Broadband usage, why have it?

I havea sked about people I know & online about this for a few years now but no one seems able to give an answer!
 why is data uage charged by Mb ( which no one knows what is!) instead of time ( which everyone knows what is!)?
surely this would be much easier to keep track of & be a much fairer way of charging?
 I realise steaming video will take up much more useage than a text page but it will aslo take much more time to watch &therefore could be charged as such. 
 If I make a voice call to someone & decide not to talk, sing etc down the phone, I wil still be charged the same for the time I am connected so surely the same should apply when I am connected to the internet? after all it isnt costing the service provider any more is it?
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Charging by time spent on line comes back to dial up pay as you go services. It is good if you have a modem that connects to the Internet when used and then disconnects when not in use
However Broadband is connected 24/7 which wouldn't work for a timed usage policy.
I think that BT retail should invest into a upto minute usage monitor. It should also have a break down of what services are using the most usage (like video streaming, social network sites, ect...) and incorporate a unlimited night time usage policy like Plusnet (BT's sister company) has done.
jac_95 | Help Site | BT Service Status
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  • Broadband usage has doubled and I don't know why

    Hi there
    Just received a warning message that I am about to exceed my 40gb limit.  Normal monthly usage has been 18gb apparently and we don't know why the increase has occurred.  We have no kids at home, we don't stream films or videos or play games, I've downloaded 1 music album this month and we've surfed the net as usual.
    Can this usage be verified?
    Any tips on checking whther someone else is using our this possible?
    Any tips on why this might be's puzzling.
    Is there an indpependent (non BT) way of monitoring and measuring broadband usage?

    Hi dr58.
    In my experience the only way to sort this out is to hope that your post draws the attention of a forum moderator. Anyone on the phones will try and convince you that you are indeed downloading 20 albums a day, uploading 3000 pictures a week etc etc and "it all mounts up" and you would be far better on an Unlimited Package.
    I had problems (in fact thinking about it, this time last year) where my usage had crept up and according to BT my son and I were using 90gb a month, despite no streaming, gaming etc. I am on a 40gb package like yourself so was incurring £50 charges each month. In the end it was resolved with BT agreeing it wasn't possible for us to be getting through that amount but as I wasn't using a BT router at the time it was impossible to prove that someone hadn't been piggybacking my wifi. (I'd changed passwords during the high readings to no avail anyway).
    My personal advice would be to keep a daily eye on your broadband monitor, screenshot them if need be, if you have been out during the day or away for any great length of time also note the readings that appear for that day. I also check my BT homehub to make sure only the devices in my house are hooked in just in case.
    As it happens I've also noticed a big jump in my readings this month, I have just a few GB to spare but in my opinion the readings are still high compared to what I was noting at the tail end of last year after I finally had SeanD look into the matter for me.
    I do hope that the meters arent going up the creek yet again because I've sworn that if it should happen again I'm walking to a different company this time around.
    Best of luck and I hope you get the information you need and the situation resolves itself.

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    after changing broadband suppliers I have a new email address. I therefore had to change my apple id. It won't change on my iphone even after syncing. What should I do?

    Follow this procedure:
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    2. Tap your Apple ID
    3. Sign out
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  • Monthly broadband usage -- BT knows, how do I find...

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    I want to know what my broadband usage is. I used to be able to log on and see. But some muppet has decided that I can no longer do this:
    "Why can't I check my broadband usage any more?
    We don't want our customers wasting time monitoring usage when there's no need to. Having unlimited broadband means you don't need to worry about your internet usage: you won't pay any usage charges no matter how much you use."
    Well I DO want to know what my usage is. I am seriously thinking of moving away from BT. If I know what I am using I know what sort of package I can purchase from a competitor. I also don't want to 'renew' a contract so I'm stuck with BT for another 12 months. As long as BT are in the background they are ok. I've had no problem with the service, but they seem to be getting dearer and dearer. (Line rental saver went up by 13.5% -- Inflation was less that 2% so why the huge hike?)
    Their scheming, conniving business team who are looking at ways to stop me moving away while still screwing me are finally forcing me to do something.
    So can someone please tell me where I can now find my monthly usage? The above response from BT is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
    Now to find a cold shower and calm myself down again...
    Go to Solution.

    here is the link
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Increase in broadband usage

    I have been using BT Infinity 1 since July last year with no problems.
    For the last two months I have been warned that I am using more than my allowance of 40G incurring extra charges.
    I have no explanation for this.
    Is it possible to retrieve my usage stats (as a graph) for the last twelve months from the BT billing platform.

    This link may help.
    Why is my broadband usage so high?
    I don`t think BT keep your usage stats for that long. Its best to check it on a daily basis, using the usage monitor on MyBT.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Broadband usage monitor

    I have also experienced the excessive BT broadband usage. I opted for option 1 because I have no interest in downloading Video's/music, apart from reading both BBC and Sky news the only other use is my wife using the online facebook game.
    I received an email from BT last month saying i had reached 7GB of my 10 GB usage and just cant figure out why
    I have downloaded a usage monitor which greatly differs from BT's own monitor,
    What I would like to ask is,  does the monitor I downloaded only monitor what is open on my desktop, 2 whould there be a differnce between High Speed Broadband and those who's broadband is connected via telephone line.
    if this is the case as i suspect, then someone downloading a file on high speed whould use less bandwidth than someone downloading on slow speed. look at it as sending a fax, it may cost 10p to send a fax on a cheap machine but to send the same sheet on a quality machine may cost 6p, I dont no?

    Deke wrote:
    I have also experienced the excessive BT broadband usage. I opted for option 1 because I have no interest in downloading Video's/music, apart from reading both BBC and Sky news the only other use is my wife using the online facebook game.
    I received an email from BT last month saying i had reached 7GB of my 10 GB usage and just cant figure out why
    I have downloaded a usage monitor which greatly differs from BT's own monitor,
    What I would like to ask is,  does the monitor I downloaded only monitor what is open on my desktop, 2 whould there be a differnce between High Speed Broadband and those who's broadband is connected via telephone line.
    if this is the case as i suspect, then someone downloading a file on high speed whould use less bandwidth than someone downloading on slow speed. look at it as sending a fax, it may cost 10p to send a fax on a cheap machine but to send the same sheet on a quality machine may cost 6p, I dont no?
    Hi. Welcome to the forums.
    You say you received an email last month for reaching 7GB - that was for April.
    May I ask what usage monitor you are using, and how does it compare with your current May usage online meter from BT ?
    The downloaded monitor will only record what that particular computer is using (won't include other computers, games consoles, mobiles and TVs etc). And then there are various settings in different programs to cater for usage within a home network etc.
    What Facebook game is being used may I ask? Some of these applications can use many 100s of MB per day, so this alone could account for a lot of the usage.
    There should be no difference between any "high speed" user and standard ADSL in terms of usage. In your example of downloading a file. The high speed (e.g. fibre) user will use exactly the same data content as a person on a slower connection. The speed is irrelevant with regard to how much is being used.
    You can't compare with a fax machine, because typically these used normal phone lines which are charged on a timed usage - so the longer the call, the dearer the cost.  In your example it could actually be dearer to use a quality fax machine, because it may take longer to send a higher quality copy.

  • Broadband Usage - "unusual" spikes in our usage

    In May we received a "warning" email from BT about our usage - and being fairly new to BT broadband I started to investigate the usage meter. As far as I can tell the ONLY way for me to see daily usage is for ME to log on daily and manually record the previous days total.
    I called BT and they told me that due to data protection law they are unable to provide me with any detail about our usage, apart from the running total.
    Not happy about this I made a complaint, and got put through to a chap who was able to tell me that in the previous week we had 1 days usage of 12GB and another of 5GB. Our totals for the previous 2 monthly were 19GB and 21GB respectively.
    Our total for May was about 41GB (i.e. about 1 GB over our contract)
    We do not watch TV on line
    We do not stream music
    We do not "game" on line
    We do email, internet searches and download podcasts (and have done this for years).
    So the question is why are BT unable to provide ANY detaild data about broadband usage. They are able to record daily usage but why can't I see it?
    Has anyone any ideas or suggestions about how to deal with this thorny issue with BT. You wouldn't go to a petrol station and pay for a full tank without knowing how much fuel you'd out it!!

    The data protection reference is cobblers. If there was anything in it how would Plusnet (owned by BT!) be able to provide all the detail you need in their usage monitor? Your question should not be why are BT unable to provide more detail, but why are they failing to.
    If this is the first time you've exceeded your limit you won't be charged. Quite a few people have questioned alleged increeases in their usage lately and there have been reports of successful challenges to BT. Best thing is to keep an eye on it and report back here if further problems seem to be in the offing. 
    You can click the white star next to this message if you think it was helpful.

  • Broadband usage suddenly rocketed - can anyone hel...

    Hi All
    We are on Infinity1 so have 40GB/month broadband usage.  We typically use 15GB per month.  The main use is internet surfing, EMail etc.  We have 2 iPhones and 1 iPad.
    Just after Christmas, we got a second iPad and a smart TV.  We watched a single HD film on the TV through Amazon Prime (Red2 - think it's a couple of hours long).  I was off work for a week and did a lot of surfing, but we haven't downloaded any other TV and have spent less than 1 hour streaming YouTube.
    We have now exceeded our 40GB limit and are incurring penalty charges.
    I'm pretty annoyed as the second warning EMail ("you have reached 38GB") was received last night, and looking at the usage monitor online, we had already clocked up 41.69GB and that was a 24hours out of date anyway. 
    I don't see why we've used so much bandwidth.  We streamed a single HD movie (say this was 5GB) and maybe we are surfing for 30 mins per iPad in the morning, and 2 hours per iPad in the evening, with the phones downloading EMails etc through the day when we're home.  I did also have some windows updates download and install yesterday, but the damage had already been done so it won't be due to that.
    Our contract is up for renewal in April so I don't want to switch to unlimited broadband right now as it will lock us in for another 12 months.  Where is our high usage coming from?  It doesn't make sense that we're on track to use 3x what we normally use and the only difference is a single streamed movie and one more iPad which is used for a small amount of surfing.
    Can anyone help please?  Normal settings apply to the router and I'm happy the security is ok (ie the neighbours haven't hacked into our wifi!)
    Many thanks.

    You can upgrade to unlimited at any time, you do not have to wait untill the end of your contract.. If you have gone over your allowance, and upgrade before the end of the month, any excess usage charges are waived.​01/~/how-can-i-upgrade-my-bt-broadband%3F
    If you were on a discounted package, you may find that the amount of discount will be subtracted from the upgraded package.
    You can also try Customer Options on 0800 800 030
    They are very helpful when it comes to upgrades, and will usually give you the best deal.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Broadband Usage Problem - Need Proper Help From BT

    A day ago I received a message from BT saying that I was approaching the usage limit for my BT broadband.  I am on Option 2 and normally use around 20GB in a month.  I checked my usage on My BT and found it was 38.64GB on 14/2.  I checked again this morning and found it was now 42.73GB for the 15/2.
    I've tried calling BT, but have only got through to the BT help in India.  The first person I spoke to said it was because I was being charged for my BTVision usage and wouldn't accept that it was independent of my broadband.  I tried again, and the second person said the same, but upon my insistence checked with a colleague - and came back apologising, saying that the BTVision usage was separate and so I would not be charged at the end of the month.
    I am scared to use my BT broadband and BTVision for fearing of incurring more charges.  I have not done anything that warrants high usage: I don't watch films or play games on-line.  I read news, check e-mails, do banking, view video clips - the usual everyday stuff.
    Please can somebody from BT help me?  I am tired of trying to explain the situation and getting the same scripted answers.  The stock response from the BT staff seems to be for me to upgrade to an unlimited package, but I want to know why this is happening (is it a mistake on BT's part?  I did not use 4GB yesterday), how I can go back to my normal broadband usage, and whether I will be charged for this excessive usage.  In short: something is wrong, I have little control over the situation despite trying repeatedly to talk to someone from BT, and I would like some help.
    Thank you
    Go to Solution.

    PaulP1966 wrote:
    I've received a very helpful message from a Forum Moderator explaining my problem.  The usage monitor also included my BT Vision usage, so I have not exceeded the limit with my broadband.  Hopefully this problem will be sorted out in the next few weeks.
    It seems a great shame BT's staff in India aren't aware of this problem - it would save a lot of time, telephone calls and worry.
    This is extremely interesting. I've been having this problem since last summer and still am. I have a similar type of usage to you with browsing, emails etc. My work IT department are gobsmacked how my usage can be so high.
    I've been through exactly the same where I've stopped using my BB service for fear of being charged and i have always suspected BT Vision usage was being included. During a 1 hour phone call with India and several times since I have been told it is "IMPOSSIBLE" for BT Vision usage to be included. This admission appears to prove otherwise !!

  • Broadband usage - no emails?

    Hello all! 1st post here after much trawling and reading of threads so hopefully I've done the right thing by searching the forum first for an answer prior to posting...if my searching was substandard then I apologise in advance...
    I've searched the forum a lot over the past few days/weeks and I see that I am one of many that has experienced unrealistically high usage according to BT'S usage monitor.  Notwithstanding the fact that I think it is inaccurate based on my experience with my previous ISP when I had to try really hard to get up to 10GB usage (to get my money's worth ) and I'm now using up way more than this monthly, I have the following questions which I would be grateful for any enlightenment:
    My broadband usage monitor has disappeared and I can't find any thread on here or any explanation on the BT site explaining why this has happened (the other thing I see in MyBT is that it's unavailable and that they hope to restore it soon).  I know it was acknowledged to be wrong due to inclusion of YouView figures but is this the reason for the disappearance? Any thoughts on this?
    After a livechat conversation this morning I called Consumer Billing - Broadband on 0800 800 150 to try to get some usage figures. Apparently I am at 18.23GB so far this month, following 24.53GB last month.  The PC is virus/trojan free so I just don't fathom it...HOWEVER my issue is that I've never received an email from BT flagging up the heavy usage.  I've checked my BT Internet (Yahoo) email address as well as my email address as supplied to BT but nothing - again, is there any logical reason for this?
    We have TV (YouView) from BT and often use the catch up TV service through the set top box but I'm assured by BT that this doesn't count towards usage.  This is how I was sold the service and what I read on the BT site - I am correct here aren't I? (by the way with my previous ISP I often accessed iplayer, sky catch up and never got close to the usage figures given by BT).  Does anyone know whether the above figures would include YouView usage?  I suspect the answer is no (but can only explain it if the answer is yes) but the person in the overseas call centre just pointed me in the direction of the thinkbroadband usage monitor...
    Like others, I am a bit lost as to why the usage is so high but feel I have little option other than to upgrade to an unlimited package at higher cost.  Not ideal and I do feel a little unhappy given I (and others) don't believe or understand the usage numbers.

    If you do decide to upgrade follow these links.
    They might tell you this deal is for new customers only and that an existing customer has to upgrade via this link
    which costs more but I'm sure if you haggle with them and point out that you are a loyal customer and will stay loyal at least for the length of the contract they will do a deal.
    You can also contact the options team on this number 0800 800 030 they are UK based which might be a better way so that you can haggle with them to get the best deal.

  • Broadband usage gone over warnings but used less t...

    Earlier in the month I had an email from BT to let me know I'd used more than 7Gb of my 10Gb allowance. I used the broadband usage calculator which told me a similar story.
    Trouble is I'm on the 40Gb option, have been for about a year, when I click through to my account details that is what it states there.
    Having just done the usage calculator again, it's now showing red - limit exceeded - 28Gb used of a 10Gb allowance, but again clicking through to my account details, that still shows I'm on 40Gb monthly usage plan.
    This has worked as expected in all previous months, anyone any ideas why one part of the BT accounting system has me flagged for a different usage amount than the other? And who do I need to speak to get all ends stating the correct amount?
    Thanks for any pointers folks...
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Mr Whippy,
    Thanks for the post and welcome to the forum.  I would like to double check this for you.
    It sounds to me that your package is correct on your account but your usage profile may be wrong.  This is only an educated guess, without checking your details I cant be sure
    Please drop me an email via the 'Contact Us' link in my profile. (click on my name and you will find the link under the "about me" section). Include your BT account details and the link to this thread.  I'll get to the bottom of this.
    BTCare Community Manager
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

  • Broadband usage monitor - do you believe what it's...

    Back in June I submitted a post because my broadband usage had shot up ( Although some of the increased usage could be explained by the use of Skype (now uninstalled and no longer a factor), the high usage continued beyond the removal of Skype.
    There was no obvious explanation for this, but changing the hub security key to more secure one seemed to stop the problem for a while.
    Then last week I got the usual BT email warning me I was likely to go over the limit again! After a long conversation with one of the BT tech support people I reluctantly changed the key back to the default one, but got another email warning this morning to say I'm likely to break my limit.
    If I was a heavy user I'd accept this, but I'm not. The other thing that puzzles me is that the bulk of usage is upload. I might occasionally upload a few photos to Ebay, and maybe a few to Photobucket occasionally, but they are few and far between. This morning the monitor shows Download of 1.25 and upload of 7.59 - just crazy, there is absolutely no way in which I am uploading that volume of data intentionally.
    BT say 'Well or monitor is very accurate', but if that's the case why can't they tell me what I'm being billed for uploading? If it was a gas or electricity bill we'd certainly want a decent explanation if the usage had doubled.
    It's tempting to upgrade - but why should I pay BT more when my monthly usage prior to this problem was between 4 and 5gb a month?
    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Thanks for your reply. No, not using Cloud yet (though I have registered for it). Also, and I may be wrong here, but I thought that usage of Cloud did not count towards your BB usage.
    BT even suggested that perhaps someone might have entered the house and reset the hub key to its default setting without our knowledge. Pretty unlikely, besides which I think our inability to log on following such a change might make us suspect something. It's also virtually impossible that a neighbour may be using our hub, as quite apart from the security issue the nearest house is about 40 yards away.
    Most of our online usage is email and general browsing from a single laptop, with antivirus and antispyware software updated at least daily. The laptop gets put into hibernation when not in active use. 
    As a retired IT bloke who has spent more years than I care to think of building and using networked devices it's the fact that neither I nor BT can account for this that bugs me. What bugs me even more is the fact that seemingly I have to just accept BT's word regarding the alleged usage; there is no redress.

  • Broadband Usage and speed problems.

    I have question about broadband usage.
    Its 11 days and bt website says I used more then 20GB!
    Its nearly 1.8 GB per day! I used Internet for browsing website and receive one email pre day, I download twice large amount (about 1-1,5GB) and nothing more!
    I just wonder what going on? I try monitor my usage day by day from 5 days ago and its worst and worst!!!
    I nothing download but my usage going very fast.
    Its looks like I will be download about 3 movies per day that means I will have now more then 30 movies! Its must be something wrong!
    I used before VM and my average Internet usage was about 15-20GB per Month with solid 10MB speed.
    Now my speed is **bleep** from 8mb to 1mb and sometimes less then 512kb!!! And usage is higher !!!
    How can I see details about my usage?
    And q2
    About speed - in my area BT Infinity will be available from 31.12.2010
    Its mean still BT have same works, it might be cause my slow broadband?
    And from 25.11 till now is same problem with broadband, in three days I must reset BT Hub because there is no Internet. On BT Hub anything looks fine, Is IP address etc... But is no Internet telephone and no Internet as well.
    I check by used ping

    Andy_N wrote:
    I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions, this may help to determine why your usage is as high as you're seeing.
    Do you have more than one computer connected ? Do you use iPlayer, or watch lots of youtube stuff ? Do you have any games machines such as XBox connected to the Internet ?
    Are you uploading lots of things ? uploads count as well as downloads.
    Are you up to date with all security and anti-virus packages, and have you run any scans recently ? (sometimes viruses and trojans can cause a usage problem).
    Your inherent speed problem could be due to various reasons, for example worsening line conditions due to weather and general wear and tear. Strangely viruses can cause a noticeable slow down, but mainly due to the computer being infected rather than the line being slow.
    Can you posssibly post the hub stats ?
    If you're using a PC, download something like Networx usage monitor and see if that can help. Of course it needs to be on each PC, but can't see the usage of games machines or Internet TV (or iPhone use etc).
    I used only 2 machines. Desktop PC and laptop. Laptop very light, just 1-2 hours per day only websurfing (3-5 websites with no movie or high quality images, 90% is just plain text)
    I not download lots of stuff, Like I just say, in VM my average monthly usage was 15-20 GB and I download few movie and lots of music.
    In December I just download one movie other traffic is just webserfing email.
    Youtube - yes I watch, but its not new staff for me, like just say my usage is not deferent then was in VM!
    Now usage monitor on BT web site say I used more then 20GB! in 11 days!!! if one movie will be 0.7GB its means I download about 30 movies!
    Its massive! I never download 30 movies in 2-3 months )
    This start about 5 days ago, when my strip goes to orange. My average Internet usage is 1.8GB !!! Even I for 2 days used Internet very little.
    I nothing upload.
    It is not possible, to anny worm or viruses used so big bandusuage if any software used Internet connection in background (like systems) its just kilobits not gigabits!
    If I will be use very hardly Internet I will be no rise alarm. But I now what I used. I have Internet for more then 7 years and now how far I go.
    And now is very strange - I less used inherent I have more GB used!
    In my calculation if my average usage per day will be 1.8GB I will used 55GB!!! I never used more 20 - max 30GB! It must be something wrong on BT site.
    I get BT Broadband option 2 be cause, I now I used about 15-20GB per months and BT Broadband option 1 is not for me, but 20GB in 11 days!
    We not talk abut 100MB! or 500MB per day we talk about nearly 2GB per day! Its massive!
    Is any chance to get detail Internet usage?
    I loose Internet connection 3 times per week, so I need push reset button on hub.
    I left once Hub with no reset but in 5 hours it will still no Internet.
    Its looking very strange, because anything looks OK except I loos Internet phone (no blue telephone light)
    In hub stats is IP, is Downstream etc... but when I ping it say: host unavailable or similar.
    After reset working well. My be my Hub is faulty?
    Many Thanks for reply!
    Hub Stats
    Line state
    Connection time
    1 day, 3:31:03
    10,124 Kbps
    1,022 Kbps
    ADSL settings
    ITU-T G.992.5
    Latency type
    Noise margin (Down/Up)
    8.8 dB / 4.9 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up)
    31.0 dB / 15.5 dB
    Output power (Down/Up)
    20.9 dBm / 12.4 dBm
    Loss of Framing (Local)
    Loss of Signal (Local)
    Loss of Power (Local)
    FEC Errors (Down/Up)
    139453 / 426
    CRC Errors (Down/Up)
    24 / 2147480000
    HEC Errors (Down/Up)
    nil / 61462
    Error Seconds (Local)

  • Broadband usage meter for BT users

    How do I use the broadband usage monitor?
    What information is being displayed?
    The monitor is designed to show you all the usage that has been downloaded and uploaded over your broadband connection for the current month. This will help you to see how much of your monthly usage allowance has been used and how much there is remaining. The monitor only includes usage which counts towards your allowance; traffic from services such as BB talk and the BT Vision video store, is discounted from your total.
    The monitor also helps you to manage your usage by displaying three different views to indicate the current status your usage:
    If the slider is green then, at the last update, you were within your usage allowance.
    If the slider is yellow then, at the last update, you were within your monthly usage allowance but there is a chance you might go over before the end of the month.
    If the slider is red then, at the last update, you had already gone above your usage allowance and you may be subject to charges as outlined in our Fair Usage Policy.
    If you are on an unlimited product then you will never be charged for additional usage. The usage data will be displayed in blue for all customers who have an unlimited monthly usage allowance, subject to the Fair Usage Policy.
    If you are finding that your current usage allowance is not meeting your needs, then you might want to consider upgrading to one of our broadband options with a higher usage allowance. To find out more please see; How can I increase my usage allowance?
    How do I access the usage monitor?
    You can access the usage monitor through your My BT online account at any time. In the product section of My BT there is a 'View my broadband usage' link, click this link to open the usage monitor.
    When is usage information updated?
    The usage displayed on the monitor is scheduled to update every 24 hours. To help you keep track of the updates, the time and date of the last update are displayed on the left hand side of the page.
    What if I have more than one billing account?
    If you have multiple broadband accounts it is important to check that the right account is selected in your My BT page. You can change which account is selected using the drop down list on the homepage.
    Troubleshooting - Why isn't the monitor displaying correctly?
    If you are having problems accessing the monitor it may be because:
    You do not have a My BT account set-up.
    The usage monitor is undergoing maintenance. If this happens we will display a service message informing when the monitor will be available again.
    The service is busy. In the rare event that this happens a service message will be displayed to inform you. Try again at a later time to access the monitor.
    The monitor is not displaying correctly. It may be that you need to adjust your browser settings in order for the monitor to display correctly. Alternatively the device you are using to access the monitor may not be supported. Try accessing the monitor from your PC.
    The usage monitor helps you to manage your usage by showing how much of your monthly usage allowance has been used and how much is remaining each month.
    The monitor is accessed through the My BT online account. You may need to register for this service.
    Usage is updated on the monitor every 24 hours.
    It is important to make sure the correct billing account is selected in My BT to ensure the right usage data is displayed. The telephone number of the broadband line is displayed on the monitor.
    There may be some occasions when the monitor doesn't display correctly, please see the troubleshooting section to address these.

    mehtdosa11 wrote:
    hi andy,
    thanks for you reply, some usefull links there..
    i just noticed a reply you made to another post.. 
    "suggested keeping a daily figure from the BT online meter, and I was also going to suggest that you perhaps look at the hub stats for up/downloads too."
    how do you look at the hub stats? as i would like to know this info. accordibng to bt i've used 52.18gb since 4th november..
    Hi again.
    On my hub 2, type A - log into it, typically or http://api.home. The Settings (enter your hub password). Advanced settings/Continue to ..... and click the Broadband link. I'm sure there's a simpler way, but that's how I do it (albeit infrequently). You then get a Data transmitted line giving up/downloads.
    That figure may well contain things like BTVision access, BBTalk and other items that are not included in the overall usage.
    However the hub stats will not be based on the connection time shown above, but possibly on a hub reset. I've not not really checked this, but other folk will know.

  • Broadband usage charges explained

    Your broadband usage is the data that you upload and download from the internet. This includes activities such as internet browsing, watching a video online, online gaming, and downloading.
    We have a usage policy that covers monthly usage allowances and manages the use of specific applications on the BT network, and is measured on each calendar month (from the first of the month to the end of the month).
    More details on our usage policy are available here.
    What are BT's Monthly Usage Allowances?
     BT offers a range of monthly usage allowance options, so you can choose the product that best suits your needs.
    Allowances for broadband products introduced from 1 February 2013:
    Allowances for other broadband products:
    What is broadband usage?
    When you access the internet you are uploading and downloading data – your broadband usage.
    There are three main factors that contribute to the total amount of usage we measure on your line:
    •The number of devices you're using to access the internet at any one time (for example, computers, laptops, smartphones and tablet computers);
    •The amount of time you're on the internet;
    •The kind of things you're doing.
    Some activities involve more usage than others. Watching a video, for example, involves downloading loads more data than looking at a simple web page or a sending a short email. The table shows what kind of usage is involved with some common activities:
    *these sizes are approximate and can vary.
    Our broadband options have different amounts of monthly usage allowance designed to suit different types of broadband users. Read more about monthly usage allowances and our broadband options.
    I’ve been charged broadband usage charges, how can I keep an eye on my usage?
    Your service won’t be affected if you go  your monthly usage allowance, but you will be notified via email if you reach 80% (if you’re on a 40GB limit product) or 70% (if you’re on a 10GB limit product) of your usage allowance each month, and a further email if you exceed your allowance in a particular month.
    We will send emails to your active BT primary email address (e.g. that was set up when you ordered broadband or an alternative email address that you have given us for the purpose of contacting you.
    If you exceed your usage allowance, you'll be charged for additional usage in units of five gigabytes (GB), at £5.30 per 5GB.
    To help you keep track of your usage we provide a usage monitor which shows how much of your allowance you have used and how much is remaining, each day. You can access the usage monitor through your online account by clicking the 'View my broadband usage' link in the broadband services section. If you haven't set up an online account then you can register at
    Click here for help on how to use the broadband usage monitor.
    If you're finding your monthly usage allowance inadequate and are regularly paying charges for additional usage, you can upgrade to a product with a higher usage allowance. Upgrade your broadband here.
     I need further help
    Why not post your question in the Other Broadband Queries board for further advice about your usage.
    BTCare Community Manager
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post. If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

    Park_Ranger wrote:
    ... but they charge £5 for just 1gb ! (A £1 a gig I could accept).
    It should be £5 for 5GB, but unfortunately it's charged in 5GB chunks (so it is effectively £1 a gig)...
    From the Broadband usage policy:
    "If you exceed your usage allowance, you'll be charged for additional usage in units of five gigabytes (GB), at £5 per 5GB. Charges will apply from the second month you exceed your allowance and will be shown on your BT bill."

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