Bad idea checking rendered status in HtmlBasicRenderer.getChildren()

com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer.getChildren() looks at all its children and only returns those that have their rendered attribute set to true. This is a bad idea, because the rendered property of a child may be a value binding that depends on the actual encoding of a sibling component that comes before it.
A case in point is an assignment component, such as I describe in . This component sets a value binding variable when it is rendered. If a subsequent component references this value binding in its rendered property, then the value will not have been properly set when com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer.getChildren() attempts to collect children.
One workaround is wildly inefficient: have UIAssignment perform the assignment in its own isRendered() method. (This also assumes that getChildren() will call each isRendered() in the correct order.)
A better workaround would be to create a custom renderer for UIData that is more forgiving to value-binding rendered properties.
Would it hurt for the JSF specification to simply state that whether a component is rendered may not be conclusively determined until after all preceding components have been rendered? This would allow my UIAssignment to work, and would moreover allow any UIComponent.rendered to feel safe that any value binding it depends on will have been called if it was to be set in a preceding component's encoding routines.

I've created a nice workaround that adds a benefit. UIAssignment now allows children and has scope semantics---all components relying on the assignment should be children of the UIAssignment.
To pull this off, UIAssignment returns true for getRendersChildren(). Now, HtmlBasicRenderer or any other code should allow UIAssignment to determine for itself whether its children should be encoded. This way UIAssignment can make sure the assignment has been performed before checking each child's rendered status.
An added benefit of this change is that UIAssignment can have true scope semantics, setting the value before encoding/decoding, and restoring the value to its previous state afterwards.
This won't help other components that rely on activity in previous sibling encodings for determining rendered status, though. But I've fixed my UIAssignment problem.

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    Thanks for your post.
    Pausable Timer Jobs
    You can now create pausable timer jobs. This is done by inheriting from the
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    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
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    In some case if you disabled the connection in Windows firewall inbound of
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    More information:
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    What is Cluster Aware Updating in Windows Server 2012? (Part 1)
    Cluster-Aware Updating Overview
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    Hi Vivek,
    It's not possible to use this BADI for user defined statuses.
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    This is a very good question. I checked in the help for the LabVIEW VI, and it does not explicitly state the answer. The VI calls the FlexMotion function "flx_check_buffer_rtn". In the "NI-Motion Function Help" (Start>>Programs>>National Instruments>>NI Motion>>Documentation), the information for the functions states that it "...returns data in the following order: backlog, bufferState, and pointsDone." It also tells you the size of each of the elements. I will be filing a report so that the LabVIEW documentation includes this information in the future. I hope this helps. Take care!
    Aaron B.
    National Instruments

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    PACK=$1 #package name
    PACKID=$2 #package ID on AUR
    #grab last updated of package on AUR
    LUPD=`elinks -source$PACKID | grep "Last Updated" | awk -F : '{print $2}'`
    LAST=`grep -c $PACK /var/log/pacman.log` #number of instances of package
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    Package: rxvt-unicode-256color
    [2008-04-18 20:01] installed rxvt-unicode-256color (9.02-1)
    Last Update: Sun, 04 May 2008 14
    but what I envision is having a two column file with the first column the package name and the second the ID but I can't figure out how to make this loop around for each line of such a file.  If anyone can provide some help/pointers I'd greatly appreciate it.
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    Daenyth wrote:Oh wow, I had no idea such a thing existed... Very cool!
    Expanding on my suggestion, here's the bash/js-script I use to find packages in AUR:
    wget="/usr/bin/wget -q -O-"
    aur() {
    local iam="${FUNCNAME[0]}:"
    local cmd="${1}"
    local what="${2}"
    local aurresult=""
    [[ -z "${cmd}" ]] && {
    echo "${iam}: use ${iam} (cmd) searchstring"
    return 1
    aurresult="$(${wget} ${aurrepo}${what})"
    ${js} -e "
    var out = ${aurresult};
    var res = out.results;
    var i, j, len;
    var tabs = ' ';
    var tabstop1 = 13;
    var oneline1 = {
    'ID':true, 'CategoryID':true, 'NumVotes':true,
    'OutOfDate':true, 'License':true
    var oneline2 = {'Name':true, 'Version':true};
    var line1='', line2='';
    var others = {};
    function tabto(string) {
    return tabs.substring(1, tabstop1 - string.length);
    if (out.type === 'error') {
    for (i in res) {
    others = {};
    line1 = '';
    line2 = '';
    for (j in res[i]) {
    if ((typeof oneline1[j] !== 'undefined')
    && (typeof res[i][j] === 'string')) {
    if (line1.length > 0) line1 = line1 + '; ';
    line1 = line1 + j + ': ' + res[i][j];
    } else if ((typeof oneline2[j] !== 'undefined')
    && (typeof res[i][j] === 'string')) {
    if (line2.length > 0) line2 = line2 + '; ';
    line2 = line2 + j + ': ' + res[i][j];
    } else {
    others[j] = res[i][j];
    for (k in others) {
    print(k + ':' + tabto(others[k]) + others[k]);
    return $?
    Note that js(1), which has no man-page or other documentation, is part of "spidermonkey", which in turn is part of "firefox".  It makes sense to assume that people have this browser installed.  If at all possible, the javascript shell should have the file-methods compiled in to be able to use it like many other scripting languages, especially with JSON code.  The scriptlet above works with an unmodified standard install.

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    Bad Bios Checksum, Starting Bios Recovery
    Checking for Floppy
    Floopy Not Found
    Check for CD-Rom
    CD-Rom Not Found
    I already done the procedure as per link.
    1.Remove the Battery
    2. Change Jumper setting without Power Cord and reset as default.
    No Change Please Help
    Thanks & Regards,

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    async void WatchDog()
    //check some things
    await Task.Delay(100);

    I've not used the DispatcherTimer, so I can't say anything from experience about how efficient it is or not. The few times I needed this sort of functionality in the few WPF apps I've done, I've used Task.Delay() ... I agree that it is certainly
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    Ah, WinRT ... didn't know that was the platform you're writing for.
    I've got no experience with WinRT. I don't know if there's a separate MSDN forum for that, the only thing I could find was a forum for Surface (,
    but I don't know if posting questions there would help you or not. Probably the WPF forum would work just as well (
    ~~Bonnie DeWitt [C# MVP]

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    Please let me know as soon as possible. Apple does a disservice to its brand name by declining legitimate Visa account holders from using the cards in Vietnam.
    <Edited by Host>

    Just as a warning, your credit card number has been sent in the clear to probably thousands of people, including anyone who subscribes to e-mail alerts to this forum.  That's very, very bad.  The credit card should be considered compromised at this point, and you should cancel it immediately, if you haven't done so already.

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    In windows you can use the command
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    sapstart check pf=START_DVEBMGS<nr>_<hostname>
    that means you need to mention start profile or instance profile. So that it will say whether the instance is running or not.
    If you want any other information please reply back to me.

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    Plz help

    Catching exceptions (lowercase e) is not a bad thing. Catching Exception (uppercase E) is generally bad.
    Lowercase e exceptions refer to the entire Throwable hierarchy--everything that can be thrown and caught. Often you want to catch and handle them, or catch and wrap and rethrow them.
    Uppercase E Exception is a particular class of exception, and it's the parent class of all checked exceptions and many unchecked exceptions. When your code has catch Exception, you're saying that almost no matter what goes wrong, you want to handle it the same way. And you're also assuming that if the methods that you're calling change to throw more or fewer exceptions, your code won't need to know or care about it.
    In general you want to catch more specific subclasses of Exception, so that you can handle each one properly, and you know that your code is handling precisely the correct set of exceptions.

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    My first idea is Novell add the capabilities of Novell Pulse and Novell Teaming on a new product named Novell Vibe. Guau, what pretty cool product i have with the capabilities of Teaming and the capabilites of Pulse
    But two days ago, i saw y the have DIFFERENT products for the same PRODUCT NAME. They are causing a lot of confusion on my hand.
    I Think its a BAD idea to put two different products with different funcionalitys with the same name.
    The idea of sell the product on Cloud or OnPremise its a choice of the client, or the manner of sales a product. But to get two differentes products with the same name its a BAD idea.
    If you want to offer one product , on the cloud or on promise, fantastic but, you can not putt a name with a different funcionality because you are adding confusion on what do you need and how do you get.
    I Am seeking a forum for vibe, but i don t see any .

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
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    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
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    Your Novell Forums Team

  • BADI authentication check

    You can't create a class that inherites from CL_HRPAD00AUTH_CHECK_STD, because this class is already final.
    It should be another way to implement a BADI that checks authentication without skipping system authentication.
    Any ideas?

    Created as a seperate post from Badi - it is better to ask your own question than to respond to an old one.

  • Check Warranty Status - wrong product

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    Thanks I'll look into it - but is it a good idea to uninstall it? My concern is that this is for a product I do not own, therefore might be a scam.

  • Checking login status.....

    My Iphone connects to BT Fon and BTopenzone hotspots readily enough but I cant browse. Doesn't matter where I am always the same.
    I've installed the BTFon app, added my user/pw but it just sits there with 'checking login status...'
    The BTFon site says I am opted in but my Home Hub says BTFon not active.
    I called BT on 0800 022 3322 and after a short call in which the guy said I was doing everything correctly he transferred me to.....0800 022 3322
    the next guy then told me that bad weather had caused a problem with the iphone app!
    what a joke

    bikeman wrote:
    Never get to the bt landing page - connect, get ip address, cant browse, no landing page.
    I've spent hours trying to use btfon (from pc, iphone and android) - never works. Told by a BT fon engineer that the homehubs send out a ssid and let you connect/get an ip address even when they are under high use and cant provide service. So you waste time connecting to homehubs that have no available bandwidth.
    Also told to use a 'premium hotspot' but of course how do you identify one when they have the same ssids as all the home hubs?
    Every call to BT comes up with another excuse; we've got service issues, our iphone app needs fixing etc
    I've had infinity for 15 months and only evr managed to logon to a btfon once. Having access to wifi hotspots is supposed to be a feature of bt broadband but in my experience it doesn't work and BT cant fix it.
    Roll on bt wholesale offering fibre broadband to 3rd parties, I'll not be sticking with BT.
    How strong is the signal you're getting ? I've used BTFon without problem recently, using a small android tablet. However when the signal was rock bottom, I couldn't do anything despite being connected.
    When you do connect, have you tried going to ?
    There is a possibility that the fon connections you've managed to connect to are in constant "full" use, so you wouldn't get any real bandwidth as the host will take it all (by design).
    However it does actually indicate from your info that you've not actually "logged in". Although a connection may be granted, you still need to provide your primary email address/password in order to access BTFon - and that is either by the App or the landing page.

Maybe you are looking for

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