Blackberry Travel or equivalent for 9720?

I have been unable to download Blackberry Travel for 9720 "not available fo theis device" and also appears that worldmate not available. Blackberry World shows "CWT To Go" which only works with itineraries booked directly with Carlson Wagonlit Travel.
Any suggestions for a  similar travel itinerary management app would be gratefully received.
Thank you.

BlackBerry Travel is very definitely available for OS 7.1 devices.
I wonder if you're getting a country limitation or something other blocking it for you?
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    Blackberry Travel keeps sending me notifications for travel not my own (2 or 3 a day or more).

    Just noticed this the other day myself. I don't know when it actually occurred. Doesn't seem to be repeating. In my case on two different days with all day calendar entries for trips added by BlackBerry travel, and single air travel legs that appeared independent of the trip destinations. The information was not in BlackBerry Travel. It looked like BlackBerry travel burped out a few trip fragments from somewhere and put them in my calendar.
    If I could scroll continuously forward in agenda mode in calendar I would look for other bogus trip entries. For now I'm not going to bother.
    - Ira

  • Blackberry Travel for the Z10

    This app looks great but is not functioning correctly. It is not recognising new trips and adds them to existing trips. Even when corrected on the main web site (twice`;-( the trips all mix together. Anyone else experience this? I also use Worldmate - and Bberry Travel which is a copy of this programme - does not function as effectivey.

    konstantinosgoofy wrote:
    not available for Greece even that on the app site is in the supported countries
    sigma555 wrote:
    Just download BB travel from BB World 20 min ago. Works fine so far.
    FYI...duplicate (or maybe triplicate???):
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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    Please advise.
    P.S. I had to buy a holster for Q 10 as I couldnot get one for 9720 with power saving technology (assuming that the holster works irrespective of BB handset model. 

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Your assumption is not accurate. Each device has a magnet sensor in a specific location, which must match up to where the magnet is placed in the holster. A holster for one device may well then not work on a different device, if that other device has it's sensor in a different place. Based on what you've said, I'd surmise that the sensor locations on your two devices are in different places, and therefore the 9720 holster magnet is not being sensed by your Q10, resulting in the behavior you report.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • Blackberry Travel providing travel updates to an old BB I no longer own

    I've owned numerous BB phones as I upgrade constantly.  Recently, after adding a new trip to BB Travel, a friend of mine who purchased a Z10 from me received an update on her Z10 about my travel plans.
    Before I sold her the Z10, it was wiped and she activated it with her own BBID. 
    Since she is the only one I know who purchased one of my older phones and is receiving updates, I'm not sure what is going on with the other BB phones I've sold in the last while (specifically, I've gone through a Passport, Q5, and another Z10 and I've returned to my carrier a few Z30's and Z10's in the last couple of years as well with no idea where they have ended up).
    On the BB Travel web site, there is nothing to see what devices are tied to my account.  The only element under 'Profile' is the ability to add email addresses associated with the account.
    I tried logging into BlackBerry Protect and oddly enough the Passport which I sold 3 months ago (wiped before hand and the new owner activated it under their own BBID), was listed and I removed that from my account.  However there is no Z10 listed.
    Under BlackBerry Link, there seems to be an old Z10 still linked to my account which I can't remove (can't check the box) and states in yellow text beside it 'Device software 10.1 or higher is required for remote file access'.  However, this seems to be a much older Z10 and not the one I sold to my friend.
    And finally under BB World, if I sign in the list of devices includes 3 Z30's, a Passport, the Q5, and 4 Z10's.  However, I've been told by BlackBerry Support that these are just a recent list of devices and technically not ones tied to your account (though I don't know how much I believe that is correct).
    So, my best guess is that somewhere on BB databases, my BB Travel app account is still tied to my old PIN.  The question, I guess, becomes how can I get it removed as I'm not keen on the idea that others are receiving updates to my travel plans.  Having a friend see it is one thing but what about the others who now own my old BB phones?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    The one thing I did try was deleting the app and tried to reinstall.  However, for whatever reason the app will no longer work on my phone.  After reinstalling it wont sign in automatically (as it has done before), and if I try to log in manually, it just hangs.  Deleting the app, doing a hard reset, and then reinstalling the app didn't help either and I'm not keen on doing a device wipe just to fix BB Travel (as I'll just give up on it first).
    P.S. While I couldn't find this mentioned on the BB Support Forums, this has been mentioned on CrackBerry though with no solution:
    BB-past: 9000>9700>9800>9780>9810>9900>Z10>Q5

    You can not merge accounts.
    Apps are tied to the Apple ID used to download them, you can not transfer them.

  • BlackBerry Travel doesn't recognize reservations of my travel supplier

    Three weeks ago my travel supplier changed the format of the reservations and now it doesn't work with blackberry travel. How many time does BB Travel need to recognize a new reservation format or supplier? Other applications like WorldMate can recognize this format without problems. I think that BB Travel is a great application and I want to continue using it, but if this problem doesn't solve soon I will change to other application due to poor support.
    NOTE: My travel supplier is Carlson Wagonlit  Spain
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello fmulero,
    Thank you for your question regarding BlackBerry Travel not recognizing your itinerary.
    Try forwarding a copy of the itinerary to [email protected] and let us know if this resolves the issue for you.
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  • BlackBerry Travel no longer posting Trip Details to Exchange Outlook Calendar

    I have two users (BES) who use BlackBerry Travel quite often.  I verified this by looking at their calendars and by actually logging to to Outlook as them (since I am the admin).
    Prior to the problem every trip had details.  In other words, if you had a flight it showed the flight numbers and times.  If you booked a hotel, it showed check in/ check out dates, details of the hotel, etc.
    Now, for example, on a trip that is just a hotel, the user's calendar just says "Trip to Cleveland" on the Outlook Calendar. AND in the email notification from BB Travel, there are not details except a link to the trip in BB Travel.
    What has changed and why.  Most users in my business who use BB Travel need others to know more details when hey scan a travelers calendar.  Also, the user themselves wants to see the details on their calendar like they used to when looking in Outlook.
    I don't use the app myself since I"m chained to my desk and the servers.  But I can certainly understand their frustration.  I've googled my butt off trying to figure this out and have found NOTHING.
    Thank you in advance.
    (8800, 8310, 9700, 9800, 9810, 9900, Z10)

    Before a user can view one of your calendar, they need permissions by following steps.
    Right-click on the calendar you wish to share.
    Choose Properties, select the Permission tap.
    If Default has Reviewer permission you won’t need to add individual names to the list unless they need more permissions than the Default account has.
    Click Add and select the names you want to share with from the Global Address List.
    Give them at least Reviewer permission so they have Folder visible permission.
    Click OK to close the dialog.
    Repeat for each calendar you wish to share.
    Once the calendar permissions are set, the user who the calendars are shared with needs to add the mailbox to their profile, as a secondary account.
    Go to File, Account Settings.
    Select your Exchange account and click Change.
    Click More Settings.
    On the Advanced tap, click Add.
    Type all or part of the name of the mailbox that was shared with you. Select the correct name if presented with a list of names.
    Click OK.
    The mailbox you added is now in your folder list and the calendars you have permission to view will be listed in the Calendar pane.
    Best Regards.

  • Blackberry Travel Calendar sync times wrong

    I am having a problem with the automatic calendar sync in the Blackberry Travel app. Some of my flights are sync'd at incorrect times but others (even within the same itinerary!) sync correctly. One flight was booked on the Air Canada website and the itinerary was automatically uploaded to BB Travel from the email. The other flight was booked by a travel agent and the itinerary was also uploaded automatically. In both cases, the departure and arrival times were off for 1 flight of the 4 in the same itinerary! Any idea what I can do to fix?
    Thanks, Kris 

    I have exactly the same issue and really would like to know the way to fix it.

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    Right! Our regular power bricks cover the gamut of 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz that will take care of everything save, say, a failing portable generator chugging in the tip of the Alps...
    And you can drink the Apple koolaid and purchase the Official $40 Apple Adapter Kit ( ) that will look chic and color matched to your brick, or do as Kappy says and get a regular equivalent from the nearest Radio Shack

  • Blackberry Travel details not updating in calendar

    Hi I'm using Q10, release Blackberry Travel is not automatically adding trip details into calendar as the old versions did. I've followed the knowledge base directions and everything is set as it should be. Thanks for the help

    Hey Viennaboy,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    In BlackBerry Travel swipe from the top and choose settings.  Then open Calendar sync and is everything set to On?  Also are you logged into the email address that receives the travel emails?
    I look forward to your reply.
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  • Blackberry Travel - Duplicate entries in Calendar after system restore

    I love the Blackberry Travel app, it is an absolute must for me and I auto sync it to my calendar as a default setting. I have the Z10, and Blackberry Travel software.
    Every time I install a new OS, and resync my calendar from Outlook using  Link, after I reinstall and log back into Blackberry Travel, it will create duplicates of my upcoming trip entries in my calendar.
    These are entries that were created by Blackberry Travel previously and were synced with Outlook prior to the system wipe and then restored using an Outlook sync.
    It would be great if Outlook would check for calendar conflicts for preexisting entries that are exactly the same before adding a new trip to the calendar.
    I also noted that if I have a trip (with a name October Travel) with a departure date of October 6 (for example) and arrival date of October 13, although the return flight is correctly placed in the calendar on the 13th, the entire trip is marked from October 6-12 (missing the last day in the calendar).
    Please check on these issues, otherwise super app!

    Yea, I've noticed the same on the duplicate entry issue, and just delete the duplicate.
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  • Spam./Scam linked to Blackberry Travel

    Somehow this morning without any interaction from me nor with my consent an email was sent from my work email address to "(personal info removed)", cc to "trips_(personal info removed)@[email protected]; 66(personal info removed)",  subject Southwest Airlines Confirmation J7(personal info removed).  It was added to my Outlook calendar and added into Blackberry Travel on my Blackberry Z10 phone. My Blackberry ID isn't linked to my work email address; only my personal email address is. At my personal email address I received a confirmation email from Blackberry Travel that it was added to an itinerary.  I immediately deleted Blackberry Travel from my phone. A scan of my desktop shows no malware or infection. My work uses Exchange and active sync and all inbound and outbound email going through a relay server for spam, malware and virus scanning. It wasn't detected nor blocked by that system. 
    This is very disturbing to me. I'd be happy to forward the email as an attachment if you'd like to see it. Would someone tell me how this happened so I can prevent it from happening again?

    Before an earlier Travel app upgrade, this information below was hidden with the BB10 app, but it's since been removed.
    Now, to find it:
    Login to your Travel account on the web
    Go to My Profile > Manage my emails.
    At the bottom of that page you will find a personalized email account to which you can foward these to your Travel account. It will look like [email protected]
    I place that email account in my contacts as "Travel" and foward travel emails to it for processing.
    ALSO, in Travel on your Z10, you can turn on the automatic scan of incoming emails to be read by Travel.
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  • Blackberry Travel Deleting Trip Details

    My girlfriend and I both have an unusual problem with Blackberry Travel (version on a Z10 (OS Seemingly at random, the app will delete all of the travel details of a trip (though the trip will still appear in the list). If you try and re-send emails to the app, it will give an error stating that the details are already in the app (even though they've disappeared from trip details).
    The only fix seems to be to manually enter the travel details, but they will shortly disappear again, leaving a blank trip with no flights, hotels, or cars. Since I travel frequently and rely on BB Travel to hold all my details, it's a frustrating problem.
    Has anyone experienced something like this? I thought the recent BB Travel update for my Z10 would fix it, but it still seems to be having identical problems. For me, it happens one trip at a time, but on my girlfriend's phone it erases all of her trip details every time it happens.

    Please see my private message to you on this site. You will see a green envelope toward the top/right of the forum screens.
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  • BlackBerry travel not updating the exidting trip details after the change on my flight dates of travel

    Trip details are not updated and when I force for manual update by dragging it down an error is reported

    See here, they are working on it.
    Please click the Thumbs Up icon if this comment has helped you!
    If your issue is resolved, please click the solution button on the resolution!
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  • Blackberry travel

    I have changed to a Q10 and in my previous blackberry & outlook, when I got a confirmation of a hotel, airline or rental car of reservation... my outlook will automatically send an email to blackberry travel and the event will be added automatically to my app... however, since I changed to the Q10 it is not happening and I have to resend manually the confirmation to the blackberry travel app... then it is automatically added to the app.
    Does anyone know why is no longer functioning everything in automatic like before? can i adjust anything to get it done automatically?
    Go to Solution.

    In your Travel settings do you have Automatic Trip Scanning set to On?
    Open Travel > swipe down from the top bezel > Settings > Scroll to Automatic Trip Scanning.
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