AVCHD and 5.1 audio into FCP 6.01?

I'm trying to import and transfer AVCHD video and the associated 5.1 audio from a Panasonic HDC-SD1 AVCHD camcorder into Final Cut. The picture comes in fine, but when I try to import the audio, the Log and Transfer window downmixes the audio to stereo, and there's no way to get the program to import discrete tracks. I've tried ProRes and the Kona codec, no go either way. Any ideas?

The audio is already encoded in 5.1 AC3 Dolby Digital.
You can't edit the encoded stream in FCP or Soundtrack.
You need to import the audio and decode to 5 channel aiff files
using something such as the free mAC3dec
then add the 5 separate files to the timeline.
Figuring out what track is which channel may be difficult.
Of course you will lose quality because Dolby Digital is highly compressed
and is meant only as a delivery format, not an editing format.

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    For those of you who want to put .MP4 videos on a PS3 with a Macintosh, this is how you do it with ffmpegx.
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    - framerate can be any
    - any MP3 or AAC track
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    - Trellis on
    - Decode with Quicktime (not always necessary but if your picture is out of sync with audio, try this)
    - AVC level 3.0
    This produces a good .MP4 file that the PS3 will happily play.
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    I have created files to play on PS3, and the secret is to use MPEG Streamclip. You can encode to whatever you want in MPEG2 or MPEG4, then open that bad boy in MPEG Streamclip:
    If it's MPEG2, File > convert to TS
    If it's MPEG4: File > Save As MP4
    That's it. MPEG Streamclip doesn't re-encode so no quality loss. All it does is change the container. And PS3 is very picky about containers.
    As for 5.1 audio, you can do this by encoding separate MPEG2 video and AC3 audio files like you normally would for a DVD. For hi-def MPEG2, use one of the Compressor presets for HD-DVD. Make sure they both have the same name ("xxx.m2v" and "xxx.ac3", for instance) and are in the same folder. Then open the video in MPEG Streamclip and it will automatically mux the streams together, which can then be converted to TS.
    Note that this is only possible encoding video to MPEG2. I don't know of any way to create an MP4 with 5.1 audio.
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    Mpeg is not an editing format.
    You need to demux video and audio and convert the original Mpeg in a FCP friendly format like DV or QT.
    Your solution is likely MPEGstreamclip. Here it is:
    It'll do what you need.

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    Hey Tom,
    Thanks for that. So does edited stuff open perfectly in FCP, or are there any potential problems?


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    Buy or hire one of these: http://www.grassvalley.com/products/advcprofessionalfamily then you can capture the tape directly into FCP as a QuickTime .mov that uses the DV codec.
    Don't forget to switch the *Device Control* setting in Log & Capture to *Non-Controllable Device* first.

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    Double System Sound is becoming more and more of a topic with the DSLR HD capable cameras, but they do actually have a TRS-mini input. There are many workable things you can use from MiniDisk to MP3 recorders and more. I've sync'd MiniDisk recordings by the old and simple method of a loud (and visual) clap - which you must do for every take, and in some instances I use flash or any other thing possible to sync up my recording.
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    Although I haven't tried it, it looks very good.
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    Wait a second, there was a huge thread here a few weeks ago about bad alphas. The victims eventually (IIRCC) were forced to do a complete reinstall of EVERYTHING Tiger/Leopard and FCS2. It was an ugly shouting match and reinstalling/reverting to an earlier version of QT did not solve it for them. Check the revs of software on the two machines and compare them carefully.

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    No. I doubt it has anything to do with sequence settings. That has happened to me on occasion but not for quite a long time. I was able to drag and drop the file into FCP when that happened.
    I don't remember it happening since the last update or two.

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    1- Edirol V-8 (http://www.edirol.net/products/en/V-8/index.html)
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    I am "learning as I go" here, so ANY help is greatly appreciated!

    Before you buy...make sure FCP will recognize the unit as a DV device...DON't take a salespersons advice on this factor.
    We have the Videonics (now Focusinfo) MXProDV 4 channel switcher...4 analog in/2 out - 2DV in / 1 out.
    We have two issues...FCP won't recognize it as a FW device, so can't directly do 'Capture Now' with it.
    Secondly, our cameras are anywhere from 25 to 100 ft from the unit. FW cable length is best when under 12 ft or so. There are some FW repeater/boosters available (search this forum or google), which might help, but we've not tried them. (Besides we're limited to 2 FW inputs and work w/4 cameras)
    I have been partially successful getting the switcher to recognize DV cameras on 25' FW cables, but not consistently.
    If you purchase the unit, make sure it's from a reputable dealer (who will take the unit back if necessary) and save your receipts...run some tests to make sure it's solid before committing to it.
    Hope it works for you. If it does, post back and let us know.

  • Aspect ratio importing DV into FCP X

    Can someone explain how DV format works (I think I understand this) and how importing DV into FCP X works (I definitely don't understand).
    I have some old PAL DV files which I want to compress using Compressor, with the aim of later importing them into FCP X. I can compress them in one of two ways: compressing to 720x576 with the standard PAL aspect ratio, so they appear (eg. in QuickTime Player) as 768x576. Let's call this 'Old Style'. Or, I can compress them so they have square pixels, and genuinely are at 768x576. ('Square pixels').
    Both display using QTP7 as 768x576, but Square Pixels is compressed slightly so there is more of the picture visible at left and right of the screen. Objects in the image are therefore thinner left-to-right than in Old Style.
    Now, if I import them into FCP X, in the event browser Square Pixels still displays as 768x576 and looks just as it does in QTP. But Old Style is now wider than 768x576 and has the extra bit of picture that Square Pixels displays. So they're both displaying the same image, but Square Pixels has it compressed to fit into 768x576, whereas Old Style has it wider, and consequently people are fatter left-to-right.
    When I import these events into a project, things change again. Old Style appears exactly as it does in the event browser (ie. about 786x576, with the whole image displayed). Square Pixels stretches the image north-south, and this means that part of the top and bottom of the image are chopped off.
    What is going on? Is there a website which can explain this clearly? Which is the better format for me to compress my video into?
    Martin S Taylor
    FCP X 10.1.2
    Compressor 4.1.2

    I don't understand your question?
    DV footage on DV or mini-DV tapes is  already digitised  .  .  .  .  hence the name DV or Digital Video.
    If you have a DV camera or deck you can plug it into your Mac via FireWire and import the footage straight into FCP X.

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    when i record a clip with -20db tone, and then import that into fcp it registers at -20db, exactly as it should

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