Batch Capture From File

I have a file that was captured remotely and shipped to me on an external drive.
I now have to take a batch list from the supplier and create the subclips from the remotely captured file.
I have tried using the Reconnect Media function, but the batch list has the clips numbered 001... and the Captured file is the reel number....
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,
G5 PM 2.3   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

I might be misunderstanding you, but my first impression is - that dog ain't gonna hunt. I don't think it's possible to create subclips directly from a Batch List.
I'm thinking you could enter the TC numbers from the Batch List into the Viewer with that one clip loaded, and create Markers for each set of In/Out. (You can specify an In and an Out for a given Marker.) Then, create Subclips from the Markers.
Tedious? You betcha. I hope someone has a better idea that would work.

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    First make sure they're all in a folder and numbered properly (0001, 0002, 0003, etc). In FCP, go to File-Import->Folder and navigate to the folder you want to import.
    By the way, this is called importing - not capturing ... the images are already on your computer. It helps to call it what it is so everyone knows what you're talking about.

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    Create a new sequence and delete all the audio in the timeline. This should reduce the amount of media needing to recapture. It still may show a time larger than the length of your sequence. Even with out handles. Not sure why.
    Also, make sure all the clips have timecode and a reel number. It won't deleted the unused portions if it doesn't have it.

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    WARNING: You are about to capture Drop Frame media from a device currently detecting or configured for Non-Drop Frame media. If you proceed, you may experience changes in logged in and out points, problems relinking media, or removal of master clip relationships.
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    Wish I had a simple answer for you, stay tuned, some folks who actually use those cameras will drop by sooner or later.
    TrevorRawson wrote:
    After importing through log and capture I continue to get a pop up when it's done saying that the audio and video frame rates do not line up.
    I'll bet you're shooting with a Canon.
    TrevorRawson wrote:
    I am using a Canon xl2 and a Panasonic DVX100A,
    TrevorRawson wrote:I'm shooting in 24p Advanced with a 2:3:3:2 pull down. The capture settings are set up for FCP's default DV NTSC 24p with Advanced Pulldown, same with my sequence settings. This is my first time shooting in 24pa so I'm a little lost at what to do. Does anyone know the correct settings I should be using?
    so neither camera captures properly? that's odd. We know the Canon is going to give you trouble but the Pani should work.
    Try searching the forum for your camera models, see what comes up. Many different cameras shoot their own versions of various image,frame, and pulldown formats.

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    Create a new sequence and delete all the audio in the timeline. This should reduce the amount of media needing to recapture. It still may show a time larger than the length of your sequence. Even with out handles. Not sure why.
    Also, make sure all the clips have timecode and a reel number. It won't deleted the unused portions if it doesn't have it.

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    Apps like these may help if you have a budget:

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    Often in upgrading the OS, QT or FCP for some odd reason QT will get knocked slightly off kilter and you can not capture correctly in FCP. The usual solution it to force a full reinstall of QT.
    This is how:
    Go to /library/receipts and delete any files that say Quicktime followed by a number e.g. Quicktime703.pkg
    Go to the Apple quicktime site and download the appropriate version of Quicktime to your hard drive.
    Run the Quicktime installer.
    Repair Disk Permissions for your System Disk (Disk Utility > Select the system disk > Repair Disk Permissions)
    Good luck.

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    Yes it is MAC OS extended, I heard this was the best option, was I wrong? Its USB 2 rather than firewire, is this not the right choice with a Mac? USB 2 drives always worked fine on my PC - I've only recently made the Mac crossover.
    Yep. MAC OS EXTENDED - Good
    No. USB - Bad
    While some do use it with success it is not recommended for video capture. Use FW 400 or 800. The way I understand, it's not a question of speed but of how information is delivered. USB sends in bursts while FW sends in a stead uninterrupted flow.
    I think Studio X posted a good explanation of this recently. Might do a search here for more info.
    So give FW a try... may not be the solution, but trying will eliminate that as a possibility and you're better off using FW anyway.

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    Well, I've been manually entering data all day & the job is almost finished.
    Thanks anyway Dan

  • Batch capture settings do not match project settings

    Batch capture audio settings do not conform to project settings-
    For editing with IEEE1394 (FireWire/i.LINK) DV equipment.
    Standard NTSC video (4:3 interlaced).
    48kHz (16 bit) audio.
    Drop-Frame Timecode numbering.
    Editing mode: DV NTSC
    Timebase: 29.97fps
    Video Settings
    Frame size: 720h 480v (0.9091)
    Frame rate: 29.97 frames/second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1/DV NTSC (0.9091)
    Fields: Lower Field First
    Audio Settings
    Sample rate: 48000 samples/second
    Default Sequence
    Total video tracks: 3
    Master track type: Stereo
    Mono tracks: 0
    Please note audio setting for project 48kHz (16 bit) audio.
    When I set for batch capture by creating off-line clips using the "Log Clip" option the off-line clip shows audio as
    32KHZ 16-bit  everyting else is correct as project settings.
    Just prior to creating the off-line batch capture clip I had sucessfully captured from the same device using the same tape shot with the above settings including 48khz 16-bit audio by using standard " Capture" by setting in & out then clicking Capture>In/Out.
    I've looked at capture settings etc...unable to determine to change audio settings etc or why the audio settings under batch capture do not conform to project settings...
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for your reply, Harm....
    Well now...having negated all the possibilities you listed, I decided to do a an actual batch capture with clips which I previously logged which reported audio at 32kHz instead of the project setting of 48kHz:
    1. two clips  were selected from the same device/tape ( both selected from the logging util which erroneously reported audio at 32kHz) for the batch
    2. both clips captured "flawlessly"
    3. both clips after the batch capture then reported audio as being 48kHz
    Btw, I also did a batch capture from the same device/tape in Pr 6.x...and it reported and captured at 48khz...I must say, I must prefer the legacy version of Pr 6 for batch capture which creates a log .pbl file which can then be easily exported as a csv to and .xls etc..IMO, much more useful...and useable..
    Mi dos pesos(.002US)
    So it would appear there is some kind of bug in the Pr cs4 batch capture util that is erroneously reporting audio settings?
    Should this go to the devel as a possible bug?

  • Batch Capture Changes Media Start, End, and Duration

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    OK... I don't believe it has to do with drop frame or non-drop frame issues, and here's why... I ran a series of tests.
    The footage was originally shot with two cameras, an A Cam and a B Cam, which were Jam Synced together. The original A Cam tapes were log and captured normally. But for the B Cam tapes, we exported a batch list to excel, performed a rename function where _B was added to all file names and reel names, and brought the data back into FCP by importing a Batch List at 29.97.
    For the tests, I experimented with only one clip. First, I noted the timecode for the media start and media end when the file was uncaptured. Next, I placed the A Cam Tape in the deck and did a batch capture on the one clip. The program changed the media start and end times upon hitting ok. Here were the results of the first test:
    LOGGED: MS (05:50:39:26) ME (05:51:41:01)
    CAPTURED A CAM: MS (05:50:39:17) ME (05:51:41:07)
    Then, I undid the capture so that the timecode would revert back to the precaptured state. I placed the B Cam tape in the deck and ran the capture again, on the same clip, in Batch Capture mode. The program changes the media start and end yet again, but this time, changed it in a different way:
    LOGGED: MS (05:50:39:26) ME (05:51:41:01)
    CAPTURED B CAM 1st Attempt: MS (05:50:39:16) ME (05:51:41:06)
    So then I undid the capture again to revert back to the logged settings, and put the EXACT same tape in the deck, and ran the batch capture in exactly the same way. This time however, FCP didn't change anything. It logged the clip correctly. I tried it yet again, in the same way, and it did it perfectly again:
    LOGGED: MS (05:50:39:26) ME (05:51:41:01)
    CAPTURED B CAM 2nd Attempt: MS (05:50:39:26) ME (05:51:41:01)
    CAPTURED B CAM 3rd Attempt: MS (05:50:39:26) ME (05:51:41:01)
    So I ask again... what is up with FCP 4.5?

  • Please help, trying to Batch Capture in CS4

    I am very new at this and I have been looking at the help guide for hours to no avail.  I am trying to batch capture from a Mini DV camcorder, I logged all of the clips and batch captured them, but once it is finished all of the files say Media Offline in both preview screens and the status when I scroll over is Capture Failed, even though it says it is finished.  I don't know what else to do.  Am I doing something wrong? 

    Ok, sorry for being so unhelpful I just don't know where to start...
    How/where did you log your footage?
    What do you mean log?  Just shooting it?
    What are your capture settings (post a screenshot, if you like)?
    Posted screenshot
    Are you able to connect to the camera from the Capture panel?
    Can you control it?
    Do you see a preview as you shuttle?
    I can see it sometimes, then sometimes it will not show.  It always looks like it does in the shot with the lines through it.  If it disappears I have to turn the camera off and back on to see it
    Did you use the same camera to shoot this footage?
    Will the tape playback in the camera itself?
    Are you positive the footage on the tape isn't HDV?
    I am using regular DV tapes on a regular DV camera, so I’m pretty sure it isn’t...

  • BATCH CAPTURE TAPELESS workflow still FCP is looking for a capture device when going ONLINE

    I am working on a documentary and about to go online with my edit.
    I used Sony FS100. Tapeless. I did Log and Transfer to ProRes 422 in FCP 7.
    Later when I run out of space I used Media Manager to RECOMPRESS everything to ProRes Proxi. Worked well.
    But now when I try to batch capture to ProRes 422 FCP is looking for a capture device thinking I am working with tapes.
    How do I make FCP undrerstand I am tapeless? Does the recompress kill the possibility of bach capturing back to online full quality 422?
    Thanks for the support!

    I have read through some more forums and I only found one mention of the Media Manager 'Recomress' function.
    It said:
    "Transcoding with MM (recompress). It preserves timecode/reel name, file names, etc... Except the clip ID, which is used along with reel name and timecode to batch capture from source files (at least for P2)."
    Clip ID is the metadata relyable for the work of batch capture. It seems without it it is impossible to batch capture.
    I wonder why they designed Recompress like that, if it is true?

  • Remove  "  from file

    Hallow Im doing a batch input from file csv (comma dilmeted) In the file I have company that ok and company name with before and after the company name word <b>''</b>    how can I get rid of  from that . just<b> ''</b> before and after the company name .
    *--table with data from file(csv)--
      LOOP AT itab1.
        SPLIT itab1 AT ',' INTO:
        APPEND itab.

    Hi Antonio ,
    Now what i understand is that some companies may have " at begining , some may have at end , some may have both and some none .
    So your requirement is that if there is a " as the first char or last then we need remove it , for all other cases it is not required.
    If my understanding is correct , here is the code which gives the desired result
    * Selection Screen
    parameters : p_string type string .
    DATA : t_result type  MATCH_RESULT_TAB. " Internal table
    data : v_string type i .
    v_string = strlen( p_string ).   " Get the lenght of string
    * get the offset of all occurances of " in your string
    v_string = v_string - 1.  " Here the offset start with zero
    * Check if last char is "
    read table t_result with key OFFSET = v_string transporting NO FIELDS .
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    " If yes remove if from string
    p_string = p_string+0(v_string).
    *Check if the first char is "
    read table t_result with key OFFSET = '0' transporting NO FIELDS .
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    * if yes replace with space
      replace '"' in p_string with ' '
    Check if this serves your purpose , if not please tell what is the concern you have.

  • Error while Batch Capturing on to Final Cut Pro

    When you batch capture from any deck randomlly it gives an error "do not attempt to eject the tape" and the capture stops and after that it gives this error serveral time again and again but the same tape works fine with other machine.
    Try to help me out as soon as possible.

    Sounds like you need to repair the video playback machine which is sending the error messages...

Maybe you are looking for

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