Hi there. Plse can someone help me. My blackberry is only 2m old and when my battery died, I found BBM missing when I switched it back on. After restarting 3 more times, the BBM icon re-appeared but all the list of BBM contacts are missing. Vodacom service centre is also baffled. I tried re- downloading BBM but I forgot my Blackberry ID so I tried re-registering a blackberry ID and it sends me a link on my gmail acc. When clicking on the link, it says the service is unavailable and has done so in the past as well before crashing. Can ANYONE PLEEEAAASSSE help me as I don't know what to do anymore. I'm fed up !

Hi there. Plse can someone help me. My blackberry is only 2m old and when my battery died, I found BBM missing when I switched it back on. After restarting 3 more times, the BBM icon re-appeared but all the list of BBM contacts are missing. Vodacom service centre is also baffled. I tried re- downloading BBM but I forgot my Blackberry ID so I tried re-registering a blackberry ID and it sends me a link on my gmail acc. When clicking on the link, it says the service is unavailable and has done so in the past as well before crashing. Can ANYONE PLEEEAAASSSE help me as I don't know what to do anymore. I'm fed up !

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    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Go to Solution.

    It took me over an hour and 2 BB's to figure this out for a user at my company.  It didn't seem to be Playbook related as other BB's worked on that particular Playbook without issues.
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    If you wish to continue trying diagnostics, you may want to try this tedious procedure to perhaps narrow down the precise causal item:
    Load your OS "bare bones"...if anything is optional, do not install it.
    If the behavior presents immediately, then try a different OS with step 1
    If the behavior does not immediately present, then run for as long as it takes for you to be sure that the behavior will not present.
    Add one thing -- no matter how tempting, just one.
    If the behavior does not present immediately, then again run for long enough to be sure it will not have the same problem
    Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all things are loaded or the behavior presents
    When the behavior presents, you know the culprit...the last thing you loaded.
    If the behavior does not re-present, then you know that either step 1 or 2 cured it.
    If the behavior presents no matter what, then you likely have a hardware level issue for which no amount of OS or software can cure.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    Go to Solution.

    Personally, I don't use Media Manager. Don't like it.
    You can enable Mass Storage on your Media Card and drag and drop files to and from the Media Card quite easily.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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    Hey harris1111,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    Can you send me a private message with your PIN number so I can investigate further?
    Thank you.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
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    It can take a while for pictures to percolate through the servers apparently.
    If you've been helped click on , if you've been saved buy the app.
    Developer of stokLocker, Sympatico and Super Sentences.

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    If you get a plan that includes a proper BlackBerry data plan (also known as BIS or BlackBerry Internet Service), then BBM will work on it.
    You'll have to call your carrier to get that set up. 
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

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    Sunny Sharma

    Hello ben1107
    I have already given this information earlier in this thread however here is the information you looking for : 
    OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
    Blackberry Desktop Software Version

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    Thank you.

    ddougan wrote:
    The client has had the device for 6 months or so, and it worked OK until last week. Ant idea/suggestions would be appreciated.
    Have the user delete all events he added to his calendar since last week.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Blackberry Media Sync Crashing on Startup

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    But I just got the blackberry storm over the weekend, my first blackberry and so far I havent had any problems except for the Media Sync which I would really like to use so I can sync my Itunes.
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    Its actually pretty good, 2 GB memory, 100 GB hard drive, 2.16 ghz processor.
    Don't have problems with other things so I assume its powerful enough for the blackberry software.
    Thanks for the suggestion though.
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  • Blackberry Media Sync crashes after install

    I'm runningv4.5.0.110 (Platform on my 8310.
    My Desktop Manager is v4.6.0.13 (Jun 20, 2008)
    After downloadiung and installing Music Sync, it crashes everytime I try to run is with the typical Windows XP dialouge asking if I want to send this info to Microsoft.
    Below is the Application Log entry generated at the time of failure.
    Even if I can't make it work, I need to uninstall it to get the vanilla media manager to work.
    Windows XP Application Log entry
    Faulting application blackberry music sync.exe, version, stamp 49411411, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.5512, stamp 4802a12c, debug? 0, fault address 0x00012aeb.

    what is music sync?
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • BlackBerry Media Sync Crashes

    I've been having many problems with BB Media Sync (the most recent version from the BB website).  After the program loaded, I would connect my BB and it would immediately crash and give me an error message.  Two weeks ago, I reinstalled Windows 7 and I installed BB Media Sync along with the desktop applications.  I'm still having this problem:
      Problem Event Name:    CLR20r3
      Problem Signature 01:    blackberry media sync.exe
      Problem Signature 02:
      Problem Signature 03:    4b2ab1b7
      Problem Signature 04:    mscorlib
      Problem Signature 05:
      Problem Signature 06:    4a275af7
      Problem Signature 07:    de
      Problem Signature 08:    10
      Problem Signature 09:    System.ArgumentException
      OS Version:    6.1.7600.
      Locale ID:    1033
    I've tried changing the registry entry for photo importation, which did not exist, so I added one (string value), but it still crashes.
    Here's the error log:
    [30000] (13/06 21:0:44):{1} Current Date: 2010/06/13
    [50001] (13/06 21:00:44):{1} (Debug Log Level: 3)
    [50001] (13/06 21:00:44):{1} (Event Log Level: -1)
    [38017] (13/06 21:00:45):{1} (
    [38018] (13/06 21:00:45):{1} (
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:46):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [37001] (13/06 21:00:47):{6} Log Cleaning Started.
    [18005] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} EXCEPTION: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException -- MESSAGE: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} failed due to the following error: 80040154. -- COM ERROR CODE: -2147221164 (80040154) -- STACK:    at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDetector.GetWMPVersion()
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__1())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, Duration: 1288)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:00:47):{4} (LoadDataSource: Started loading PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__6())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, Duration: 17)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:00:47):{4} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.Pictures.PictureDataSourceLoader)
    [38050] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (LoadDataSource: Started loading iTunes)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:00:47):{3} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesXmlDataSourceLoader)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, Duration: 450)
    [19036] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (Library Refresh Complete for MediaSource: PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, Duration: 517)
    [38050] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__3())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, Duration: 552)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, Duration: 815)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:48):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, Duration: 1119)
    [38050] (13/06 21:00:48):{3} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:49):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <ProcessMusicSourceRequest>b__a())
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:49):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:00:49):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, Duration: 1339)
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:08):{3} (TASK: AutoUpdate Startup Task, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:08):{4} (TASK: DownloadAndUpdateSupportedDevices, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:08):{3} (TASK: AutoUpdate Startup Task, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void CheckForUpdate())
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:08):{3} (TASK: AutoUpdate Startup Task, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:08):{3} (TASK: AutoUpdate Startup Task, Duration: 298)
    [19046] (13/06 21:01:09):{4} (C:\Users\Paul M. Cohen\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Media Sync\Data\supported_devices.xml Failed SHA1Checksum)
    [18002] (13/06 21:01:09):{3} EXCEPTION: Net.Rim.AutoUpdateLib.Model.UpdateException -- MESSAGE: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. -- STACK: No stack trace available.
    [38016] (13/06 21:01:09):{3}
    [19045] (13/06 21:01:10):{4} EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException -- MESSAGE: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. -- STACK:    at Rim.UI.MediaSync.Presenters.DevicePresenter.HandleDeviceImageDownloaded(Object sender, DeviceImageEventArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.Events.Eventer.Raise[THandlerArgs,TArgs](Object sender, EventHandler`1 handler, TArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.OnDeviceImageDownloaded(Object sender, DeviceImageEventArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.Events.Eventer.Raise[THandlerArgs,TArgs](Object sender, EventHandler`1 handler, TArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Device.Support.DeviceSupportSslDownloader.GetDeviceImage(String filename, String checksum){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Device.Support.DeviceSupportSslDownloader.GetDeviceImages()
    [19045] (13/06 21:01:10):{4} (Error checking for newer device images.)
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:10):{4} (TASK: DownloadAndUpdateSupportedDevices, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <InitializeSupportedDevices>b__c())
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:10):{4} (TASK: DownloadAndUpdateSupportedDevices, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:01:10):{4} (TASK: DownloadAndUpdateSupportedDevices, Duration: 1919)
    [38036] (13/06 21:01:29):{8} (30B7FC93: Attached)
    [50002] (13/06 21:01:29):{B} (BlackBerry Connect: Started)
    [38036] (13/06 21:01:34):{B} (30B7FC93: Connected)
    [50002] (13/06 21:01:34):{B} (BlackBerry Connect: Finished)
    [59999] (13/06 21:01:36):{B} EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException -- MESSAGE: An item with the same key has already been added. -- STACK:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1.Add(T item){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 items){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncProviders.MediaContent.InitializeWithSourceSelector(IMediaSelector selector){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeDestinationWithSource(){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeWithDestinationProvider(IDestinationSyncResources syncResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.Initialize(ISyncSourceProvider sourceProvider, IDestinationSyncResources destinationResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource, Boolean restoreSelections){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.SetCurrentBlackBerryDrive(IBlackBerryDriveInfo drive, Boolean suppressDestinationRefresh){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.OnDeviceConnectionFinished(Object sender, EventArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Device.DeviceManager.ConnectDevice(Object pin){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    [50001] (13/06 21:11:34):{1} (Debug Log Level: 3)
    [50001] (13/06 21:11:34):{1} (Event Log Level: -1)
    [38017] (13/06 21:11:35):{1} (
    [38018] (13/06 21:11:35):{1} (
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:36):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [50002] (13/06 21:11:37):{9} (BlackBerry Connect: Started)
    [37001] (13/06 21:11:37):{6} Log Cleaning Started.
    [18005] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} EXCEPTION: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException -- MESSAGE: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} failed due to the following error: 80040154. -- COM ERROR CODE: -2147221164 (80040154) -- STACK:    at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDetector.GetWMPVersion()
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__1())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, Duration: 1245)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__6())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, Duration: 16)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (LoadDataSource: Started loading PicturesDesktop)
    [38050] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (LoadDataSource: Started loading iTunes)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:11:37):{3} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesXmlDataSourceLoader)
    [38050] (13/06 21:11:37):{4} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.Pictures.PictureDataSourceLoader)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, Duration: 715)
    [19036] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (Library Refresh Complete for MediaSource: PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, Duration: 807)
    [38050] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__3())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, Duration: 892)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, Duration: 1045)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:38):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, Duration: 1208)
    [38050] (13/06 21:11:38):{3} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:39):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <ProcessMusicSourceRequest>b__a())
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:39):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:11:39):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, Duration: 1423)
    [38036] (13/06 21:11:40):{9} (30B7FC93: Connected)
    [50002] (13/06 21:11:40):{9} (BlackBerry Connect: Finished)
    [59999] (13/06 21:11:41):{9} EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException -- MESSAGE: An item with the same key has already been added. -- STACK:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1.Add(T item){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 items){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncProviders.MediaContent.InitializeWithSourceSelector(IMediaSelector selector){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeDestinationWithSource(){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeWithDestinationProvider(IDestinationSyncResources syncResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.Initialize(ISyncSourceProvider sourceProvider, IDestinationSyncResources destinationResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource, Boolean restoreSelections){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.SetCurrentBlackBerryDrive(IBlackBerryDriveInfo drive, Boolean suppressDestinationRefresh){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.OnDeviceConnectionFinished(Object sender, EventArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Device.DeviceManager.ConnectDevice(Object pin){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    [50001] (13/06 21:15:12):{1} (Debug Log Level: 3)
    [50001] (13/06 21:15:12):{1} (Event Log Level: -1)
    [38017] (13/06 21:15:13):{1} (
    [38018] (13/06 21:15:13):{1} (
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:14):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [50002] (13/06 21:15:14):{9} (BlackBerry Connect: Started)
    [37001] (13/06 21:15:14):{6} Log Cleaning Started.
    [18005] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} EXCEPTION: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException -- MESSAGE: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} failed due to the following error: 80040154. -- COM ERROR CODE: -2147221164 (80040154) -- STACK:    at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDetector.GetWMPVersion()
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__1())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, Duration: 1233)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (LoadDataSource: Started loading PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__6())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, Duration: 18)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.Pictures.PictureDataSourceLoader)
    [38050] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (LoadDataSource: Started loading iTunes)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:15:15):{3} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesXmlDataSourceLoader)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, Duration: 424)
    [19036] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (Library Refresh Complete for MediaSource: PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, Duration: 471)
    [38050] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__3())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:15):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, Duration: 499)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, Duration: 726)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, Duration: 863)
    [38050] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <ProcessMusicSourceRequest>b__a())
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:15:16):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, Duration: 1057)
    [38036] (13/06 21:15:16):{9} (30B7FC93: Connected)
    [50002] (13/06 21:15:16):{9} (BlackBerry Connect: Finished)
    [59999] (13/06 21:15:17):{9} EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException -- MESSAGE: An item with the same key has already been added. -- STACK:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1.Add(T item){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 items){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncProviders.MediaContent.InitializeWithSourceSelector(IMediaSelector selector){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeDestinationWithSource(){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeWithDestinationProvider(IDestinationSyncResources syncResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.Initialize(ISyncSourceProvider sourceProvider, IDestinationSyncResources destinationResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource, Boolean restoreSelections){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.SetCurrentBlackBerryDrive(IBlackBerryDriveInfo drive, Boolean suppressDestinationRefresh){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.OnDeviceConnectionFinished(Object sender, EventArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Device.DeviceManager.ConnectDevice(Object pin){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    [50001] (13/06 21:16:27):{1} (Debug Log Level: 3)
    [50001] (13/06 21:16:27):{1} (Event Log Level: -1)
    [38017] (13/06 21:16:28):{1} (
    [38018] (13/06 21:16:28):{1} (
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:28):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [50002] (13/06 21:16:29):{9} (BlackBerry Connect: Started)
    [37001] (13/06 21:16:29):{6} Log Cleaning Started.
    [18005] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} EXCEPTION: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException -- MESSAGE: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} failed due to the following error: 80040154. -- COM ERROR CODE: -2147221164 (80040154) -- STACK:    at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDetector.GetWMPVersion()
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__1())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: Service Startup, Duration: 1285)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (LoadDataSource: Started loading PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__6())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, Duration: 17)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (LoadDataSource: Started loading iTunes)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.Pictures.PictureDataSourceLoader)
    [38050] (13/06 21:16:30):{3} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesXmlDataSourceLoader)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, Duration: 444)
    [19036] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (Library Refresh Complete for MediaSource: PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, Duration: 515)
    [38050] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__3())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:30):{4} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, Duration: 553)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: Load_iTunes_Library, Duration: 799)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_iTunes, Duration: 944)
    [38050] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [38036] (13/06 21:16:31):{9} (30B7FC93: Connected)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <ProcessMusicSourceRequest>b__a())
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (13/06 21:16:31):{3} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, Duration: 1101)
    [50002] (13/06 21:16:31):{9} (BlackBerry Connect: Finished)
    [59999] (13/06 21:16:31):{9} EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException -- MESSAGE: An item with the same key has already been added. -- STACK:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add){CRLF}   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1.Add(T item){CRLF}   at Rim.Application.Utilities.HashSet`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 items){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncProviders.MediaContent.InitializeWithSourceSelector(IMediaSelector selector){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeDestinationWithSource(){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.InitializeWithDestinationProvider(IDestinationSyncResources syncResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncControllers.DesktopToDevice.DesktopToDeviceSyncController.Initialize(ISyncSourceProvider sourceProvider, IDestinationSyncResources destinationResources){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource, Boolean restoreSelections){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.SyncService.RefreshDestinationProvider(MediaSource mediaSource){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.SetCurrentBlackBerryDrive(IBlackBerryDriveInfo drive, Boolean suppressDestinationRefresh){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.OnDeviceConnectionFinished(Object sender, EventArgs e){CRLF}   at Rim.Media.Device.DeviceManager.ConnectDevice(Object pin){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state){CRLF}   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    Any ideas?

    Hi Paul:
    Thanks for reporting this issue.  We’re looking into it.
    I think removing the MediaSync files from your device will help solve this issue. 
    Be warned, after  you do this, MediaSync won’t remember any of your previous selections.
    Connect your phone and enable USB Massstorage
    In Windows Explorer, find the drive you’ve been using with MediaSync
    The path will be something like J:\home\user\system\Media Sync 
    Delete all the files here.
    Go to %appdata%\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Media Sync
    Delete all the files here.
    Try using MediaSync again.
    Need additional information on BlackBerry products?

  • BBM crashes upon installing iOS 9 beta

    I've just encountered a problem with BBM app crashing repeatedly when i installed ios 9 public beta. It seems that now im unable to utilise the BBM app at all. I'm also not able to even open the app after installing the ios 9 public beta. Please release a new BBM update and resolve the compatibility between ios 9 and BBM.
    johnny (singapore)
    Mod Edit: Edited post to comply with the Community Guidelines and Terms and Conditions of Use

    Thanks for your response.  But something to consider going forward in my opinion........ I think BBM developers were already aware that iOS 9 (beta) was coming out, and I'm pretty sure Apple made the beta available to the developers before making it public to other testers like us. So the BBM developers can't say they were not aware that there is compatibility issue between the current BBM version and and the iOS 9 (beta).  Bearing in mind the dynamism of the industry, I think it's better for the BBM developers to fix this bug now than making us  'the iOS 9 (beta) testers' wait till iOS 9 is officially released by Apple in the Fall.  Fixing things now will ensure a more robost and stable app when the full iOS 9 version is rolled out! CheersphemyD

  • BlackBerry Mac sotware crashes

    I got my Storm a couple of months back and until a few days ago didn't think I could sync it with my Mac. I was thrilled when we found the software but since then have wanted to throw the Storm in the bin. I was able to sync it the other night but afterwards relised that I had multiple entries under the same name as I had completed the address book in the BB and in my Address Book separately. I went through Address Book and cleaned it up then went to sync again but from then on it was shocking. It would prompt saying there was missing information (on the device not the computer which was weird) then it would crash (a total of 3 times). Programs never crash on my Mac so I was very annoyed.
    Will enabling the mass storage fix this? I don't want to lose everything and I really don't want to resort to using a PC just so I can get the BB working to its capacity. (like others, iPhone is looking good right now) .
    I would LOVE some help 
    EDIT: Moved to separate thread and changed subject.
    Message Edited by MohA on 05-15-2009 02:13 PM

    Hi Paul:
    Thanks for reporting this issue.  We’re looking into it.
    I think removing the MediaSync files from your device will help solve this issue. 
    Be warned, after  you do this, MediaSync won’t remember any of your previous selections.
    Connect your phone and enable USB Massstorage
    In Windows Explorer, find the drive you’ve been using with MediaSync
    The path will be something like J:\home\user\system\Media Sync 
    Delete all the files here.
    Go to %appdata%\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Media Sync
    Delete all the files here.
    Try using MediaSync again.
    Need additional information on BlackBerry products?

  • LiveProfile is now available in the Android Market - BlackBerry Messenger BBM Alternative

    LiveProfile is available in the Android Market for those interested. LiveProfile is a mobile messenger for Android, BlackBerry, and iPhone devices. It supports BBM-like messaging and many great features which I am sure you will enjoy. Try it out let me know what you think.

    Sorry ankush8 but that's not true. All the BB services can work over wifi as long as the carrier allows you to do so. of course, you have to have a BB data package. 

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Purchased movies unavailable

    I have two movies I've purchased which I have downloaded to iTunes on my Macbook. I can watch them in iTunes on the Macbook without problem, but they aren't visible on either of my Apple TVs, nor my iPhone, yet I have watched them on my iPhone before

  • Passing page attribute to popup window

    Hello friends - I want to pass the internal table which is page parameter of page 1 to page2. I am opening page2 from page1 as a popup by using command. Is that auto passing of attribute works in this case? Basically i want to know how to