B1ITEM2B1ITEM BIU when updating

Hi all,
This is a long one... Now that I can run the B1PO2B1SO, I've created a new BIU to synchronize Items in a B1 to B1 scenario (including add, update and remove). To not affec existing PublicationObjectTypes and ObjectTypes, I've created new ones. The add part works fine. But update and remove not. In the control center I've got a failure message:
com.sap.b1i.xcellerator.XcelleratorException: XCE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE117 BizFlow-Execution stopped due to one or multiple thrown Exceptions; a list of the originating exceptions exists => Next appended Exception: com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE117 BizFlow-Execution stopped due to one or multiple thrown Exceptions; a list of the originating exceptions exists => Next appended Exception: com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.utilities.UtilException: UTE001 Nested exception: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException: Exception : com.sap.smb.sbo.wrapper.com.ComFailException: A COM exception has been encountered: At Invoke of: ReadXml Description: El servidor lanzó una excepción. =| (End of appended Exceptions) =| (End of appended Exceptions)BPE117 BizFlow-Execution stopped due to one or multiple thrown Exceptions; a list of the originating exceptions exists => Next appended Exception: com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.utilities.UtilException: UTE001 Nested exception: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException: Exception : com.sap.smb.sbo.wrapper.com.ComFailException: A COM exception has been encountered: At Invoke of: ReadXml Description: El servidor lanzó una excepción. =| (End of appended Exceptions)
I suppose is a DI API error, but that error doesn't tell me which one. Maybe it's about some fields I don't fill that are mandatory for updating. This is the complete message
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?><b1im:B1IMessage xmlns:b1im="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1imessage" MessageId="07020410365357808784C0A801238FC8" BeginTimeStamp="20070204140012" LogOn="true" Validity="true" SubMessageId="1"><b1im:Header><b1im:Sender>
      <sim:ObjectKeyMapping xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" LocalKey="Item8!!" UniqueId="" GlobalKey="07020410365357807825C0A801230F5A">
          <sim:ObjectLocalKey Value="Item8" Name="ItemCode" SelectionPath="BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemCode"></sim:ObjectLocalKey>
      <sim:SysId xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" Id="0010000100" Name="Origen" SysTypeId="B1.2005" ConnectivityMode="local">
          <sim:Connectivity ConnectivityTypeId="B1DI" IsPreferred="true" Mode="active"></sim:Connectivity>
          <sim:Property Key="Country" Value="PE" Description="Country"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Company Language" Value="ES" Description="Company Language"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Foreign Language" Value="EN" Description="Foreign Language"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Company Code" Value="CC01" Description="Company Code"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Credit Control Area" Value="" Description="Credit Control Area"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Sales Organization" Value="" Description="Sales Organization"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Distribution Channel" Value="" Description="Distribution Channel"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Division" Value="" Description="Division"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Plant" Value="" Description="Plant"></sim:Property>
          <sim:Property Key="Subsidiaries Customer Number" Value="S01" Description="Subsidiaries Customer Number"></sim:Property>
      <ObjectType xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity ../../com.sap.b1i.repository/General.xsd/SemanticIntegrationModel.xsd" Id="B1.2005_ITM_2" Name="Item 2" SysTypeId="B1.2005" LocalObjectType="4" ValueMappingKeyTableLink="B1.2004_ITM">
        <KeyMapping KeyPolicy="2">
            <LocalKeySelection SelectionPath="BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemCode" FieldName="ItemCode"></LocalKeySelection>
          <Connectivity ConnectivityTypeId="B1DI" PreferredType="true"></Connectivity>
        <PublicationObjectTypeRepresent PublicationObjectTypeId="ItemB1">
    </b1im:Sender><b1im:Receiver><sim:ObjectKeyMapping xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" LocalKey="Item8!!" UniqueId="" GlobalKey="07020410365357807825C0A801230F5A">
        <sim:ObjectLocalKey Value="Item8" Name="ItemCode" SelectionPath="BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemCode"></sim:ObjectLocalKey>
    </sim:ObjectKeyMapping><sim:SysId xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" Id="0010000101" Name="Destino" SysTypeId="B1.2005" ConnectivityMode="local"><sim:ConnectivityList><sim:Connectivity ConnectivityTypeId="B1DI" IsPreferred="true" Mode="active"></sim:Connectivity></sim:ConnectivityList><sim:PropertyList><sim:Property Key="Country" Value="PE" Description="Country"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Company Language" Value="ES" Description="Company Language"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Foreign Language" Value="EN" Description="Foreign Language"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Company Code" Value="CC002" Description="Company Code"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Credit Control Area" Value="" Description="Credit Control Area"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Sales Organization" Value="" Description="Sales Organization"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Distribution Channel" Value="" Description="Distribution Channel"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Division" Value="" Description="Division"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Plant" Value="" Description="Plant"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Subsidiaries Customer Number" Value="S02" Description="Subsidiaries Customer Number"></sim:Property></sim:PropertyList></sim:SysId><ObjectType xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity ../../com.sap.b1i.repository/General.xsd/SemanticIntegrationModel.xsd" Id="B1.2005_ITM_2" Name="Item 2" SysTypeId="B1.2005" LocalObjectType="4" ValueMappingKeyTableLink="B1.2004_ITM">
     <KeyMapping KeyPolicy="2">
               <LocalKeySelection SelectionPath="BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemCode" FieldName="ItemCode"></LocalKeySelection>
          <LocalKeyGenerationRuleLink> </LocalKeyGenerationRuleLink>
          <Connectivity ConnectivityTypeId="B1DI" PreferredType="true"></Connectivity>
     <PublicationObjectTypeRepresent PublicationObjectTypeId="ItemB1">
</ObjectType></b1im:Receiver><b1im:System Task="U" GlobalKey="07020410365357807825C0A801230F5A"><BIU xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity ../../com.sap.b1i.repository/General.xsd/SemanticIntegrationModel.xsd" SenderSysTypeId="B1.2005" ReceiverSysTypeId="B1.2005" SenderCountryCode="*" ReceiverCountryCode="*" SenderMainObjectTypeId="B1.2005_ITM_2" ReceiverMainObjectTypeId="B1.2005_ITM_2" MainBizflow="Main.bfd" Name="B1ITEM2B1ITEM">
</BIU><sim:PropertyList xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity"><sim:Property Key="Country" Value="PE" Description="Country"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Company Language" Value="ES" Description="Company Language"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Foreign Language" Value="EN" Description="Foreign Language"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Company Code" Value="CC01" Description="Company Code"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Credit Control Area" Value="" Description="Credit Control Area"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Sales Organization" Value="" Description="Sales Organization"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Distribution Channel" Value="" Description="Distribution Channel"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Division" Value="" Description="Division"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Plant" Value="" Description="Plant"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Subsidiaries Customer Number" Value="S01" Description="Subsidiaries Customer Number"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Country" Value="PE" Description="Country"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Company Language" Value="ES" Description="Company Language"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Foreign Language" Value="EN" Description="Foreign Language"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Company Code" Value="CC002" Description="Company Code"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Credit Control Area" Value="" Description="Credit Control Area"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Sales Organization" Value="" Description="Sales Organization"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Distribution Channel" Value="" Description="Distribution Channel"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Division" Value="" Description="Division"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Plant" Value="" Description="Plant"></sim:Property><sim:Property Key="Subsidiaries Customer Number" Value="S02" Description="Subsidiaries Customer Number"></sim:Property></sim:PropertyList></b1im:System><b1im:RoutingList></b1im:RoutingList><b1im:ReceiverList><b1im:Receiver SysId="0010000101" SysTypeId="B1.2005" BIUURI="/sim.com.sap.b1i.datasync.001/biu.B1ITEM2B1ITEM/BIUMETA.B1.2005_B1.2005.xml" NextHopId="0010000101"></b1im:Receiver></b1im:ReceiverList><b1im:Extra></b1im:Extra></b1im:Header><b1im:Body><b1im:Payload ObjectTypeId="" ObjectRole="A">
      <b1ie:B1IEvent xmlns:b1ie="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1ievent" SysId="0010000100" SysTypeId="B1.2005" Task="U" LocalObjectType="4">
          <b1ie:PrimaryKey Key="ItemCode" Value="Item8"></b1ie:PrimaryKey>
    </b1im:Payload><b1im:Payload ObjectTypeId="B1.2005_ITM_2" ObjectRole="S">
              <ItemName>Item8 Ian</ItemName>
    </b1im:Payload><b1im:Payload ObjectTypeId="B1.2005_ITM_2" ObjectRole="R"><BOM><BO><AdmInfo><Object>4</Object><Version>2</Version></AdmInfo><QueryParams><ItemCode>Item8</ItemCode></QueryParams><Items><row><ItemCode>Item8</ItemCode><ItemName>Item8 Ian</ItemName><ItemsGroupCode>101</ItemsGroupCode><ItemType>itItems</ItemType><InventoryItem>tYES</InventoryItem><PurchaseItem>tYES</PurchaseItem><SalesItem>tNO</SalesItem></row></Items></BO></BOM></b1im:Payload></b1im:Body></b1im:B1IMessage>
I don' see what's wrong with it.
If it's useful here are the publication object types, object type, the BIUMETA and the XSL (in that order) for Item to Item (not many fields, I was just testing):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?><?bpc.pltype.out bpm.pltype=xml?><PublicationObjectType xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity ../../com.sap.b1i.repository/General.xsd/SemanticIntegrationModel.xsd" Name="ItemB1" Id="ItemB1"></PublicationObjectType>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?><?bpc.pltype.out bpm.pltype=xml?><ObjectType xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity ../../com.sap.b1i.repository/General.xsd/SemanticIntegrationModel.xsd" Id="B1.2005_ITM_2" Name="Item 2" SysTypeId="B1.2005" LocalObjectType="4" ValueMappingKeyTableLink="B1.2004_ITM">
     <KeyMapping KeyPolicy="2">
               <LocalKeySelection SelectionPath="BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemCode" FieldName="ItemCode"></LocalKeySelection>
          <LocalKeyGenerationRuleLink> </LocalKeyGenerationRuleLink>
          <Connectivity ConnectivityTypeId="B1DI" PreferredType="true"></Connectivity>
     <PublicationObjectTypeRepresent PublicationObjectTypeId="ItemB1">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BIU xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity ../../com.sap.b1i.repository/General.xsd/SemanticIntegrationModel.xsd" SenderSysTypeId="B1.2005" ReceiverSysTypeId="B1.2005" SenderCountryCode="*" ReceiverCountryCode="*" SenderMainObjectTypeId="B1.2005_ITM_2" ReceiverMainObjectTypeId="B1.2005_ITM_2" MainBizflow="Main.bfd" Name="B1ITEM2B1ITEM">
[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:b1im="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1imessage"
     xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
     <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"></xsl:output>
     <!--From SystemID-->
  <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="b1im:B1IMessage/b1im:Body/b1im:Payload[starts-with(@ObjectTypeId,'B1.200') and contains(@ObjectTypeId,'_ITM')]/BOM"></xsl:apply-templates>
     <xsl:template match="b1im:B1IMessage/b1im:Body/b1im:Payload[starts-with(@ObjectTypeId,'B1.200') and contains(@ObjectTypeId,'_ITM')]/BOM">
                              <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/ItemCode"></xsl:value-of>
                                   <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/ItemCode"></xsl:value-of>
                                   <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/ItemName"></xsl:value-of>
                                   <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/ItemsGroupCode"></xsl:value-of>
                                   <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/ItemType"></xsl:value-of>
                                   <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/InventoryItem"></xsl:value-of>
                                   <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/PurchaseItem"></xsl:value-of>
                                   <xsl:value-of select="BO/Items/row/SalesItem"></xsl:value-of>
     <xsl:template name="deleteLeadingZero">
          <xsl:param name="strFragment"></xsl:param>
          <xsl:variable name="len" select="string-length($strFragment)"></xsl:variable>
               <xsl:when test="$strFragment= '0'"></xsl:when>
               <xsl:when test="len <= 1 or substring($strFragment,1,1) != '0'">
                    <xsl:value-of select="$strFragment"></xsl:value-of>
                    <xsl:call-template name="deleteLeadingZero">
                         <xsl:with-param name="strFragment" select="substring($strFragment, 2, $len - 1)"></xsl:with-param>
I don't know what's missing now. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

Hi Felipe,
I got a big problem here.
Works fine:
Create an item in one system. The item is created in the other system. Update the item in the first system. The item is updated in the other system.
Doens't work (a very common case):
Create an item in one system. Create the same item in the other system (not using B1i). Update the item in the first system. Error:
com.sap.b1i.xcellerator.XcelleratorException: XCE001 Nested exception:
com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE117 BizFlow-Execution stopped due to one or multiple thrown Exceptions; a list of the originating exceptions exists => Next appended Exception:
com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE117 BizFlow-Execution stopped due to one or multiple thrown Exceptions; a list of the originating exceptions exists => Next appended Exception:
com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.utilities.UtilException: UTE001 Nested exception:
com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException: DI Error -2035 : (-2035) This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035) =| (End of appended Exceptions) =| (End of appended Exceptions)
BPE117 BizFlow-Execution stopped due to one or multiple thrown Exceptions; a list of the originating exceptions exists => Next appended Exception:
com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.utilities.UtilException: UTE001 Nested exception: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException:
DI Error -2035 : (-2035) This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035) =| (End of appended Exceptions)
Now, what I see in the message.
In //b1im:Message/b1im:Header/b1im:System/@Task, the value is "I", even when I'm updating.
But in //b1im:Message/b1im:Body/b1im:Payload[@ObjectRole = 'A']/b1ie:B1iEvent/@Task, the value is "U". (Sorry if that's not the correct syntax, I'm not an XPath pro :P )
Correct me if I'm wrong. I think this means that the system is looking for a created item (that passed by B1i), and if it's a new one, tries to insert it in the other system instead of updating. Obviously this is not the escenario I'm looking for. So is there a way to avoid this? How can I make that when the original system is updating, it tries to do update instead of inserting (of course assuming that everything MUST be synchronized)? Or how can I register all the existing objects in the B1i database?
Desperately needing an answer ,

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    I enabled a trace during the process and this was the section after the updated was attempted.
    PARSE #125:c=1999,e=1131,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=1,plh=0,tim=1342466511527089
    EXEC #125:c=5999,e=5829,p=0,cr=1,cu=1,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=1,plh=3977838810,tim=1342466511533163
    ERROR #125:err=1438 tim=1342466511533218
    STAT #125 id=1 cnt=0 pid=0 pos=1 obj=0 op='UPDATE CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_B (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us)'
    STAT #125 id=2 cnt=1 pid=1 pos=1 obj=58779 op='TABLE ACCESS BY USER ROWID CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_B (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us cost=1 size=285 card=1)'
    CLOSE #125:c=0,e=42,dep=1,type=0,tim=1342466511533719
    PARSING IN CURSOR #124 len=37 dep=1 uid=175 oct=45 lid=175 tim=1342466511533847 hv=1888065881 ad='0' sqlid='aahpwzps8m6at'
    PARSE #124:c=0,e=30,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=0,plh=0,tim=1342466511533844
    EXEC #124:c=1000,e=17838,p=0,cr=0,cu=4,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=0,plh=0,tim=1342466511551774
    CLOSE #124:c=0,e=4,dep=1,type=3,tim=1342466511551833
    CLOSE #122:c=0,e=4,dep=1,type=3,tim=1342466511551876
    I have compiled the forms for JTF, CS, CSC
    I also ran utlrp.sql to recompile invalid objects and still no luck.
    No luck in metalink thus far. Where would the next logical place be to look for the cause of this error? Thanks

    It appears to be attempting to update all the columns in the statement, I am not sure which ones have data vs which don't.
    :B124 , PROBLEM_CODE = :B123 , ORIGINAL_ORDER_NUMBER = :B122 ,
    TIME_ZONE_ID = :B110 , TIME_DIFFERENCE = :B109 , PLATFORM_ID = :B108 ,
    :B84 , DATABASE = :B83 , CATEGORY_ID = :B82 , GROUP_TYPE = :B81 ,
    :B55 , BILL_TO_ACCOUNT_ID = :B54 , SHIP_TO_ACCOUNT_ID = :B53 ,
    = :B43 , REQUEST_ID = :B42 , PROGRAM_LOGIN_ID = :B41 , BILL_TO_SITE_ID =
    SLA_DATE_1 = :B9 , SLA_DATE_2 = :B8 , SLA_DATE_3 = :B7 , SLA_DATE_4 = :B6 ,
    SLA_DATE_5 = :B5 , SLA_DATE_6 = :B4 , SLA_DURATION_1 = :B3 , SLA_DURATION_2
    = :B2
    ROWID = :B1
    <****----------------------END STATEMENT---------------------------------------****>
    After that statement this is what the tkprof generated reports shows
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 1 1 0
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    total 2 0.00 0.00 0 1 1 0
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1
    Misses in library cache during execute: 1
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 175 (recursive depth: 1)
    Rows Row Source Operation
    0 UPDATE CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_B (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us)
    1 TABLE ACCESS BY USER ROWID CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_B (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us cost=1 size=285 card=1)
    SQL ID: aahpwzps8m6at
    Plan Hash: 0
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    Execute 1 0.00 0.01 0 0 4 0
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    total 2 0.00 0.01 0 0 4 0
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    0 UPDATE CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_B (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us)
    1 TABLE ACCESS BY USER ROWID CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_B (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us cost=1 size=285 card=1)
    SQL ID: aahpwzps8m6at
    Plan Hash: 0
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    Execute 1 0.00 0.01 0 0 4 0
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    total 2 0.00 0.01 0 0 4 0
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Parsing user id: 175 (recursive depth: 1)
    <****------------------------------------END TKPROF-----------------------------------------****>

  • Error when updating Playbook OS version via Blackberry Desktop Manager

    I have a batch of old playbooks which having the stack charging issue, but I found that I can update the OS to the newest version ( via Blackberry Desktop Manager, then the charging algorithm will be changed to the updated one and go over this dead battery issue. I was able to do so successfully in the past week smoothly on several devices.
    But since this Monday, the Desktop Manager is saying "An updated Blackberry Desktop Software component must be installed before you can continue" when downloading the Desktop software and will appear "There was an error updating your software, an error has occurred while downloading the Blackberry Desktop Software.Please try again." and preventing the process. Seems there are some change on the server side starting this week which has caused this problem, but there's no error code to locate the exact issue.
    I tried on 2 different computers as well as completed uninstalling and re-installing the Desktop manager, also tried to disable the automatic update as been advised in some threads. So no clue how to deal with it for now. It will be highly appreciate if some one can share some idea.
    I've attached the step by step screenshots for reference, where you can find here:

    BLock wrote:
    Sorry I can not help you with your problem but perhaps you can help me.  
    Can you advise where I can find info on "disable the automatic update"?
    just ignore the update if you dont want it on the playbook
    for reloading the OS
    First I would like you to do a Back Up of your PlayBook using your computer and BlackBerry Desktop Software.
    This can be downloaded for free from http://us.blackberry.com/apps-software/desktop/
    After the Back Up is complete I need you to unplug your PlayBook and then push and hold down the Power Button until the unit Force Powers Off.
    Now, while Desktop Software is still open on your computer and the PlayBook Powered Off, Connect the PlayBook to your computer.
    You should see and error screen from Desktop Software pop up that has the options to Retry, Update, or Cancel.
    QUICKLY choose the Update option.
    This will erase all the information off of your PlayBook and Re-Write the Software back onto it. Once it's complete your PlayBook will need to go back through the setup wizard, and you can then perform a restore using Desktop Software to return your information. The only thing that won't come back after the restore are the apps that you downloaded from App World but they can be easily Re-Installed using the My World feature in App World.
    Click here to Backup the data on your BlackBerry Device! It's important, and FREE!
    Click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved. To give thanks, click thumbs up
    Click to search the Knowledge Base at BTSC and click to Read The Fabulous Manuals
    BESAdmin's, please make a signature with your BES environment info.
    SIM Free BlackBerry Unlocking FAQ
    Follow me on Twitter @knottyrope
    Want to thank me? Buy my KnottyRope App here
    BES 12 and BES 5.0.4 with Exchange 2010 and SQL 2012 Hyper V

  • When updating my ipod as prompted I now get error on my laptop --Runtime Error  Prog:C:\Prog Files\iTunes.exe   R6034. An application has made an attempt to load the c Runtime Library incorrectly.Please contact applicant support.

    When updating my ipod I as prompted got message on my laptop----Runtime Error Prog: C:\Prog Files\iTunes.exe  R6034 An applicationhas made an attempt to load the C Runtime Library incorrectly. Please contact support. Error 7(Windowserror 1114)

    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

  • Error message when updating to iTunes 8.0

    I have been using and upgrading iTunes on my laptop for a long time now, and have never experienced this problem before.
    When updating, it begins installing, then gives me an error message saying: "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailabe", and asks me to browse my computer and find the location of iTunes.msi.
    How do I fix this problem? Will I have to completely re-install my iTunes? I really don't want to have to re-do my entire library.

    When you get this message, doing an installer file cleanup often fixes it.
    Here is am method for removal, cleanup and reinstall of iTunes:
    == uninstall with cleanup ==
    Download a fresh copy of iTunes and the stand alone version of Quicktime (the one without iTunes)
    Download and install Microsoft Installer cleanup utility, there are instructions on the page as well as the download. Note that what you download is the installer not the program – you have to run it to install the program.
    To run the program – All Programs>>Windows Install Cleanup
    Now use the following method to remove iTunes and its components:
    *If you hit a problem with one of the uninstalls don't worry*, carry on with the deleting of files and folders as directed in the method.
    When you get to deleting Quicktime files in the system32 folder as advised in the method, you can delete any file or folder with Quicktime in the name.
    Restart your PC.
    Run the Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility. (Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up)
    Remove any references you find to the programs you removed - strictly speaking you only need to worry about those programs where the uninstall failed.
    If you don’t see an entry for one of the programs that did not uninstall, look out for blank entries or numeric entries that look like version numbers e.g. 7.x for Quicktime or 1.x for Bonjour.
    restart your PC
    Install the stand alone Quicktime and check that it works.
    If it does, install iTunes

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