Best way to Capture Web Sites

This is a question from a colleague of mine.
"Is there a better way to do web captures than by filming the screen?"
I recommended taking screen shots of each web site for better control - but apparently it's a lot of steps and web sites to show and that would take too long.
Any suggestions I can give her?

Never mind - found a repeat thread.
Message was edited by: BCTVMax

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    Ok fantastic ! you are right (the frustration was talking for me)
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    camera is Sony HDV HC1e
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    The class java.util.Date is not itself deprecated, however several of its methods are.
    For converting string -> date, you should use the class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. That allows you to specify format strings such as MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss for converting date -> string -> date.
    If you are wanting to set day/month/year on the date object directly, instead of the Date methods setDay, setMonth, setYear, you should instead use the java.util.Calender class:
    calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 4);
    The calendar can then be converted to a Date object by calling calendar.getTime().
    If you are going to use the date as part of a sql query, I would recommend using a Prepared statement, and the java.sql.Date/java.sql.Timestamp class as well.
    To convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date)
    jva.util.Date utilDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
    java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());cheers,

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    Much detail :) but as a shortcut you can use third party migration tools to have a seamless transition from old version to new. Few to mention, Methalogix and Quest tools. You may also leverage the trial version they offer which most probably cover your
    current situation. 
    The good thing about third party migration tools are you don't have to worry about template mapping nor security mapping. Of course for migration from very old version, like SP2003 to SP2010 requires the security mapping as it's totally different in structure.
    But from SP2007 on-wards the security hierarchy is basically same. One good thing to bear in mind is if you've custom solution there maybe some issue otherwise it's a smooth ride.
    Hope this helps :) 
    Yeah, I know there are shortcuts with third party migration tools but I really think they would be overkill in this case. While I thought of trials, I don't want to waste time going through a trial version only to find the finalize button is grayed out unless
    you pay for it and have to start over with something else. Though it isn't like I have that much data. Entire Site collection is 314MB when I look at storage used in Quotas and Locks. So if the trial was limited to 5GB or something then it would work. 
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    be back up and running. Go back and grant 1-2 people advanced permissions and they should be set. 
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    hi ,
    i think the best way is to create java beans ,in that bean call your EJB ,
    and check the validation over there.
    and make that bean scope to session.
    in each and everypage try to check the session ,if it is not valid then forward to your login page...
    otherwise continue to give access to him like guest

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    I was not successful using mpegstreamclip for this. However, I found VoltaicHD from ShedWorx and it works great. Simply load all the clips you want to convert, assign a location and walk away. The result is beautiful HD .movs ready to be imported into FCP. I paid about $35 for it and it was well worth it.

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    We want to Implement the same through Extended Events but SQL Text is not being captured because we are using SQL Server 2008 R2.
    Whats the best way with Extended Events to Capture:
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    What we currently have is :
    Has anyone done this using SQL Server 2008 R2 and  please let me know.
    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions WHERE name='LongRunningQueries')
    DROP EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries] ON SERVER;
    CREATE EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries]
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.module_end(
    ACTION (sqlserver.client_app_name, sqlserver.client_hostname, sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.plan_handle, sqlserver.session_id, sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.username)),
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed(
    ACTION (sqlserver.client_app_name, sqlserver.client_hostname, sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.session_id, sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.username)),
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.sp_statement_completed(
    ACTION (sqlserver.client_app_name, sqlserver.session_id))
    ADD TARGET package0.asynchronous_file_target(
    SET filename='G:\LongRunningQueries.xet', metadatafile='G:\LongRunningQueries.xem')

    Please read the following resource.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

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    Import photos to your computer, then delete the copies that reside on the phone. Also remove apps you no longer use.

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    Macintosh HD
    ......Business folder
    Is that as it should be? Seems so but prefer to ask and be sure.
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    My best guess is, after deleting pages, I should recheck links with command-5 the Links In /Out palette. Is that the best way?

    If I understand it in the right way, you can do as you plan. You may, outside GoLive:
    1) Create a new folder (like Business 2 folder) and copy everything from inside Business folder into it;
    2) In each folder (Business/Business 2), delete and/or add things as needed;
    Then you may open GoLive, open each of the site files, press the Refresh button, and recheck links.

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    [+5] to Rob and Brandon for sharing more info.
    Hi Brandon,
    I downlaoded the latest software  cipinventory-v0.11 from the site and unzipped it .I could find four files and not any exe .I have attached the snapshot.
    when I click on .pl file it asks which program to be used for opening.
    Am I following the correct procedure or missing something?

  • Best conversion for the web site

    Hi Folks
    I made a Video with my HD camera and made a nice movie in iMovie HD 6 in 1080i-30. what is the best conversion to view it on my web site. I have tried a few of the settings but none thrill me. all either too small or too square. What are the best settings for wide screen conversion for the web?

    hey everyone
    just wanted to say thanks, I have been working on my 1st iMovie project and had a few questions and everyone here was great
    I finished my 1st iMovie project yesterday and posted it to the web site today
    I just bought the Cannon HV20 camera on Monday 5/7/07 and shot this Video on Tuesday night 5/8/07. I have never owned a Video camera before and true to the advertisement the canon was just point and shoot and I got pretty decent Video. We passed the camera around to everyone in the band so that everyone could shoot a little and everyone could be in the video. next time I think i'll bring a friend to shoot so we can just play.
    I had no problem at all importing the video from the HV20 into iMovie as some here have been experiencing. I thought iMovie was very easy to use and since I am used to working in Logic Pro I know to hit save every couple of edits, just in case of a crash, which it did a couple of times
    anyway thanks again and let me know what you think of my video

  • Capturing web site like this sample

    i'm trying to figure out how to capture a web site like in this video here about 22 seconds in:
    i have Ishowu but it looks fuzzy even at highest hd resolution. i want the effect of zooming in like video too.

    Well, it's gotta be screen capture software, and iShowU is that. I have switched, however, from iShowU to SCREEN FLOW. I like it much better. Capture and edit ALL INSIDE SCREENFLOW. Very easy and clean. iMovie like.

  • How best to handle multiple web sites using iWeb 08

    I currently am using iWeb08. I am maintaining two websites; The church site resides on a Rogers server. I use Transmit as a FTP loader. The other site is an engineering society's website that is posted on Apple's server. I have an ME account just for the latter group. iWebsites is used to alternate between the two sites. The church group has a .ca web address.
    Is it worth upgrading to iWeb 09? How does iWeb09 handle 2 websites? I wish I could publish both to the Mac account but have not figured out how. I must retain the rogers account for viewing the church site
    Has anyone deleted iWebsites from OX10.5.6? How was it done? I know that backups are mandatory before attempting these changes.

    In its current form, iWeb '09 doesn't handle publishing well at all!
    I keep all my sites on separate domain files, each in their own folder. Any site is launched in iWeb by double clicking the domain file. I start each new site from a new, blank domain file.
    I keep all my website folders in a folder in a second dock so that I can launch any site with two mouse clicks - faster than you can launch iWebsites!
    You can publish as many sites as you want to one MobileMe account but you can only have domain name forwarded as Cname. Any more have to use masking with all its inherent problems.
    I would be more inclined to dump MobileMe and publish both sites to a decent hosting company.
    The new iWeb '09 FTP works for some. I have tested it with my server - Host Excellence - which doesn't force you to upload to a Public_html folder and this goes as planned.
    Having said that, I still publish to a local folder as I optimize and upload my files using Web Site Maestro. Once you have published your site for the first time, this application will then use its Smart Handling feature to process the changed files only.
    Unless all your viewers use Macs you have to optimize to get your pages to download in that browser that all the Fred Flintstones of the world use.

  • HTML form Date field - what's the best way to capture it on the backend?

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    In my app I have a page with several text fields, that are populated by a calendar pop-up. On the server side I can capture them into a java.util.Date object, but Date is dperecated.
    Should I still use Date or is there a better way?
    I intend to use the date as part of an SQL query.

    The class java.util.Date is not itself deprecated, however several of its methods are.
    For converting string -> date, you should use the class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. That allows you to specify format strings such as MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss for converting date -> string -> date.
    If you are wanting to set day/month/year on the date object directly, instead of the Date methods setDay, setMonth, setYear, you should instead use the java.util.Calender class:
    calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 4);
    The calendar can then be converted to a Date object by calling calendar.getTime().
    If you are going to use the date as part of a sql query, I would recommend using a Prepared statement, and the java.sql.Date/java.sql.Timestamp class as well.
    To convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date)
    jva.util.Date utilDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
    java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());cheers,

Maybe you are looking for