Backing up purchased music ... on HD ?

Is it possible to back-up purchased music with ITunes ... not on the cd/DVD as proposed ... but on a external HD ?
Furthermore ... if I make a copy of the Itunes folder on the external HD, will this enable me to restore my ITines if I ever had a problem ?
Many Thxs.
L R Belgium

Is it possible to back-up purchased music with ITunes ... not on the cd/DVD as proposed ... but on a external HD ?
Sure it is.
Assuming you aren't using back-up software and are doing it manually, you just make a copy of the files on your external drive.
If you want to back up your entire library - puchased songs and those you've imported yourself as well as playlist and related information (Ratings, Play Counts, Dates Last Played, Equalizer settings, etc.) - and have kept iTunes default settings, everything you need to copy - the iTunes Music and Album Artwork folders and the iTunes library files - is in the iTunes folder - default location C:\Documents and Settings\ user name \My Documents\My Music\iTunes .
This will also let you recreate your iTunes Library if necessary.
If you want to get a bit of a "bigger picture" on back-ups, you might want to make yourself a cup of tea and have a look at this article on the PC World web site and this Microsoft support page .

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    Metallica, I think you may have misunderstood the iTunes message, there is no separate program through iTunes for backing up. The following link will give you the information you need. Even though it says it's for 5.0, the instructions will apply for 6.0.

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    Steps to follow:
    1. Open iTunes.
    2. Open the store tab.
    3. Click authorize account.
    4. Follow the instructions shown on your screen from that point.
    Then you should be able to teansfer the purchased music onto it. If not post back.
    Purchased music from iTunes is in a protect file format known as AAC. For more information follow this external link

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    Tigon's already got you covered here. But I'll chime in with some English localisation advice.
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    You have posted on the iTunes for Windows forum
    If you have tracks on an iPod then this post which covers macs as well may help:
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    Then you will have to purchase 3rd party  software.
    All Seasons wrote:
    Am I right in thinking a should go ahead with syncing the iphone then do the restore. Im just worried that once its synced the music and photos/videos will be gone forever.
    No. You will lose the music that's on the phone if you do that.
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    It is probably not wise to leave your e-mail and phone number on a public forum.
    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer. Use your backup copy to put everything back.
    You purchase one download only.
    If for some reason you have failed to maintain a backup ( not good), then you can transfer itunes purchases from an ipod: File>Transfer Purchases

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    check out this post by Zevoneer.

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    If you had the hard drive from the original machine, a backup of the same, an iPod with the media, or a subscription to iTunes Match then there would have been hope, but alas no.
    For the future see Backup your iTunes for Windows library with SyncToy.

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    I have done a few searches here but I'm not asking the right question or using the best "Key" words. I've pieced together some of the procedures to do this properly, but I want to be sure that I have it all, in proper order before I risk losing what is a fairly significant investment in music.
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    The iTunes & iPod have been working fine, with only a few minor hiccups. The rest of my system has been a little touchy lately. Internet apps., (news readers & safari & the like) quitting unexpectedly or freezing, requiring a forced quit. Document & App. Icons doing weird things like changing back & forth, (between low res. & quartz type). All the free disk space starts to spontaneously fill up. Stuff like that!!
    Norton AV v9.0.3 doesn't seem to find any virus to account for it, (although Norton seems to have some problems of it's own I won't go into here). It has detected a couple trojans in web cache files recently, but it quarantined them & I deleted the files so hopefully they aren't the problem. (I delete & keep re-deleting the NAV "spacesucking" file, disk still fills up)
    I've run DiskWarrior, repaired permissions, used disk first aid & these problems seem to persist. So I've decided to start again from scratch.
    If it isn't to much trouble, I would very much appreciate a complete, step by step breakdown on how to re install X, without messing up iTunes or my purchased music & iPod. (or at least a link to any already posted guidelines for this procedure)
    Thank you for your patience,
    p.s. (I realize I included a lot of system troubleshooting information that might not be particularly relevant to backing up iTunes, but I wanted to be sure that I included everything that might affect a clean install, and someone might recognize the problems I'm having and help me avoid breaking the system next time) Thnx!!

    Craig hello,
    read this post for a starter... check all of it for your reference to backups and anything else you need to know come and ask...
    TP2GO, "iTunes 5.0 a disgrace; Lets stop buying music for a month!" #23, 01:02am Sep 24, 2005 CDT
    One tip, get rid of the 'Norton'... search the OS X forums for it and you will see what I mean ... here is one to start with....
    Barry Hemphill, "Application Problem" #1, 05:07pm Sep 30, 2005 CDT
    take care .... TP

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    By any chance, did you have the Find My iPhone app installed prior to it being stolen?
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    Hopefully you had your iTunes purchases backed up to an external source such as an external drive or CD's?

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    In the iTunes App there is a tab called Purchased. You'll find your musics there.

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    Hello Boogiec522,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like you would like to download your iTunes Store purchases again to your desktop computer.
    No worries there, you can re download them free of charge from the iTunes Store with this article:
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Download previous purchases from the iTunes Store
    Download previous iTunes Store purchases to an authorized computer
    Click iTunes Store near the top of the iTunes window.
    Click the Purchased link at the right of the iTunes Store homepage (below Quick Links).
    In the page that appears, select a category.iTunes shows you which of your purchases are available for download. You can view all of your past purchases, or just the ones not currently in your iTunes library. Items already in your library aren’t available for download.If you select Music, you can view your purchases by song, artist, or album. If you’re viewing by album, click an album to see which songs on it are available for downloading.To search for an item, type its name or a keyword in the search field, and then press the Return key to view your search results.
    To download an item, click its Download button .To download all available items, click Download All.
    All the best,

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    Being a student i can't afford to pay for it all again or take a 4 hour round trip to my closest apple store so i am hoping someone online could help me, thank you.

    check this post by Zevoneer.

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