Backup before you do anything in iLife08

iWeb 08 is to me very disappointing. The state of this app does not warrant a beta status let alone a shipping app. If you like to try it out make sure you back up both your domain file (user/library/Application Support/iWeb/Domain) as well as your iDisk (/Web/Sites/iWeb).
But I would recommend to wait until the next update. When iPhoto was updated the very same day it came out, I thought this was going to be a lemon...
I love the iLife Suite, so I hope Apple fixes this asap, this should NOT have been shipped.

Since I posted my intial comment, I have been sucessful in converting and uploading my iWeb 06 website to iWeb 08. There were a few crashes and deleting of pics and content of my website but thanks to backups I could always revert to the previous state quite easily. Here's how I did it:
First I've made a duplicate of the site, then I've deleted the .Mac info since iWeb 08 was always crashing on startup while it tried to contact .Mac.
1.) I've follwed the steps in this knowledgebase article:
That let iWeb start up and convert the website to iWeb 08. I have afterwards also always started iWeb by doubleclicking on the domain file and NOT via starting iWeb first and then selecting a domain file. I'm not sure if that actually helped but it did indeed work.
After each step I saved and quit iWeb to make another backup of my domain file (Ctrl-click and then "Duplicate").
2.) I have now checked the layout on every single page, some pages lost their theme association, so I had to reselect that theme. Also some page layout needed to be adjusted since now page elements are of a different size or placed differently. Again, save, quit, backup.
Do not rename the resulting Domain.sites2 file, this seems to mess with the way iWeb handles the internal organisation of the domain file. I gave it a more meaningful name but it destroyed my website completely and shrunk the website from 500MB so something like 3MB... Good thing I had that backup... Do the last step again and save, quit, backup.
3.) Upload the new website. Do not interrut this process! Wait until the "Your website has been published" dialogue comes up. Now all pages should be "blue". Save, quit, backup.
I could now access my new site online. Important I guess until now is that I have not yet changed any content from or added new functionality.
Now I've added a webgallery and it seems to be working ok. Knock on wood...
Hope this helps!

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    There is an email going around telling you you have credit or an offer for credit from itunes.  It is a hoax.... as soon as you open it and action it your personal and credit information has been given to the scum that sent it out.  Look at who the email is from by checking the actual address not just the summary that comes up... This has been going around Facebook for a while and now these crooks have moved to itunes... BE CAREFUL!!!!

    Yoor post is very confusing. AOL's iPad magazine is called "Editions" and it's free. "The Daily" is put out by TheDailyHolding and is owned by Rupert Murdoch. You've already posted in another thread where the solution was given. Other people seem to have manged to get unsubscribed.
    Best of luck.

  • Don't forget to backup before you update

    Here's a really useful knowledge base article on the best practice process for backing up your applications, events, and projects before updating FCP.

    Thanks for posting this and reminding us Owen!

  • How do i retrieve my previous backups after you updated to new itunes

    Hi so i just updated to the new ios5, and after it was done syncing and everything, i got everything back except for my contacts, notes, texts, and camera roll photos. I'm guessing it is because I updated my itunes also to the new 10.5 so it might have erased all my previous back ups.
    I was looking for a way to get the old backups back and use that to retreive my old camera roll photos and contacts but, i couldn't find where the previous backups were. I tried using the way it showed on Apple where it said to look in application data, but when I looked, it did not say Apple computer after I double clicked on the application data icon it said microsoft instead which lead to nowhere. So can someone please help me locate where the previous backup files are?

    No backup? Never a good idea to not maintain a backup of your important data. If you do not have a backup, follow these instructions:
    By design, the iphone will sync itunes content with one computer at a time. Any attempt to sync such content with a second computer will result in ALL itunes content being first erased from your phone & then replaced with the content from the second computer. This is a design feature and cannot be overridden. Because you formatted your computer, your phone, will see your computer as a "new" computer. The itunes content sync is one way: computer to phone. If you have photos that were synced to your phone or music ripped on your own that were not backed up, you will first have to extract them from your phone using third party software, before you do anything else:
    Once you've done that, do the following in the order specified:
    1. Disable auto sync when an ipod/iphone is connected under preferences in itunes(under the edit menu).
    2. Make sure you have one contact & one event in whatever supported applications you use for contact & calendar syncing. These entries can be fake, doesn't matter, the important point is that these programs not be empty.
    3. Connect your phone, itunes running, do not sync at this point.
    4. Store>Authorize this computer.
    5. File>Transfer Purchases(To make sure all purchased content on your phone will be in your itunes library).
    6. Right click in the device pane & select reset warnings.
    7. Right click again and select backup.
    8. Right click again & select restore from backup, select the backup you just made. When prompted to create another backup, decline.
    9. This MUST be followed by a sync to restore your itunes content, which you select from the various tabs, You'll get a popup regarding your contacts & calendars asking to merge or replace, select merge.
    That's as good as it gets without a backup of your itunes library and other important data..

  • Please read before you send your iPod to repairing

    Unbelieveable, since last Saturday, I needed to fix up 3 iPods with similar problems from family members and friends, 2 connected with PC and 1 with Mac. I guess it will be a good idea if I can share with you all and hope that it can give you some hints when you try to fix yours before sending it for repairing.
    Before you do anything I suggest that you should read the following carefully..
    Most problems came from the iPod not being recongzied by the computer (mainly PC and I find it less often with Mac). Second issue is iPod not being charged for quite some time.
    I must say that I am not an expert but I did learn something during the past experience on fixing for more than 10 iPods but none of them are shuffle.
    The first thing you need to do is plug your iPod directly to the AC charger not the USB of your computer, and leave it for 2-3 hours and most of the time you will able to wake up your iPod.
    Secondly, do a reset of your iPod when it hangs, it is simple just press "Select"+"Menu" keys, which will not erase your data of your iPod.
    In case the above both do not manage to fix your iPod problem then you may force to do the following, but it will erase all your data therefore it is always to be wise to have a backup before your iPod got problem.
    1. Reinstall the latest iPod updater after the reset
    If 1 still not able to recongize your iPod by the computer then you have to put your iPod to DiskMode i.e. plug your iPod to the AC charges, do a RESET and press "Select"+"Play" keys, you will see the message "Disk Mode" in few sec. Then you need to connect your iPod with your computer, and hope that it will be recongized. If you are lucky to reach this stage then you simply need to restore your iPod updater, and your iPod should be back to normal.Please note that You may need to plug and unplug few times in order to let your iPod to be recongized.
    If your iPod still not able to be recongized then you have to format your iPod while it is in a Disk Mode, you need to use the Disk Utility software (for Mac - I am not sure about PC) to erase the Partition of your iPod then do a formatting and disk verify straight after. Then you should able to reach the final stage i.e. restore the latest iPod updater and sysc your iPod with your iTune.
    Additional hints which may help your during the fixing ..
    1. Try to do few attempts, which could take you as long as 1 hour
    2. Try to exchange cables to connect with your computer i.e. USB and Firewire
    3. If you fail to solve your iPod with your PC then try to fix it with Mac and vice versa. Surprisingly, I do have experience that the iPod got recognized by my Mac after I connected it with a PC
    Above are my experience and I am glad that more than 90% chance I am able to solve the iPods' problem with only one iPod Mini needed to be repaired.
    Good luck and hope it works in your case

    I am one as well.
    I've been trying for days to get the infamously dreaded frowny faced 'pod off my screen, but, to no avail. I've tried charging it with computer and plug, reset and rereset for hours on end, taking it on and off disk mode for ages . . . you get the drift. My computer hardly reconizes it (it reports at start-up that I have a Unidentifyed Plugged in Object in my computer, and System Profiler admits it perfectly). Now, when I go to the last resort (sending the dear away, for the second time no less, is not one) of erasing the thing, it declares it's self impossible! Like I've said before, I've honestly tried every trick in the book (though if you have a new one I;d be more than will to give it a shot) and am seriously considering an exorcism.

  • DO THIS!  Before you update!

    Want a trouble free 10.4.7 update? Then do ALL of the following 7 steps. Sure, its a few extra steps, but certainly worth the trouble.
    Here the list:
    1. backup your data and/or clone your drive.
    2. Repair permissions. (before and after update)
    3. Use a utility like ONYX to clean your system caches.
    4. Use a utility like Disk Warrior to verify and/or rebuild your directory.
    5. Download the Combo updater (do not use Software Update)
    6. Unplug all Firewire and USB drives and devices from computer
    7. Run installer
    I ALWAYS do all of the above before an OS update and I've never had a single problem.
    Most of the time (not always,) when people are blaming Apple for problematic updates, they should be blaming themselves for not maintaining and backing up their systems properly. An OS update on top of a system with directory errors is the number one reason for erratic behavior. Disk Utility costs $100, but it takes care of directory errors. Be safe not sorry.
    Powermac G4 dual 1.25, 2gb Ram, 17 + 20 inch Apple display   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Here's the long version I posted elsewhere:
    Every time an update is released, ton's of people claim it broke their system.
    And, I've never had a single update mess up my computer since OS 8.1.
    I just today installed the 10.4.7 update on two different machines, and both are still running as good as they were before (and actually slightly improved).
    There are several things that everyone should do before installing a major update like this.
    First, and foremost, if there is anything even remotely wrong in your existing installation, updating is going to cause them to show up. So, even if you are not aware of an existing problem, updating will bring it out of hiding.
    So, That brings us to the first point.
    1) Make sure everything is definitely 100% perfect before you update. It will not help if anything is wrong before you get started (even if symptoms are not present, problems can be hiding somewhere).
    So, fix any potential problems before you update
    2) Repair Permissions immediately before updating. This can spare you a ton of trouble.
    3) Disconnect any external accessories (FireWire & USB drives, Cameras, Graphics Tablets, etc.).
    4) Check your disk hard drive for errors. Boot up from your restore CD and Check your disk for errors using Disk Utility. Use repair if any are found.
    5) Reboot your system before installing any updates. Do not install updates while you have any programs open, or on a system that you have been using. Always reboot immediately before installing an update. This way you know that all your programs are 100% for sure closed.
    6) Disable any anti-virus program you have installed. This will ensure that your anti-virus system does not block your update from being installed properly (if it saw the activity as a potential virus attack).
    7) Never install a major update without backing up your entire hard drive to another bootable drive (such as an external FireWire hard drive). I did this twice before this update (once on each system). It only takes about a half-hour to an hour. It will save you a lot of problems later if something goes wrong.
    If you have a backup, and something goes wrong, you just restore from your backup, and you're right back to where you were before the update.
    Every single company will tell you to backup before you install an update. It's right there in the warning that you must click past (you just have to read it).
    That brings us to the next one:
    8) Actually take the time to read that license agreement and warning that comes up on the screen before you actually install the update. Yes, it may be 10 pages long, but it's going to tell you about things you should know before you install.
    9) For OS updates, choose the "Combo" version when you have a choice (you'll need to go to Apple's website to download it).
    The Delta version only updates files that have changed since the immediately prior release.
    The software update version replaces even less than the "Delta" version. It only downloads the specific updates you need to go from your updated version of the current OS to the next one.
    The "Combo" version replaces all the files that have changed since the major release (10.4.0).
    So, with the Combo update, you will often have better success since your corrupted system files are most likely to be replaced.
    The Combo update is basically almost like a fresh install that keeps your settings in-tact.
    The Delta update is more like a band-aid that applies the changes.
    So, go for the Combo update.
    10) After you install the update, and the system is back up and running, reboot and start up again. This clears out anything that may be left in memory from the installer (even if you just rebooted to complete the installation, reboot again).
    11) Reset the PRAM after installing a major update. This never hurts, and can clear out any small bugs stored in your settings.
    12) Don't forget to repair permissions again after the update. You can never do this too frequently. Do it often, and you'll save yourself some trouble.
    Hope this helps those of you who have not yet performed your upgrade (and those of you who will install future upgrades).
    These basic preparations steps will save you down-time. And, an hour or so of preparation to save 2 or more days of down-time is definitely a fair trade.
    Hope this helps. Good luck all.

  • HT4847 iOS8 uses more space on iCloud for backup than before without changing anything other than upgrading to iOS8... why?

    iOS8 uses more space on iCloud for backup than before without changing anything other than upgrading to iOS8... why?

    Hello westbrkk,
    this is an user-to-user forum, so unfortunately we won't be able to tell you why.

  • How come itunes match takes up so much space on an iphone even before you download any songs? I noticed my storage space went down about 1gb after enabling itunes match before I downloaded anything.

    A couple things about itunes match. First, why does it take up so much space before you download any songs when you enable it on an iphone? Also, why does it not give back that space when you disable itunes match? It would also be very appreciated if Apple would add a confirmation check to itunes match in settings when you disable it - the same way they do when you enable it. More then once I have disabled itunes match when I meant to disable show all music, and it is a pain to wait for itunes match to go through the whole process of enabling itself again.

    It is not a bug. However you may leave your polite feedback for Apple at this page:

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    So, I went back to basics and looked up the procedure.  It does say that if you make a change, " you should hit the apple button before you synch."  Which one?
    No info on what they mean.  And clearly this is a change.  I'm feeling stupid, but lately, Apple makes changes and expects you to intuitively figure them out.  I usually do but was stumped here.  It might be nice to get a heads up when changes occur.
    Please help !
    Oh and also, I can't seem to download ringtones I have created. 

    I am syncing my iphone to my iTunes account and then I do a backup and also making sure all updates are current.  Then by going to the my phone and then going to the right and selecting the restore my iphone.
    Here is a picture of what I get

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    I would back up anything you don't want to lose. Chances are, you wont' lose a thing.....but backups are always nice to have.

  • Full HD backup before sending in for repair-software recommended/how-to?

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    Can someone please advise me on what software would allow me to completely back up (clone???) my HD before I send it in for repair? I have a 160gb firewire 400 drive for the task.
    I'll probably need some help getting the data from the external to my MacBook when I get it back as well.
    Many thanks for any suggestions/help/detailed directions/the lot......

    Look at Mac Backup - Mac Backup Software, Hardware, and Guides for Your Mac
    Mac OS X data backup FAQ
    You can use CarbonCopy Cloner @ , or SuperDuper @ , or IBackup @ , or Silverkeeper @ or the Restore function of Disk Utility included in OS X.
    External Firewire HDs are bootable, whereas an extrnal USB HD is not. After you receive your MacBook back, boot (depress the Option key at startup & select the external HD) to the external HD. Then clone the backup to your MB.
     Cheers, Tom

  • I did allllll that is listed below, but when I get to sync iPad, it won't sync, what do I do? Preparation Before you connect any device to a new library go to the Devices tab

    THis is what I did, but when I get to sync, it won't sync.....what do I doLynnLynn
    Before you connect any device to a new library go to the Devices tab of the the preferences panel via Edit > Preferences (Windows) or iTunes > Preferences (Mac) and ensure the box next to Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically is ticked. You can now safely connect the device to your computer without the danger of media being automatically deleted or overwritten.
    If this device contains contacts or calendar items that are not already on the computer you are using, and that you wish to recover, then make sure you have at least one contact & one event in the applications that will sync with the device (e.g. Windows Address Book or Outlook under Windows, iCal & Address Book on a Mac).Dummy entries will do, but there must be at least one if the data is to be retrieved from the device in step 7 below.
    Transfer purchases
    You can transfer your iTunes Store purchases into a new library, after connecting the device, with the menu itemFile > Transfer Purchases from <Device>. You should be prompted to authorize the computer to your iTunes account if you have not already done so. If your device holds content from more than one account you will need to authorize each one.
    See also: HT1848 - iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer.
    Back up (iOS only)
    If this is an iOS device you should now right-click on it (control-click on a Mac) in the left-hand column of the iTunes window and click Back Up to make a backup of the current settings and application data on the device.
    Recover other media
    iTunes only permits the transfer of iTunes Store purchases. If your device contains other media that you've ripped from CD or downloaded from other online stores you can either go back to the original sources or use third party software to extract your data from your device. There is a list of some of the software available below.
    Recover other purchases
    Your device may not have held all your iTunes Store purchases. You can recover qualifying purchases from your account by visiting the home page of the iTunes Store and clicking on the Purchased link in the Quick Linkssection in the right-hand column.
    See also: HT2519 - Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Restore (iOS only)
    Having backed up your device, and rescued all the media from it that you can, you should now restore the device from the backup that you took earlier to ensure that the device is properly associated with this new library. Right-click on it (control-click on a Mac) in the left-hand column of the iTunes window and click Restore from Backup...
    Set up your preferences for syncing Music, TV Shows, Podcasts, Info etc. then click Sync. For a device that holds calendar or contact information you should be prompted to restore or merge. Click merge to copy this information into your computer. Your device is now properly associated with your new library and you shouldn't have lost any data.
    Backup your library
    For the future you should backup your library to a separate hard drive or network share as restoring a backup is much easier than the process above. The user tip Backup your iTunes for Windows library with SyncToy gives a suggested way of doing this effectively for Windows users. Mac owners can make use of Time Machine, or useCarbon Copy Cloner which does a similar job to SyncToy.

    This is the ipod touch forum.
    Try posting in the ipod nano forum.

  • How can I restore my old history & bookmarks if I didn't run backup before re-installing a new clean OS? I've been using Firefox for 7 years as default, help me

    I believe that what I'm asking is simple & clear. Do you or do you not store user data backups on your servers? I've been using Firefox, as the default browser, for over 7 years. Naturally, I had to upgrade my
    pc's & operating systems several times through this period. Every time I use a new device & of course a
    new OS, I normally lose my old data (History & Bookmarks).
    If you keep records or backups of old users' data, there will be no problem & I could restore all my old data
    following your instructions. If not, which is probably the case, I'd like to suggest you consider developing or
    at least put more stress on running backup before uninstalling & re-installing a new OS for the users to pay more attention to this issue.
    That's all, thanks.
    Aly Hamed

    hello aly, mozilla doesn't keep any of your history or bookmarks on its severs without your expressed consent (would be a horrible privacy policy otherwise) - there's the [[Use Sync to share your Firefox bookmarks, passwords and more with Firefox for mobile|firefox sync feature]] which will store parts of your private data encrypted in the cloud, in case you've used that in the past you'd need 3 components to restore this data: your username, password & the recovery key...
    otherwise i don't know of any way to get to your old data if you haven't kept any other backup of some sorts - unfortunately most of us are reminded to the importance of backups when it's already too late :-/
    in regard to your suggestion: during the firefox uninstall procedure your personal data isn't removed per default, so it would still be there after a reinstall of the application - you'd have to explicitly check the option to clear this kind of data in the uninstaller. some general information on where to look if you want to backup your firefox data in the future is available here: [[Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles]]

  • On another PC I want to backup my bookmarks but my Firefox browser is not working how can I do the backup before I reinstall Firefox

    On another PC I want to backup my bookmarks but my Firefox browser is not working how can I do the backup before I reinstall Firefox.
    Firefox can't renew it's last tabs and now won't run and let me do a backup

    It is possible that there is a problem with the files sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    Delete the sessionstore.js file and possible sessionstore-##.js files with a number and sessionstore.bak in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups and open and closed (undo) tabs to get lost, so you will have to create them again (make a note or bookmark them).
    See also:

  • Read This BEFORE you update to iWeb '08

    iWeb '08 introduces a lot of features that we've all been waiting for but, before you jump right in there, you should realize a lot of people are losing their original websites.
    When you first launch iWeb '08 and upload an existing website it converts your domain.sites file to domain.sites2 file. Due to bugs in this software release, these converted files seem to be corrupted in various ways.
    Once your domain.sites file has been converted there is no way back.
    You MUST back them up.
    If you want to continue working on your old sites you will have to retain your copy of iWeb '06. When you update to iWeb '08 your original application is replaced so, if you have not run the update, move your old iWeb application out of the "Applications" folder.
    If you have already uploaded the new version and still have your iLife '06 disk then you are OK as long as you have made a "safe" backup of your original domain.sites file(s).
    For more information on this subject go to

    This is the only info available at MacFixIt...
    Thursday, August 09 2007 @ 11:30 AM PDT
    iWeb '08 Calamity: Lost site content, crashes, significantly increased resource usage, more
    Backup your Domain files Make a copy of this file -- located in ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb/Domain -- before attempting to update to or use iWeb '08. The program is causing serious issues for a number of readers (as discussed below), and may delete or make inoperable parts of your stored Web site(s). Saving this file can mean the difference between losing or maintaining your current site data.
    Missing site elements including photo galleries The most dire issue users are experiencing after updating to iWeb '08 is the sudden disappearance of various site elements, particularly photo galleries. Many users have reported that entire swaths of their sites are completely missing after launching the update and attempting to work with their pre-existing site(s) file.
    Crashes A surprisingly high number of users are reporting repeated crashes after updating to iWeb '08.
    Ironically, it appears that many of the crashes can be resolved by removing the file ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb/Domain. In essence, it looks like iWeb '08 is choking on the sites file created by older versions of iWeb. So move this file to a separate location, and try launching iWeb '08 again.
    Increased resource usage/slowness Users are reporting that the new version of iWeb uses significantly more memory and processor time than its predecessor.

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