD audio problem.
    I have a Premiere Pro CS3 project with a 5.1 master track that appears to behave correctly judging by the meters when I play it in PP. It also sounds reasonable (in a mixed-down fashion, I guess) on my PC system's speakers (L,R,LFE), and all rebalancing and panning seems to work well. However, once I export the master track to Encore using PP's SurCode Dolby Digital codec, the resulting audio mix is totally off. Here's what I get: both front channels play mainly out of the right front and center speakers, and the rear channels play mainly out of the left front speaker. I've tried all different settings, but I can't seem to change this. Well I've read that Encore just sends the audio mix straight through (the DVD trancode status is "Don't transcode"), but when I build the DVD and play it on both of my 5.1 surround systems, the results are just as bad as what my desktop PC speakers were hinting at. [Actually all DVDs that Encore builds are UNSUPPORTED on one of my set-top DVD players and they're both Panasonic! So first, I first have to copy the DVD using Nero and then the copy is accepted by all. That seems to have no bearing on my audio dilemma but I thought I'd mention it. I would love to know what Nero is doing right that Encore is doing wrong!)
    Anyway, here's some background: I began to notice this problem with the audio balancing whenever a .wav music source is imported into PP as a stereo source. [A side issue here - I don't seem to be able to explain - or control - how one .wav file gets imported as stereo while another is imported as 5.1!] Anyway, as one would expect, since my master track is 5.1, the stereo track is automatically set up with a rebalancing tray with the puck set in the middle. The meters show that the source is stereo and the sound has been rebalanced across the master track. If I drag the puck around, the master meters behave accordingly. Then I import my video (.avi video clip) and that sound is imported as a stereo track. For that track, I drag the puck to the rear. Again, the master meters respond correctly. So far so good. But when I export to Encore, the resulting audio mix so completely wrong it can't even be explained as a 5.1-to-stereo downmix situation. The sounds that were supposed to come out of the rear channels are in front left and center (and deafening), overpowering the music that is only coming out of front right. And the rear speakers are silent unless I turn on Pro-Logic on my amplifier, which just confuses the issue. I didn't bother to check LFE as things were bad enough.
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    So the question is, if I can rebalance and pan channels in PP CS3, why are the results coming out all wrong in Encore using SurCode? And how can I hear my project on DVD the same way I mixed in PP?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Doug Herbst
    Holmdel NJ

    Problem solved everyone!!!
    Rebecca of Adobe support helped me identify the root cause: project was originally set up as standard (2-channel) and although it had evolved to a 5.1 project over time, it could never grow up to be anything other than a standard audio project. After you set up the new project, the setting that controls your audio is buried in the project somewhere. Changing your project settings to set up new 5.1 audio tracks for new timelines does NOT make the project 5.1! The real audio identity attribute set at birth is not alterable OR EVEN VISIBLE (even as a grayed-out project setting) although PP will allow you to set up and mix 5.1 audio tracks at will. So you may think you're working on a 5.1 project now, but you're only fooling yourself and PP goes right along with it. Even the .ac3 files you create via export are 5.1! But dare to build your DVD in Encore and all of your timelines are transcoded back to 2.0 instantly. Resistance is futile.
    A new feature in PP CS4 will allow you to view, and even CHANGE, your project's audio identify from standard to 5.1. How sweet!
    Well, I've devised a way to dig out myself out of this deep hole in CS3 and it worked, but I can't promise that it will work for everyone. (This assumes you own the Dolby Digital 5.1 codec from Minnetonka.)
    1. Create a new Premiere Pro project as 5.1 audio from the get-go.
    2. Import your suspected 2.0 project into this new 5.1 project and click each sequence to flesh out the timeline.
    3. Re-export all audio as elemental streams using Adobe Media Encoder. Make sure you export the audio component of each timeline as Dolby Digital 5.1 and exactly - and I mean EXACTLY - the same way. To deviate the audio settings for each timeline is to ask for trouble, so I recommend setting up an audio pre-set that you can just click when you need it.
    4. Create a new Encore project and import all original video assets and your new replaced and, hopefully, 5.1 audio assets into it.
    5. In Encore, create a separate timeline for each pair of assets (.m2v and .ac3 for example). DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PLACE MULTIPLE PAIRS OF ASSETS ON THE SAME TIMELINE! For some unexplained reason, the build process will transcode the audio back to 2.0, and if you continue pack new 5.1 audio assets on the same timeline, you will get an error message "an input contract violation has occurred" because you now have 2.0 and 5.1 assets on the same timeline, even though you really don't know that and didn't ask for that to happen anyway. (Thanks to Bill Hunt who mentioned his habit of keeping the asset pairs on separate timelines in another thread - that suggestion was absolutely essential to the solution here.)
    6. In Encore, check to make sure that all of your original video sychs up correctly with the new, true 5.1 audio. Link the end actions of each timeline with the next timeline to play in the correct sequence. Check your project for orphan timelines and other errors. Then, before you start building menus and start getting fancy, build a DVD and make sure it plays as 5.1 on your system.
    Tip #1: while you're re-exporting and replacing the audio files, don't have Encore running. I've seen it gracefully and automatically re-import the replaced file once the export is done, but I have also seen it choke with the terribly descriptive "Encore has encountered a problem" message upon discovered the asset is not available while it is being replaced. Encore then continues to mark the asset as offline.
    Tip #2: when re-exporting and replacing files, always select audio and video separately. For some reason, Encore will allow you to replace an .ac3 file when you perform an elemental audio export, but when you try to combine video and audio and both files exist, Encore will prompt you to replace the video, but immediately abort with an error that it cannot replace the .ac3 file, thus forcing you to delete the .ac3 component manually before trying again.

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    Expires in
    <select name="mnuExpires" id="mnuExpires">
    <option value="0"
    <option value="30" <% if true then
    response.write("selected") %>
    <option value="60"
    <option value="90"
    <option value="120"
    </select> days.
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    are sorry for the inconvenience." Event ID 1000 appears in the
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    > Dreamweaver CS3 shuts down after throwing an error:
    "Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 has
    > encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry
    for the inconvenience."
    > Event ID 1000 appears in the Application Events Log.
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    After Effects footage settings:
    Visual of the smoke in After Effects of the imported render:
    The same file imported into sSpeedGrade:
    Is this something that can easily be explained? 
    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Pierre Devereux

    Hi Joost,
    Thjank you for your feedback. I have submitted a bug-report as you suggested. I will find another workaround for now, probably doing most needed colour work in After Effects directly for now.
    Thank you
    PIerre Devereux

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    mplayer -noquiet -nofs -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xv -ao null -zoom -nokeepaspect -input conf=/usr/share/smplayer/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 39845900 -colorkey 131586 -monitoraspect 1.6 -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -aid 1 -subpos 100 -contrast 0 -brightness 0 -hue 0 -saturation 0 -ss 26 -osdlevel 0 -vf-add expand=osd=1 -noslices -vf-add screenshot -channels 2 /mnt/autofs/download/download/Six Feet Under - 3x02 - You Never Know/six.feet.under.s03e02.dvdrip.xvid-ffndvd.avi
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    lucke wrote:Go to Options -> Preferences.
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    - Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\usf\Desktop\incoming\ch01.wmv
    - Output File: C:\Documents and Settings\usf\Desktop\incoming\ch01_3.flv
    - Preset Used: Custom
    - Video: 624x343, Same as source [fps]
    - Audio: MPEG Layer III (MP3), 128 [kbps], Stereo
    - Bitrate: VBR, 400.00 [kbps]
    - Encoding Time: 00:06:36
    5/28/2010 11:26:16 AM : Encoding Failed
    Error compiling movie.
    Unknown error.
    On another computer where Adobe Media Encoder CS3 is installed (with Creative Suite CS3), I experience no such problem.  I do notice that when I add the WMV to Adobe Media Encoder CS3, it opens a window that prompts me to use "ffdshow", which will apparently work if it's configured to decode the file.  I click "OK" and start the queue in the encoder.  A few minutes later I get a successfully encoded FLV file.
    I have come to question whether Adobe Media Encoder CS4 should be re-installed, whether the entire Suite should re-installed, or if there is some patch or fix I can install somewhere.  Adobe Media Encoder CS4 is installed on my "production" computer which also has Adobe Premiere Pro (CS3) and Adobe Premiere Elements (7).
    Could use some advice here.
    P.S.  the files will also not export to FLV using Adobe Premiere or Premiere elements...

    Again, the reason we are capturing with Windows Media Encoder is because we tried using Live Flash Encoder to capture directly into flash but our equipment wasn't fast enough and it was dropping frames all over the place.  We also don't have the space to capture into an uncompressed format because we don't have the available storage, and our events can be 8 hours long or more (each video is about 15 minutes, 20 or more videos)
    Ive listened to everything in my workflow and it sounds fine until the outputted FLV file from AME.
    WME is capturing at the following specs:
    160kbps 48KHz Windows Media Audio 9.2 codec (stereo) 1 pass CBR
    1800kbps 1 pass CBR video
    29.97 fps
    640x360 resolution
    buffer size: 5 seconds
    key frame interval: 8 seconds
    I have verified this with a codec info utility I ran on the wmv files.
    AME is encoding with the following specs:
    FLV Multiplexing
    On2 VP6 codec
    620x360 resolution
    800kbps 2 pass VBR
    100% undershoot at best quality
    160kbps stereo MP3 audio
    I verified the above with the same codec info utility (gspot 2.70a) and it is all acurate, it also told me that the audio is at 44.1KHz rather than 48 (there was no place to specify this, is this a limitatino of the VP6 codec?)
    Yes, these are our source assets.  They're being captured either through an XL2 via firewire, or from an analog program feed converted to firewire via a Canopus converter box.
    If anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of this, or a different encoder (either to capture with rather low cpu resources, or to encode into flash) let me know.  I can provide a sample of the clipping if you need

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    When looking at files on a network in Bridge CS3, they all show a padlock in the upper right corner of the icon representing the file and cannot be accessed via Bridge, but they are not locked.  The same files can be seen, and opened (no padlock) in Photoshop CS3.  Any suggestions?

    Great, thanks Ian.  This worked a treat. I'd forgotten that I needed to download that again.  Cheers. Thanks for your help. Marc.

  • Mavericks:  Logic X works with M-Audio 2626 soundcard, but not system audio

    10.9.2 doesn't recognise my M-Audio 2626 soundcard interface, even though Logic X does.  So this seems like a fault with with Mavericks?
    There are issues with the 2626 and Mavericks but if Logic X sees it and is fine, but Mavericks doesn't, then what....?
    Hope somebody can help.
    Thnx, Hugo

    I ran into a similar problem. I discovered one thing which may help you out though. It works OK with my Yamaha P200 keyboard but it does not work with my Yamaha NP30 keyboard. I looked at the MIDI stream and the only difference seems to be that the NP30 sends a continuous stream of MIDI clock, whereas the P200 does not. My theory is that this clock stream is somehow confusing the driver. I can't seem to disable the MIDI clock on my NP30 but if your Privia has the ability to disable MIDI clock, then it may be worth a try as it will probably fix the problem until they come out with the proper drivers.

  • Pen Pressure works.. but not in Cs3? Please help

    Hi there
    I'm having a problem with the pen pressure dynamics on CS3. They can't be changed.
    If I change it to 'pen pressure' I get a little yellow marker next to it which I assume means its not registering or recognizing.
    The tablet I use is Wacom Intuos (I think its the original)
    I know for a fact that the pen pressure works because I have a program that tests it.
    That blue bar goes up the harder I press so I know its working..
    Every method of fixing has been tested:
    Driver in the box, Latest drivers, Every driver that was available for download,
    Unplug and plug,
    10million pc restarts.
    It has always worked fine on my old computers which where xp, no problems but I got a new computer with 64bit Windows7.
    As far as I can tell its photoshop thats not letting it work. CS3 is fully updated and works great aside from this problem which is stopping everything.
    Thanks for the help.
    I want to draw..

    Ok its fixed! Thanks guys!
    Exactly what I did for those who want to know:
    Opened photoshop with Ctrl+Alt+Shift and hit the pop up button
    I then made the brush settings to normal and not pen pressure and closed it down.
    Start -> Control Panel -> Programs/Uninstall a program -> Uninstalled Wacom tablet file
    Went onto that link provided
    Selected Intuos GD and Windows 7.
    I then downloaded the oldest driver down the bottom (Which apparently was the first one compatable with windows 7)
    Installed and accepted the restart notification.
    Before I checked Photoshop I opened Paint and tested the pen pressure on various brushes and kept it open
    Then opened photoshop and put the settings on pen pressure again and it worked!
    Doing it exactly like that was what seemed to get it working propperly.
    Thank you again!

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    Is there something that changed drastically in how InDesign handles the ToC? Maybe i'm doing something wrong since i kind of just figured it would work the same as in CS3.
    Or maybe it's because we're still using MAC OS 10.4 ??
    Any help would be wonderful!
    Thanks in advance.

    humm maybe my message was confusing, it's the native CS4 file that is crashing, in my book (book panel) in CS4.
    The test i did was to take a native CS3 document, opened it in CS4 and it started crashing too, while the same document would not crash in CS3.
    Therefore my problem is with eitheir native and/or converted file in CS4...
    though you make me think, i'm gonna try to export my book in INX just for fun and open it in CS3 see if still crashes... though it will not be a long term solution because we noticed that converted INX files tend to have textbox lenght issues...
    edit : after the test above, i now confirm that my problem is with CS4, because when i export my CS4 document into a CS3 (inx) one, my ToC works fine
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