Axiom 25 Knob Assignments

I have been attempting to assign some knobs on my Axiom 25 to Logic controls as follows:
Volume Controller 91
Pan Controller 93
Channel EQ Lo Shelf Gain Controller 5
Channel EQ Peak 1 Gain Controller 10
I go through the Learn Mode process and turn it off. However, when I twirl the knobs after that only Peak 1 Gain always works. The others sometimes work and sometimes do not. All of the assignments are for the Selected Channel. I have tried this using both software instrument tracks and audio tracks. When I use software instrument tracks the knob that sends Controller 10 events will change Pan and another knob that sends Controller 7 events will change volume, even though these knobs have not been defined using Learn Mode. So it looks that that Logic is reserving the use of standard MIDI controllers, even though I cannot find any documentation on that. Can anyone tell me what is going on?

Unfortunately, that's how it works. Only the on-screen keys work with the internal arpeggiator.
If your keyboard has an onboard arpeggiator, that may work. For example, I use an Akai LPK25 external keyboard that has an arpeggiator that can be turned on or off. This works fine with Garageband.

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    What aspects of the sound are you trying to adjust? Logic 8 has changed the way MIDI controllers can get at some of the parameters - you can only adjust one at a time eg track 15 change EQ mid-range tone. When that has been done, you can adjust another aspect of track 15, but not at the same time. I find that limitation irritating.

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    I was never ever able to get Logic 8 to remember my controller assignments for very long or at all. Nor was I was ever able to find a solution to the problem despite all my efforts to try.
    My solution was third party. I purchased a Novation Remote SL which uses Automap. As aggravating as it was to have to do this, it solved my problems permanently. Automap is Novation's software that maps itself to Logic as well as to many if not most audio units. It also perfectly controls transport functions without a hitch.
    I felt a bit non plused that such a simple feature in Logic was never very reliable. I haven't tried it since upgrading to Logic 9 since I'm still happily using the Remote with Automap. Hopefully someone can provide better help other than simple explaining how to set the learn function up in Logic. The manual explains that just fine. A better explanation as to how to keep it working or get around the bugginess of it would be more useful - and that I was never able to find.

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    don'tforgetyourtowel wrote:
    This may work for your controller assignment issues. I haven't tried that specifically but it definitely works for solving problems with midi ports changing depending on what you have hooked up when you boot Logic.
    The CA (Controller Assignments) are "Pre", regarding the Logic Physical Input in Click & Ports layer, so this will not solve the "Input Floating Ports" problem I guess... I think a little tip using IAC bus can work cause once IAC is activated it is a MAC constant virtual port.
    *The IAC Tip*
    1. Cut the "Sum" cable from the Physical Input and cable the IAC (Bus1) port to the Monitor object (1) - see the pic below. You can name the Monitor (IAC Bus1 IN) etc.
    2. Cable all physical ports to the "Sum Physical Ports" Monitor object (2).
    3. Create an Instrument object (3), assign its port to IAC, set its midi channel to "All" and cable from "Sum Physical Ports" Monitor object (2).
    4. Create a new Fader in the Environment and cable it to the IAC Instrument as shown (4).
    5. Move the fader of your external controller you plan to learn to see what is its CC# and channel# in the "Sum Physical Ports" Monitor. (You can skip this step if you are familiar with the physical fader/knob hardware CC assignment previously).
    6. Select the virtual fader (4) labeled as "Temp Learn" in the environment and set its output CC definition number and midi channel to match your external controller you plan to learn in the inspector.
    7. Save your new midi setup as a Logic template song.
    8. Press (Command+K) to open the Logic CA expert dialog. Do the standard "learn" procedure to learn any channel strip or plugin parameter but instead of moving the external controller fader/knob you must move the virtual environment fader labeled as "Temp Learn" (4). This way Logic CA will be learned from the IAC bus (you will see that in the CA expert dialog). After this "Dummy" learn process you can tweak the physical controller - done!
    The method must solve the "Input Floating Ports" problem cause all CA assignments will be learned from the IAC port which is constant (non-floating until you may decide to switch it OFF in the Mac AMS).
    The other good side is if you decide to move your Logic Preference file ( i.e CA) to another machine - all assignments must work this way ( I did not try yet but in theory it must work ).
    Another advantage is that you can patch lots of interesting "Transformer Gears" between the "Sum Physical Ports" Monitor (2) and the Instrument IAC port (3). In other words you can use the Logic Environment as an advanced "MIDI JUNCTION" engine serving its midi processing to other apps, CA etc...

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    I would like to use Logic in a Live Performance and have the Axiom control as much as possible.
    Message was edited by: Soda in the Keys

    I have the Axiom as well, 61 keys though. I've only assigned a few knobs and sliders, I'm just experimenting and stuff.
    I'd like to map everything systemically and logically in the end and get the most out of it.
    M-audio have their Enigma software, with its templates, maybe try that. I wasn't to keen on it. Though if you get anywhere with it, please get back to me.
    Check out this guy from youtube, I found this video very helpful.
    Then of course theres the Axiom Pro

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    Sorry for the late responce, I've been in program mode and haven't had a chance to come back to this.
    I figured it out. It was an option that I had over looked in the Assignments & Mapping tab in Edit Mode. At the bottom of the window that says All Devices. In that menu there is another tab that says Channel 1-16. If you click where it says Unassigned, down in the Screen Control Inspector there is a checked box that says "Send unassigned MIDI to all Channel Strips". If you uncheck that box then everything works perfectly. It is a little extra work having to assign the keyboard everytime you ad a channel strip but when you have to do some serious programming it's worth it.
    Anyone who needs to program with multiple devices should uncheck this right out of the gate. It will save you from pulling your hair out.
    Thank you Bruno for your help. It is much appreciated.

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    My Akai LPD8 is begging me to be able to assign these parameters as CC events with the Akai LPD8 controller editor software.
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    I understand that I wouldn't be able to record these event changes as MIDI automation data, but they would be great to get a feel of what I am looking for during creative sessions.
    Anyone know if this is possible? I didn't see that it was obvious to do so, though I am just getting into mapping my custom controls with Logic.
    Thanks so much!

    Thanks for the reply....
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    Try to re-program the drum pads to a more useful MIDI message, such as a note.
    Please consult the keyboard's manual on how to do that.

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    Help? cbe
    Be sure to read the addendum at the bottom

  • Axiom 25 and Express Questions

    Hi guys!
    Ive got some questions about syncing up my M-audio axiom 25 to Logic. My goal right now is to be able to write bass and drum parts (addictive drums) into the piano roll in write mode using the midi controller.
    1. first off how do I make the rotary controllers, say B1 to command logic to change the quantize parameters for when i'm writing drums in piano roll. turning clockwise will change the quantize value from 1/4 to 1/6 and counter clock wise will turn from 1/4 to 1/3.
    2. After that, how can I set B2 to transport left or right in piano roll (clock wise counter clockwise) so the playhead can move to the quantized value, which would allow rests.
    3. How can I set so my keystroke hits are placed between a certain velocity range? Like notes i play can only sound between 100 and 127 velocity.
    4. Could you maybe give me some other cool functionality ideas for syncing the two up for my work environment? Im sure there are things I haven't thought of because im new to the whole concept of a MIDI controller.

    i don't know the Axiom, so maybe i'm wrong.
    First, read the chapter on Control Surfaces in the Manual. Especially the Learn function (CMD-L) which can quick assign functions to a midi controller. Maybe this is all you need to get the knobs'n'buttons work. Select the function in Logic by clicking on it, press CMD-L and move the desired controller. That's all there is. You can, however, assign it manually in the control surface setup.
    The second thing is the velocity range. This can be done afterwards with the transform function.
    Usually i don't say this, but: Have a look in the manual. The tasks you want to perform are very specific, and it would be a long run to explain every little step here. However, feel free to ask if you have further questions

  • Learned controller assignments often get stuck in Logic.... (?)

    Hey guys, when use hardware controllers for controlling parameters of softsynths in Logic, I find that the software knobs often get stuck while moving them. I can not see a pattern to this behaviour, but it happens if I learn assignments within Logic, or using my Novation remote SL and other controllers with templates.
    Is this a known issue. Anyone else getting it?

    Yeah the whole controller assignment thing has me
    baffled. It seems to be geared towards specific,
    permanently installed "control surfaces".
    Not really - you can completely create your own multi-layer control surfaces, it's just that doing a complete control surface, with bank shifts for controlling track groups and so on is a fair amount of work, and takes some getting to know the controller assignments window, and the terminology like "modes" and "zones" etc
    However, the level of control it gives you is great, and if you want examples, you can for instance load a Logic Control controller surface into Logic and examine the way all it's assignments are configured.
    If you want to be more sure you can set up a
    transformer object to map midi cc's to your synths.
    I find it's way better (for me at least) to develop my own control surface support. I use a Korg MicroKontrol and found the default controller support to be rather clunky and not ideal for me, so I've developed and been refining my own control surface support which suits my needs perfectly. It's takes time and is an ongoing process, but is highly useful.
    I just wish some of the flaky behaviour was fixed, but my fingers are crossed for future versions...
    In any case, if you want to map a fader to a softsynth parameter, just hit apple-L, click on the onscreen control, and twiddle you fader. Assignment learnt. Do this for the parameters you want, turn off learn mode, and twiddle away with perfect automation.
    Don't also forget the automation quick access as well - assign your mod wheel to this, and you can select any parameter of a plug and quickly use the mod wheel to control it or write automation etc.

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    Can anyone clue me in on how to configure garageband 10.0.1 and my Axiom 25 Mk II so that I can control effects, e.g.: cutoff, filter, pulse, delay, etc. using keyboard controller knobs? Any input is greatly appreciated.

    hoping from the diagnostic logs someone more mac familiar than I can direct me in a fix for this?

  • Midi Machine Control Parameters for Axiom 61 Transport

    I have a fair understanding of controller assignements in LP 7.2.3 (Intel) however, I was wondering if the cycle button on the Axiom 61 can be programmed through MMC as the other button are.
    Example: Stop button (CC# 149 "not control change, but rather MMC for Axiom")
    MMC Number Value - 01
    For play its - 02, FF - 04, RW - 05 and so on
    My question - is there a MMC number value for Cycle?
    Here is my MMC reference:
    Hope there's someone out there who knows if this is possible. I know it can be done with assignments in Logic, however, I would like to hard program it into the Axiom, by preference of course.
    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: logikal

    This help?:
    Don't think "loop" is an MMC function, more a function over the timecode master going back in time repeatedly and any slaves following the timecode.
    Not sure what you are doing, but Logic can also output MMC on tracks with a tape deck icon, things like 'record enable' and so on - check the manual for details...

  • HELP! Trashed Controller Assignments - backups? What backups?!

    I have read about major bugs in the Controller Assignments/Automation side of L8 (they remain and persist in 8.01 - the version I am using) - bugs such as whole Modes/Zones literally vanishing from in front of my eyes.
    Specifically that is vanishing as a result of, for example, being prompted when a control is currently assigned to another parameter and being asked to reassign/cancel etc I click on "reassign" and hey presto, the zone for my Axiom61 has been deleted, along with half a dozen associated modes and several hours of tedious work.
    Not to mention that generally working on Controller Assignments has been nothing but trouble from the start, with spurious problems such as L8 just not responding to controls from one minute to the next.
    The above disappearing act has happened twice: Both instances occurred at the same kind of "reassign" prompt, though the first time I did not lose a whole ZONE just a MODE within my newly defined Axiom zone.
    Anyway, the question is this:
    I had understood that I needed to backup two files to protect my Contoller Assignments -
    BUT, having restored these from a backup I took a few hours ago, I find that my Controller Assignments are still absent.
    Can anyone help?
    Much appreciated in advance.
    BTW, L8 is, in my humble view, generally SIGNIFICANTLY better than any previous version. I have used them all.
    I just haven't ever set up Controller Assignments. Until now....

    Specifically that is vanishing as a result of, for example, being prompted
    when a control is currently assigned to another parameter and being asked
    to reassign/cancel etc I click on "reassign" and hey presto, the zone for my
    Axiom61 has been deleted, along with half a dozen associated modes and
    several hours of tedious work.
    Yep, I reported that one back in 7.1, and a looong list of numerous other horrible bugs with the controller assignments...
    LP8 uses the files you mentioned. LP7 uses the ones in /user/library/preferences/logic/ but it also uses the LP8 main pref plist as well, we discussed this before. It's odd.
    In any case, I got very careful about making multiple backups of controller assignments, but eventually I basically mostly gave up with my custom assignments because it was too buggy.
    It was the one thing I wanted fixed in 8, and I was very dissapointed.
    Oh, I also developed lots of workarounds while tip-toeing around in the controller assignments winodw. One is to duplicate all your commands into different modes, as a backup set without the same controller prefs. That way, if your modes get hosed through this or any other bugs, you can copy them back in from another mode.

  • Cannot get knobs to work on MIDI controller in garageband

    Hi all. I recently purchased the axiom 25 2nd generation with the intent of using it with garageband. I have the 2013 macbook pro retina running OS X 10.9 Mavericks with the newest version of garageband installed. The keys and pads work fine and I was able to get the controls to function with garageremote but the knobs and master volume still do not work. Is there any way to fix this?

    On the M Audio website it says that the newest mac driver is for OS 10.7.4

Maybe you are looking for