Back to long backups again!!

What happened? I thought Apple had fixed this problem. The last few months, backing up and syncing is taking forever again on my 3G iPhone!
Any idea's?

Do you use the Facebook app? Users have reported that causes this issue due to a bloated app cache. Deleting and re-installing the app corrects the issue.

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    I moved my TC today to a new apartment. Same computer and everything. I can mount the drive and see the macbook pro backup file but i cant connect to it with time machine. Now when I back up my computer again, it is starting a new backup of the entire system.
    would maybe reinstalling leopard and using the other pro backup work? let me know thanks!

    Well I called apple about this and they said i need to reinstall leopard from the latest backup.

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    Can I no longer backup my Itunes library to a dvd+r?  If not, is there a way to revert back to a previous version of Itunes like 10.3?

    Will this work?
    Yes, but it can't be done from within iTunes. Choose to consolidate it from the Library section of the File menu, and then move the iTunes folder to the drive.
    I could try to backup to CD-R, but one of my albums is 708.6 MB big, which is too big to fit on one CD-R.
    That will work. Unless a single song or video is too large to fit on a CD, iTunes can back it up to a CD.

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    Try a reset and see if the popup disappears after the iPad has restarted : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • FIX the long backups, not disable them. Solution is here!

    NOTE: This process was performed on an iPod Touch 2.0.2 with iTunes on a PC running Windows XP. The process is the same (or similar) for the iPhone.
    +*My backups used to take 4 hours. Now they take just minutes, even with 40+ apps*+ installed including large apps like Texas Hold 'em, Brain Challenge, and Vay. No, I am not exaggerating. A fresh sync generally takes no more than 5 minutes from the time I plug my iPod in to the time I disconnect.
    I do not guarantee this process will work for you. I can't do that. But it has worked for a lot of other people. This fix is an adaptation from geauxracerx's solution posted here. Read what others have said. I do not take credit for the solution, but I added in a few steps and gave a little more detailed info to fill in the blanks, fix problems and answer the questions I ran into when following geauxracerx's instructions.
    Extraordinary long backups are caused by an error when an app (or apps) was installed or updated, particularly if you have ever installed or updated using the App Store on the device itself rather than iTunes. Even if you were never aware that there was a problem, they can arise and will cause problems with the backup process. Maybe you did have a problem during an update or install. Maybe the update stalled, or the App Store crashed. These issues are very likely what have been causing your long backups and you didn't even know it. During the backup process these errors cause it to drag and pause for a very long time before it gets moving again. From your view, you just see a normal backup that is taking hours, and undoubtedly annoying you to no end. On the inside, iTunes is trying desperately to get past a roadblock that it doesn't know where it came from.
    This is how to fix the problem. *This is not a quick fix, but it is an effective fix. And it is a FIX, not a band aid.* Depending on how many apps you have installed, this can take several hours to complete. *You will also lose all game scores and any other data stored in your apps.* You will be starting fresh. It is an inconvenience, but in the end, you will be rewarded with quick, efficient backups, the way Apple intended. And you will never have to dread the
    iTunes backup again.
    The Process:
    1. Open iTunes, go to Edit>Preferences>Syncing and remove all previous backups. Also click "Disable automatic syncing for all iPhones and iPods"
    2. In your system file structure, locate the backup files for iTunes.
    On Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup
    On a Mac: Users/YOURACCOUNT/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup
    Delete ALL files and folders inside the Backup folder.
    3. Plug in iPod. On the Applications tab, uncheck sync apps. Click sync. This will remove all apps on your iPod, it will also backup the ipod. This backup will be very fast, and will recreate the backup folders you deleted in
    step 2.
    4. If there are any apps left on your ipod, touch and hold the icon until it starts to wiggle, then touch the X to delete the app. Delete all apps left on your ipod. Then sync again.
    5. After the sync is complete, disconnect the iPod and do a hard restart by holding down the sleep/power button until the slider appears, slide to power off. Wait 5 seconds and push the power button again and wait for the ipod to boot up.
    6. Now begin adding apps back to your ipod one by one. On the Applications tab, click "Sync applications" AND "Selected applications".
    7. Click one app and sync. After the sync is complete, right click on your ipod under Devices in the left column of iTunes. Click "Back Up" and allow the backup to complete.
    8. Repeat step 7 for each app you want to install. Be sure to backup after each install. As you add more and more apps, the backup will take longer and longer as the process scans apps for changes. An initial backup can also be long for a particularly large application. However, ONLY the initial backup after you install an app will take a long time. Subsequent backups are very quick. Even these "long" backups are just minutes long, sometimes up to 15 minutes in my experience.
    9. When you are finished installing and backing up all apps, go to Edit>Preferences>Syncing and enable automatic syncing for all iPhones and iPods.
    10. Unplug and plug your device back in just for kicks. Let it back up and sync. Better?
    The very first time an application is backed up, all critical data is written to your hard drive. This is why the backups are so long the first time. Afterward, only data changes are written, so backups are much shorter.
    Backup times will continue to vary based on how many apps were altered since the last sync. If you've used one app since the last backup, your backup will be very short. If you've used 20 apps, the backup will be longer. But you will be rid of the dreaded hour (or more) long backup, that is a promise.
    Now that your apps are installed and backing up correctly, the number one rule is to *never, ever install or update apps through the App Store on the iPod*. ONLY install and update through iTunes, and backup after every install or update. The App Store on the iPod is still unstable and can cause lock ups, crashes and freezes. And it is the culprit in these long backup times. Avoid it until the bugs are ironed out.
    Also, do not be tempted to disable backups using programs or code edits available online. Your backups are crucial in the event of a restore. Backups contain all of your personal data like game scores, notes, icon arrangement, application data, etc. And it's not a matter of if you'll have to restore one day, it's when, and you'll be glad you have a backup when you do.

    Thanks for your reply, the trackpad is 9 months old, but it was a christmas present so I dont have the receipt.
    Also Im in Dubai, which pretty much means that your warranty lasts as long as they remember your face in the shop buying it!
    I have read through over 10 pages of people with the same problem as mine here on the support site, the only variable is different solutions
    work for some people, and nothing works for others.
    I found turning my iPhone off fixed the problem for 2 days!!
    Most people seem to only have the issue with Mavericks, and a few suffered with the Lions.
    The movies are playing fine, they just keep pausing and playing continuously from phantom clicks.
    Its got so bad now, I dont even have enough control to restart the machine!
    I would simply chance buying a new trackpad... but after I received a phantom click about 20 seconds AFTER the pad was switched off, I dont wanna go throwing more money at this needlessly.
    I wish Apple would take these sort of things seriously, if I cant get this sorted in a week, Im gonna have to either upgrade my Macbook to Mavericks (which I did before, then spent 2 days reverting back to Snow Leopard)
    Or im gonna have to buy a PC and Cubase!
    If any one at Apple is reading this (I do believe I just heard an echo!) Some of us rely on your equipment for work, and we do seem to pay a very big premium just for the privilege of the little white logo.
    Is there any chance you could show your existing users a hint of respect or common courtesy by taking these issues seriously?
    It is after all our loyalty to your brand over the years that put you were you are today.

  • 180 GB of my 639-GB Macintosh hard drive is used. 320 GB of my 498-GB Tie Capsule is used. Only one backup ("now") exists for the Time Capsule, which can no longer backup because of "insufficient space". How come? What is wrong?"

    180 GB of my 639-GB Macintosh hard drive is used. 320 GB of my 498-GB Tie Capsule is used. Only one backup ("now") exists for the Time Capsule, which can no longer backup because of "insufficient space". How come? What is wrong?"

    Thank you William for your most helpful response. I shall deal first with your three comments:
    Not being tech savvy, I would not have been able to make that call myself but it sure makes sense.
    I have updated my profiles as you suggest.  Excellent tip.
    This guidance is good.  Being new to Apple Support Communities, I did not find the field a labeling and guidance to be clear, a point you make.  Now I know, I shall do as you say and will use the small slim box as a header to the full message/question, which will place in the larger box below.
    Secondly, I come to your question: Did anything change on your Mac recently, such as replacing the disk or main logic board?
    The answer is “yes”.  Two events have happened both of which concerned the Time Capsule:
    The telephone company, with which I have access to the Internet and I have my email account, installed a new modum.  After the technician left I had to try and get the Time Capsule and WiFi working again which ended with my having to call Apple for technical assistance.  The Apple technician walked me through a number of procedural steps which effectively re-set up the Time Capsule. 
    Access to the Internet failed and the telephone company reset the modum.  I had to call Apple again.  This time the technician did not reset the Time Capsule but walked me through a number of steps tha included renaming the “site”  (not the Time Capsule).
    Another piece of information that may be relevant is that the MacBook Pro uses the Time Capsule for backup.  Everything appears to be in order.  When I enter the Time Capsule for this laptop I have backups going back for a long time.
    Also, I do a weekly backup of the two computers onto another external hard drive using the Time Machine software.  So I have another backup of both computers.

  • Long Backup Times Due to Apps!

    I just wanted to start a new thread letting everyone know if they are experiencing long back up times every time you unplug and plug back in to sync this is why:
    This is not a solution and obviously something is wrong...
    The more you apps you add the longer it gets...I erased all apps and my backup is 3seconds...before it was 2hours...If you add apps one by one and each time unplug and plug back in and sync it will back up again getting longer and longer with each app...
    It is really messed up because all the apps combined are a very small amount of memory, yet it takes forever...Something is obviously screwed up! There is no way this 10-300MB of data should take soo long... Hopefully there is a fix soon.
    it did not make a difference for me whether I got apps from the store or phone.
    Other troubleshooting that didn't work was:
    removing backups and starting over
    resetting isync devices
    transferring purchases
    renaming backup folders
    auto/manual syncing
    The only work arounds thus far are:
    1. press x to cancel long backup, but then you have no back up.
    2. Have no apps
    3. Let it back up every sync for up to hours...
    I am not sure the backups are even working, because when I restored it said the back ups were unusable or you may be backing up and they are still unusable...
    <Edited by Moderator>

    Well let me add my voice to this thread...
    iPhone 3G was working fine last night, woke up this morning (using my iPhone alarm), waiting for the wife to finish getting ready in the bathroom so I thought I'd have a go of Aurora Feint...
    As the game is loading, boom! My iPhone restarts. No warning, nothing. Then the **** thing just sits at the Apple logo indefinitely. For over an hour. So I decide to bite the bullet (since I'd gone through a backup of over 120 minutes the previous evening) and restore the phone from diagnostic mode since that is the only way I could get iTunes to recognise my iPhone.
    iTunes then very kindly informs me that my backup from last night (my only backup) is corrupt. So now I'm having to manually put all my settings back in. Good job I have got MobileMe (which is kinda working better at the moment).
    What on earth is going on with this 2.0 software and iTunes 7.7? I'm not one to normally bash a company or a mass produced product because I understand problems can happen, but I'm afraid this is getting beyond ridiculous. I'm anxious when I show my iPhone to people, because I don't know what's going to happen - restart, crash, slow scrolling etc. etc. etc.
    I just wish Apple were a little bit more open when it comes to customer feedback. It is painfully obvious that something somewhere is very broken, long backups that are ultimately corrupt (so, in other words, completely useless), restarting iPhone, crashing Apps, the list goes on and on.
    Just an acknowledgement by Apple that they are working on a fix to stop iPhones spontaneously restarting or crashing would be nice. As it is, nobody even knows if Apple are even aware of these problems, let alone working on a fix for them. Apple Retail don't know anything (and even if they did, they wouldn't be allowed to say because of the NDA all staff sign).
    I'm getting more and more frustrated by the day with this iPhone. And as my friends will attest, I am probably Apple's Number 1 fan - and have been since I started using them 15 years ago.
    Please Apple, don't promise us the earth with this 2.0 software then stay tight lipped when all these issues occur. Remember it's OK to admit fault from time to time - it's what makes us human.

  • Since 10.9.2 I can no longer backup my 3gs via iTunes

    Since upgrading to 10.9.2 I suddenly discovered that I can no longer backup or sync my 3Gs to iTunes. Variously:
    1- I suddenly keep gettting -- iPhone is locked messages cannot backup - never had them before
    2- I cannot re-arrange apps and then update the iPhone
    3- I see strange messages flash by about downloading various music even though I have not touched the music on the iPhone in months
    There are probably other symptoms, but those are the ones I recall.

    The article is quite interesting. Quite a Mea Culpa from Apple!
       Translated, the article says -- if you get any of these errors, iTunes and/or IOS have corrupted your device to the point where it cannot be recovered. You must reinitialize (i.e. restore from backup) your device.  -- excetp that the first step "Copy your backup" is less than informative or useful.
    Under OSX, the mentioned location contains nothing but a bunch of files named with a string of digits.
    Yes, I know what they represent and how to translate them -- howver, I pitty joe-user with no experience with OSX.
    The bulk of the article is for Windows systems. Very little information in that article applies to OSX.
    The funny, but sad, thing is the first thing they tell you to do is to update OSX and iTunes and security software -- when in fact that is what cause the problem in the first place. Granted the articles pre-date the OSX/iTunes updates which caused the problem.
    However, all of that blather ignored -- the article does NOT address my problem.
    Unless it really does.
    I have no issues (apparently) with successfully backing up my iPhone. At least iTunes claims that it is being successful.
    What is failing is the second half -- the Sync.
    OF course, that is if you belive iTunes -- which, according to the /Library/Logs/MobilBackup/MobilBackup.log, has in fact NOT happened now since January!
    Very interesting.
    Thanks for your suggestion.
    However, I continue to hunt.

  • I moved the mobilesync path where my backups should be stored. However, since then I moved some folders around which I think is the source of my error. I can no longer backup my iphone. How do I fix this?

    A while ago, I moved the mobilesync path so that it would stop trying to backup onto my C drive. However, since then I moved some folders around which I think is the source of my error. I can no longer backup my iphone It just tells me that the backup is corrupted. When i go to preferences, devices, and look under backups it is empty. How do I fix this?

    Howdy there mjspace1994,
    It sounds like you are unable to backup your phone after moving the mobile sync folder from its default location. If moving it back manually does not resolve the issue, I would next use either of the following articles to remove iTunes from your computer and then re install it. The articles outline the proper order to remove them in, and step by step instructions:
    Remove and Reinstall iTunes and other software components from Windows XP
    Remove and reinstall iTunes and related software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

  • Does anyone know how to delete the back up for the ipod? I am getting an error message that says "iTunes could not back up iPod because it is corrupt or not compatible with iPod; delete back up and try again"

    does anyone know how to delete the back up for the ipod? I am getting an error message that says "iTunes could not back up iPod because it is corrupt or not compatible with iPod; delete back up and try again"

    Go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices and highlight the backup you want to delete and click on Delete Backup

  • IMac Can no longer backup

    I run the latest version of leopard. Since I downloaded the most recent update I can no longer backup. I receive this message -
    "You do not have appropriate access privileges to save file “.001b6399ff8a” in folder “BackupDisk”.
    I cannot find such a folder on my iMac or on my backup disk.
    Has anyone any ideas?

    +Sorry, it was my intention to reply to Deedy.+
    Please ignore this post. When I first post my reply to Deedy it appeared here - in the wrong place. Hence I wrote the above.
    Now my response to Deedy appears in the right after all. I will now go outside into my back garden and swear my head off. ok?
    Message was edited by: El Deanio

  • After having the logic board replaced, Time Machine will no longer backup my computer to the same backup files as before.

    After having the logic board replaced due to bad NVidia chip, my Time Machine will no longer backup my computer to the current backup. Is there a way to reset something to get Time Machine to continue to use the same backup files as before for this laptop?

    As far as TM is concerned you have a new computer, so it will make a new backup. If you don't have the space for both backups then erase your backup drive before backing up the computer.

  • HT1296 How do I back up the calendar and contacts from my iPhone5 to my new macbook pro(10.8.3)? I have backed up the phone, but it does not transfer the calendar or the contacts. If I check them in the sync area and the back up the phone again...

    How do I back up the calendar and contacts from my iPhone5 to my new macbook pro(10.8.3)? I have backed up the phone, but it does not transfer the calendar or the contacts. If I check them in the sync area and then back up the phone again will they transfer or be erased? I am a bit gun shy since my previous macbook pro committed suicide and I lost a ton of info there.

    Copy everything from your backup copy of your old computer.

  • I restored my data from iCloud on my new phone, but now there's no room to back up to iCloud again. How do I merge past back ups, and what's currently on my phone?

    I had to get a new iPhone 4s, because my old one stopped connecting to wifi. The option was "greyed out." I restored my new iphone from what was most recently backed up to my iCloud. I am trying to get my new iPhone to back up to iCloud but it is saying I cannot because there isnt' enough room. My back up I used to restore was 4.1 of the 5 GB allowed in iCloud. Is there a way to merge these so that I can start having this phone automatically back up to iCloud like my old one was? I've been trying to delete that back up, but I can't because "it is in use." Is there a way to fix this or am I just stuck having to remember to back my iPhone up to iTunes every once in a while?

    You can't merge the backups, you'll have to delete the backup of your old phone.  If it says it's currently in use when you try, that will normally clear up on its own but may take 3-5 days to do so.  Give it a few days and try deleting the old backup again.
    In the meantime, you can create a manual backup of your new phone on your computer by connecting it to your computer, opening iTunes, clicking on the name of your phone in iTuens, going to the Summary tab of your iTunes sync settings and clicking Back Up Now.  Also go to File>Devices>Transfer Purchases.  Then you'll be safe until you can start backup up to iCloud again.

  • Ipad 2- Failed Restore after 5.0. But it tried to backup again. Can I restore to previous backup or is all gone and overwritten?!?!

    This is what I did...
    Got latest Itunes...
    9:30pm---Backed up and SYNCed my whole Ipad 2 which was a lil over 8GB onto my computer (LIKE AN HOUR)
    **I had 2gb left free on my comp after that backup
    Downloaded Ipad 2 (WIFI) direct 5.0 update file. (around 700mb)
    **around 1gb left on comp
    Shift+Restore>Selected the 5.0 update file
    UPDATED to 5.0
    Turned on Ipad
    Selected "Restore Ipad", says its going to take 2 hours
    Computer basically went to 0gb after an hour. which I dont know why it was trying to backup AGAIN for.
    Itunes says restored failed. nothing on the Ipad, still on the "Connect to Itunes" screen. So I unplug n plug again. And it syncs n backsup for like 3 minutes.
    I press restore again, it asks to restore to my 12:00midnight BACKUP?!?! not my 930 BACKUP?
    Don't see any other option than just to do that one. It restores in about 2 minutes and I'm finally at the homescreen. NOTHING AT ALL except the apps that got synced.
    Now I worry all is lost because now my computer says around 6gb free. What happend to my only having 1gb free after my 8 gb backup/sync?
    Is there a way to restore from my wanted/initial/previous backup with all my photos n videos and everything??

    It is possible that there is a problem with the files sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    Delete the files sessionstore.js [2] and sessionstore.bak in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    * Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    If you see files sessionstore-##.js with a number in the left part of the name like sessionstore-1.js then delete those as well.
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups and open and closed (undo) tabs to get lost, so you will have to create them again (make a note or bookmark them).
    See also:
    * [1]
    * [2]

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