Auto range control & comparison of low numbers

I am trying to create a control function that changes scale each time the knob passes from high to low index or low to high index. This works well except when the number gets to the range 0.001 to .01 then It  sticks. It would appear that the compare does to output true when the inputs are 90.000E-3. acopy of the contol funtion in a stand alone vi is attached
Go to Solution.
atorange ‏20 KB

Your fundamental problem is that you are performing an equality comparison on floats. This is incorrect when dealing with computers. You must, instead, perform an "approximately equal" based on the machine's epsilon value (found in the Numeric palette) as shown below:
The Stop button should be placed inside the "Value change" event for it so that the button can be read and its value reset.
You do not need to use a reference constant to access the scale control. The event case provides that already as the "CtrlRef" parameter.
Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 11-27-2009 10:37 AM
Example_VI_BD.png ‏2 KB

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    Hi Marcel,
    You are mentioning it as a parameter between having low & high values. Is it a parameter or select option.
    If its a parameter, then anyway it will have only single value at any point of time.
    If its a select option, then you need to use
    select * from
    and tcode in s_tcode.
    Best regards,

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    Those technically are not named ranges. Its using the information in the "header" rows. Once you make a row a header row and sum it (or include the whole colun in some function). It will use the data/name in the header row in the equation to make it clearer. I do not think you can make named ranges in Numbers.
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    Yea, I have a friend who has noticed this issue on his Z10.
    I've tested on my Z30, and the voice feedback is loud and clear. We'll have to figure out the differenced in the devices or OS release, or settings.
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    Hello Swam. Thank you for contacting National Instruments. The digital outputs on the PXI 6281 use TTL logic, so it can only output 0V and 5V. We do have some Digital Waveform Generators (PXI 6541/6542) that allow 1.8, 2.5, and 3.3 volts.
    If you have not used up all of your analog outputs, I recommend doing a DC voltage. If you have used up all of your outputs, we have the PXI 6704, which has 32 analog outputs. I hope this helps. Have a great day!
    Marni S.
    National Instruments

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    hanh and Sean:
    I have been thinking about this and it does not appear trivial. A nA to mA span is 6 orders of magnitude. WIth a single 1K resistor (value arbitrarily picked) this current range will generate 1uV to 1V. Not an ideal situation at the lower end for good resolution. Using a 10K is still 10uV to 10V, again 10uV is just a few bits of full scale max input. I think a better approach could be to switch various ranges of resistors (i.e. 1Mohm, 100Kohm, 10Kohm, 1Kohm) in circuit (via digital outputs driving a circuit to drive DIP reed relays) to bump the voltage up to get good resolution for whatever the current is. 'Autorange' could be applied by setting DAQ input level programmitically (do not know if this can be done with this card) at highest sensitivity, looking if overrange, and if so then switch to next lower value resistor. Repeat as needed until in a good usable voltage range.
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    Or, would a PCI-4070 suffice?
    I am not trying to shoot down the use of the MIO 16E4, but without further details like accuracy, is it AC or DC, measurement thoughput, etc, I am pointing to some potential issues you may come across.
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    I would like to automatically add a Date/Time stamp to the last column's cell, when a person's name is selected from the pop-up menu in Column C.
    As a number of different people will be using the spreadsheet, I'd prefer not to have a keyboard short cut, as it can be easily overlooked.
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    The formula in the last cell   =if($C2="","",$E2)  can then reference a static cell, rather than a live cell.
    I know enough to be dangerous, so I'm not sure if i'm heading in the right direction.
    Thanking you all in advance.

    Hi Gordon,
    Is this the same as a script?
    Good question! It's fun to see people try to define what a service is. It may be one of the least understood and appreciated features on the Mac. It was certainly a mystery to me not long ago.
    I think of a service as anything that can be made to appear in the Services menu. Apple has made that easy with Automator. You fire up Automator, create a new service "workflow" document, plop in a script, save, and see the result immediately in the Services menu. You can also send the .workflow package to someone else, who only needs to double-click to install it.
    This particular date-time service contains a short AppleScript (you can view it by opening the .workflow in Automator.  But other languages (Python, Perl, etc) and Unix utilities can be used too, as illustrated here.
    Since Numbers has decent support for AppleScript, it is quite easy for the non-technical user to "bolt on" menu choices to do quite sophisticated things that are not built into the interface itself.  I find it more accessible than (and just as powerful as) the VBA used for Excel macros. But that could be mostly a matter of familiarity.  In any case, it adds a whole new dimension to Numbers.

Maybe you are looking for